Logistical Information

This page provides information to help with travel planning.  For questions or additional information related to travel, please contact Chip Clancy at mclancy@whoi.edu.  For workshop questions please contact Danie Kinkade at dkinkade@whoi.edu.

Workshop Location and Dates:
The workshop will be held October 7-8, 2013 at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) located in Woods Hole, MA.  It will convene on the WHOI Quissett Campus in Clark Laboratory 507.  A map of the Quissett Campus is located here.

Woods Hole is approximately 75 miles south of Boston on Cape Cod. It is surrounded by the waters of Martha's Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay and is just a few miles south of Falmouth, a typical New England town (village green, Main Street and a Congregational Church with a bell cast by Paul Revere).

The workshop will reimburse lodging and meal expenses.  A block of rooms has been reserved for participants at two local hotels (below).  On site participants should complete and submit travel expense forms (available at the workshop) within two weeks after the workshop for reimbursement of their travel costs.

The Sands of Time Motor Inn is located less than 2 miles from the workshop venue.  Check-in time is 2PM; check-out is 11AM.  If driving to the venue from the Sands of Time, take a left out of the parking lot. Make a right onto the campus and then a left at the Stop sign and you will see the parking lot to your right shortly afterwards.

The Inn on the Square is approximately 4 miles from the venue, with a check-in time of 3PM and check-out of 11AM.  If driving to the venue from the Inn on the Square, take a right out of the parking lot and stay on that road for about 4 miles. Make a left onto the campus and then another left at the Stop sign and you will see the parking lot to your right shortly afterwards.

Please contact the hotel by September 2 to make your reservation. You will need to mention "the Earthcube Workshop" to take advantage of the workshop room rate. We assume most people will arrive on Sunday, October 6 and leave late Tuesday, October 8 or early Wednesday, October 9.

You may also take the Shining Sea Bikeway for walking or biking to the venue.  See 'Transportation' section.

Both hotels have several restaurants within walking distance, please see the 'Meals and Local Info' section.


Airfare will also be reimbursed by the workshop, however because funds are limited, we encourage travelers to make flight reservations as early as possible.  Both Providence (T. F. Green) and Boston (Logan) airports are in travel distance from Woods Hole (both approximately 80mi, but flights into Boston are sometimes less expensive).

Ground Transportation:

If you coordinate with other workshop participants to share a rental car, this can be less expensive than taking the bus.  We will make the participants list available to registrants to facilitate travel coordination.  This list will be added to the right bar of workshop-related links.

From Airports:

The Peter Pan bus line runs from the Boston airport http://peterpanbus.com has a stop close to the Sands of Time Motor Inn in Woods Hole and the Inn on the Square in Falmouth so if you won't have a car those would be your best choices. (Type in Boston Logan Airport or T.F. Green Airport and then Woods Hole or Falmouth on their web site to get the correct schedule.) The bus stop for "scheduled buses" can be found right outside each terminal at Boston Logan Airport. Also you do not have to reserve the ticket on-line ahead for a set bus, you can buy it on the bus and use the ticket back on any bus.

Most major rental car agencies are available from the airport terminal as well.  However, we request that if you are not coordinating ground transportation with others, you select the less expensive ground transportation from the airport.

From Hotels:

Shuttle service...coming soon!

Bike Rentals:  Bikes may be rented from Corner Cycle, in Falmouth at 115 Palmer Ave (508-540-4195).  The Shining Sea Bikeway is accessable near the Inn on the Square and can be taken to the lower entrance of the Quissett Campus.  Bikeway information and map may be found on the Cape Cod Bike Guide website.

Meals and Local Info:

There are several restaurants within walking distance of each hotel.  The attached file at the bottom of this page provides a place to start.  Restaurants listed under Woods Hole are all within walking distance from the Sands of Time Motor Inn.  Those listed under Falmouth and located on Main St. (and North Main St.) will be within walking distance of the Inn on the Square.

Local information:

WHOI Home Page

Falmouth Visitor Information

Woods Hole Visitor Information