Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Size fractionated Particulate Carbon Flux 100-500m measured by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 in the California Current Regime. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-16 | Final no updates expected |
Original transmitted-light imagery and processed attenuance images of sinking particles observed by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-17 | Final no updates expected |
CTD profile data from Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Robomussel Temperature Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-01 | Data not available |
Intertidal Transplant Mussels Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-01 | Data not available |
Regression Mussel Data Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-02 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Lab study on the effect of temperature and pCO2 on mussel byssal attachment (thread mechanics) with mussels collected in May 2012 from Argyle Creek, San Juan Island, WA (48.52˚ N, 123.01˚ W) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-07-24 | Final no updates expected |
Lab study on the effect of temperature and pCO2 on mussel byssal attachment (thread number) with mussels collected in May 2012 from Argyle Creek, San Juan Island, WA (48.52˚ N, 123.01˚ W) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-07-24 | Final no updates expected |
UW FHL Temperature & Salinity data taken at Friday Harbor, WA between between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2016 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-08-20 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Geochemical concentrations (ppm) of six elements measured in Atlantic croaker otoliths Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-12-24 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Experimental coral physiological and δ15N isotopic measurements in October 2012 at Reef Systems Coral Farm, Ohio. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-03-21 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
P. verrucosa growth data used to parameterize growth-rate curve Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-04-03 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Neocalanus copepod egg production is described from the Northern Gulf of Alaska for Fall 2015, 2016, 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-08 | Final no updates expected |
Neocalanus distribution, mean length, mean weight, abundance and biomass from the Gulf of Alaska , Fall 2015, 2016 and 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Robomussel Temperature Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-01 | Data not available |
Intertidal Transplant Mussels Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-01 | Data not available |
Regression Mussel Data Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-02-02 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Samples collected from the Monterey Bay Times Series from May 2014 to February 2016. These data include CTD, nutrient, chlorophyll a and phaeopigment concentration data. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-08-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Cell counts in newly settled polyps of Antillogorgia bipinnata inoculated with one of six genotypes of Breviolum antillogorgium and reared at 26 and 30 degrees Celsius Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-16 | Final no updates expected |
Survivorship of newly settled polyps of Antillogorgia bipinnata inoculated with one of five genotypes of Breviolum antillogorgium and reared at 26 and 30 degrees Celsius. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-16 | Final no updates expected |
Proportion of infected polyps at Days 31, 52 and 69 in newly settled polyps of Antillogorgia bipinnata inoculated with one of five genotypes of Breviolum antillogorgium and reared at 26 and 30 degrees Celsius. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-16 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Concentrations, d13C and D14C data for DOC and DIC in fluids collected from North Pond Cork Observatories U1382A and U1383C and from bottom seawater in 2012, 2014 and 2017. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-06-11 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Oceanographic data from 12 monthly cruises off the Israeli coast in the east Mediterranean conducted between Feb 2018 and Jan 2019 at a continental shelf station (~140m depth) and an open-deep water station. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-01-07 | Final no updates expected |
CTD profiles from six cruises to the Eastern Mediterranean from 2014-2016 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-02-03 | Final no updates expected |
Results of computer simulations of inter-microbial metabolic exchange. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-02-03 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
3D velocity fields for the Burger vortex flow treatments Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-12-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Flow cytometry, 16S rRNA gene amplicons, chlorophyll a, and surface seawater measurements taken between August 2017 to June 2019 Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-30 | Final no updates expected |
Biological oceanographic measurements, 16S rRNA gene amplicons and metagenomes from surface seawater taken from August 2017 to June 2021 at sites within and adjacent to Kāneʻohe Bay, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Environmental, sensory data (temperature, light intensity, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, depth) sampled in August 2019 in Carrie Bow Caye, Belize Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-11-18 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Water quality of experiment measuring phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster in response to variable length OA exposure conducted in summer 2017 with oysters sampled in Plum Island. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-19 | Data not available |
Phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster in response to variable length OA exposure conducted in summer 2017 with oysters sampled in Plum Island. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-20 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Changes in seasonal phytoplankton community composition as a response to temperature at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-06-01 | Preliminary and in progress |
Model code for the EpiGen model used in Walworth et al. 2020 and example output Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-10-12 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Microstructure profiles at Station AT55 in Lake Michigan from 2017, 2018 and 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-17 | Final no updates expected |
Velocity observations from a mooring at Station AT55 in Lake Michigan from 2019-05-13 to 2019-06-05 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-17 | Final no updates expected |
Velocity observations from a mooring at Station AT55 in Lake Michigan from 2017-08-01 to 2017-08-16. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Nitrous oxide concentrations from the R/V Falkor expedition FK160115 in the Central Pacific from January to February 2016 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-06-08 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Gill Net Catch Data in Bays along Texas Coast from 1986 to 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Acartia tonsa development time for transgenerational experiment Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-07 | Final no updates expected |
Acartia tonsa body size data for transgenerational ocean warming and acidification experiments Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-07 | Final no updates expected |
Acartia tonsa survival data for transgenerational ocean warming and acidification data Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-07 | Final no updates expected |
Acartia tonsa egg production rate and egg hatching success for transgenerational exposure to ocean warming and ocean acidification Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Minor ion concentrations in OsmoSamplers that were recovered on R/V Atlantis Expedition AT39-01 with the ROV Jason-II (Depart October 2, 2018 and returned 11/2/2017). Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Apparent Quantum Yields for the Photochemical Formation of Carbonyl Compounds in Seawater from the R/V Endeavor EN589 in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean from September to October 2016. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-11-15 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Coral pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry data from a heating experiment using samples collected from Nikko Bay and Rebotel Reef in Palau in the spring of 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-07 | Final no updates expected |
Coral Isotope data from a heating experiment using samples collected from Nikko Bay and Rebotel Reef in Palau in the spring of 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-10 | Final no updates expected |
Coral biometrics data from a heating experiment using samples collected from Nikko Bay and Rebotel Reef in Palau in the spring of 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-03-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Database of oyster mortality based on body size treatment Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-03-02 | Final no updates expected |
Coastal habitat restoration survey Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-11-20 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Measurements of peptidase and glucosidase activities in large volume mesocosm incubations on RV/Endeavor EN584, July 2016 (Patterns of activities project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Changes in seasonal phytoplankton community composition as a response to temperature at the San Pedro Ocean Time-series. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-06-01 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Effects of ocean acidification on anti-predator behavior of snails from Bodega Bay, CA. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2017-08-19 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Biological, physical, and chemical data from surface Transect 5 on MV1405 (IRN-BRU) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-07-06 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Collections of fish and invertebrates settled in artificial seagrass landscapes Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-12-23 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD data from sediment coring events taken on board of the R/V Ira C. in September 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-05-11 | Deprecated |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
A compilation from the scientific literature of burst size and latent period of lytic viruses infecting phytoplankton, as well as data on virus and host size and genome length, and host growth rate. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-04-14 | Final no updates expected |
R code for a model of phytoplankton community structure under multiple frequencies of pulsed nutrient supply. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-11 | Final no updates expected |
Abundances of mixotrophic, phototrophic, and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and associated environmental data, synthesized from the scientific literature. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-03-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Particulate organic phosphorus data from TriCoLim incubation experiments done aboard R/V Atlantis AT39-05 in the Tropical Atlantic Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-07-13 | Preliminary and in progress |
Physiology data from Crocosphaera iron and phosphorus colimitation culture experiment Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-07-20 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Meteorological data from the Tudor Hill Marine Atmospheric Observatory, Bermuda in 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-03-13 | Final with updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Phenotypic plasticity of the ciliated band of seven species of echinoderm larvae, collected between 2020 and 2022 in the laboratory at California State University, Long Beach. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-10 | Final no updates expected |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae (biometirc data), collected between 2020 and 2022 in the laboratory at California State University, Long Beach. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-10 | Final no updates expected |
Quantification of ciliated band length per unit protein in early echinoderm larvae (protein data), collected between 2020 and 2022 in the laboratory at California State University, Long Beach. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Temperature data collected in the bottoms of intertidal rock tide pools at Bodega Marine Reserve intertidal zone, between October 2017 and August 2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-05-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Sequencing reads_(2bRAD) for Montastrea cavernosa, Siderastrea siderea, Agaricia agaricites and Porites astreoides from Florida Reefs Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
Montastrea cavernosa draft genome Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Ammonium, total nitrate and nitrite, nitrite, and flow cytometry profiles in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific from March to April 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-04-06 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Nutrient concentrations and cell/virus-like particles counts Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-09-21 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Incubation experiments were conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands to investigate the response of reef seawater microbial communities to the specific metabolites riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and caffeine. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-11-10 | Final no updates expected |
Incubation experiments were conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands to investigate the macronutrient drawdown response of reef seawater microbial communities to exudates released from the coral species Porites astreoides and Gorgonia ventalina. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-11-10 | Final no updates expected |
Incubation experiments were conducted in St. John, US Virgin Islands to investigate the response of reef seawater microbial communities to the mixed exudates released from the coral species Porites astreoides and Gorgonia ventalina. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-11-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
High-throughput sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene, microscopy, and flow cytometry of pyrosome-associated microorganisms compared to seawater sampled during a Pyrosoma atlanticum bloom in the Northern California Current System in July 2018. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-14 | Final no updates expected |
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic microbial taxa retained by wild-caught doliolids collected during bloom events at three different shelf locations in the northern California Current system in June 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-29 | Final no updates expected |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms from the Western Edge of the Gulf Stream sampled in September 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-06 | Final no updates expected |
16S rRNA gene of microorganisms sampled along the Newport Hydrographic (NH) and Trinidad Head (TR) lines, in OR and CA in 2018 and 2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-15 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Winter survey data from Lake Erie from 2018-2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Underway pCO2 from the R/V Pelican cruise GOM_UW_1704 conducted in the Northern Gulf of Mexico in April 2017. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-07-01 | Final no updates expected |
DIC, TA, pH from R/V Pelican cruise conducted in the northern Gulf of Mexico in April and July 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-12-20 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Organism counts from photo-transects collected during quantitative benthic surveys in Southwest Puerto Rico at 20m during 2013-2014 and 2018-2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-04-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Dissolved trace metal (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) concentrations from surface (towfish) samples collected during the 2018 EXPORTS cruise (RR1813) to the subarctic North Pacific near Ocean Station PAPA (Station P) on R/V Roger Revelle Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-06-02 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-24 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Global observations Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton with ancillary environmental data from 1987 to 2008 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Salinity tolerance of oysters without acclimation in lab conditions: mortality Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-24 | Final no updates expected |
Salinity tolerance of oysters without acclimation in lab conditions: shell heights Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-24 | Final no updates expected |
Salinity tolerance of oysters without acclimation in lab conditions: Water Quality Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Temperature profiles of hydrothermal sediments measured by HOV Alvin’s heat flow probe in Guaymas Basin hydrothermal vents, RV/Atlantis cruise AT42-05, Nov. 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Particulate chlorophyll data set from samples collected using ship’s surface underway system taken on board of the R/V Oceanus OC1701A, OC1611B, OC1603B, OC1602A, OC1601A in the Oregon Coast (47-43 N, 126-124 W) from 2016 to 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-06-30 | Final no updates expected |
Particulate organic matter data set from samples collected using ship’s surface underway system taken on board of the R/V Oceanus OC1701A, OC1611B, OC1603B, OC1602A, OC1601A in the Oregon Coast (47-43 N, 126-124 W) from 2016 to 2017. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-07-20 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Algal pigment concentrations measured by HPLC from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from 2017-2018. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-12-24 | Final no updates expected |
Biogenic silica concentrations collected from CTD casts during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from 2017-2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-10-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD Depth Profile Cast Data for the InVirT-2019-BATS (Bermuda Atlantic Time Series) project taken in the on board of the R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1926 in 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-23 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Experiment details for invertebrate larvae electrophysiology Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-10-23 | Final no updates expected |
Oxygen metrics for retinal function in marine invertebrate larvae determined with electroretinograms Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-10-23 | Final no updates expected |
Retinal responses during exposure to decreasing oxygen partial pressure (pO2) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2019-10-23 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Dissolved Organic Carbon concentrations collected at the Mo’orea LTER forereef and back reef sites during the 2019 coral bleaching event. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-07-09 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
NetCDF output for 8 stations using the circum-Antarctic biological model (CIAO) using model output of dFe dyes & physics as input. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-08-18 | Final no updates expected |
NetCDF model output of 4 circum-Antartic model simulations covering the Antarctic Continental Shelf. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-07 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
High pressure liquid chromatography analyses of photosynthetic pigments taken on the R/V Acadian and R/V Pelican from September to October 2017 in the Central northern Gulf of Mexico Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-02-03 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Discrete hydrographic measurements - Effects of Hurricane Harvey on Estuarine Water Quality in the Lavaca-Colorado, Guadalupe and Nueces Estuaries between August 2017 and January 2018. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-01-14 | Final no updates expected |
Sonde water quality measurements - Effects of Hurricane Harvey on Estuarine Water Quality in the Guadalupe Estuary between August 2017 and December 2017. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-01-23 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Dissection data for metazoan parasites and other symbionts from vent-endemic host species collected from the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-05-11 | Final no updates expected |
Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information from literature Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-05-11 | Final no updates expected |
Records and metadata for deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species reported in published literature. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Processed CTD data (unbinned) and station information for the PE21-18 Microbial DO respir cruise (15 total casts) aboard the R/V Pelican during April and May 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-08 | Final no updates expected |
Processed CTD data (binned) and station information for the PE21-18 Microbial DO respir cruise (15 total casts) aboard the R/V Pelican during April and May 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-08 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Synchrotron micro-probe X-ray diffraction data from seafloor sulfide deposits collected during cruise AT42-09 on the East Pacific Rise (EPR) in April 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-09-27 | Final with updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Physiological measurements during Cyanobacteria Crocosphaera iron/warming experiments Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-07-08 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Bacterial transcriptional response to picoeukaryote Micromonas commoda Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-07-15 | Final no updates expected |
Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335 endometabolite uptake by Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-03-06 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-11-24 | Final no updates expected |
Sediment Nitrification Incubation data of a subterrarnian estuary core take in July 2020 in Gloucester Point, Virginia Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-12-04 | Final no updates expected |
In situ tracer injection experiment conducted with 15N-labeled ammonium in a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary in Gloucester Point, USA in August 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-01-15 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD casts collected at station Kahe and ALOHA between June 15 and June 24, 2019 onboard R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1910. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-01-12 | Final no updates expected |
Gross oxygen production and total daytime oxygen consumption derived from in vitro incubations deployed in situ at different depths at Station ALOHA during June 2019 (cruise ID KM1910) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-05-25 | Final no updates expected |
Oxygen to argon molar ratios measured in surface waters of Station ALOHA between June 16 and June 23, 2019 onboard R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1910. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-05-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Ultrahigh resolution Mass Spectrometry data from a depth profile collected at 200 m depth intervals at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) in August 2019 and at the Hawaii Ocean Time Series station (HOTS) Aloha in July 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-18 | Final no updates expected |
Fluorescence data from a depth profile collected at 200 m depth intervals at the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Station (BATS) in August 2019 and at the Hawaii Ocean Time Series Station Aloha in July 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-18 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Consensus Reference Material Collection Data of marine dissolved organic matter collected in the Florida Strait between 2019 and 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-12-22 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Bacterial production of bulk water and large volume samples taken aboard the R/V Endeavor EN638, May 2019 in the Northern Atlantic. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-12 | Final no updates expected |
Bulk water cell abundance of samples taken aboard the R/V Endeavor EN638, May 2019 in the Northern Atlantic Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-14 | Final no updates expected |
Small substrate hydrolysis of bulk water samples taken aboard the R/V Endeavor EN638, May 2019 in the Northern Atlantic. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-14 | Final no updates expected |
Small substrate hydrolysis of large volume (LV) samples aboard the R/V Endeavor EN638, May 2019 in the Northern Atlantic. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
Large substrate hydrolysis of bulk water samples taken aboard the R/V Endeavor EN638, May 2019 in the Northern Atlantic. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-08-26 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Conductivity, temperature, depth and salinity data from the TBeam A1 mooring deployed in the Tasman Sea between January 10 and February 28, 2015 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-07-20 | Final no updates expected |
ADCP data from the TBeam A1 mooring deployed in the Tasman Sea between January 10 and February 28, 2015. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-07-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Raw pH data acquired during the pH internal consistency experiment. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-07-28 | Final no updates expected |
Total alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon data measured during the pH internal consistency experiment. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-07-31 | Final no updates expected |
Measured pH and nutrient data acquired during the pH internal consistency experiment. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-01 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Alexandrium cell counts from CTD bottle sampling from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-05-04 | Final no updates expected |
Nutrient and hydrology data from CTD bottles from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-12-22 | Final no updates expected |
Bottle sampling from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-03-05 | Final no updates expected |
CTD profiles from 2012 to 2019 in the Gulf of Maine Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-03-05 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
18S rRNA amplicon sequencing of microbial eukaryotes from the Mid-Cayman Rise acquired Jan-Feb, 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-11-06 | Final with updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Phytoplankton and bacteria abundance from flow cytometry from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-01-05 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Surface water and N.digitalis inhalent/exhalent water sample nutrient and bacterioplankton metadata of Looe Key and Wonderland Reef conducted in 10-15 December 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-02 | Final no updates expected |
Seawater nutrient/metabolite and flow cytometry metadata - Picoplankton incubation experiment 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-07 | Final no updates expected |
Benthic survey of Looe Key and Wonderland Reef conducted in 10-15 December 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-02 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD and underwater mass spectrometer data acquired in 2017 aboard the RV/Endeavor (cruise EN602) in the the subtropical Atlantic using a Triaxus tow vehicle. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-03-04 | Final no updates expected |
CTD and underwater mass spectrometer data acquired in 2016 aboard the RV/Endeavor (cruise EN575) in the the subtropical Atlantic using a Triaxus tow vehicle. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-03-03 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Size fractionated Particulate Carbon Flux 100-500m measured by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 in the California Current Regime. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-16 | Final no updates expected |
Original transmitted-light imagery and processed attenuance images of sinking particles observed by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-17 | Final no updates expected |
CTD profile data from Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Size fractionated Particulate Carbon Flux 100-500m measured by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 in the California Current Regime. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-16 | Final no updates expected |
Original transmitted-light imagery and processed attenuance images of sinking particles observed by autonomous Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-17 | Final no updates expected |
CTD profile data from Carbon Flux Explorers deployed 100-500m in the California Current Regime, during the CCE-LTER process study (P1706) between June 2 and July 1, 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-09-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Community feedback collected between June 2019 and February 2020 on how researchers search and access new data for research as well as feedback on potential enhancements to help improve BCO-DMO’s service to the research community. Role: Co-Principal Investigator | 2020-09-22 | Final no updates expected |
Test dataset created for testing and troubleshooting purposes by Adam Role: Co-Principal Investigator | 2024-04-03 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Wave height data from an artificial reef in Jupiter, FL acquired with an ADCP from July 18 August 19, 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-27 | Final no updates expected |
Echosounder data from goliath grouper aggregations in Jupiter, FL from August 31 until November 30, 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-27 | Final no updates expected |
Current Velocity data from an artificial reef in Jupiter, FL acquired with an ADCP from July 18 until December 4, 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-27 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD profiles collected with RV Connecticut on the Continental shelf and slope south of Montauk, NY on 14-15 June 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-09-16 | Final with updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Bottle data and chemical analysis from Falkor cruise FK180624 in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean in 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2020-12-02 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Hydrocarbon compounds identified and measured in sediments and porewaters using gas chromatography from R/V JOIDES Resolution IODP-385 cruise in the Guaymas Basin between September and November, 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-12 | Final no updates expected |
Nutrients measured in porewater from sediments collected at Guaymas Basin from R/V JOIDES Resolution IODP-385 cruise in the Guaymas Basin from September to June, 2019. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-12 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
DOC, POC, d13C-POC, PN from a diffuse vent in West Mata sampled in May 2009 using ROV Jason II deployed from R/V Thomas Thompson. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-03-09 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Cyanobacterial and diatom samples collecteced between April and September 2022, and sequenced for metabarcodig of 16S and rbcL. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-10-19 | Final no updates expected |
Cyanobacteria cultures used to generate DNA reference library from samples collected from sites in Alpena and Monroe, Michigan and Palm Coast, Florida between May and June 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-10-17 | Final no updates expected |
Diatom cultures used to generate DNA reference library from samples collected from sites in Alpena, Michigan and Palm Coast, Florida between July 2021 & 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-10-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Advanced Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) data from the western Arabian Sea acquired on the R/V Roger Ravelle in June 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-11-01 | Data not available |
Advanced Laser Fluorescence Analyzer (ALFA) data from the Indonesian Through Flow Region from the R/V Roger Ravelle (RR2201) from January to March 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-11-22 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Image data taken by an Imaging Flow CytoBot (IFCB) over Palmer Deep Canyon in February and March 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-12-07 | Final no updates expected |
CTD casts associated with IFCB sampling events taken at Palmer Deep Station on February 8 and March 7 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-12-03 | Final no updates expected |
Wind and weather data from the Joubin and Wauwerman Islands acquired between January 01 and March 11 2020. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-12-03 | Final no updates expected |
Antarctic Peninsula ROMS model Palmer Deep area drifter data Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-09-19 | Final no updates expected |
Krill swarms detected with active acoustic EK80 onboard small boat surveys in Palmer Deep Canyon, Antarctica during January-March 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Full genome and transcriptome sequence assembly of the non-model organism Kellet’s whelk, Kelletia kelletii Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-04 | Final no updates expected |
Kelletia kelletii size-frequency population survey data collected by scientific SCUBA divers at 36 kelp forest habitat sites across the species’ biogeographic range in 2015, 2016 and 2017 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-03-11 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Dissection data for metazoan parasites and other symbionts from vent-endemic host species collected from the 9°50’N deep-sea hydrothermal vent field. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-05-11 | Final no updates expected |
Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information from literature Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-05-11 | Final no updates expected |
Records and metadata for deep-sea hydrothermal vent parasite, egg predator, and micropredator species reported in published literature. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-08-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Population changes in Halobacteriovorax cultured with protist & prey Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-09-22 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Manually annotated reef halos based on sattelite imagery from 6 study areas as training and test data for a deep learning model Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-18 | Final no updates expected |
Mask R-CNN and U-Net model and output of coral reef halo measurements based on global multispectral satellite imagery Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-18 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Gelatinous zooplankton observations during four research cruises (SKQ202204S, MGL2207, SKQ202303S, SR2317) carried out in the Northern California Current from March 2022 to August 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-09 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
his dataset contains the different intensities of grouped compounds from different polymers after incubation. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-11-12 | Data not available |
Thermalgravimetric analysis Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-26 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Kinetics of δ18O and Δ47 equilibration in the dissolved carbonate system revealed by time-series quantitative inorganic carbonate precipitation experiments and numerical modeling. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2021-11-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
CTD data from Bongo plankton net tows from RV Bob and Betty Beyster and RV Shearwater cruises in the Southern California Bight from fall 2020 to spring 2021. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-03-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Lighting pathways to success in STEM: A virtual Lab Meeting Program (LaMP) mutually benefits mentees and host labs Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-22 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
High-Frequency CO2-system observations from a moored sensor in the York River Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-27 | Preliminary and in progress |
Discrete CO2-System Measurements in the Chesapeake Bay Mainstem between 2016 and 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-03-01 | Preliminary and in progress |
Alkalinity, Salinity, Bivalve Biomass, Streamflow and, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay from 1984 to 2018. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-17 | Final no updates expected |
Computed (from pH) surface partial pressure and air-water flux of carbon dioxide in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay from 1998 to 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Biological, physical, and chemical data from surface Transect 5 on MV1405 (IRN-BRU) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2022-07-06 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Squid tag movement data and environmental sampling acquired in November 2021 and May 2023 near Faial and Pico Islands, Azores archipelago. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-04-15 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
High throughput growth screening of the marine bacterium Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 knockout mutants on 70 environmentally relevant marine substrates done in 2021. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-07-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Microsocsm Incubation Series II Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-02 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen profiles from yearly turn-around cruises for the Ocean Observations Initiative (OOI) Irminger Sea Array 2014 – 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-07-19 | Final no updates expected |
Supplementary discrete sample measurements of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity from Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI) cruises to the Irminger Sea Array 2018-2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-07-19 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Bottle-calibrated dissolved oxygen (DO) profiles from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-30 | Final no updates expected |
Discrete sample measurements of dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic carbon, and total alkalinity from US Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP) cruises in 2020 and 2022 (AR45 and AR69-03) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
3D trajectories of Antarctic krill in lab experiments at Palmer Station, Antarctica in November 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-01-02 | Data not available |
Rotation order parameters in each trial of Antarctic krill in lab experiments at Palmer Station, Antarctica in November 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-03-26 | Data not available |
3D coordinates to calculate speed and nearest neighbor distances in each trial of Antarctic krill in lab experiments at Palmer Station, Antarctica in November 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-03-26 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Raw proteome mass spectrometry data (.mzML files) from pacific herring embryos sampled at Semiahmoo Bay between February and April 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-11-12 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
SOS-Argo floats: ocean profile pO2 data acquired in different ocean basins between May 2012 and July 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-01-15 | Final no updates expected |
SOS-Argo floats: atmospheric pO2 data acquired in different ocean basins between May 2012 and July 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-02-08 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Trace metal and organic iron ligand data collected during the PLUME RAIDERS cruise (RR2106) on the R/V Roger Revelle from 18 September – 6 November 2021 along the 16-18ºS section of the Southern East Pacific Rise. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-18 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Daily growth data of the Karlodinium veneficum growth experiment conducted in the Horn Point Laboratory between June 2021- January 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-01 | Final no updates expected |
Cellular carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) data of the Karlodinium veneficum growth experiment conducted in the Horn Point Laboratory between June 2021- January 2022. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-09-01 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Total Mercury Concentrations Collected from Scripps Pier in La Jolla, CA from December 2020 to December 2024 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-02-04 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Response of Bathycoccus sp. to iron-limitation sampled aboard R/V Roger Revelle RR1813 in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA (50 N, 144.8 W) from August to September 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-05 | Data not available |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Adenosine triphosphate and microbial biomass measurements from the Chesapeake Bay, sampled aboard RV Fay Slover on June 18, 2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-30 | Final no updates expected |
Adenosine triphosphate and microbial biomass measurements from the Chesapeake Bay, sampled aboard RV Fay Slover on April 11, 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Pump CTD profiles from the EMB276 cruise on R/V Elisabeth Mann Borgese in the Baltic Sea from September 20-27, 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-16 | Final no updates expected |
SOLARIS superoxide and standard CTD profiles from the EMB276 cruise on R/V Elisabeth Mann Borgese in the Baltic Sea from September 20-27, 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-09 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Formaminiferal Flux acquired by the Santa Barbara Basin Sediment Trap Mooring between 2014 and 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-08 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Sulfur speciation of sediment and biomass from the Carpinteria Salt March sampled in 2020 and 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-09-30 | Final no updates expected |
Elemental and isoptopic composition of sediment and biomass from the Carpinteria Salt March sampled in 2020 and 2021 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-09-30 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Total mercury and methylmercury concentrations measured across 10 tissues of the longnose lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox) collected from the central and eastern North Pacific between 2018 and 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-22 | Final no updates expected |
Total mercury (THg) concentration, fork length, and mass data for bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), and longnose lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox) collected from the central and eastern North Pacific between 1971 and 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-22 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Physicochemical and phytoplankton data collected during the STRATIPHYT I and II cruises in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Cruises took place during the summer of 2009 and spring of 2011 aboard the R/V Pelagia. Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-03-07 | Data not available |