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No ID: Baetge, N., Halsey, K.H., Hanan, E.J., Behrenfeld, M.J., Milligan, A.J., Graff, J.R., Hansen, P., Carlson, C.A., Boiteau, R.B., Arrington, E.A., Comstock, J., Halewood, E.R., Harvey, E.L., Nelson, N.B., Opalk, K., Very Wey, B. (in review). Pre-exis

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Citation Text: 
Baetge, N., Halsey, K.H., Hanan, E.J., Behrenfeld, M.J., Milligan, A.J., Graff, J.R., Hansen, P., Carlson, C.A., Boiteau, R.B., Arrington, E.A., Comstock, J., Halewood, E.R., Harvey, E.L., Nelson, N.B., Opalk, K., Very Wey, B. (in review). Pre-existing in situ conditions shape coastal plankton response to fire-generated ash leachate. Limnology and Oceanography
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