object_id |
Particle identification number. Typically cruiseID_mocnessID_net#_taxonomy_image#. [Source: User]
unitless |
individual |
object_lat_start |
Starting latitude of sample collection. [Source: User]
Decimal degrees |
lat |
object_lon_start |
Starting longitude of sample collection. [Source: User]
Decimal degrees |
lon |
object_date |
Date of sample collection. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: User]
unitless |
date_local |
object_time |
Start time of sample collection. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: User]
unitless |
time_local |
object_ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Datetime with timezone (start time of sample collection). Format ISO 8601, Time Zone UTC. [Source: User]
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
object_link |
URL to Villefranche sur mer Quantitative Imaging Platform which hosts manuals summarizing image capture and upload. Autogenerated by software. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
external_link |
object_depth_min |
Minimum depth of sample collection (Zmin, shallowest net depth). [Source: User]
Meters |
depth_n |
object_depth_max |
Maximum depth of sample collection (Zmax, deepest net depth). [Source: User]
Meters |
depth_n |
object_lat_end |
Ending latitude of sample collection. [Source: User]
Decimal degrees |
lat |
object_lon_end |
Ending longitude of sample collection. [Source: User]
Decimal degrees |
lon |
object_area |
Surface area of the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Square pixels |
surface_area |
object_mean |
Average grey value within the object. Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image).
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_stddev |
Standard deviation of the grey value used to generate the mean grey value. Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image).
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_mode |
Modal grey value within the object. Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image).
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_min |
Minimum grey value within the object (0=black). Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image).
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_max |
Maximum grey value within the object (255=white). Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image).
pixel intensity |
max_grey_level |
object_x |
X position of the center of gravity of the object within the vignette. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
x_pixel_unit |
object_y |
Y position of the center of gravity of the object within the vignette. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
y_pixel_unit |
object_xm |
X position of the center of gravity of the object's grey levels within the vignette. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
x_pixel_unit |
object_ym |
Y position of the center of gravity of the object's grey levels within the vignette. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
y_pixel_unit |
object_perim |
Length of the outside boundary (perimeter) of the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
image_analysis |
object_bx |
X coordinate of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object within the whole scan image. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
x_coordinate |
object_by |
Y coordinate of the top left point of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object within the whole scan image. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
y_coordinate |
object_width |
Width of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
width |
object_height |
Height of the smallest rectangle enclosing the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
height |
object_major |
Primary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
image_analysis |
object_minor |
Secondary axis of the best fitting ellipse for the object. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
image_analysis |
object_angle |
Angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the x-axis of the image. [Source: Zooprocess]
Decimal degrees |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_circ |
Circularity. (4*pi*Area)/Perim^2. A value of 1 indicates a perfect circle, a value approaching 0 indicates an increasingly elongated polygon. . [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
image_analysis |
object_feret |
Maximum ferret diameter, i.e. the longest distance between any two points along the object boundary. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
feret_diameter |
object_intden |
Integrated density. The sum of the grey values of the pixels in the object (i.e. = Area*Mean). . [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_median |
Median grey value within the object. Pixel intensity value 0-255 (8 bit greyscale image). [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
image_analysis |
object_skew |
Skewness (third order moment about the mean) of the histogram of the grey level values. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_kurt |
Kurtosis (fourth order moment about the mean) of the histogram of grey level values. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_perc_area |
Percentage of object's surface area that is comprised of holes, defined as the background grey level. [Source: Zooprocess]
Percentage |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_xstart |
X coordinate of the top left point of the image within the scan. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
x_coordinate |
object_ystart |
Y coordinate of the top left point of the image within the scan. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
y_coordinate |
object_area_exc |
Surface area of the object excluding holes (=Area*(1-(%area/100)). [Source: Zooprocess]
Square pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_fractal |
Fractal dimension of the object boundary (Berube and Jebrak, 1999). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_skelarea |
Surface area of skeleton in pixels. In a binary image, the skeleton is obtained by repeatedly removing pixels from the edges of objects until they are reduced to the width of a single pixel. (Berube and Jebrak, 1999). [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
surface_area |
object_slope |
Slope of the grey level normalized cumulative histogram. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_histcum1 |
Grey level at 25% of the normalized cumulative histogram of grey levels. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_histcum2 |
Grey level at 50% of the normalized cumulative histogram of grey levels. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_histcum3 |
Grey level at 75% of the normalized cumulative histogram of grey levels. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_xmg5 |
X position of the center of gravity of the object using a gamma value of 5. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_ymg5 |
Y position of the center of gravity of the object using a gamma value of 5. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_nb1 |
Number of remaining objects in the image after thresholding on level Histcum 1. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_nb2 |
Number of remaining objects in the image after thresholding on level Histcum 2. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_nb3 |
Number of remaining objects in the image after thresholding on level Histcum 3. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compentropy |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compmean |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compslope |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compm1 |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compm2 |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_compm3 |
always set to 0, measurement no longer perfomed in Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_symetrieh |
Bilateral horizonal symmetry index (Romagnan et al 2016). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_symetriev |
Bilateral vertical symmetry index (Romagnan et al 2016). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_symetriehc |
Symmetry of the object in relation to the horizontal axis after thresholding the grey level at Histcum 1 value. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_symetrievc |
Symmetry of the object in relation to the vertical axis after thresholding at grey level Histcum 1 value. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_convperim |
The perimeter of the smallest polygon within which all points of the object fit. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_convarea |
The area of the smallest polygon within which all points of the object fit. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_fcons |
Measure of contrast based on the texture feature descriptor (Amadasun and King, 1989). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_thickr |
Thickness ratio; relationship between the maximum thickness of an object and the average thickness of the object excluding the maximum. . [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_tag |
Old variable which is no longer used (0 or 1; 1 if duplicate "tagged" object). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_esd |
Equivalent spherical diameter. Sqrt(area/?). [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
object_elongation |
Elongation index. Major axis/minor axis. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
image_analysis |
object_range |
Range of grey values (0-255). [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
image_analysis |
object_meanpos |
Relative position of the mean grey. (Mean grey- Max grey)/(Mean grey-Min grey). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_centroids |
Difference between the mass and the grey-level object's centroids. Square root ((objGreyX - objX)^2 + (objGreyY - objY)^2). [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_cv |
Coefficient of variation of grey values. 100*(stddev/mean). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_sr |
Index of variation of grey values. 100*(stddev/max-min)). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_perimareaexc |
Index of relative complexity of the perimeter. perimeter/area_exc. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_feretareaexc |
Alternate elongation index. feret/area_exc. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_perimferet |
Index of relative complexity of the perimeter. perim/feret. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_perimmajor |
Alternate index of relative complexity of the perimeter. perim/major. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_circex |
Circularity of the object excluding white pixels. (4*pi(?)*area_exc)/perimeter^2. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
object_cdexc |
Distance between the mass and the grey-level object's centroids. (centroid^2)/area_exc. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
no_bcodmo_term |
sample_id |
Name of sample (scan) from which the object originates (image_name without .tif extension). [Source: User]
unitless |
sample |
sample_dataportal_descriptor |
Optional descriptor. [Source: User]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
sample_scan_operator |
Initials of the individual who performed the scan. [Source: User]
unitless |
person |
sample_ship |
Research vessel (if applicable) where sample was taken. [Source: User]
unitless |
ship |
sample_program |
Research program (if applicable) under which sample was taken. [Source: User]
unitless |
project |
sample_stationid |
Station identifier (if applicable) at which sample was taken. [Source: User]
unitless |
station |
sample_bottomdepth |
Recorded depth of the seafloor at the start of the tow. [Source: User]
Meters |
depth |
sample_ctdrosettefilename |
Associated CTD file name (if applicable). [Source: User]
unitless |
file_name |
sample_other_ref |
Optional other reference notes. [Source: User]
unitless |
comment |
sample_tow_nb |
Number of tows, if more than one, combined to create sample. [Source: User]
Count |
site_descrip |
sample_tow_type |
Type of tow profile used to collect sample. 1= oblique, 2 = horizontal, 3=vertical, 0= Other sampling method. [Source: User]
unitless |
sample_type |
sample_net_type |
Type of net used to collect the sample (e.g. MOCNESS, Reeve, Tucker, etc). [Source: User]
unitless |
sample_type |
sample_net_mesh |
Mesh size of the net used to collect the sample. [Source: User]
Microns |
net_mesh |
sample_net_surf |
Area of net mouth. [Source: User]
Meters squared |
sample_type |
sample_zmax |
Maximum depth of tow or net for this sample. [Source: User]
Meters |
depth |
sample_zmin |
Minimum depth of tow or net for this sample. [Source: User]
Meters |
depth |
sample_tot_vol |
Total volume of water filtered while capturing this sample. [Source: User]
Meters cubed |
vol_filt |
sample_comment |
Optional comment on this sample. [Source: User]
unitless |
comment |
sample_tot_vol_qc |
Quality flag for how volume of this tow or net was acquired. 1= RECORDED volume (flowmeter), 2= Calculated volume (using the mean volumne of other nets, 3= Estimated volume (net area * tow distance) . [Source: User]
unitless |
q_flag |
sample_depth_qc |
Quality flag for how the depth of this tow or net was acquired. 1= Measured by a depth sensor, 2= Calculated from cable length and angle, 3= Estimated from cable length. [Source: User]
unitless |
q_flag |
sample_sample_qc |
Quality flag for condition of the sample at time of scanning. Set of four digits defined below.; First digit is sample airtightness. 1=OK, 2=NOK (not ok); Second digit is sample richness. 1= Normal richness, 2=Very rich sample, 3=No plankton (almost) in sample; Third digit is sample condition. 1= Good condition , 2 = Dryed (no remaining liquid), 3= Rotton (loss of fixative); Fourth digit is disturbing elements. 1=No disturbing elements, 2=One of few large objects present in jar, 3=SOUP (phytoplankton, organic matter, clay/mud/mineral); . [Source: User]
unitless |
q_flag |
sample_barcode |
Barcode number assigned to sample if applicable. [Source: User]
unitless |
sample |
sample_duration |
Duration of the sampling tow. [Source: User]
Minutes |
time_elapsed |
sample_ship_speed |
Average ship speed during tow. [Source: User]
Knots |
speed |
sample_cable_length |
Maximum cable out during tow (m). [Source: User]
Meters |
sample_descrip |
sample_cable_angle |
Angle of the net cable during the tow (degrees from vertical). [Source: User]
Degrees |
sample_descrip |
sample_cable_speed |
Speed of the winch payout/retrival during the tow. [Source: User]
Meters per minute |
sample_descrip |
sample_nb_jar |
Number of the jar containing the sample. [Source: User]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
sample_open |
Undefined. [Source: User]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_id |
Process identifier. "zooprocess" and then the sample ID. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample |
process_date |
Date the scan was performed. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
date_local |
process_time |
Time the scan was performed. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: Zooprocess].
unitless |
time_local |
process_img_software_version |
Version of zooprocess software utilized. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
process_img_resolution |
Resolution of the scan. [Source: Zooprocess]
Dpi |
sample_descrip |
process_img_od_grey |
Parameter not used- always nan. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_img_od_std |
Parameter not used- always 0. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_img_background_img |
Image name of background scan used. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
file_name |
process_particle_version |
Version of zooprocess software used to process particles. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
process_particle_threshold |
8 bit coded grey level value to separate the objects from the background. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_particle_pixel_size_mm |
The number of pixels per millimeter with this dpi. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels per millimeter |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_particle_min_size_mm |
Minimum size particle included in vignette extraction. [Source: Zooprocess]
Millimeters |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_particle_max_size_mm |
Maximum size particle included in vignette extraction. [Source: Zooprocess]
Millimeters |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_particle_sep_mask |
Whether or not to include a separation mask created during separation of touching vignettes. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_particle_bw_ratio |
ratio of pixels from the image that are above the threshold value (i.e; objects of image noise). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
process_software |
Software name, version, and date used to process this sample. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_id |
Name of the fraction or replicate being imaged (format fraction_cruise_mocness_net). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_instrument |
Type of instrument used to take original image (e.g. Zooscan, UVP, etc). [Source: User]
unitless |
instrument |
acq_min_mesh |
The minimum mesh size/minimum hypothetical particle size of the fraction being imaged. [Source: User]
Microns |
sample_descrip |
acq_max_mesh |
The maximum mesh size/maximum hypothetical particle size of the fraction being imaged. [Source: User]
Microns |
sample_descrip |
acq_sub_part |
Portion of the sample in this image- denominator of the ratio (e.g. 1/64 will read "64"). [Source: User]
Integer |
sample_descrip |
acq_sub_method |
Method or splitter type used to subsample (e.g. Motoda, folsom). [Source: User]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_hardware |
Hardware used to image the sample including version number (Zooscan model). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
inst_model |
acq_software |
Software used to take the image- Vuescan version number. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_author |
Initials of individual who took the image. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
person |
acq_imgtype |
Type of image (e.g. zooscan, UVP). . [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_scan_date |
Date that the scan was performed. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
date_local |
acq_scan_time |
Time the scan was performed. Local time zone (ADT/AST). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
date_local |
acq_quality |
Parameter not used- always nan. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
no_bcodmo_term |
acq_bitpixel |
Flag- Vuescan coding of the grey resolution for the raw image. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
flag |
acq_greyfrom |
Flag- The green channel of image from the scanner sensor is converted in grey by Vuescan for the image saving and processing. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
flag |
acq_scan_resolution |
Flag- Vuescan coding of the resolution, utilized by Zooprocess to compute the pixel size and image resolution in dpi. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
flag |
acq_rotation |
Flag- The raw image from the scanner is rotated before being saved. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
flag |
acq_miror |
Flag- The raw image from the scanner is mirrored before being saved. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
flag |
acq_xsize |
Horizontal size of the scan. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
sample_descrip |
acq_ysize |
Vertical size of the scan. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
sample_descrip |
acq_xoffset |
Scan frame X offset, from scanner factory calibration. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
sample_descrip |
acq_yoffset |
Scan frame Y offset, from scanner factory calibration. [Source: Zooprocess]
Pixels |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_color_balance |
Indicates that the raw image normalisation will be done by Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_filter |
If there is a filter in the acquisition LUT (all should be "no"). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_min |
Minimum 16 bit coded grey level utilized for the 16 to 8 bit raw image conversion/normalisation by Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_max |
Maximum 16 bit coded grey level utilized for the 16 to 8 bit raw image conversion/normalisation by Zooprocess. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_odrange |
Optical Density range for the 16 to 8 bit raw image conversion/normalisation by Zooprocess (always 1.8). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
image_analysis |
acq_lut_ratio |
ratio applied to the acq_lut_max value for the 16 to 8 bit raw image conversion/normalisation by Zooprocess (always 1.15). [Source: Zooprocess]
unitless |
sample_descrip |
acq_lut_16b_median |
Measured median grey level of the raw image. [Source: Zooprocess]
pixel intensity |
sample_descrip |