cruise_informal |
project name for the cruise
text |
cruise_id |
cruiseid |
official name of the cruise
text |
cruise_id |
date_local |
date of measurement
m/dd/yyyy |
date_local |
time_local |
local time of day
time |
lat |
the latitude of the CTD or station
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
the longitude of the CTD or station; negative means West of Greenwich
decimal degrees |
lon |
station |
sequential cruise station number
number |
station |
sequential CTD cast number
number |
cast |
temp |
water temperature
degrees centrigrade |
temperature |
sal |
water salinity
sal |
secchi_depth |
depth at which the Secchi disk could no longer be distinguished
meters |
depth |
Photosynthetically active radiation; designates the spectral range (wave band) of solar radiation from 400 to 700 nanometers that photosynthetic organisms are able to use in the process of photosynthesis
microEinsteins per square meter per second |
atten |
attenuation coefficient
per meter |
beam_c |
atten_err |
error for attenuation coefficient
calculated number |
std_err |
depth_sample |
depth of the sample data
meters |
depth |
cell_counts |
cell counts
cells per milliliter |
count |
counts_sd |
standard deviation of cell counts (i.e.difference from the mean/average)
cells per ml |
std_dev |
counts_se |
standard error of cell counts (taking into account the number of samples tested. Error is used to get a better representation of the deviation/error with larger numbers of samples; such as cell counts where we average 10 fields of view to get a number)
cells per milliliter |
std_err |
bact_prod |
bacterial production of the whole sample
nanograms of Carbon per Liter per hour |
production |
bact_prod_sd |
standard deviation of measurement of bacterial production
nanograms of Carbon per Liter per hour |
std_dev |
bact_prod_lt_pt8 |
bacterial production of the part of the sample less than 0.8 microns
nanograms of Carbon per Liter per hour |
production |
bact_prod_lt_pt8_sd |
standard deviation of bacterial production of the part of the sample less than 0.8 microns
nanograms of Carbon per Liter per hour |
std_dev |
bact_size_frac |
percentage of the whole sample that is less than 0.8 microns
percentage |
no_bcodmo_term |
chla |
chlorophyll a concentration
micrograms per liter |
chl_a |
chla_sd |
standard deviation of chlorophyll measurements
micrograms per liter |
std_dev |
NO3 |
Nitrate concentration
micromoles per liter |
NO3 |
NO3_sd |
standard deviation of Nitrate measurements
micromoles per liter |
std_dev |
NH4 |
Ammonium concentration
micromoles per liter |
NH4 |
NH4_sd |
standard deviation of Ammonium measurements
micromoles per liter |
std_dev |
PO4 |
Phosphate concentration
micromoles per liter |
PO4 |
PO4_sd |
standard deviation of Phosphate measurements
micromoles per liter |
std_dev |
SiO4 |
Silicate concentration
micromoles per liter |
SiO4 |
SiO4_sd |
standard deviation of Silicate measurements
micromoles per liter |
std_dev |
viral_count |
number of viruses in the sample
numbers per milliliter |
abundance |
viral_count_sd |
standard deviation of the count of the number of viruses in the sample
numbers per milliliter |
std_dev |