
Project Acronym Start Date End Date
Collaborative Research: Use of Triple Oxygen Isotopes and O2/Ar to constrain Net/Gross Oxygen Production during upwelling and non-upwelling periods in a Coastal Setting UpRISEE O2 upwelling 2013-04 2017-03
Collaborative Research: Using an Energetics Framework to Forecast the Interactive Effects of Abiotic and Biotic Stressors on Intertidal Mussels Intertidal Mussel Stressors 2016-04 2020-03
Collaborative research: Using individual amino acids N isotopes in sinking particles and surficial sediments to reconstruct euphotic zone N sources and trophic structure Amino Acids N Isotopes 2018-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Using models and historical data to guide effective monitoring and enhance understanding of deep ocean oxygen variability Deep ocean oxygen design 2023-05 2026-04
Collaborative research: Variation in life history and connectivity as drivers of pathogen-host dynamics and genetic structure in a trans-hemispheric pathosystem Blue Crab Connectivity 2017-07 2020-06
Collaborative Research: VIDA Seagrass: Viral Infection Dynamics Among Seagrass VIDA Seagrass 2022-08 2025-07
Collaborative Research: Viral induced chemotaxis mediating cross-trophic microbial interactions and carbon flux VIC 2018-09 2021-08
Collaborative Research: Viral Reefscapes: The Role of Viruses in Coral Reef Health, Disease, and Biogeochemical Cycling Moorea Virus Project 2016-08 2020-07
Collaborative Research: Visual adaptations in hydrothermal vent shrimp and the role in feeding modalities and habitat selection Vent Shrimp Vision 2022-08 2025-07
Collaborative Research: Vitamin B1 Limitation and Advantageous Use of B1-related Compounds by Marine Bacterioplankton VBLAM 2021-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: What controls the marine refractory DOC reservoir? Marine RDOC 2021-07 2024-06
Collaborative Research: What Happens to Terrestrial Organic Matter in the Ocean? Solving the Mystery Behind an Iconic Question MUDBENCS 2019-08 2024-07
Collaborative Research: Zooplankton in the Redoxcline of the Cariaco Basin: Impact on Biogeochemical Cycling ETP 2006-08 2011-07
Collaborative Research: Zooplankton mediation of particle formation in the Sargasso Sea Zooplankton Mediation 2020-09 2024-08
Collaborative Research: Zooplankton restarts in a high-latitude marine ecosystem: species-specific recruitment and development in early spring Zooplankton recruitment 2022-10 2025-09
Commercialization of Autonomous Sensor Systems for Quantifying pCO2 and Total Inorganic Carbon MBARI 2005-04 2010-03
Community Dynamics in a Polar Ecosystem: Benthic Recovery From A Large Scale Organic Enrichment in the Antarctic Antarctic Benthic Recovery 2002-05 2006-04
Community Effects of Competition and Predation across Latitude and Implications for Species Invasions Competition and Predation across Latitude 2014-09 2018-08
Community Phylogeny and Global Phylogeography of the Neuston Neuston Phylogeny 2009-06 2013-09
Comparative Dynamics of Ecosystem Components from the Northeast Atlantic Shelf and Pacific Coast: New Approaches to Forecasting and Understanding Variability and Structure in Marine Ecosystems EcoCompDyn 2008-01
Composition of the plankton community and its contribution to particle flux in the Sargasso Sea Plankton particle flux 2008-05 2012-04
Concentrations and ratios of particulate organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the global ocean Global POM 1971-01 2011-12
Concentrations and source assessment of black carbon across tropical Atlantic air and sediment Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon 2019-09 2024-08
Connecting genetic diversity to ecosystem functioning: links between genetic diversity, relatedness and trait variation in a seagrass community Genetic Div to Ecosys Functioning 2012-09 2016-08
Connecting local, regional and global scales of gene flow in planktonic marine diatoms Diatom Gene Flow 2007-10 2013-09
Connecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical Gradients (GPc03) MetZyme 2010-09 2013-08
Connectivity in western Atlantic seep populations: Oceanographic and life-history processes underlying genetic structure SEEPC 2010-10 2015-09
Connectivity of disease in marine Ecosystems: multi-scale dynamics of a viral disease infecting caribbean spiny lobster Lobster disease connectivity 2009-09 2013-08
Consequences of hypoxia on food web linkages in a pelagic marine ecosystem PelagicHypoxia 2012-06 2016-05
Consequences of kin structure in benthic marine systems Marine kin structure 2020-03 2024-02
Constraining Global Coastal Ocean Methane Emissions to the Atmosphere Coastal Methane Emissions 2019-05 2021-10
Constraining the air-sea exchange of inorganic and methylated mercury with high resolution spatial and temporal measurements in the Sargasso Sea Mercury in the Sargasso Sea 2023-09 2026-08
Constraining Thermal Thresholds and Projections of Temperature Stress on Pacific Coral Reefs Over the 21st Century: Method Refinement and Application Thermal Thresholds and Projections 2010-10 2014-09
Constraining Upper-Ocean Carbon Export with Biogeochemical Profiling Floats EXPORTS BGC Floats 2018-03 2022-02
Constraints on microbial biogeography in hydrothermally active sediments of Guaymas Basin: Energetic limits, physical stressors, and upward compression of metabolic zones Microbial Biogeo Guaymas 2012-05 2014-06
Context-Dependency of Marine Biodiversity-Ecosystem Function Relationships GOM Biodiversity 2010-03 2014-02
Contrasting Under-Ice and Open-Water Phytoplankton Blooms in the Chukchi Sea SUBICE 2013-09 2016-08
Controlled, Agile, and Novel Observing Network CANON 2009-08
Controls of Ross Sea Algal Community Structure CORSACS 2005-12 2006-12
Controls on Hadal Megafaunal Community Structure: a Systematic Examination of Pressure, Food Supply, and Topography HADES 2011-09 2015-08
Convergence: RAISE: Linking the adaptive dynamics of plankton with emergent global ocean biogeochemistry Ocean Stoichiometry 2018-09 2021-08
Coordination and Logistics For the Prpoos Program. Planktonic Rate Processes in the Central Oligotrophic Oceans PRPOOS logistics 1982-04 1984-09
Coordination of respiratory gene transcription and respiration in cultivated marine bacteria EAGER Respiration 2014-01 2015-12
Copepod Population Dynamics in Hypoxic Coastal Waters: Physical and Behavioral Regulation of Resupply and Advective Losses CopesPopDynHypoZone 2013-03 2016-02
Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network Coral Bleaching RCN 2019-01 2022-12
Coral Chorus: The Role of Soundscapes in Coral Reef Larval Recruitment and Biodiversity Coral Chorus 2015-11 2020-04
Coral Reef Primary Production and Calcification CRPPC 2007-11 2010-10
Coral reproduction following mass corallivore outbreak and offspring tolerance during El Nino modulates reef recovery Corallivore and warming impacts on coral reproduction 2023-11 2024-10
Coral-microbial interactions as determinants of disease dynamics Coral-microbial interactions 2015-04 2018-03
Costa Rica Dome FLUx and Zinc Experiments CRD FLUZiE 2009-01 2013-12
Counter-gradient Flow of Fatty Acids in Marine Food Webs Through Egg Boons Egg Boon Food Webs 2020-06 2023-07
Coupling of carbonate cycling and redox reactions in the bioturbated zone of marine sediments Carbonate cycling bioturbated zone 2017-08 2023-01
Cr Isotope Oceanography of the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean ETNP Cr Isotopes 2019-08 2023-01
Cryptic density dependence: the effects of spatial, ontogenetic, and individual variation in reef fish CDD_in_Reef_Fish 2003-04 2008-03
Cyanate in the Sea: Sources, Sinks, and Quantitative Significance CyanateInTheSea 2015-03 2019-02
Cyanophage-Synechococcus interactions in complex communities Cyanophage-Synechococcus interactions 2013-09 2016-08
Cycling of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Pacific and Indian Oceans Using Radiocarbon DOC 14C and 13C 2020-02 2023-01
Darling Marine Center Monitoring Time Series DMC 2007-09 2012-09
Decadal trends in oceanic anthropogenic CO2 from the CLIVAR and GO-SHIP d13C datasets and in an ocean biogeochemistry model CO2 Decadal Trends 2018-09 2022-08
Decadal Variation in Antarctic Marine Benthic Ecosystems McMurdo Marine Benthos 2009-08 2013-09
Deciphering the Cryptic Cycling of Methane in Sediments of a Coastal Wetland Cryptic CH4 Cycling 2019-07 2022-06
Deep Dissolved Organic Matter Multi-omics Analyses DeepDom Multi-omics 2013-03 2013-05
Deep phylogenetic and metagenomic analysis of microbial diversity associated with ferromanganese nodules collected from the South Pacific Gyre Microbial Diversity SPG 2011-08 2013-08
DeepCCZ DeepCCZ 2016-11 2020-08
Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, Marine Snow and Sedimentation GoMX - DHOS Marine Snow and Sedimentation 2010-07 2012-07
Defining the interplay between oxygen, organic carbon, and metabolism in subseafloor sediment communities Subseafloor metabolisms 2015-04 2016-03
Detecting genetic adaptation during marine invasions Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv 2014-03 2017-02
Determining growth rates of specific bacterioplankton Assessing Roseobacter activities 2007-07 2007-07
Determining metabolic carbon incorporation rate in fish carbonates and its implications for the global carbon cycle Ichthyocarbonate and Carbon cycle 2023-08 2026-07
Determining rates of group-specific phytoplankton and bacterial uptake of inorganic and organic nitrogen by means of stable isotope techniques Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing 2010-06 2013-05
Determining the Field Metabolic Rate of Marine Predators: Integrating Accelerometry and Respirometry to Bridge the Gap Between the Laboratory and the Field Shark Metabolic Rate 2012-04 2016-03
Determining the rates of denitrification, nitrification, and nitrogen fixation using natural abundance isotope profiles in North Atlantic sediments North Atlantic Nitrate and Nitrite 2014-06 2016-05
Develop a 1D biogeochemical-evolutionary model for deep sediments BIO-SED 2016-10 2019-03
Developing a model for transmission of an infectious disease of marine sponges Sponge Disease Model 2012-04 2015-03
Development and application of a high sensitivity, ultra low volume method to measure biomarkers of terrigenous organic matter in the open ocean Lignin phenol method development 2016-01 2018-12
Development and application of CSI-AA biogeochemistry reconstructions in deep-sea corals to study decadal-centennial variability in the North Pacific Deep Sea Coral Reconstruction 2016-09 2022-03
Development and Intercomparison of Methodologies to Measure Dissolved Ferrous Iron in Seawater Ferrous iron in seawater 2015-03 2017-12
Development of a Compact Instrument for Field Measurements of pH, Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Total Alkalinity MICA MIB 2014-08 2017-07
Development of a Novel High-Resolution O2/H+ Eddy Correlation Technique to Study Carbon Cycling in the Coastal Ocean ECHOES 2013-12 2015-05
Development of a Remotely Operated Vehicle for Under Sea Ice Research in Polar Environments SCINI 2007-02 2010-01
Development of a Stable Isotope Probing Metagenomics Approach to Elucidate Physiological Traits Associated with Thermophilic Chemolithoautotrophy Chemolithoautotrophy Metagenomics 2011-07 2013-12
Development of geochemical proxies to evaluate larval pH-exposure history OA_Proxies 2011-06 2013-05
Development of low Nitrogen:Phosphorus ratios in the euphotic zone - the Phosphorus side of the story GOMP 2018-01 2021-12
Development of new solar radiation and primary production products from MODIS ocean-color measurements ISPP14C 2014-07 2018-07
Development of Spectrophotometric pH Measurement Capabilities in Estuaries ph in estuaries 2017-02 2022-01
Diel growth and activity of Prochloroccocus in an Oxygen Deficient Zone ODZ Prochlorococcus 2020-09 2023-08
Differential contributions of archaeal ammonia oxidizer ecotypes in relation to their changing environment Contributions of AOA Ecotypes 2014-04 2017-03
Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Genetic, functional and phylogenetic diversity determines marine phytoplankton community responses to changing temperature and nutrients Phytoplankton Community Responses 2016-10 2020-09
Dimensions: Collaborative Research: Life at extremes: Linking the phylogenetic and genomic diversity of ctenophores to ecophysiological adaptations in the deep sea DEEPC 2015-09 2020-08
Dimensions: Diversity, assembly and function of microbial communities on suspended and sinking particles in a marine Oxygen Deficient Zone ETNP_ParticleOmics 2015-09 2020-08
Dimensions: Links Between Spectral Irradiance and Cryptophyte Biodiversity in Environments from Ponds to Oceans Spectral Irradiance and Cryptophyte Biodiversity 2015-09 2020-08
DIMENSIONS: The phylogenetic and functional diversity of extracellular electron transfer across all three domains of life DIMENSIONS of EET 2016-01 2019-12
Dimensions: The Role of Viruses in Structuring Biodiversity in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems 2011-01 2014-12
Dimensions: Uncovering the novel diversity of the copepod microbiome and its effect on habitat invasions by the copepod host CopepodMicrobiome 2010-11 2015-10
DIMES, Diapycnal and Isopycnal Mixing in the Southern Ocean DIMES 2007-06 2010-05
Dinitrogen fixation rates and diazotrophic communities in contrasting oxygen regimes of the Eastern Pacific Ocean N2 Fixation in ETP 2014-09 2017-08
Direct Access to the Serpentinite Subsurface: a Biogeochemical Investigation of Fluids to Characterize a Unique Habitat Fluids of IODP 357 2016-05 2017-04
Direct Identification and Characterization of Marine Heterotrophic Nitrogen Fixers by Stable Isotope Probing N-SIP Methodology 2013-06 2016-05
Direct measurement of in situ growth and growth limitation of bacterioplankton species Bacterioplankton Growth 2023-09 2026-08
Disaster and recovery in kelp forest communities: the effects of El Niño Southern Oscillation events in the Northeast Pacific ENSO impacts on giant kelp forests 1998-07 2000-06
