
Project Acronym Start Date End Date
Collaborative Research: Comparative feeding by gelatinous grazers on microbial prey Gelatinous Grazer Feeding 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Completing a 10-Year Record of Deep Western Boundary Current Observations at Line W; A Contribution to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Study DWBC Obs Line W 2014-03 2018-02
Collaborative Research: Completing North Pond Borehole Experiments to Elucidate the Hydrology of Young, Slow-Spread Crust North Pond 2017 2015-10 2018-09
Collaborative Research: Completing single- and cross-hole hydrgeologic and microbial experiments: Juan de Fuca Flank JdF Flank 2013-06 2017-05
Collaborative Research: Consequences of sub-lethal hypoxia exposure for teleosts tracked with biogeochemical markers: a trans-basin comparison OtolithHypoxia 2014-09 2019-08
Collaborative Research: Constraining the role of chemical transformations in the cycling of mercury at the Arctic Ocean air-sea interface Mercury air-sea exchange in the Arctic 2020-01 2023-12
Collaborative Research: Constraining the source of oceanic dissolved black carbon using compound-specific stable carbon isotopes DBC Stable Isotopes 2018-04 2022-03
Collaborative Research: Context-dependency of top-down vs. bottom-up effects of herbivores on marine primary producers CalCoast Grazer TDBU 2017-09 2020-08
Collaborative research: Coral community resilience: testing the role of hidden diversity in pocilloporid corals at Moorea Pocilloporid Coral Diversity 2018-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Recycling of Refractory Dissolved Organic Carbon in Seawater Refractory DOC Recycling 2015-09 2018-12
Collaborative Research: Coupling of physical and chemical processes in the shelf to basin transport of iron and iodine off Washington and Oregon Oregon shelf to basin transport 2020-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Creatine Cycling in Marine Bacterial and Phytoplankton Assemblages Creatine Cycling 2016-10 2022-09
Collaborative Research: Cyanobacteria, Nitrogen Cycling, and Export Production in the Laurentian Great Lakes Cyanos Great Lakes 2020-03 2024-02
Collaborative Research: Deciphering drivers and variability in salt marsh lateral carbon export C-NEWTS 2023-08 2026-07
Collaborative Research: Deciphering the mechanisms of marine nitrous oxide cycling using stable isotopes, molecular markers and in situ rates Bay of Bengal N2O cycling 2024-01 2026-12
Collaborative Research: Decomposing the effects of diversity on the abundance of marine parasites Diversity-disease 2018-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Deconstructing Nitrate Stable Isotope Ratios in Aquifers Nitrate Isotopes in Aquifers 2015-08 2019-01
Collaborative Research: Defining the Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements Into The Arctic Ocean-Ice Ecosystem During The Year-Long MOSAiC Ice Drift MOSAiC 2018-01 2022-12
Collaborative Research: Defining the biogeochemical drivers of diatom physiological ecology in the North Atlantic North Atlantic Diatoms 2016-09 2019-08
Collaborative Research: Defining the Role of Biologically Produced Reactive Oxygen Species in Dark Mercury Cycling ROS in Hg Cycling 2014-02 2019-07
Collaborative Research: Defining the role of the pan genome in Emiliania huxleyi ecology and biogeography ECO-PAN-EHUX
Collaborative Research: Degrading offshore permafrost as a source of methane on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf East Siberian Arctic Shelf 2009-09 2014-08
Collaborative Research: Delineating The Microbial Diversity and Cross-domain Interactions in The Uncharted Subseafloor Lower Crust Using Meta-omics and Culturing Approaches Subseafloor Lower Crust Microbiology 2017-02 2020-01
Collaborative Research: Determining the isotopic signature of iron released via ligand-mediated dissolution of atmospheric dust in the surface ocean Dust Ligand Interactions 2018-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Developing Automated Nutrient and Trace Metal Methodology using Programmable Flow Injection pFI-SI-LOV 2019-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Development and application of a method using coralline algae to reconstruct past changes in pH and impacts on calcification CorallineAlgaePaleo-pH 2015-04 2018-03
Collaborative Research: Development of a novel way for understanding ancient Earth atmospheres and marine sulfate using the stable isotope of Oxygen (17O) in marine barite. Earth atmosphere 2018-06 2020-05
Collaborative Research: Development of a Submersible, Autonomous Rn-222 Survey System Submersible Rn-222 2010-09 2015-08
Collaborative Research: Diatoms, Food Webs and Carbon Export - Leveraging NASA EXPORTS to Test the Role of Diatom Physiology in the Biological Carbon Pump Diatoms and carbon export 2018-03 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Did the SE Pacific Gyre become a Hot Spot for N2 Fixation during Dusty Glacial Conditions? N2 Fixation Glacial Dust Pacific Gyre 2016-05 2022-04
Collaborative Research: Diel dynamics of dissolved organic matter production and remineralization as a driver of coral reef nutrient recycling Coral Diel 2020-01 2021-12
Collaborative Research: Diel physiological rhythms in a tropical oceanic copepod Zooplankton Diel Rhythm 2018-10 2021-09
Collaborative Research: Dimensions: Evolutionary Ecology of Sponges and Their Microbiome Drives Sponge Diversity on Coral Reefs DimensionsSponge 2016-10 2019-09
Collaborative Research: Direct Characterization of Adaptive Nutrient Stress Responses in the Sargasso Sea using Protein Biomarkers and a Biogeochemical AUV Nutrient Stress Responses and AUV Clio 2017-03 2022-02
Collaborative Research: Direct determination and model analysis of elemental stoichiometry of phytoplankton from the Oregon Coast Determination and analysis of phytoplankton stoichiometry 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Direct Oxidation of Organic Nitrogen by Marine Ammonia Oxidizing Organisms DON Oxidation 2015-12 2018-11
Collaborative Research: dispersal depth and the transport of deep-sea, methane-seep larvae around a biogeographic barrier SALT 2019-08 2025-07
Collaborative Research: Dissolved organic matter feedbacks in coral reef resilience: The genomic & geochemical basis for microbial modulation of algal phase shifts Coral DOM2 2015-12 2018-11
Collaborative Research: Dissolved organic phosphorus controls on marine nitrogen fixation and export production DOP N2 fixation and export production 2018-09 2023-08
Collaborative Research: Distribution and Cycling of Carboxyl-Rich Alicyclic Molecules (CRAM) in the Ocean CRAM in the ocean 2022-07 2025-06
Collaborative Research: Do benthic feedbacks couple sulfur, nitrogen and carbon biogeochemistry during transient deoxygenation? BASIN 2018-10 2024-09
Collaborative Research: Do Cyanobacteria Drive Marine Hydrocarbon Biogeochemistry? Cyanobacteria Hydrocarbons 2016-09 2020-08
Collaborative Research: Do diatom-derived polyunsaturated aldehydes directly or indirectly reduce embryonic and larval forage fish fitness? FORPUA 2024-09 2027-09
Collaborative Research: DOC removal in the ocean according to polymer gel theory DOC REMOVAL 2016-10 2022-09
Collaborative Research: Documenting N2 fixation in N deficient waters of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific N2 fixation ETSP 2009-08 2012-07
Collaborative Research: Does ocean acidification induce a methylation response that affects the fitness of the next generation in oysters? Epigenetics to Ocean 2017-01 2019-12
Collaborative Research: Drivers and effects of latent phage activation in marine SAR11 SAR11 Prophage 2022-06 2025-05
Collaborative Research: Dynamic Marine Landscapes: Feedbacks and spatial patterns of corals and their associated fishes CAFI-Coral feedbacks 2019-06 2022-05
Collaborative Research: Dynamic similarity or size proportionality? Sensory ecological adaptations of Euchaeta to viscosity Euchaeta Viscosity 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Particle-specific DNA sequencing to directly observe ecological mechanisms of the biological pump EAGER DNA BioPump 2016-12 2018-11
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Salinity-based selection between sister clades of abundant coastal bacterioplankton CoastalSAR11 2018-01 2020-12
Collaborative Research: EAGER: Solving Darwins paradox: combining emerging technologies to quantify energy fluxes on coral reefs COREEF 2022-07 2025-06
Collaborative Research: EAGER: The next crisis for coral reefs is how to study vanishing coral species; AUVs equipped with AI may be the only tool for the job Robots and rare corals 2024-01 2025-12
Collaborative Research: Ecological and biogeochemical role of Rhizaria in the oligotrophic ocean Rhizaria Flux 2023-08 2026-07
Collaborative Research: Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Interactions in a Changing Ocean LTPE 2019-03 2024-02
Collaborative research: Ecology and functional biology of octocoral communities VI Octocorals 2013-09 2018-02
Collaborative Research: Ecosystem dynamics of Western Pacific hydrothermal vent communities associated with polymetallic sulfide deposits Eco Dyn W Pacific Vents 2015-12 2019-03
Collaborative Research: Effects of Changing Temperature on the Gulf of Alaska Ecosystem No-analogue GOA 2016-02 2018-01
Collaborative Research: Effects of Marine Algal Sterols on Zooplankton Growth and Reproduction PhytosterolsZooplank 2011-04 2016-03
Collaborative Research: Effects of multiple aspects of climate change on marine biodiversity and ecosystem functioning Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt 2018-04 2021-03
Collaborative Research: Effects of multiple stressors on Marine Phytoplankton Stressors on Marine Phytoplankton 2015-10 2018-09
Collaborative Research: Elucidating algal host-virus dynamics in different nutrient regimes - mechanistic interactions and biogeochemical impact Modeling algal host-virus interactions 2015-09 2018-08
Collaborative Research: Environmental Drivers of Chemoautotrophic Carbon Production at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - Comparative Roles of Oxygen and Nitrate vent O2 NO3 roles 2016-05 2019-04
Collaborative Research: Estimation of particle aggregation and disaggregation rates from the inversion of chemical tracer data Particle aggregation 2018-08 2021-07
Collaborative Research: Estuarine metabolism and gas exchange determined from dissolved oxygen time series: method development, field evaluation, and application to historical data MAGIC 2020-01 2022-12
Collaborative Research: Evaluating how abalone populations in the California Current are structured by the interplay of large-scale oceanographic forcing and nearshore variability Abalone Safe Places 2017-10 2020-09
Collaborative Research: Evaluating the contribution of small eukaryotes to nitrate-based new production in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre Small Euks 2022-12 2025-11
Collaborative Research: Evolutionary, biochemical and biogeochemical responses of marine cyanobacteria to warming and iron limitation interactions Cyanobacteria Warming Responses 2019-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: Experimental constraints on the rates and mechanisms of iodine redox transformations in seawater Iodine Redox 2018-09 2022-08
Collaborative Research: Exploring the role of exogenous polyphosphate in the precipitation of calcium phosphate minerals in the marine environment PolyP and P-minerals 2016-02 2020-01
Collaborative Research: Exploring the Vulnerability of Southern Ocean Pinnipeds to Climate Change - An Integrated Approach Southern Ocean Pinnipeds 2012-09 2017-08
Collaborative Research: Extracellular vesicles as vehicles for microbial interactions in marine Black Queen communities Vesicle Interactions 2023-05 2027-04
Collaborative Research: Field test of larval behavior on transport and connectivity in an upwelling regime ABLE 2013-09 2017-08
Collaborative Research: From hot to cold in the dark - shifts in seafloor massive sulfide microbial communities as physical and geochemical conditions change after venting ceases Hot2cold Vents 2018-09 2023-11
Collaborative research: Functional genomic investigations of iron and carbon cycle coupling in select keystone marine Bacteria heterotrophs Fe_C coupling in marine bacteria 2021-06 2024-05
Collaborative Research: Gases in the Overturning and Horizontal circulation of the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (GOHSNAP) GOHSNAP 2020-02 2024-01
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Ocean section-Constraining Nitrogen Cycling in the western Arctic Ocean. US GEOTRACES Arctic Nitrogen Flux 2015-02 2019-01
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Determination of atmospheric wet and dry deposition and air-sea exchange of mercury species from coastal and offshore waters GEOTRACES Arctic Atmos Hg 2015-02 2017-01
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Marine Cycling of Bioactive Trace Metals in the Arctic Ocean GEOTRACES Arctic Bioactive Trace Metals 2014-12 2019-11
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Mercury Speciation and Cycling in the Arctic Ocean GEOTRACES Arctic Mercury 2015-01 2018-12
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Nd isotopes and REEs in the Arctic Arctic GEOTRACES Nd/eNd 2015-03 2020-02
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Radium and Thorium Isotopes as Natural Geochemical Tracers in the Arctic Ocean Arctic GEOTRACES Ra Th 2015-02 2018-01
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Deposition GEOTRACES Arctic Atmospheric Deposition 2014-10 2020-09
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic section: Spatial variability of lead concentrations and isotopic compositions in the western Arctic basins GEOTRACES Arctic Pb 2015-03 2018-08
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Arctic Section: The Geochemistry Size-fractionated Suspended Particles Collected by in-situ Filtration GEOTRACES Arctic Particle Composition 2015-02 2019-06
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Atlantic Section Nitrate Isotope Measurements (GP12) GT Atlantic Nitrate 2010-05 2013-04
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Pacific Section - Nd isotopes and REEs in the South Pacific EPZT Nd REEs 2013-01 2016-12
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Pacific section: Spatial variability of lead concentrations and isotopic compositions in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific EPZT Pb 2012-12 2015-11
Collaborative Research: GEOTRACES Pacific Section: The Geochemistry of Size-fractionated Suspended Particles Collected by In-situ Filtration EPZT Particle Geochemistry 2013-03 2017-02
Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Survey of Dissolved Iron and Aluminum and Aerosol Iron and Aluminum Solubility Supporting the CLIVAR Repeat Hydrography Project (2007-2009). CLIVAR Trace Metals 2007-03 2011-02
Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Survey of Dissolved Iron and Aluminum and Aerosol Iron and Aluminum Solubility Supporting the Repeat Hydrography (CO2) Project CLIVAR AEROSOL 2003-02 2007-01
Collaborative Research: GLOBEC Pan Regional Synthesis: The Effect of Varying Freshwater Inputs on Regional Ecosystems in the North Atlantic GLOBEC_PRS_Freshwater Inputs 2008-07 2013-06
Collaborative Research: Greenland melt water Geomicrobiology Greenland Melt Water Geochem 2010-08 2015-07
Collaborative Research: Habitat fragmentation effects on fish diversity at landscape scales: experimental tests of multiple mechanisms Habitat Fragmentation 2016-09 2019-08
Collaborative Research: High resolution glider observations enable reassessment of export production in the oligotrophic Sargasso Sea Biological Production and Exports 2019-04 2023-03
Collaborative Research: How and Why eNd Tracks Ocean Circulation Pacific Porewater Nd 2019-05 2024-04
Collaborative Research: How are estuarine carbon and alkalinity dynamics influenced by macrobiota? CHALK 2022-07 2025-06
Collaborative Research: How do selection, plasticity, and dispersal interact to determine coral success in warmer and more variable environments? Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal 2021-11 2024-10
Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal and Microbiological Investigations of the Active Brothers Volcano in the Kermadec Arc Brothers Volcano Microbiology 2017-03 2019-02
Collaborative Research: Hydrothermal Estuaries: What Sets the Hydrothermal Flux of Fe and Mn to the Oceans? Hydrothermal Estuaries 2019-06 2024-05
