Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
943698_v1_modelstats.csv (50.73 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | Primary data file for dataset ID 943698, version 1 | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action | (189.89 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Mask R-CNN Model: Mask R-CNN model for automatized identification of reef halos and extraction the shape of the reef halos from the imagery background (i.e., extracting both the patch reef and its surrounding halo). Provided as .dlpk and .emd files. They represent the trained model and can be used with any Python machine learning suite (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch) or within ArcGIS. These files are the only inputs required for predicting new objects in machine learning tools or ArcGIS. This allows any ArcGIS or Python user to replicate our model and predict potential halos in any geographic area. | | (145.96 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | U-NET Model: U-Net pixel classification model for automated halo measurement after object extraction, which discriminated the halo (sand ring) from the interior reef patch. Model provided as .dlpk and .emd files. They represent the trained model and can be used with any Python machine learning suite (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch) or within ArcGIS. These files are the only inputs required for predicting new objects in machine learning tools or ArcGIS. This allows any ArcGIS or Python user to replicate our model and predict potential halos in any geographic area. |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: Primary data file for dataset ID 943698, version 1
Supplemental Files
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Mask R-CNN Model: Mask R-CNN model for automatized identification of reef halos and extraction the shape of the reef halos from the imagery background (i.e., extracting both the patch reef and its surrounding halo). Provided as .dlpk and .emd files. They represent the trained model and can be used with any Python machine learning suite (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch) or within ArcGIS. These files are the only inputs required for predicting new objects in machine learning tools or ArcGIS. This allows any ArcGIS or Python user to replicate our model and predict potential halos in any geographic area.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: U-NET Model: U-Net pixel classification model for automated halo measurement after object extraction, which discriminated the halo (sand ring) from the interior reef patch. Model provided as .dlpk and .emd files. They represent the trained model and can be used with any Python machine learning suite (e.g., TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch) or within ArcGIS. These files are the only inputs required for predicting new objects in machine learning tools or ArcGIS. This allows any ArcGIS or Python user to replicate our model and predict potential halos in any geographic area.