Resolving the physiological basis for fluorescence diagnostics of iron stress in natural phytoplankton populations |
Iron stress in phytoplankton |
2007-09 |
2011-08 |
Resolving the trophic connection between protistan grazers and mesozooplankton in marine food webs using amino acid-specific stable isotope analyses |
CSIA-AA Mesozooplankton TP |
2013-04 |
2018-03 |
Resolving vertical trophic linkages between surface and deep pelagic food webs |
DeepSeaWebs |
2022-03 |
2027-02 |
Response of European Intertidal Communities to the Severe Winter of 2009-2010 |
2010-08 |
2011-07 |
Responses of Seals and Sea Lions to Increased Rockfish Density |
Seal_response_to_prey |
2006-04 |
2012-03 |
REU Site: Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences - Undergraduate Research Experience in the Gulf of Maine and the World Ocean |
Bigelow REU GOM |
2015-05 |
2022-04 |
REU Site: Observing the Ocean |
2019-03 |
2023-02 |
REU Site: Ocean Observing for Emerging Ocean Scientists |
2015-04 |
2019-03 |
RI Sound as a potential source of HAB toxins for Narragansett Bay |
2017-05 |
2019-01 |
Ridge2000 Integrated Studies at 9degN East Pacific Rise: Establishing a Role for Fe and S Microbial Metabolism in Ocean Crust Weathering |
Bacwards |
2003-04 |
2006-09 |
RII Track-1: Rhode Island Consortium for Coastal Ecology Assessment, Innovation, and Modeling |
2017-09 |
2022-08 |
Rising climatic temperatures impact on antarctic microzooplankton growth and grazing |
Antarctic microzooplankton |
2005-09 |
2009-05 |
River and sediment-modulated stress in planktonic and early settlement Mya arenaria |
OA stress in Mya arenaria |
2010-06 |
2014-05 |
River Influences on Shelf Ecosystems |
2003-06 |
2009-06 |
Role of Organic Matter in Determining the Solubility of Atmospherically-Delivered Iron |
2012-09 |
2015-08 |
Role of predator-prey interactions in marine ecosystem organization: development of a new toolbox and a comparison of key interactions in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska ecosystems. |
RolePredPrey |
2008-01 |
Role of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Oceanic Distributions of N2O |
2021-07 |
2024-06 |
Role of variable picoplankton cellular phosphorus turnover and allocation in marine phosphorus cycling |
Picoplankton cellular P |
2014-09 |
2017-08 |
Ross Productivity |
Ross Productivity |
2005-02 |
2021-08 |
RUI-LTREB Renewal: Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 2014-2019 |
2014-05 |
2019-04 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Cycling of ethanol and acetaldyhyde in coastal waters |
Coastal Water Cycling |
2020-09 |
2023-08 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical context and ecological impacts of submarine groundwater discharge on coral reefs |
Moorea SGD |
2019-09 |
2022-08 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Genetic variation as a driver of host and symbiont response to increased temperature on coral reefs |
Host Symbiont Temp Response |
2016-04 |
2020-03 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Linking physiological thermal thresholds to the distribution of lobster settlers and juveniles |
Lobster Thermal Thresholds |
2021-04 |
2024-03 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: The impact of symbiont-larval interactions on species distributions across southwestern Pacific hydrothermal vents |
symbiont-larval interactions |
2018-09 |
2021-08 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Trait differentiation and local adaptation to depth within meadows of the foundation seagrass Zostera marina |
ZosMarLA |
2019-04 |
2022-03 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: Understanding bioerosion from individuals to ecosystems: the impacts of biotic and abiotic stressors on sponge erosion of oyster reefs. |
Understanding Bioerosion |
2021-11 |
2024-10 |
RUI: Collaborative Research: What's their impact?: Quantification of medusan feeding mechanics as a tool for predicting medusan predation |
Medusan Feeding Mechanics |
2015-08 |
2018-07 |
RUI: Collaborative: The Predictive Nature of Microbial Biofilms for Cuing Larval Settlement at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents |
Vent Settlement Cues |
2020-05 |
2025-04 |
RUI: Effects of large inedible particles on larval feeding, planktonic larval duration, and juvenile quality in marine invertebrates |
LIPs on Larval Feeding |
2018-08 |
2021-07 |
RUI: Evaluating selection via ocean acidification and evolutionary responses of two coastal fishes |
OA and natural selection |
2020-06 |
2024-05 |
RUI: Ocean Acidification- Category 1- The effects of ocean acidification on the organismic biology and community ecology of corals, calcified algae, and coral reefs |
OA_Corals |
2011-01 |
2014-12 |
RUI: Pattern and process in four decades of change on Caribbean reefs |
St John Coral Reefs |
2020-10 |
2025-09 |
RUI: The role of ecological memory in nearshore seagrass beds affected by multiple stressors |
EcoMem Project |
2021-10 |
2024-09 |
RUI: Vitamin B12 and nitrogen regulation of oceanic dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfide |
B12 Impacts on DMSP |
2014-08 |
2019-01 |
RUI: Where does all the Mo go? Evaluating the role of iron sulfides in Mo accumulation in marine sediments |
RUI Mo Accumulations |
2022-05 |
2025-04 |
RUI: Will climate change cause 'lazy larvae'? Effects of climate stressors on larval behavior and dispersal |
Climate stressors on larvae |
2015-09 |
2018-08 |
Salp Swarm Dynamics |
SalpSwarmDyn |
2002-06 |
2002-09 |
Salpa Thompsoni in the Southern Ocean: Bioenergetics, Population Dynamics and Biogeochemical Impact |
SouthernSalps |
2004-06 |
2008-05 |
Sample Analysis to Test a Novel Method of Determining Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements to the Ocean/Ice System of the Arctic |
Be-7 Tracer Method |
2012-09 |
2015-08 |
Santa Barbara Coastal Long Term Ecological Research site |
2000-04 |
Scaling up from community to meta-ecosystem dynamics in the rocky intertidal - a comparative-experimental approach |
Meta-Eco |
2007-08 |
2011-12 |
Scope and Consequences of Variability in the Early Life History Traits of a Caribbean Coral Reef Fish |
FK Fish Recruitment |
2000-04 |
2003-03 |
Scripps Center for Oceans and Human Health: advancing the science of marine contaminants and seafood security |
2024-03 |
2029-02 |
Seasonal and decadal changes in temperature drive Prochlorococcus ecotype distribution patterns |
2010-10 |
2014-09 |
Seasonal and Ontogenetic Effects of Ocean Acidification on Pteropods in the Gulf of Maine |
Gulf of Maine Pteropods |
2013-07 |
2015-07 |
Seasonal Evolution of Chemical and Biological Variability in the Ross Sea |
2009-08 |
2013-08 |
Selecting and Applying an Inverse Method to Infer Particle Dynamics from GEOTRACES Data |
GEOTRACES Particle Dynamics |
2012-08 |
2016-07 |
Selective feeding by mucous-net filter feeders on the ocean's smallest organisms |
Mucus net filter feeders |
2015-08 |
2018-07 |
Sensitivity of larval and juvenile sand lance Ammodytes dubius on Stellwagen Bank to predicted ocean warming, acidification, and deoxygenation |
OA Stellwagen Sand Lance |
2016-08 |
2018-07 |
Short-term colonization processes at Costa Rica methane seeps |
Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II |
2009-09 |
2010-08 |
Shunt or shuttle? Nutrient-driven biogeochemical consequences of diatom host-virus interactions |
Shunt or Shuttle |
2021-03 |
2024-02 |
Signature exometabolomes of Caribbean corals and influences on reef picoplankton |
Coral Exometabolomes |
2017-10 |
2021-09 |
Significance of metabolic interactions of diatom-diazotrophic associations (DDAs) for ocean ecosystems |
DDA Metabolic Interactions |
2009-09 |
2014-08 |
Significance of nitrification in shaping planktonic biodiversity in the ocean |
Nitrification and Marine Planktonic Biodiversity |
2010-10 |
2015-09 |
Significance of one and two carbon photoproducts in the photolysis of marine dissolved organic matter |
C1 C2 photochemistry |
2023-07 |
2026-06 |
Silica Cycling and the Role of Diatoms in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre |
Silica Cycling |
2007-07 |
2010-07 |
Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology |
2014-10 |
2019-10 |
Size structure and function of phytoplankton communities in a changing ocean |
PhytoPlankSizeFcn |
2014-10 |
2017-09 |
Skeletal Records of Coral Reef Bleaching in the Central Equatorial Pacific |
Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records |
2017-08 |
2020-07 |
Skidaway River Monitoring Program |
1986-08 |
2012-03 |
Small Mesh Fishery Bycatch Reduction in the Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic Windowpane Flounder Stock Area |
Windowpane Bycatch |
2015-03 |
2016-08 |
Solving Microbial Mysteries with Autonomous Technology |
Microbial Mysteries |
2018-06 |
2018-07 |
Source, Composition, and Stability of Soluble Iron Fluxing from Continental Margin Sediments |
Soluble Fe Fluxing |
2014-09 |
2017-08 |
Sources and Biogeochemical Cycling of Intact Membrane Lipids in the Upper Ocean |
LipidCycling |
2007-03 |
2010-02 |
Sources and Sinks of Stoichiometrically Imbalanced Nitrate in the Laurentian Great Lakes |
2009-09 |
2013-08 |
Sources of Iron to the EasterN tropical Atlantic |
2007-07 |
2010-08 |
Sources of Particulate Organic Matter and their use by Benthic Suspension-feeders in the Coastal California Ecosystem |
Kelp forest suspension feeders |
2010-04 |
2016-03 |
Southern Ocean Climate Process and Modeling Team |
Southern Ocean Gas Exchange Experiment |
SO_GasEx |
2008-02 |
2008-04 |
Southern Ocean Iron Experiment |
2002-01 |
2002-03 |
Southern Ocean Iron Release Experiment |
1999-01 |
1999-03 |
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Nitrogen-Cycling Microbial Communities Across Physicochemical Gradients in the San Francisco Bay Estuary |
N-Cycling Microbial Communities |
2009-06 |
2015-05 |
Spatial patterns of coral-vermetid interactions: short-term effects and long-term consequences |
Vermetids_Corals |
2011-09 |
2015-08 |
Spatial Realism in the Mussel Bed Disturbance Paradigm |
Mussel Bed Disturbance |
2011-08 |
2016-07 |
Spatial variability of larval fish in relation to their prey and predator fields: Patterns and interactions from cm to 10s of km in a subtropical, pelagic environment |
2013-09 |
2016-08 |
Spatially-explicit, High-resolution Mapping and Modeling to Quantify Hypoxia and Oil Effects on the Living Resources of the Northern Gulf of Mexico |
GoMX - Hypoxia and Oil Effects |
2010-08 |
2011-07 |
Spawning During Storms and the Subsequent Dispersal and Settlement of Coastal Invertebrate Larvae |
Storm larvae |
2013-02 |
2019-01 |
Spring Blooms of Sea Ice Algae Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula: Effects of Warming and Freshening on Cell Physiology and Biogeochemical Cycles. |
Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) |
2018-08 |
2023-07 |
Stable Isotopes and Strontium in Western Pacific Sclerosponges: Calibration and Applications to Paleoceanography |
Sclerosponges |
2004-08 |
2007-07 |
Structure, Function and Evolution of Authigenic, Methane-Derived Carbonate Ecosystems |
Authigenic Carbonate Ecosystems |
2008-10 |
2012-09 |
Studying genomic and population biology of dehalogenating Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments by single cell sorting and single cell genome amplification |
Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments |
2011-03 |
2013-02 |
Sub-Arctic Ecosystem Response to Iron Enrichment Study |
2002-06 |
2002-08 |
Subarctic Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study II |
2004-07 |
2004-08 |
Subarctic-Pacific Iron Experiment for Ecosystem Dynamics Study I |
2001-06 |
2001-08 |
Subseafloor prokaryotic and viral communities and interactions in anoxic marine basins: a case study from a 3000-year old stratigraphic succession |
Virus-host anoxic sediment |
2017-04 |
2019-09 |
Substrate structural complexity and abundance control distinct mechanisms of microbially-driven carbon cycling in the ocean |
Substrate complexity and microbes |
2020-08 |
2025-07 |
Superoxide Dynamics in Irradiated Seawater |
Superoxide Dynamics |
2019-09 |
2022-08 |
Supply and removal of trace elements in the subtropical South Pacific (GPpr09) |
UltraPac Trace Elements |
2015-10 |
2016-09 |
Surface-Ocean Lower-Atmosphere Studies Air-Sea Gas Exchange (Experiment) |
2004-03 |
2004-04 |
Synergistic Effects of Iron, Carbon Dioxide and Temperature on the Fate of Nitrate: Implications for Future Changes in Export Production in the Southern Ocean |
Ross_Sea_Microb_Ecophys |
2011-09 |
2015-08 |
Targeted and comparative viral community genomics of the Eastern North Pacific |
ENP viral community |
2010-06 |
2014-05 |
Taxon-Specific Variability of Organic Matter Production and Remineralization Potential |
Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production |
2010-04 |
2015-12 |
Temperature and variability of the Atlantic Warm Pool during and since the Little Ice Age |
Atlantic Ice Age Temp |
2018-06 |
2020-05 |
Temperature Regulation of Top-Down Control in a Pacific Upwelling System |
Galapagos 2021 |
2022-04 |
2025-03 |
Tempo and mode of salt marsh exchange |
GrovesCreek |
2012-09 |
2016-08 |
Temporal and spatial scales of variability in bivalve connectivity |
Bivalve Connectivity |
2007-03 |
2011-12 |
Tentaculate ambush predators in 3D: Trophic effects of tentacle arrangement and morphology in an understudied group |
Tentaculate predators |
2025-01 |
2027-12 |
Testing hypotheses about diversity, gene flow, and effective population size in marine planktonic ciliates |
CiliateDivGenePop |
2007-01 |
2010-01 |
Testing linkages between plankton community structure and Export of C, Po, and Th in the Sub-Arctic NE Pacific: field and lab studies |
Plankton community linkages |
2010-01 |
2013-12 |