* Sea-Bird SBE 9 Data File:
* FileName = C:CTD dataPE09-05 Brandt8-2-0818458-2-081845.hex
* Software Version Seasave V 7.12
* Temperature SN = 0657
* Conductivity SN = 040264
* Number of Bytes Per Scan = 40
* Number of Voltage Words = 5
* Number of Scans Averaged by the Deck Unit = 1
* System UpLoad Time = Aug 02 2008 18:49:09
* NMEA Latitude = 28 49.36 N
* NMEA Longitude = 090 26.15 W
* NMEA UTC (Time) = Aug 02 2008 18:48:58
* Store Lat/Lon Data = Append to Every Scan
** Ship:
** Station:
** Operator:
# interval = seconds: 0.0416667
# start_time = Aug 02 2008 18:48:58
# Sensors count="15"
# sensor Channel="1"
# !-- Frequency 0, Temperature --
# TemperatureSensor SensorID="55"
# SerialNumber 0657SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 08 Mar 06CalibrationDate
# UseG_J 1UseG_J
# A 0.00000000e+000A
# B 0.00000000e+000B
# C 0.00000000e+000C
# D 0.00000000e+000D
# F0_Old 0.000F0_Old
# G 4.82420805e-003G
# H 6.73461602e-004H
# I 2.64768469e-005I
# J 2.14551718e-006J
# F0 1000.000F0
# Slope 1.00000000Slope
# Offset 0.0000Offset
# TemperatureSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="2"
# !-- Frequency 1, Conductivity --
# ConductivitySensor SensorID="3"
# SerialNumber 040264SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 14 Mar 07CalibrationDate
# UseG_J 1UseG_J
# !-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. --
# SeriesR 0.0000SeriesR
# CellConst 2000.0000CellConst
# ConductivityType 0ConductivityType
# Coefficients equation="0"
# A 0.00000000e+000A
# B 0.00000000e+000B
# C 0.00000000e+000C
# D 0.00000000e+000D
# M 0.0M
# CPcor -9.57000000e-008CPcor
# Coefficients
# Coefficients equation="1"
# G -4.20169422e+000G
# H 4.84165785e-001H
# I -1.82967448e-003I
# J 1.21108509e-004J
# CPcor -9.57000000e-008CPcor
# CTcor 3.2500e-006CTcor
# !-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. --
# WBOTC 0.00000000e+000WBOTC
# Coefficients
# Slope 1.00000000Slope
# Offset 0.00000Offset
# ConductivitySensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="3"
# !-- Frequency 2, Pressure, Digiquartz with TC --
# PressureSensor SensorID="45"
# SerialNumber 0461SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 26-Oct-07CalibrationDate
# C1 -5.122857e+004C1
# C2 -3.440773e-001C2
# C3 1.326090e-002C3
# D1 4.009300e-002D1
# D2 0.000000e+000D2
# T1 3.003551e+001T1
# T2 -3.732322e-004T2
# T3 3.971920e-006T3
# T4 3.181770e-009T4
# Slope 1.00000000Slope
# Offset -0.15930Offset
# T5 0.000000e+000T5
# AD590M 1.281640e-002AD590M
# AD590B -9.225620e+000AD590B
# PressureSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="4"
# !-- Frequency 3, Temperature, 2 --
# TemperatureSensor SensorID="55"
# SerialNumber 4511SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 16 Mar 07CalibrationDate
# UseG_J 1UseG_J
# A 0.00000000e+000A
# B 0.00000000e+000B
# C 0.00000000e+000C
# D 0.00000000e+000D
# F0_Old 0.000F0_Old
# G 4.41110252e-003G
# H 6.44708648e-004H
# I 2.19014386e-005I
# J 1.79495630e-006J
# F0 1000.000F0
# Slope 1.00000000Slope
# Offset 0.0000Offset
# TemperatureSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="5"
# !-- Frequency 4, Conductivity, 2 --
# ConductivitySensor SensorID="3"
# SerialNumber 2100SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 25 Sep 07CalibrationDate
# UseG_J 1UseG_J
# !-- Cell const and series R are applicable only for wide range sensors. --
# SeriesR 0.0000SeriesR
# CellConst 2000.0000CellConst
# ConductivityType 0ConductivityType
# Coefficients equation="0"
# A 0.00000000e+000A
# B 0.00000000e+000B
# C 0.00000000e+000C
# D 0.00000000e+000D
# M 0.0M
# CPcor -9.57000000e-008CPcor
# Coefficients
# Coefficients equation="1"
# G -9.22095062e+000G
# H 1.22480229e+000H
# I -2.25762303e-003I
# J 2.20335634e-004J
# CPcor -9.57000000e-008CPcor
# CTcor 3.2500e-006CTcor
# !-- WBOTC not applicable unless ConductivityType = 1. --
# WBOTC 0.00000000e+000WBOTC
# Coefficients
# Slope 1.00000000Slope
# Offset 0.00000Offset
# ConductivitySensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="6"
# !-- A/D voltage 0, Oxygen, SBE 43 --
# OxygenSensor SensorID="38"
# SerialNumber 0769SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 13-May-08CalibrationDate
# Use2007Equation 1Use2007Equation
# CalibrationCoefficients equation="0"
# !-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. --
# Boc 0.0000Boc
# Soc 3.9370e-001Soc
# offset -0.5328offset
# Pcor 1.35e-004Pcor
# Tcor -0.0001Tcor
# Tau 0.0Tau
# CalibrationCoefficients
# CalibrationCoefficients equation="1"
# !-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. --
# Soc 4.0840e-001Soc
# offset -0.5019offset
# A -1.2181e-003A
# B 8.4003e-005B
# C -2.0319e-006C
# D0 2.5826e+000D0
# D1 0.00000e+000D1
# D2 0.00000e+000D2
# E 3.6000e-002E
# Tau20 1.4800Tau20
# H1 -3.3000e-002H1
# H2 5.0000e+003H2
# H3 1.4500e+003H3
# CalibrationCoefficients
# OxygenSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="7"
# !-- A/D voltage 1, Oxygen, SBE 43, 2 --
# OxygenSensor SensorID="38"
# SerialNumber 1419SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 07-May-08CalibrationDate
# Use2007Equation 1Use2007Equation
# CalibrationCoefficients equation="0"
# !-- Coefficients for Owens-Millard equation. --
# Boc 0.0000Boc
# Soc 3.9370e-001Soc
# offset -0.5328offset
# Pcor 1.35e-004Pcor
# Tcor -0.0001Tcor
# Tau 0.0Tau
# CalibrationCoefficients
# CalibrationCoefficients equation="1"
# !-- Coefficients for Sea-Bird equation - SBE calibration in 2007 and later. --
# Soc 3.6560e-001Soc
# offset -0.5077offset
# A -1.5086e-003A
# B 2.0717e-004B
# C -3.8732e-006C
# D0 2.5826e+000D0
# D1 0.00000e+000D1
# D2 0.00000e+000D2
# E 3.6000e-002E
# Tau20 1.0900Tau20
# H1 -3.3000e-002H1
# H2 5.0000e+003H2
# H3 1.4500e+003H3
# CalibrationCoefficients
# OxygenSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="8"
# !-- A/D voltage 2, PAR/Irradiance, Biospherical/Licor --
# PAR_BiosphericalLicorChelseaSensor SensorID="42"
# SerialNumber 4560SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 09 SEP 07CalibrationDate
# M 1.00000000M
# B 0.00000000B
# CalibrationConstant 26520000000.00000000CalibrationConstant
# Multiplier 1.00000000Multiplier
# Offset -0.10989000Offset
# PAR_BiosphericalLicorChelseaSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="9"
# !-- A/D voltage 3, Free --
# sensor
# sensor Channel="10"
# !-- A/D voltage 4, Altimeter --
# AltimeterSensor SensorID="0"
# SerialNumber 937SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 11 FEB 06CalibrationDate
# ScaleFactor 15.000ScaleFactor
# Offset 0.000Offset
# AltimeterSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="11"
# !-- A/D voltage 5, Transmissometer, Chelsea/Seatech/WET Lab CStar --
# TransChelseaSeatechWetlabCStarSensor SensorID="59"
# SerialNumber CST-868DRSerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 1/24/06CalibrationDate
# M 20.2897M
# B -1.1156B
# PathLength 0.250PathLength
# TransChelseaSeatechWetlabCStarSensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="12"
# !-- A/D voltage 6, Fluorometer, Turner SCUFA --
# FluoroTurnerSCUFA_Sensor SensorID="17"
# SerialNumber 610SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 27/01/06CalibrationDate
# B 0.00000000e+000B
# MX 1.00000000e+000MX
# MY 0.00000000e+000MY
# Units 4Units
# ScaleFactor 1.00000000e+000ScaleFactor
# Offset 0.00000000e+000Offset
# FluoroTurnerSCUFA_Sensor
# sensor
# sensor Channel="13"
# !-- A/D voltage 7, Free --
# sensor
# sensor Channel="14"
# !-- SPAR voltage, Unavailable --
# sensor
# sensor Channel="15"
# !-- SPAR voltage, SPAR/Surface Irradiance --
# SPAR_Sensor SensorID="51"
# SerialNumber 6409SerialNumber
# CalibrationDate 27 FEB 06CalibrationDate
# ConversionFactor 1729.00000000ConversionFactor
# RatioMultiplier 1.00000000RatioMultiplier
# SPAR_Sensor
# sensor
# Sensors
# datcnv_date = Jul 26 2010 16:16:56, 7.20f
# datcnv_in = D:Data2008NGOMEXCTD8-2-0818458-2-081845.hex D:Data2008NGOMEXCTD8-2-0818458-2-081845.CON
# datcnv_ox_hysteresis_correction = yes
# datcnv_ox_tau_correction = yes
# datcnv_bottle_scan_range_source = scans marked with bottle confirm bit, 0, 2
# datcnv_scans_per_bottle = 49
# bottlesum_date = Jul 27 2010 10:20:25, 7.20f
# bottlesum_in = D:Data2008NGOMEXCTD8-2-081845.ros D:Data2008NGOMEXCTD8-2-081540.con