Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Ammonium (NH4) concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-22 | Final no updates expected |
Nitrite (NO2) concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises, R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1216, KM1217, KM1218, KM1219, KM1220, at Station ALOHA from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-10 | Final no updates expected |
Urea concentrations from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises, R/V Kilo Moana KM1215, KM1217, KM1219, at Station ALOHA from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-10 | Final no updates expected |
Diazotroph abundances (nifH gene) from multiple HOE-DYLAN cruises from July to September 2012 (C-MORE project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-15 | Final no updates expected |
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Monterey Bay Time Series - CTD from AUV Makai on 2016-02-03 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2023-08-15 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) of uncultivated Aminicenantia bacteria from the subseafloor of Juan de Fuca Ridge (JdFR) from deployments of R/V Atlantis AT18-07 and AT42-11 from 2011 and 2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-27 | Preliminary and in progress |
Collection of subsurface bacteria Nitrospirota and Nitrospinota genome data including IMG and NCBI accessions for sequence datasets in June 2021 (Slow Life in Crust project) Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-29 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Hydrogen peroxide influence on toxicity of cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (CHABs) in Lake Erie and other eutrophic waters from 2017 - 2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-02-03 | Preliminary and in progress |
RNA-Seq and NCBI accessions of microbial communities in the western basin of Lake Erie during summer-fall from 2017-2019 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-02-03 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
18s DNA sequences of planktonic animals that are potential prey of siphonophores in water off California USA from 2016-2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-05 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. from Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-11 | Final no updates expected |
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. presence-absence and environmental data in Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-14 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Microbial cellular abundance growth response through epifluorescent microscopy from the Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina USA from 2021-2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-07-25 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Plankton size spectra compiled from projects CCE LTER, HOT, CRD FluZIE, BLOOFINZ-GoM, and SalpPOOP in the California Current Ecosystem, North Pacific subtropical gyre, Costa Rica Dome, Gulf of Mexico, and Southern Ocean subtropical front from 2004-2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-17 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
RNAseq data from apparently healthy and Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease-affected Montastraea cavernosa coral collected from St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands in 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-10 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Surface Sedimentary Black Carbon Concentrations, Flux, and Carbon Isotopes Values from the R.V. Endeavor EN651 in the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean from March 2020 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-09-16 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
16S rRNA sequences for outplanted Acropora cervicornis sexual recruits collected from Mote Marine Laboratory and Looe Key National Marine Sanctuary from 2020-2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-26 | Preliminary and in progress |
Acropora cervicornis transcriptomes: nutrient- and disease-exposed from samples collected at Mote Marine Laboratory in situ nursery from June to July 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-27 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Depth profiles from Seagliders 146, 147, 148, 511, 512, and 626 in a total of 18 missions at Station ALOHA in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre from 2008-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2025-01-03 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. from Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-11 | Final no updates expected |
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. presence-absence and environmental data in Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-14 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Intertidal community diversity surveys at 23 sites in California, USA and Baja California, Mexico across tidal elevations from 2022-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-31 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Amplicon sequence variants (ASVs) and taxonomy of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. from Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-11 | Final no updates expected |
Pseudo-nitzschia spp. presence-absence and environmental data in Narragansett Bay in Rhode Island, USA and the Northeast U.S. Shelf (NES-LTER transect) from 2018-2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-10-14 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Chlorphyll a and pheophytin from two cruises performed as part of the STING project from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE2305 (Sting I cruise) and R/V Endeavor EN704 (Sting II cruise) in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida from February to July 2023 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-05-28 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Lab incubations of mussels (Mytilus californianus) examining the influence of periostracum cover and pH on external shell dissolution at Marshall Gulch Beach, CA from August 2021 to March 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-28 | Final no updates expected |
Lab incubations of mussels (Mytilus californianus) examining the influence of simulated abrasion of periostracum on external shell dissolution at Marshall Gulch Beach, CA from August 2021 to March 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-28 | Final no updates expected |
Field measurements of periostracum cover of mussels (Mytilus californianus) from focal population at Marshall Gulch Beach, CA in July and August 2022 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-12-26 | Final no updates expected |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Swimming kinematics of krill exposed to guano and food odor Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-09-09 | Preliminary and in progress |
Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Macrophytes' amelioration of seawater acidity: Comparison among four species of marine macrophytes (Ulva lactuca, Zostera marina, Fucus vesiculosus and Saccharina latissima) from the Gulf of Maine from June to July 2015 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-22 | Final no updates expected |
Macrophytes' amelioration of seawater acidity: Water residence time and irradiance of Saccharina latissima from the Gulf of Maine in November 2018 Role: BCO-DMO Data Manager | 2024-08-22 | Final no updates expected |