Dataset: GP15 Bottle Leg 1
Deployment: RR1814

Bottle file from US GEOTRACES PMT (GP15) Leg 1 (RR1814)
Principal Investigator: 
Karen L. Casciotti (Stanford University)
Co-Principal Investigator: 
Gregory A. Cutter (Old Dominion University, ODU)
Phoebe J. Lam (University of California-Santa Cruz, UCSC)
Karen L. Casciotti (Stanford University)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
Deployment Synonyms:
 GP15,  GP15 Leg1,  33RR20180918,  PMT,  US GEOTRACES PMT

Bottle data collected by the GTC (GEOTRACES Trace element Carousel) and ODF (Ocean Data Facility) CTD rosettes, underway, and tow fish on Leg 1 of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15) from September to October 2018. Data from the different sampling systems was compiled into one file by ODF. For complete acquisition and processing information, refer to the cruise report (PDF).

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