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taxonomic group or entity. This may be a family, class, genus, species, etc.; usually this parameter will contain a mixture of taxonomic entities.
Name of the taxonomic group. Hydroids = asexual hydroid phase of Cnidarians Other = other zooplankton not categorized Calanus = Calanus sp. but likely finmarchicus Phaeoproto = Phaeocystis spp. protocolonies Marinesnow = Particles of plankton Pseudocalanus = Pseudocalanus spp. Cope_uid = unidentified copepods Pseudow egg = Pseudocalanus with eggs Medusa_uid = unidentified medusa Algalmat = Collections of diatom chains Dino_Ceratium = Ceratium spp. Diat_Csocialis = Chaetoceros socialis Diat_Chaetoceros = Chaetoceros spp. Cyclopoid_uid = unidentified cyclopoid Unidentified = unidentified objects Centropages = Centropages spp. Oithona = Oithona spp.