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No ID: Goreau T., Cervino J., Goreau M., Hayes R., Hayes M., Richardson L., Smith G., DeMeyer K., Nagelkerken I., Garzon-Ferrera J., Gil D., Garrison G., Williams E., Bunkley-Williams L., Quirolo C., Patterson K., Porter J., Porter K. (1998). Rapid sprea

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Citation Text: 
Goreau T., Cervino J., Goreau M., Hayes R., Hayes M., Richardson L., Smith G., DeMeyer K., Nagelkerken I., Garzon-Ferrera J., Gil D., Garrison G., Williams E., Bunkley-Williams L., Quirolo C., Patterson K., Porter J., Porter K. (1998). Rapid spread of diseases in Caribbean coral reefs. Rev Biol Trop 46,157–171
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