location |
Site name.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
lat |
Latitude of site.
decimal degrees |
lat |
lon |
Longitude of site. Negative = West.
decimal degrees |
lon |
survey |
Algal/animal surveys listed numerically in chronological order.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
date |
The date a particular plot was sampled. format: YYYYmmdd
unitless |
date |
month |
2-digit month of sampling.
mm (01 to 12) |
no_bcodmo_term |
day |
2-digit day of month of sampling.
dd (01 to 31) |
day |
year |
4-digit year of sampling. in YYYY format
unitless |
year |
plot |
The unit of replication; each plot consisted of a 20cm x 20cm square surrounded by marine epoxy (Z-spar A-788 Splash-Zone).
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
block |
Each of two spatial blocks (1 and 2) that are on opposite sides of a channel that feeds an elogate pool at the base of the rock wall.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
herb_trtmt |
Herbivore (Grazer) treatment: A=all three species; L=Littorina only (limpets removed); D=Lottia digitalis only; S=Lottia scabra only.
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
barnacle_trtmt |
Barnacle treatment: full (no barnacles removed); none (all barnacles removed); half (barnacles removed from one half of plot).
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
barn_trtmt |
Barnacle subtreatment: Y (plot/side with barnacles); N (plot/side without barnacles); H (plot with half barnacle cover).
dimensionless |
no_bcodmo_term |
area |
Area occupied by reference plot or side of plot in cm^2; separates full plots from sides within plots in the half barnacle treatment.
square centimeters (cm^2) |
no_bcodmo_term |
taxon |
Taxon/group measured:
new_barn = new barnacles;
diatoms = microalgae;
ulva = Ulva spp.;
endo = Endocladia muricata;
masto = Mastocarpus papillatus;
hilden = Hildenbrandia sp.;
petro = Mastocarpus papillatus tetrasporophyte (aka Petrocelis phase);
porphy = Pyropia perforata (formerly Porphyra);
pelv = Pelvetiopsis limitata;
clad = Cladopohora sp.;
enc_coral = encrusting coralline red algae;
cumagloia = Cumagloia andersonii;
littorina = Littorina sp.;
L_scabra = Lottia scabra;
L_digitalis = Lottia digitalis.
dimensionless |
taxon |
abundance |
new_barn = Number of newly settled barnacles counted and subsequently removed from cleared areas (half and no barnacle treatments).
diatoms, ulva, endo, masto, hilden, petro, porphy, pelv, clad, enc_coral, cumagloia = Visual percent cover estimate of the taxon/group in plot/side of plot.
littorina = Number of Littorina sp. counted in plot and subsequently removed from herbivore treatments D and S.
L_scabra = Number of Lottia scabra counted in plot and subsequently removed from herbivore treatments D and L.
L_digitalis = Number of Lottia digitalis counted in plot and subsequently removed from herbivore treatments S and L.
varies by taxon/group (see description) |
abundance |