“Happy Holidays! BCO-DMO will be on break from 23 December to 2 January 2025. Submissions and questions will still be accepted, however our responses may be delayed during this time.”

Dataset: Peruvian Zooplankton
Deployment: PCE_multi

Total biovolume of zooplankton collected in top 50-m of water column using Hensen net.
View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page: https://www.bco-dmo.org/dataset/3352
Principal Investigator: 
Dr Gordon Swartzman (University of Washington, UW)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Cynthia L. Chandler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)
14 June 2010
Deployment Synonyms:
 Olaya,  SMP-1,  SMP-2,  Humboldt
Version Date: 

Zooplankton were collected using Hensen nets in top 50 meters of the water column from Humboldt Current Ecosystem - Peruvian coast 4-18 degrees South latitude, 72-80 degrees West longitude. Some brief cruise information is available as a PDF file.

Note about data availability:
The sharing of data with other colleagues is subject to an inter-institutional agreement with IMARPE, with some restrictions applying to the use of data by people not directly involved in the agreement, and restrictions for the use of the data after the end of the agreement.

Investigators interested in gaining access to the original data are encouraged to contact:
Patricia Ayòn
IMARPE (Instituto del Mar del Perú)
payon [AT] imarpe [DOT] gob [DOT] pe

Examples from Original Data Files

Original data files exist in Excel spreadsheet files. These include stations (Est), longitude and latitude, date (FECHA), time (HORA), surface temperature (TSM), zooplankton biovolume (Volumen) and numbers of anchovy eggs (Huevos anch) and larvae (Larvas anch).

Example original data
Station Longitude Latitude DATE TIME Surface Temp Volume Eggs Larvae
E-1/C-1JOB -70.715 -18.2 11/2/2003 23:57 19.8 8 411 6
E-11/C-2 -71.176 -17.907 11/3/2003 11:33 19.26 2 3 39
14 -71.363 -17.724 11/3/2003 14:15 19.15 1.5 0 0


Additional processing of these data combined all usable surveys into a single flat (text) file additionally calculated distance to the coast (dc) and to the 200-m isobath (dist200) and added surface temperature (SST) and salinity (SSS) where available. Distances are in km.


Example processed data
year mo time lat dc dist200 vol SST SSS
1990 12 1.083333333 -18.38333333 176.192184 150.9670611 4 21.9 34.978
1990 12 4.083333333 -18.05 107.3411666 87.1060464 18 21.4 34.824
1990 12 6.733333333 -17.7 20.5228905 19.1680014 5 21.2 34.872
1990 12 21.35 -17.48333333 3.84008226 -15.799166 10 16.2 34.734




Ayón P, and G. Swartzman. (2008) Changes in the long-term distribution of zooplankton in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem off Peru, and its relationship to regime shifts and environmental factors. Fisheries Oceanography, Vol. 17, No. 6. pp. 421-431.

Ayón P, Criales-Hernandez MI, Schwamborn R, Hirche HJ (2008) Zooplankton research off Peru: A review. Prog Oceanogr 79:238-255
(this paper contains references to internal reports describing the data for many of the surveys)

Ayón P, Swartzman G, Bertrand A, Gutiérrez M, Bertrand S (2008) Zooplankton and forage fish species off Peru: Large-scale bottom-up forcing and local-scale depletion. Prog Oceanogr 79:208-214

Ayón, P., Purca, S. and Guevara-Carrasco, R. (2004) Zooplankton volume trends off Peru between 1964 and 2001. ICES J. Mar. Sci Symp. Edition 61(4):478-484

More information about this dataset deployment