Dataset: Neocalanus flemingeri incubation experiment: gene expression
Deployment: Lenz_Gulf_of_Alaska_2019-04-15

View Data: For data, See Dataset Metadata Page:
Principal Investigator: 
Petra H. Lenz (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Daniel K. Hartline (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Jeanette L. Niestroy (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Vittoria Roncalli (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Lauren N Block (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Petra H. Lenz (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Matthew C. Cieslak (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
Data Manager: 
Matthew C. Cieslak (University of Hawaii at Manoa, PBRC)
BCO-DMO Data Manager: 
Lynne M. Merchant (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI BCO-DMO)

These data are further described in the following publications:

Roncalli, V., Block, L. N., Niestroy, J. L., Cieslak, M. C., Castelfranco, A. M., Hartline, D. K., & Lenz, P. H. (2023). Experimental analysis of development, lipid accumulation and gene expression in a high-latitude marine copepod. Journal of Plankton Research, 45(6), 885–898.

Roncalli, V., Cieslak, M. C., Germano, M., Hopcroft, R. R., & Lenz, P. H. (2019). Regional heterogeneity impacts gene expression in the subarctic zooplankter Neocalanus flemingeri in the northern Gulf of Alaska. Commun Biology, 2(1).

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