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DOI: 10.1016/C2009-0-07774-5

Dataset Relation
Measured Nutrients from the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station Methods
Nutrient and nitrate isotope data from the southern Benguela upwelling system from February to August 2017 Methods
Results from 14C-labeled uptake experiments determining uptake of specific dissolved organic compounds which showed high potential for osmotrophy Methods
Biological, physical, and chemical data from surface Transect 5 on MV1405 (IRN-BRU) Methods
Field physiochemical parameters including nutrient concentrations and nitrogen specific uptake rates from samples collected between 2017 and 2019 from the Arctic Ocean, California Coastal Current, and a Chesapeake Bay estuary Methods
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 Methods
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 Methods
Macronutrient concentrations from samples collected using rosette on R/V Melville MV1405 (IRN-BRU) cruise in the California Current System in July 2014 Methods
Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from samples collected using GoFlo on R/V Melville MV1405 (IRN-BRU) cruise in the California Current System in July 2014 Methods
Dissolved trace metals and macronutrients from samples collected using a tow-fish system on R/V Melville MV1405 (IRN-BRU) cruise in the California Current System in July 2014 Methods
Concentrations of dissolved inorganic macronutrients, chlorophyll a, phaeophytin, PON, and POC measured during phytoplankton shipboard incubation experiments on the FeOA cruise SKQ202209S on R/V Sikuliaq in the NE Pacific from June to July 2022 Methods
Dissolved trace metal and macronutrient concentration data from incubation experiments conducted during the May 2021 EXPORTS North Atlantic cruise (DY131) Methods
Depth profile chlorophyll, macronutrient, trace metal, metal speciation, and carbon system data from FeOA project cruise SKQ202209S on the R/V Sikuliaq in the Northeast Pacific between June and July 2022 Methods
Citation Style: 
Citation Text: 
Parsons, T. R., Maita, Y., & Lalli, C.M. (1984). A manual of chemical and biological methods for seawater analysis. Pergamon Press. doi:10.1016/c2009-0-07774-5
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