Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (60.66 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | NetCDF output for 8 stations using the circum-Antarctic biological model (CIAO) using model output of dFe dyes & physics as input. Two different scenarios were run, one where meltwater from ice shelves were a source of iron (20 nM) and one where meltwater from ice shelves were set to 0. A multi-year run was performed. Output is included of the second year model output. The output files contain the following parameters (Name,Description,Units,Missing data identifier): nitr,Nitrate,uM,50 silc,Silicate,uM,100 phos,Phosphate,uM,50 iron,Iron,nM,5 pha,P. antarctica,mg Chla/m3,25 dia,diatoms,mg Chla/m3,25 ppha,P. antarctic productivity,mg Chla/m3/h,1 pdia,diatom productivity,mg Chla/m3/h,1 pco2,pCO2,uatm,1500 fco2,sea-air gas exchange,mmol C/m2/s,0 upnit,nitrate uptake,uM/s,0.0005 upsil,silicate uptake,uM/s,0.0005 upirn,iron uptake,nM/s,0.0005 |
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: NetCDF output for 8 stations using the circum-Antarctic biological model (CIAO) using model output of dFe dyes & physics as input. Two different scenarios were run, one where meltwater from ice shelves were a source of iron (20 nM) and one where meltwater from ice shelves were set to 0. A multi-year run was performed. Output is included of the second year model output. The output files contain the following parameters (Name,Description,Units,Missing data identifier): nitr,Nitrate,uM,50 silc,Silicate,uM,100 phos,Phosphate,uM,50 iron,Iron,nM,5 pha,P. antarctica,mg Chla/m3,25 dia,diatoms,mg Chla/m3,25 ppha,P. antarctic productivity,mg Chla/m3/h,1 pdia,diatom productivity,mg Chla/m3/h,1 pco2,pCO2,uatm,1500 fco2,sea-air gas exchange,mmol C/m2/s,0 upnit,nitrate uptake,uM/s,0.0005 upsil,silicate uptake,uM/s,0.0005 upirn,iron uptake,nM/s,0.0005