cruise |
Cruise identifier
unitless |
cruise_id |
cast |
CTD cast number
unitless |
cast |
station |
Station number
unitless |
station |
station_id |
Station ID: 1-A, 2-B, 3-AUV, 4-AL-CTD, 5-P, 6-NS, 7-EW, 8-NS6A, 9-A10z, 10-SLP, 11-SSF, 12-ALF, 13-AC, 14-AL, 15-HS, 16-S, 17-L'; E.g.: st#=14, stId=1 => stName=14A
unitless |
station |
year |
hhmm |
year |
month |
year |
month |
day |
NMEA UTC month
month number |
day |
time |
day of month |
time |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Cast start time in ISO8601 format yyyy-mm-ddTHH:MMZ (UTC time)
unitless |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
latitude |
NMEA latitude
degrees N |
lat |
longitude |
NMEA longitude
degrees W |
lon |
target_depth |
target depth
m |
depth_n |
depth |
m |
depth |
press |
db |
press |
niskin_used |
The number of niskin bottles used for CTD BTL data averaging
unitless |
count |
sigmat |
Sigma-theta density from primary sensors
kg/m^3 |
sigma_t |
sigmat2 |
Sigma-theta density from secondary sensors
kg/m^3 |
sigma_t |
oxy |
Dissolved oxygen concentration
ml/l |
O2 |
oxyM |
Dissolved oxygen saturation
Mm/Kg |
O2 |
oxySat |
Dissolved oxygen concentration
Mm/Kg |
O2 |
potTemp |
Potential temperature from primary sensor
ITS-90, deg C |
potemp |
potTemp2 |
Potential temperature from secondary sensor
ITS-90, deg C |
potemp |
sal |
Salinity practical from primary sensors
unitless |
sal |
sal2 |
Salinity practical from secondary sensors
unitless |
sal |
dens |
Density00; density from primary sensors
kg/m^3 |
density |
dens2 |
Density11; density from secondary sensors
kg/m^3 |
density |
svCM |
Sound velocity (chen-millero) from primary sensors
m/s |
sound_vel |
svCM2 |
Sound velocity (chen-millero) from secondary sensors
m/s |
sound_vel |
temp |
temperature from primary sensor
ITS-90, deg C |
temp |
temp2 |
temperature from secondary sensor
ITS-90, deg C |
temp |
cond |
conductivity from primary sensor
S/m |
cond |
cond2 |
conductivity from secondary sensor
S/m |
cond |
oxyV |
oxygen raw
Volt |
O2_v |
fluor1 |
Fluorescence, WET Labs ECO-AFL/FL
mg/m^3 |
fluor |
turb |
turbWETntu0: Turbidity, WET Labs ECO
turbidity |
spar |
SPAR/surface irradiance
microEinsteins/m^2/second |
par |
microEinsteins/m^2/second |
cpar |
CPAR/Corrected Irradiance
% |
irradiance |
Proc_io_PP |
irradiance/surface irradiance ratio
% |
irradiance |
Dep_PP |
POC/PP/Productivity data: depth apparently taken from the previous Bottle file and rounded
m |
depth |
Prod |
primary productivity
mg m^-3 h^-1 |
PP |
ChlPP |
POC/PP/Productivity data: calculated Chlorphyll concentration
ug L^-^1 |
PP |
AN |
?? |
no_bcodmo_term |
Prod_20um |
primary productivity (20um)
mg m^-3 h^-1 |
PP |
particulate organic Carbon
umol L^-1 |
particulate organic Nitrogen
umol L^-1 |
Bsi |
biogenic silica
umol L^-1 |
Si_bio |
CN_ratio |
Carbon/Nitrogen ratio
mol/mol |
C_to_N |
IntProd |
integrated primary productivity per day
mg C m^-2 d^-1 |
PP |
IntProd_20um |
integrated primary productivity per day (20um)
mg C m^-2 d^-1 |
PP |
Ratio |
Carbon/silacate ratio
umol kg ^-1 |
ratio |
bottle_nuts |
CTD bottle number for nutrient analyses
unitless |
bottle |
NO3 |
Nitrate concentration
umol L^-1 |
NO3 |
NH4 |
Ammonium concentration
umol L^-1 |
NH4 |
PO4 |
Phosphate concentration
umol L^-1 |
PO4 |
Si |
Silicate concentration
umol L^-1 |
SiO4 |
bottle_toi |
CTD bottle number for Triple Oxygen Isotope (TOI) analyses
unitless |
bottle |
D17 |
per meg |
17O |
Littled17 |
per mil |
17O |
Littled18 |
per mil |
18O |
O2Ar |
umol kg ^-1 ? |
ratio |
Sample_toi |
TOI sample number
unitless |
sample |
Vial_toi |
TOI vial number
unitless |
sample |
bottle_alk |
CTD bottle number for Alkalinity analyses
unitless |
bottle |
CO3 |
Carbon trioxide
umol/kg |
carbonate |
HCO3 |
umol/kg |
bicarbonate |
OAr |
umol / kg |
no_bcodmo_term |
OCa |
umol / kg |
Ca |
Alk |
umol / kg |
Dic |
dissolved inorganic carbon
umol / kg |
PCO2 |
Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide
uatm |
pCO2 |
PH |
PH total
total scale |
pH |
bottle_chl |
CTD bottle number for Chlorophyll analyses
unitless |
bottle |
Filt_0 |
Filt_0 ID=0; 0 = whole seawater
unitless |
sample_descrip |
Chl_x_0 |
Chlorophyll Filt_0
ug L^-^1 |
chl_a |
Chl_y_0 |
Chlorophyll Filt_0 (replicates)
ug L^-^1 |
chl_a |
Phaeo_x_0 |
total phaeopigment Filt_0
ug L^-^1 |
phaeo |
Phaeo_y_0 |
total phaeopigment Filt_0 (replicates)
ug L^-^1 |
phaeo |
QCflag_x_0 |
Filt_0 Quality flag: 1-inspected, 2-some question
unitless |
q_flag |
QCflag_y_0 |
Filt_0 (replicates) Quality flag: 1-inspected, 2-some question
unitless |
q_flag |
Filt_10 |
Filt_10 ID=10; 10 = <10um size fractionated chl
unitless |
sample_descrip |
Chl_x_10 |
Chlorophyll Filt_10
ug L^-^1 |
chl_a |
Chl_y_10 |
chlorophyll Filt_10 (replicates)
ug L^-^1 |
chl_a |
Phaeo_x_10 |
total phaeopigment Filt_10
ug L^-^1 |
phaeo |
Phaeo_y_10 |
total phaeopigment Filt_10 (replicates)
ug L^-^1 |
phaeo |
QCflag_x_10 |
Filt_10 Quality flag: 1-inspected, 2-some question
unitless |
q_flag |
QCflag_y_10 |
Filt_10 (replicates) Quality flag: 1-inspected, 2-some question
unitless |
q_flag |