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CTD packages with Niskin rosettes were deployed to 300 meters with the exception of two deep casts: C01 to 2000 meters (where PAR sensor was removed) and C13 to 1000 meters. Casts are identified by two-digit ids preceded by a C, so that C01 is the first cast and C10 is the tenth cast etc.
Data Processing: Data were converted from .hex files to .cnv files using SeaSave on default parameters. The .cnv files were then converted to .csv.
BCO-DMO Processing: - concatenated separate .csv files into one dataset; - created CAST column from individual file names; - renamed fields to comply with BCO-DMO naming conventions.
An instrument that measures height above a fixed surface. The data can be used to map ocean-surface topography and generate gridded surface height fields.
An irradiance sensor designed to measure Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), manufactured by Biospherical Instruments Inc.
Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) sensor package from SeaBird Electronics, no specific unit identified. This instrument designation is used when specific make and model are not known. See also other SeaBird instruments listed under CTD. More information from Sea-Bird Electronics.
A CTD-fluorometer is an instrument package designed to measure hydrographic information (pressure, temperature and conductivity) and chlorophyll fluorescence.
The Sea-Bird SBE 43 dissolved oxygen sensor is a redesign of the Clark polarographic membrane type of dissolved oxygen sensors. more information from Sea-Bird Electronics
The Sea-Bird SBE-4 conductivity sensor is a modular, self-contained instrument that measures conductivity from 0 to 7 Siemens/meter. The sensors (Version 2; S/N 2000 and higher) have electrically isolated power circuits and optically coupled outputs to eliminate any possibility of noise and corrosion caused by ground loops. The sensing element is a cylindrical, flow-through, borosilicate glass cell with three internal platinum electrodes. Because the outer electrodes are connected together, electric fields are confined inside the cell, making the measured resistance (and instrument calibration) independent of calibration bath size or proximity to protective cages or other objects.
A transmissometer measures the beam attenuation coefficient of the lightsource over the instrument's path-length. This instrument designation is used when specific manufacturer, make and model are not known.
General term for an instrument that measures the temperature of the water with which it is in contact (thermometer).
Cast number
Temperature ITS-90
Temperature ITS-90 sensor 2
Difference between temperature sensors
Salinity sensor 2
Difference between salinity sensors
Seabird oxygen sensor
Seabird oxygen sensor 2
Difference between oxygen sensors
Chelsea labs Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Wet Labs ECO Chlorophyll Fluorescence
Corrected irradiance
Time since deployment
Bottle position
Number of bottles fired
Voltage 1
Surface irradiance
Conductivity sensor
Conductivity sensor 2
Wet Labs C-Star Beam Transmissometer Attenuation
Wet Labs C-Star Beam Transmissometer Transmission
Scan quality flag using Seabird flags