Dataset: bottle oxygen
Deployment: OC404-01

Oxygen sampled from Niskin bottles
Principal Investigator: 
Nicholas Bates (Bermuda Biological Station for Research, BBSR)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Cynthia L. Chandler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
21 June 2005
Deployment Synonyms:
 EDDIES 2004 Survey 1,  OC404-1,  OC404_S1
Coordinated Deployments:
Version Date: 
 PI:              Nick Bates
 of:              Bermuda Biological Station for Research (BBSR)
 dataset:         Oxygen sampled from Niskin bottles
 dates:           12 June 2004 to 02 July 2004  (20040612-20040702)
 location:        N: 37.934  S: 29.777  W: -68.703  E: -58.754
 project/cruise:  EDDIES/OC404-1 2004 Survey 1
 platform:        R/V Oceanus
 Methodology: see Chapter 6: Determination of Determination of Dissolved Oxygen
    in U.S. JGOFS BATS Method Manual Version 4 (1997).  Bermuda Atlantic 
    Time-Series Study April 1997. Anthony H. Knap, Anthony F. Michaels et al., 
    136 pp. (link to BATS Method Manual version 4 local copy)
 Change history: YYMMDD
    050610: original data contributed by Rod Johnson (;
            added to OCB database by Cyndy Chandler, OCB DMO
 DMO Note: oxygen data were averaged for any replicates reported 
           (i.e. replicates often reported for bottles 2 and 24 for
           stations 1 through 10; i.e. the three values reported for
           station 2 bottle 24 were averaged to generate a single value
           for the station 2 bottle 24 oxygen)

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