BCO-DMO Publications, Presentations, and Posters

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Journal Article
The U.S. JGOFS Data Management Experience, Glover, David M., Chandler Cynthia, Doney Scott C., Buesseler Kenneth O., Heimerdinger George, Bishop James K. B., and Flierl Glenn R. , Deep Sea Research Part II, Volume 55, Issue 5-7, (2006)
Toward a new data standard for combined marine biological and environmental datasets - expanding OBIS beyond species occurrences, DePooter, D., Appletans W., Bailly N., Bristol S., Deneudt K., Eliezer M., Fujioka E., Giorgetti A., Goldestein P., Lewis M., et al. , Biodiversity Data Journal, 01/09/2017, Volume 5, (2017)  (1.83 MB)
A New Database to Explore the Findings from Large-Scale Ocean Iron Enrichments Experiments, Boyd, Philip W., Bakker Dorothee C. E., and Chandler Cynthia , Oceanography, Volume 25, Issue 4, (2012)
Linked Data: An Oceanographic Perspective, Leadbetter, Adam, Arko Robert, Chandler Cynthia, Shepherd Adam, and Lowry Roy , Journal of Ocean Technology, 01/2014, Volume 8, Issue 3, p.7-12, (2014)
IOC Contributions to International, Interdisciplinary Open Data Sharing, Glover, David M., Wiebe Peter H., Chandler Cynthia, and Levitus Sydney , Oceanography, Volume 23, Issue 3, (2010)
Experiences of a "semantics smackdown", Leadbetter, Adam, Shepherd Adam, Arko Robert, Chandler Cynthia, Chen Yanning, Dockery Nkemdirim, Ferreira Renata, Fu Linyun, Thomas Robert W., West Patrick, et al. , Earth Science Informatics, (2016)
Enabling long-term oceanographic research: Changing data practices, information management strategies and informatics, Baker, K. S., and Chandler Cynthia , Deep Sea Research Part II, 7/9/2008, Volume 55, Issue 18-19, (2008)
Data Management Strategy to Improve Global Use of Ocean Acidification Data and Information, Garcia, Hernan E., Cosca Cathy, Kozyr Alex, Mayorga Emilio, Chandler Cynthia, Thomas Robert W., O'Brien Kevin, Appeltans Ward, Hankin Steve, Newton Jan, et al. , Oceanography, June 2015, Volume 28, Issue 2, p.228, (2015)
Data Management in US GLOBEC, Wiebe, Peter H., Groman Robert C., and Chandler Cynthia , Current: The Journal of Marine Education, Volume 27, Issue 2, (2011)
Book Chapter
Loose Integration of Local Information to Generate Collaborative Marine Science Knowledge., Leadbetter, Adam, Arko Robert, Chandler Cynthia, Shepherd Adam, and Lowry Roy , Collaborative Knowledge in Scientific Research Networks.IGI Global, 17/12/2014, p.238-261, (2014)
Linked Data + Drupal for Oceanographic Data Management, Shepherd, Adam, and Corlosquet Stephane , 6/4/2014, Austin, TX, (2014)
Video on You Tube; duration: 56:24
