16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | 16S and 18S rRNA gene amplicon sequences | HHQSignals | organism |
16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes | Sequence accession numbers of 16S rRNA and hydrazine oxidoreductase genes (hzo) from Cape Fear River Estuary. | Estuarine ANAMMOX | taxon |
16S rRNA Sequences | 16S rRNA sequence data from venting fluids and microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | organism |
1_copepod gut fluorescence | Copepod nauplii and adult gut epifluorescence | food limitation in copepod nauplii | copepod_species, algae_species |
2_feeding-copepod chlorophyll uptake | Chlorophyll uptake by adult and nauplius copepod species on three phytoplankton species | food limitation in copepod nauplii | copepod_species, algae_species |
5a_field collection | Field collection data for taxa detected in nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | taxon_and_level |
5b_nauplii gut taxa | Taxa detected in field caught nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | taxon_1, taxon_2, taxon_level |
5c_BLAST results | GenBank BLAST results of copepod nauplii gut contents | food limitation in copepod nauplii | domain, tax_rank_11, tax_rank_1, tax_rank_12, tax_rank_2, tax_rank_13, tax_rank_3, tax_rank_14, tax_rank_4, tax_rank_15, tax_rank_5, tax_rank_16, tax_rank_6, tax_rank_7, tax_rank_8, tax_rank_9, tax_rank_10 |
5d_molecular id of copepod guts | Identification of copepod gut contents | food limitation in copepod nauplii | posterior_prob_100_SAP, posterior_prob_95_100_SAP, copepod_sp, taxon_Perl, taxon_Claident, taxon_notes_Claident |
Abalone Recruitment Modules | | Abalone Safe Places | Taxonomic_name |
ABLE | Autonomous Behaving Lagrangian Explorer (ABLE) output for 5 taxonomic groups | ABLE | taxon |
Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal Bulk Isotope Analyses | Abyssal food web | Taxon |
Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal megafauna capture records | Abyssal food web | species |
Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Acropora cervicornis bleaching sequences | Coral Rickettsiales | Host_organism |
Algal species Florida Keys | Algal species ID from herbivore exclusion/nutrient enrichment experiment | HERBVRE | taxon |
All taxa colonization counts | EPR colonizer counts | EPR Functional Diversity, Larval supply at EPR vents | dataProviderName, scientificName |
all_species_seen | All the species seen during broad-scale cruises from the US-GLOBEC Georges Bank Program. | GB | taxon |
Amino Acid d15N transfer | Phytoplankton and grazers grown in lab chemostats | CSIA-AA Mesozooplankton TP | organism |
Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons | Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment 18S rRNA amplicons. | Subseafloor Microbial Ecology | organism |
ANOVA means | Mean values for behavioral metrics to be used for statistical comparisons. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | species |
Artificial seagrass faunal counts | Counts of zootaxa collected in artificial seagrass in San Diego Bay | Eelgrass Hab Fragmentation | taxon |
Asteroid viral and bacterial metagenome genetic accession information | | Sea Star Microbiology | Host_Species |
AT21-02: sample log - Barbados | Specimen log from Jason dives, cruise AT21-02, June 2012 | SEEPC | taxon_1, taxon_2 |
AT26-15: sample log - GoM-FL | Specimen log from Alvin dives, cruise AT26-15, May/June 2014 | SEEPC | taxon_1, taxon_2 |
AT29-04: sample log - WAM | Specimen log from HOV Alvin dives, cruise AT29-04, July 2015 | SEEPC | taxon_1, taxon_2 |
Atlantic silverside RNA-seq reads | | GenomAdapt | taxonomy_name |
Bacterial cell counts | Bacterial cell counts during CDOM monoculture experiment | PlankDOM | taxon |
Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Bacterial communities and relative abundances of the pathogen Vibrio coralliilyticus in feces of coral reef fish | Fish transmit microbes | host_ScientificName |
bacterioplankton_dmdA_sequences | Links to published dmdA sequences from marine bacterioplankton from Sapelo Island, GA. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | taxon |
barnacle_mussel_survey | Intertidal population surveys of mussels and barnacles along European coast (Spain, France) | EUROWINTER | taxon |
BATS_cDNA_sequences | Link to published bacterial cDNA sequences from BATS station. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | taxon |
BATS_Feb_Aug_2012_diversity_rDNA_BLAST | BLAST results from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) site in Feb. and Aug. 2012 | DimBio NABE | taxon_1 |
Bigelow Bight fish and lg inverts | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - large inverts & fish | NEC-CoopRes | taxon |
Bigelow Bight_sm invertebrates | Benthic habitat correlates of juvenile fish - invertebrates | NEC-CoopRes | taxon |
Bivalves - Table 3 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the North American Basin | Bivalves - Table 3 - Bivalve species - Presence 1 and absence 0 of Bivalve species from the North American Basin | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | TAXA |
Bivalves - Table 4 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the Western European Basin | Bivalves - Table 4 - Bivalve species - Information on sampling stations from the Western European Basin | Deep Sea Benthic Dynamics | TAXA |
BLOOFINZ-GoM_ABT_prey | Bluefin tuna gut analysis | BLOOFINZ-IO, GoMex Tuna Foodweb A, GoMex Tuna Foodweb B | Taxonomic_level, Taxa, Taxa_group |
BONGO - Zooplankton | BONGO net tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Taxon |
bongo net zooplankton | Zooplankton counts for bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2004 | NEP | taxon |
BOWLS sample log | Sample log for specimens collected for genomics analyses | BOWLS | taxon |
Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Metagenome-Assembled Genome Accession Numbers | Brothers Volcano Microbiology | Organism |
Buoyant single cell densities of marine bacterial isolates | Data for measurement of single cell buoyant density of bacterial isolates | Bacterioplankton single-cell growth | strain |
C and N isotopes | CN isotopes | Coral DOM2 | species |
California Mussel Larvae Experiments | Carbonate chemistry, shell growth, and respiration data from laboratory experiments on California mussel larvae. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | taxon |
Cannon_2013_T1: Collection and locality information | Collection and locality information by taxon | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Cannon_2013_T2: NCBI accessions | Hemichordata and Echinodermata NCBI accessions | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Catch revenue by community | Total catches and estimated revenue by species for communities-at-sea based on landings reported on Vessel Trip Reports | CC Fishery Adaptations | sppcode, sppname, species |
Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | MixoEvo | Strain |
Chemical Defenses-1: Flores et al. 2012 | Chemical Defenses-1: Flores et al. 2012 | Chemical Defenses | Alexandrium |
Chemical Defenses-2: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (L&O) | Chemical Defenses-2: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (L&O) | Chemical Defenses | Copepod, Alexandrium |
Chemical Defenses-3: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (Harmful Algae) | Chemical Defenses-3: Senft-Batoh et al. 2015 (Harmful Algae) | Chemical Defenses | Grazer |
ciliate abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of ciliates in the Sargasso Sea from inverted microscope counts. | Trophic BATS | taxon |
Circovirus DNA Sequence Information | DNA sequences of viruses associated with Copepods | Viruses in Copepods | taxon |
Clam Outplants | Clam outplants in Seadrift and Bolinas Lagoon for 2015 | Invasive_predator_harvest | species |
cluster analysis - Carbonate Organic Matrix proteins | Carbonate Organic Matrix (COM) proteins from coral, mollusk, and sea urchin. | CROA | taxon |
Coccolithophore survival in darkness | | Cocco-Mix | CCMP_code |
Community composition separated by native and cryptogenic, and introduced species of each community | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Species |
Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Composition of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Taxa |
Composition of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Taxa, MorphName |
Compound specific isotope data | Compound specific isotope data | Abyssal food web | Species |
consumer residence times | Residence times of consumers in Galápagos subtidal, Isla Baltra | GMR Trophic Cascades | predator_grp, species_code |
Copepod RNA-Seq sample information and accessions | | Neocalanus Gulf of Alaska | Species_name |
coral - energy reserves | Coral energy reserves; calcification, chlorophyll a, stable carbon isotopes, stable nitrogen isotopes | repeat coral bleaching | coral_species |
coral percent cover | Percent cover of coral and other sessile invertebrates at Caribbean reefs | Climate_Corals_Bleach_Disease | genera |
Coral pyrosequencing data | Microbial communities of corals analyzed using 454 Illumina pyrosequencing | Contagious coral diseases? | taxon, taxon_level |
Coral reefs in the US Virgin Islands | | St John Coral Reefs | Taxon |
Coral SSU rRNA gene database | Coral SSU rRNA gene database | Coral Microbial Relationships | Taxonomy |
Crocosphaera watsonii CO2 and light experiment | Growth, CO2- and N2-fixation of Crocosphaera watsonii in differing pCO2 and light levels. | Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2 | isolate |
Crocosphaera watsonii CO2 experiment | Growth and N2-fixation of Crocosphaera watsonii under differing pCO2 levels. | Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2 | isolate |
Crocosphaera watsonii light experiment | Growth, CO2- and N2-fixation of Crocosphaera watsonii isolates in differing light intensities. | Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2 | isolate |
Cross Bay Demographics | Demographic data for introduced crab from multiple bays 2009-2016 | Invasive_predator_harvest | species |
Cultures isolated from A. bipinnata 2008-2016 | Symbiodinium cultures isolated from adult colonies of the octocoral Antillogorgia bipinnata in 2008, 2013 and 2016, grown at either 26 or 30 degrees C | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Clade |
cyanobacteria N2 fixation | Cyanobacteria (Trichodesmium and Crocosphaera watsonii) N2-fixation responses to pCO2. | Diaz N2-Fix in High CO2 | isolate |
Cyanomyovirus genome sequences | Genbank accession numbers for genome sequences of cyanomyoviruses collected from the coastal waters of North America | Cyanophage-Synechococcus interactions, Cyanophage Evolutionary Ecology | viral_isolate_name |
Cyanophage abundance | El Nino virus abundance | El Nino and virus diversity, Cyanophage Evolutionary Ecology | strain |
dataset1_Krug_et_al_2015: Suppl. Table 3: Accessions | Table 3: accessions: COI, 16S, 28S. H3 for ~200 spp. | PLDvFST | clade |
Deep-sea benthos | Deep-sea benthos counts from cores (>300 micron), Pacific US continental rise | Species ranges | taxon |
Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | Deep-sea larvae for microbiome study | EPR Functional Diversity, Mariana Back-arc Vents, Metacommunity Dynamics | Higher_level_taxon_name, Lowest_level_taxon_name_or_morphotype, scientificName |
Density of recruits on tiles | | St John Coral Reefs | Family |
Depth ranges for global mesophotic reefs | Depth ranges of occurrence on reefs | MCESponge | Taxon |
Diatom amplicon sequencing variants from Narragansett Bay 2008-2014 | Diatom amplicon sequencing variants from Narragansett Bay 2008-2014 | NBPTS, Phytoplankton Community Responses, NES LTER | Supergroup, Division |
Diatom Matrix Mass Spectrometry | MetaboLights accessions: MS samples | Metabolic Currencies, Carbon Currencies Microbes | Organism, Organism_part |
Diatom Matrix NMR | MetaboLights accessions: NMR samples | Carbon Currencies Microbes, Metabolic Currencies | Organism_part, Organism |
Diatom Matrix RNAseq | NCBI accessions | Metabolic Currencies | taxon_microbe |
Diatom NMR | Molecular P characterization (by NMR) of initial dry POM added to each treatment. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | taxon |
Diatom Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of diatom derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | taxon |
Diatom SEM images - AN10 | Diatom SEM images | ANACONDAS | Taxon |
diatom_abundance_Ant1 | Diatom abundances from Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton experiments | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | taxon |
DICE_sequences | Links to published dmdA, cDNA, and RNA sequences from the Dauphin Island Cubitainer Experiment (DICE). | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | taxon |
DMSP-dependent_protein_structures | Links to published DMSP-dependent protein structures at NCBI's MMDB. | En-Gen DMSP Cycling | taxon |
DNA primer accession numbers | Accession numbers of microsatellite DNA primers and links to GenBank. | Pop connectivity of coral reef fishes | taxon |
Doliolid diet: zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton abundances | Doliolid Diet | taxon_1, taxon_2 |
Domel_2017_T1: Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions | Antarctic Inverts | clade |
DWH_micronekton | abundances of mesopelagic micronekton from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill area, 2010-2011 | DWH Micronekton | taxon |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Algae | | Abalone Safe Places | GENUS, SPECIES |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Fish | | Abalone Safe Places | GENUS, SPECIES |
Ecological monitoring Natividad 2006-2021: Invertebrates | | Abalone Safe Places | GENUS, SPECIES |
EcoMon Plankton 100m3 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | taxon |
EcoMon Plankton 10m2 | EcoMon plankton counts from Bongo tows. Includes MARMAP data. | EcoMon Zooplankton | taxon |
Edge effects and fragmentation literature review | Edge effects and fragmentation literature review | Habitat Fragmentation | target_taxon, broad_taxon, lowest_taxon |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: recruitment | recruitment | MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Taxon |
Edmunds 2020 L&O: taxon composition | taxonomic composition | MCR LTER, RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig 1a: Density pooled taxa and one year | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig 1b: Height pooled taxa and one year | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig 2a: Density by taxon and year | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Life_stage |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig 2b: Height by taxon and year | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig 3: Community NMDS | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig S1: Sampling effort | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig S3: Sampling effort, juveniles | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig S4: Colony sizes | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig S5a: Density | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds and Lasker MEPS 2019 Fig S5b: Height | | Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms fixed to flume floor | | OA coral adaptation | Species |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms not fixed to flume floor | | OA coral adaptation | Species |
Edmunds et al. 2019b: Sizes of organisms used to calculate growth and for community analysis | | OA coral adaptation | Taxon |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral area | | OA_Corals | Species |
Edmunds et al. 2020 ICES: pCO2 flume - Coral weight | | OA_Corals | Functional_group, Species |
Egg sizes and macromere allocation | Egg sizes and macromere allocation for diverse annelids and molluscs | Ciliated Larvae Feeding | taxon |
Emiliania huxleyi CN content | Carbon and nitrogen content of E. huxleyi at 3 pCO2 levels, 2011-2012 | E Hux Response to pCO2 | Ehuxleyi_strain |
Epibenthic community taxonomy | Epibenthic community taxonomic hierarchy and sampling method in Aleutian Island kelp forests, 2016-2017 | Kelp Forest Ecosystem Engineer Loss | Taxon |
epiflu | bacterial cell counts, biovolume, carbon biomass - EN321 | GB | taxon |
EPR vent colonists functional traits | | EPR Functional Diversity | SCIENTIFIC_OR_COMMON_NAME |
Eukaryotic viruses encode the ribosomal protein eL40 | Eukaryotic viruses encode the ribosomal protein eL40 | GVs NPSG | Taxa_name |
Fatty acid measurements – field samples and lab eggs | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Taxon |
Fire coral - mean density | Mean density of fire coral | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | Taxon |
Fish and Invertebrate Transects | | Reef Fish Resilience | Family |
fisheggs | Fish eggs collected in Bongo nets | GB | taxon |
fishlarvaeB | Georges Bank Fish Larvae Data from Bongo Nets, 1995-1999. | GB | taxon |
fishlarvaeM | Georges Bank Fish larvae collected in MOCNESS tows, 1995-1999. | GB | taxon |
FlowCam Particle Sizes | FlowCam Particle Sizes | Salp Food Web Ecology | Class |
Fossil Seal Amino Acid Isotopes | C and N isotope data for individual amino acids from fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Scientific_name |
Fossil Seal Skeletal Measurements | Skeletal measurements from fossil seals from the western Ross Sea, Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Taxon_final |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2014 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2014 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | species |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2015-2016 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2015-16 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | species |
Gastropod counts by species collected from inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Vent Settlement Cues, Inactive Sulfides | scientificName |
Gelatinous zooplankton observations | Gelatinous zooplankton observations, March 2022 - AUgust 2023 | Plankton Size Spectra | Broad_taxon_ID, Lowest_taxon_ID |
Gene expression profiles from high CO2-adapted Trichodesmium | gene expression profiles obtained from high through put illumina sequencing of multiple long-term evolved lines of Trichodesmium. | Trichodesmium in High CO2 | organism, isolate |
grazing and growth rates | Protist rates based on epifluorescence counts; cyanobacteria rates based on flow cytometry data (Lomas group); bulk rates based on extracted chlorophyll-a. | Trophic BATS | taxon |
Growth and mortality | Growth and mortality | St. John LTREB, RUI-LTREB | coral_taxon |
HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES-K - Specify Export 201305190833 Final | HADES | Full_Taxon_Name |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | Naididae, ACROCIRRIDAE, Enchytraeidae, AMPHARETIDAE, BIVALVIA, CIRRATULIDAE, SIPUNCULA, FLABELLIGERIDAE, Unknown_Individuals, NEPHTYIDAE, OWENIIDAE, PARAONIDAE, SYLLIDAE, TEREBELLIDAE, Unknown_Polychaete |
HADES-K Sediment Meiofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - meiofauna raw counts | HADES | Ostracoda, Kinorhyncha, Bivalvia, Gastropoda, Sipuncula, ANNELIDA, Nematoda, ARTHROPODA, Loricifera, Crustacea, Tardigrada, Amphipoda, Gastrotricha, Copepoda, Unknown_Individuals, Isopoda |
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T1: NCBI accessions | Antarctic invertebrate collection locations and NCBI SRA accessions | Antarctic Inverts | taxon1, taxon2 |
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T3: Best TLR genes from BLASTP search | Best toll-like receptors (TLR) genes from Lophotrochozoa BLASTP search | Antarctic Inverts | taxon1, taxon2 |
Halanych_2013_T1: NCBI accessions | NCBI accessions | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Havird_2015_T1: NCBI accessions: COX and PXDN | NCBI accessions | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Havird_2015_T2: NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN | NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN outgroups | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Havird_2015_T3: vertebrate COX conservation | Conservation of known vertebrate cyclooxygenase functional domains and residues | Antarctic Inverts | Myriapoda, Crustacea, Cephalochordata, Amphimdeon, Insecta, Brachiopoda, Annelida, Mollusca |
Hawaiian reef fish genetic accessions 2016 | Genetic accessions at NCBI Genbank | Hawaiian Fish Origins | Species_Names |
Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation | Heterosigma akashiwo acclimation - BioProject PRJNA377729 | P-ExpEv | organism |
Host-symbiont reinfections | Symbiont removed and anemone reinfected with one of two strains of Symbiodinium | AnemoneOA | symbiont_id |
HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results | HRR 18S full-length sequence BLAST results | HRR | Taxonomy |
HRR Metabarcoding | HRR metatranscriptome | HRR | Taxonomy |
HRR-IFCB cnn counts | HRR-IFCB cnn counts | HRR | Major_Category, Class |
HRR-IFCB manual carbon | HRR-IFCB manual biomass | HRR | Major_Category, Class |
HRR-IFCB manual counts | HRR-IFCB manual counts | HRR | Major_Category, Class |
Hurricane Harvey Coral Gene Expression | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Species |
Hydrolytic enzyme activity - other phytoplankton | Bacterial cell counts during CDOM monoculture experiment | PlankDOM | taxon |
HydroSwimParams_IndStats | Behavioral metrics of swimming by hydromedusae in a turbulence generator. | jellyfish predation in turbulence | species |
HydroSwimParams_N | Swimming trajectories of hydromedusae swimming in turbulence generator (Dimensions: 50 x 23 x 30 cm). | jellyfish predation in turbulence | species |
iioe_copepods | Copepods subsorted from the zooplankton collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | taxon |
iioe_decapods | Decapods collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | taxon |
iioe_zoo | Zooplankton collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | taxon |
iioe_zoo_other | Other Zooplankton groups collected during the International Indian OceanExpedition (IIOE) 1960-1965 | IIOE | taxon |
Illumina Sequences | | SedimentaryIronCycle | Species_Names |
inshore trawl fish lengths | Gulf of Maine Inshore Trawl Survey: Length Frequency Data | NEC-CoopRes | taxa |
inshore_fishlist | Gulf of Maine Inshore Trawl Survey: fish species list | NEC-CoopRes | taxa |
inshore_maturity | Gulf of Maine Inshore Trawl Survey: maturity stage length, weight for selected species | NEC-CoopRes | taxa |
Integrated Energy Density data of Marine and Freshwater Organisms | Synthesis of energy densities from literature review | NECC | Taxa |
IntertidaI Transitions | IntertidaI Transitions | Experiments with an Exploited Kelp, Neutral Theory of Biodiversity, Regenerated Nitrogen, LTREB Ecological Dynamics | taxon_name |
IntertidaI Transitions Mussel Removals | IntertidaI Transitions Mussel Removals | LTREB Ecological Dynamics, Experiments with an Exploited Kelp, Neutral Theory of Biodiversity, Regenerated Nitrogen | taxon_name |
Invertebrate Barcodes from Papua New Guinea | | OA_Gradient_Biodiversity | Organism |
Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Invertebrate stable isotopes from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Taxon_ID |
Isolates | Isolates from Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 | Mariana Perspectives | Taxon |
Janosik_2013_T1: Odontasteridae species collection information | Odontasteridae species collection information | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
Janosik_2013_T2: outgroup species and accessions | Outgroup species and accessions | Antarctic Inverts | taxon |
JdF Subsurface Aminicenantes | | Slow Life in Crust | Taxonomy_ID |
JeDI | Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years | Trophic BATS | taxon |
JTMD amphipod counts | Amphipods collected on Japanese tsunami marine debris | JTMD-BF | taxon |
JTMD biodiversity | Proportion of taxonomic groups from Japanese, oceanic and eastern Pacific waters | JTMD-BF | taxon |
JTMD Mytilus population genetics | Population analysis and metagenomics of Japanese tsunami marine debris mussels | JTMD-BF | taxon |
Juvenile oyster expt: non-oyster counts and sizes | Juvenile oyster expt: non-oyster spp. counts and sizes | Oyster Reef Reversal | Classification, Scientific_name |
Juvenile Porites along transects over multiple years | | St John Coral Reefs | Taxon |
krill | Euphausiid abundance + size distribution (MOCNESS) from LMGould | SOGLOBEC | taxon |
Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010 | Larvae collected near Mariana Back-Arc hydrothermal vents in 2010 | Mariana Back-arc Vents, Vent Settlement Cues | scientificName |
Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | Taxa |
Larval Sebastes Diet and Morphometric Data | | RAPID Anchovy Response | Prey_Taxa |
larval type codes | Codes for invertebrate larval types found in water column near methane seep sites | SEEPC | larval_type, abbreviation |
LTVR - Fish Survey | Fish Surveys on the Long Term Vermetid Removal Reefs | Vermetids_Corals | Genus_species |
Mariana Back-arc Macrofauna 2014 | Macrofauna collected on colonization panels at Snail Vent Field on the Mariana Back-arc in 2014 | Mariana Back-arc Vents | taxonRank |
Marine Bacterial Isolates | Bacterial isolates from marine diatom Psuedo-nitzschia | bacteria, virus, diatom interactions | taxon |
marine mammal sightings | Marine mammal (whale and penguin) sightings from Chile to the Western Antarctic Peninsula, 2000-2002 | SOGLOBEC | taxon |
Mark Recapture | Mark recapture data for introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2011-2018 | Invasive_predator_harvest | species |
McMurdo epifauna species list | | McMurdo Predator Prey, Antarctic Benthic Recovery, McMurdo Marine Benthos, SCINI | identification, Subspecies |
McMurdo Marine Benthos | Abundance and distribution of marine infauna in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica | McMurdo Marine Benthos | taxon |
Megafauna counts by taxon in image surveys at inactive sulfides on the East Pacific Rise | | Inactive Sulfides | WoRMS_scientificName |
Mesocosm microbial analyses results | | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | Order, Family, Genus, Species, Kingdom, Phylum, Class |
Mesophotic benthic organism counts | | Hurricane impacts on deep reefs | Categories |
Meta-analysis of oyster reef nekton | Database summarizing independent studies of nekton taxa associated with oyster reefs | Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems | taxon |
Metabarcoding zooplankton at station ALOHA: OTU tables and fasta files | Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) tables and fasta files for representative sequences from each OTU | Plankton Population Genetics | silva_tax_level1, silva_tax_level12, silva_tax_level2, silva_tax_level13, silva_tax_level3, silva_tax_level14, silva_tax_level4, silva_tax_level5, silva_tax_level6, silva_tax_level7, silva_tax_level8, silva_tax_level9, silva_tax_level10, silva_tax_level11 |
Metagenome of Bleached and Non-bleached corals | | Moorea Virus Project | Species |
Metagenomes - Iberian Margin | Iberian Margin Anaerobic Sediment Metagenomes. | Subseafloor Microbial Ecology | organism |
Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Microbiome dynamics of coral reef and cleanerfish | Cleanerfish microbiomes | host, host_common_name |
Microorganisms associated with doliolids | 16S rRNA sequencing doliolids associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | organism_name, host |
Microorganisms associated with pyrosomes | 16S rRNA sequencing pyrosome-associated microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | organism_name, host |
microzoo_abundance_Ant1 | Microzooplankton abundance from temp and iron experiments on Antarctic phyto and microzooplankton | Antarctic microzooplankton , CORSACS | taxon |
microzoo_abund_NAtl | Abundance results from temperature and pCO2 experiments on North Atlantic microzooplankton. | Antarctic microzooplankton , NASB 2005 | taxon |
microzoo_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of heterotrophic protists by size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | taxon |
microzoo_epi_biomass | Carbon biomass estimates of heterotrophic protists by size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | taxon |
Mid-Atlantic Bight Continuous Plankton Recorder 2014-2017 | Mid-Atlantic Bight Continuous Plankton Recorder 2014-2017 | WARMEM | taxa_num, taxa_name |
MIS_Benthic_Quadrats | MIS Benthic Quadrat | SCINI | taxon |
MIS_Benthic_Transect | MIS Benthic Transect | SCINI | taxon |
MMETSP locations and e-values | MMETSP location information on samples obtained on LMG1411. | Polar_Transcriptomes | TAXON_ID_mean, MMETSP_ID_paste |
MOC1 zoop abund | MOCNESS-1 Plankton Abundances | NEP | species |
MOCNESS - Zooplankton | MOCNESS tow zooplankton abundance estimates | GATEKEEPERS | Taxon |
Modeled thermal traits | PFT Thermal Response - Modeled thermal traits | Phytoplankton Community Responses | clone |
Modern Seal Amino Acid Isotopes | N isotope data for individual amino acids from modern west Antarctic seals | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Scientific_name |
Modern Seal Bulk Isotopes | C and N isotope data for seal tissues from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Scientific_name |
Montagna-783256-BenthosSpecies | macrofauna species abundance | Hurricane Harvey Texas Lagoons | SpName |
Monthly Trapping | Demographic data from introduced crab in Seadrift Lagoon 2009-2019 | Invasive_predator_harvest | species |
Mussel gene expression | | Microscale Mussels | Species |
MVCO Syndiniales amplicon ASV counts | MVCO Syndiniales amplicon ASV counts | Coastal Parasites | taxon |
MWS accession numbers | GenBank accession numbers for pathogens identified as causing MWS from Kaneohe bay, Oahu, Hawaii | coral-pathogen interaction | organism |
N2fix_CO2 Water Samples | Water samples from DIAZOTROPHS_CO2 cruises KM1016 and KM1110 | DIAZOTROPHS-CO2 | taxon |
Naupliar ingestion: JEMBE 2017 | Naupliar ingestion and clearance rates: JEMBE 2017 | EAGER: Copepod nauplii | species |
NCBI BioSample accessions for viruses and microbes | NCBI issued accession numbers for BioSamples of microbes and viruses. | Marine Bacterial Viruses | tax_ID |
neuston | neuston from salmon trawl cruise | NEP | genus_species |
Nitrifier C fixation release | Nitrifier C fixation release | CliOMZ | Nitrifier_strain |
Nitrifier CN | Nitrifier CN | CliOMZ | Nitrifier_strain |
non-salmon meristics | Non-salmon meristics | NEP | genus_species |
Northeast US Adult Fish | Adult fish of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSCBottomTrawl | taxa |
Northeast US Ichthyoplankton | Ichthyoplankton of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSC Ichthyoplankton | taxa |
Northern California Current Microorganisms | 16S rRNA gene of microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | organism |
nutrient utilization traits and citations | Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources | Phytoplankton Traits | taxon |
OA Lit Review | Literature review of Ocean Acidification (OA) effects on phytoplankton. | P-ExpEv | organism |
octocoral - sp. abundance and distribution | Octocorals, scleractinia, macroalgae survey - species abundance and distribution, St. John and St. Thomas, USVI, 2011 | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | taxon |
octocoral density dependence | Density of adult and juvenile (and recruiting) octocorals on shallow reefs at multiple locations in St. John, US Virgin Islands | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | taxon |
Octocoral Forest Composition and Canopy Parameters used in Benthic Community Analysis, St. John U.S. Virgin Islands | | Octocoral Community Dynamics, St John Coral Reefs | Octocoral_Genus |
Octocoral Recruitment | Octocoral Recruitment 2014-2019 | Octocoral Community Dynamics, VI Octocorals | Taxon |
octocoral survey - densities | soft coral densities (colonies m-2) counted from photoquadrats archived from LTREB efforts at the "pooled random sites" | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | group |
octocoral survey - photoquadrats vs. in situ | soft coral counts from photoquadrats archived from LTREB efforts at the "pooled random sites" and from in situ observations | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | taxon |
OTU and Sequences | OTU and sequences | RUI-LTREB, St. John LTREB | Symbiodinium_clade |
OTU table for 18S rRNA gene tag sequences from DNA and RNA | | SPOT | taxonomy |
P. xiphias SRA | P. xiphias SRA, accessions, collection info | Plankton Population Genetics | mtCOI_Clade |
Palatability of algal species | Palatability of non-native alga | Genetic Adaptation Marine Inv | Division |
Palau lakes: voucher summary | Palau lakes: voucher summary | PaPaPro | ID_name |
PaPaPro benthic biodiversity | Point intercept transect surveys of benthic macro-invertebrates and macrophytes in marine lakes, Palau | PaPaPro | Main_org_DNA, Other_orgs_DNA_ring |
Particle Genomes | 16S rRNA and genomes of particle associated taxa | MINTPOM | taxon_name |
Peru Margin SAGs | Sub-seafloor single amplified genomes (SAGs) from anaerobic Peru Margin sediment. | Chloroflexi in deep sea sediments | organism |
Phosphorus uptake model | Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes | Biological C:N:P ratios | taxon |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance Curves | Photosynthesis-Irradiance Curves | MixoEvo | Strain |
phyto growth rates | Marine phytoplankton growth rates, temperatures and isolation locations | Phytoplankton Traits | taxon |
phyto temperature traits | Phytoplankton temperature traits and data sources | Phytoplankton Traits | taxon |
Phytoflux_BATS | BATS phytoplankton and cyanobacteria DGGE DNA data | Plankton particle flux | taxon_1, taxon_2 |
Phytoflux_BATS - Clone Library 2008-1010 | Phytoplankton clone library matches from BATS cruises 2008-2010 | Plankton particle flux | clone_id, super_grp_1, phylogenetic_grp, closest_match_id, closest_cultured_match |
phytoplankton chl-a | CTD data, bottle nutrients, and the contribution to total Chlorophyl-a by phytoplankton taxa | BenDiM | taxon |
Phytoplankton dilution experiments | Phytoplankton dilution experiments | Smoke on the water | phyto |
Phytoplankton phosphonate utilization | | Euk Phn Utilization | Strain_No, Taxonomic_ID |
phytopl_epi_abund | Cell abundance estimates of eukaryotic phytoplankton by taxa and size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | taxon |
phytopl_epi_biomass | Carbon biomass estimates of eukaryotic phytoplankton by taxa and size-class, based on epifluorescence microscopy. | CRD FLUZiE | taxon |
Picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryote growth under different HOOH concentrations | Picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryote growth under different HOOH concentrations | ROS and Microbial Dynamics | Strain_1, Strain_2 |
Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from core-top sediments | Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from core-top sediments | N Isotopes Foraminifera | species |
Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from net tows | Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from net tows in the Sargasso Sea | N Isotopes Foraminifera | species |
Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from sediment traps | Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from sediment traps in the Sargasso Sea | N Isotopes Foraminifera | species |
Planktic foraminifer tissue d15N from net tows | Planktic foraminifer tissue d15N from net tows in the Sargasso Sea | N Isotopes Foraminifera | species |
Pocillopora sequences from 2019 | | Pocilloporid Coral Diversity | Organism |
Polychaete DNA sequences | DNA sequence data deposited on GenBank for polychaetes used in the project studying the evolution and mechanics of burrowing. | Burrowing polychaete mechanics | taxon |
Port Fourchon, LA Species Range Data | | Louisiana E-scapes | Species |
Predation intensity on marine invertebrate communities across latitude observed using underwater video | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Predator_scientific_name, Prey_taxon_1, Prey_taxon_2, Prey_taxon_3 |
Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes | Primary producer amino acid carbon isotopes | GoME Copepod Coral Export | Group, Genus_Species |
Primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope data meta-analysis | Published primary producer amino acid nitrogen isotope values to examine beta variability in trophic position estimates | GoME Copepod Coral Export | Scientific_Name, Phylum_Division, Group |
Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus nitrite accumulation in batch culture | Prochlorococcus N assimilation | Strain1, Strain2 |
Prochlorococcus Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Prochlorococcus derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | taxon |
Projected species probability of occupancy and abundance under ocean warming | | CC Fishery Adaptations | spp |
ProteOMZ Exclusive Peptide Level Spectral Counts | | MM Saito, ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | LCA_Group, Combo_Group, Group |
ProteOMZ Protein Level Spectral Counts | Total spectral count of proteins from R/V Falkor cruise 160115 for the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific in 2016. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | ncbi_name |
protist abundance and biomass | Abundance and biomass of protists (based on epifluorescence counts) and bulk biomass (based on extracted chl-a). | Trophic BATS | taxon |
Pro_ancestor | Clones of Prochlorococcus MIT9312 and link to BioProject | P-ExpEv | organism, strain |
PRS bacteria identification | Culture-independent identification of bacteria present in the pressure-retaining seawater (PRS) sampler deployed during Leggo drop 1 | Mariana Perspectives | SILVA_classification |
PUA experimental design | PUA experimental design | DiatomAldehydes | Copepod_spp |
PUA Microzooplankton Biomass | PUA Microzooplankton Biomass | DiatomAldehydes | Taxa |
Pump mesozooplankton samples | Analysis of mesozooplankton from pump samples | GoMX - NGOMEX | ID |
Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Pushcore macrofaunal community from Southern California seeps (July 2023) | Methanosphere | Organism |
Quadrat counts | | PoGOMO | Species |
RADseq data from Atlantic silversides used for linkage and QTL mapping | | GenomAdapt | taxonomic_name |
Raw LC-MS/MS | Raw LC-MS/MS data with list of identified peptides in xml format. | Proteomic profiling of Mariprofundus ferrooxydans | taxon |
Raw LC-MS/MS and DNA | Raw LC-MS/MS data, with list of identified peptides, and DNA sequences. | Proteomic profiling of Mariprofundus ferrooxydans | taxon |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | taxon |
reconstructed genomes | Reconstructed genomes from North Pond | North Pond Microbes | Taxonomy |
Recruitment composition of sessile marine invertebrate communities across latitude | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | TaxaName |
Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Reef biogeochemistry, metabolomics, and metagenomics | Coral Exometabolomes | coralspecies |
respiration and photosynthesis I | Biomass-normalized dark respiration and net photosynthesis rates in coral and algae as a function of pCO2 tested in both 2011 and 2012, Moorea LTER site | OA coral adaptation | taxon |
respiration and photosynthesis II | Biomass-normalized dark respiration and net photosynthesis rates in coral and algae as a function of pCO2 where LEDR (light-enhanced dark respiration) was measured | OA coral adaptation | taxon |
Richness of experimental marine invertebrate communities across latitude | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Morph_taxa |
Richness of marine invertebrate communities across latitude with exposure to predation | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | Taxa, MorphName |
RNA:DNA Ratios and Total lipids – experiment data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Taxon |
Rock Wall Experiment | Grazer diversity-substrate hetereogeneity manipulation experiment in Bodega Bay, CA. | Intertidal Diversity | taxon |
rocky intertidal biomimic | Environmental data (water temp, air temp, etc.) from biomimic devices and other loggers located in the rocky intertidal zone. | Monitoring Rocky Intertidal Ecosystems | organism |
Ross Sea metaproteome protein spectral counts | | CORSACS | ncbi_id, ncbi_name |
salmon meristics | Salmonid Meristics and Necropsy Data | NEP | genus_species |
salmon_juv_diet | juvenile salmon diet, 2001-2003 | NEP | prey_id_nodc |
Salp and pteropod associated microorganisms | 16S rRNA sequencing salp and pteropod microorganisms | Gelatinous Grazer Feeding | organism |
Sampling Locations | Keratoisis Sample Locations | Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes | Taxa |
SCTLD rapid microbiome characterization | SCTLD microbiome | Multi-Species Coral Disease | Coral_species |
Sea fans - nearest neighbor | Nearest neighbor | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals, RUI-LTREB | NN_genus |
Sea star specimen information: California Academy of Sciences | Sea star specimen information from the California Academy of Sciences | Sea Star Microbiology | Phylum, Family, HigherClassif, Genus, Species |
Sea star specimen information: LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea star specimen information from the LA County Museum of Natural History | Sea Star Microbiology | id |
Seagrass fauna counts | | Habitat Fragmentation | Scientific_name |
Seagrass fauna traits | | Habitat Fragmentation | Taxon_name |
seal_and_prey_fatty_acids | Fatty acid signature profiles of harbor seals and prey species (raw FID data). | Seal_response_to_prey | taxon |
seal_prey_by_region | Summary of prey groups found in harbor seal scat samples from the San Juan Islands. | Seal_response_to_prey | taxon |
SECM_zoop | Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring | NEP | taxon |
seep colonization | Species counts (per 200cm2) on wood, rock and biotic colonization substrates deployed for 10 months at Mound 12 on the Costa Rica margin (AT 15-59) | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | taxon |
seep species abundance | species abundance on carbonate rocks collected from active and inactive sites at methane seeps on the Costa Rica and Oregon margins | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | taxon |
seep specimens | Methane seep hard substrate species collected on 4 RV/Atlantis cruises and lodged at the SIO Benthic Invertebrate Collection. | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | subphylum_class |
seep transplant | species abundance from transplant expts. between active and inactive areas around methane seeps | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | taxon |
SEEPC larval collections: MOCNESS | MOCNESS collections of invertebrate larvae throughout water column near methane seep sites: Barbados Accretionary Prism, 2012; Gulf of Mexico, 2014;Western Atlantic Margin, 2015 (SEEPC Project) | SEEPC | larval_type, morphotype |
SEEPC larval collections: SyPRID | AUV Sentry collections of invertebrate larvae close to the bottom near methane seep sites at the Western Atlantic Margin, 2015 (SEEPC Project) | SEEPC | morphotype, larval_type |
sequence accession numbers | GenBank accession numbers for sequences from deep-sea protobranch bivalves. | Ev Deep Sea Molluscs II | organism |
sequence_accessions | Sequence accession numbers from microbialite mats. | Protists_Stromatolites | subject |
Si Depletion Experiment: EDS and SEM | | Coccolithophore Silicon Requirements | Species |
Single-cell genomics of Chloroflexi | Chloroflexi accessions | Subsurface FeOBs | taxon_name |
Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | Siphonophore bulk stable isotopes | SiphWeb | Best_Taxonomic_ID |
Siphonophore CSIA-AA | Siphonophore CSIA-AA | SiphWeb | Best_Taxonomic_ID |
SMURF faunal settlement | | Habitat Fragmentation | Taxa |
Southern California Seeps Stable Isotopes | | Methanosphere | Taxon_ID |
soxB Sequences | soxB gene sequence data from microbial mats at Axial Seamount, 2011. | AXIAL | organism |
Species key | Species key for individuals surveyed in studies conducted by M. Hixon, C. Benkwitt, and T. Kindinger | BiodiversityLossEffects_lionfish | SCIENTIFIC_NAME |
Sponge abundance by species on the coral reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 | | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | Sponge holobiont accessions and metadata | DimensionsSponge | host |
Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge Symbiont Carbon and Nutrient Cycling | Sponge_Loop | host |
Sponge-Associated Microbial Communities (via 16S-V4 rRNA amplicon sequencing) Following Storm-Driven Flooding | | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Species |
SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SSU rRNA Gene Sequencing from SPOT | SPOT | tax_id |
Stable Isotope measurements – experimental animals | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Taxon |
Stable Isotope measurements – field and lab samples | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Taxon |
Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria | Substrate-specific metabolic responses of model marine bacteria - metadata for transcriptomic expression data | C-CoMP Model Bacteria | Organism, Strain, Tax_ID |
Subsurface Nitrospirota and Nitrospinota Origins | | Slow Life in Crust | Domain |
Sulfitobacter phage accessions | Sulfitobacter phage accessions | Roseophage as a Model | taxon, strain |
Sulfonates in plankton cultures | | Sulfonate Cycling | Organism |
Summary abundance of soft corals, stony corals, and algae on the reefs of St. John USVI 1992-2017 | | RUI-LTREB, Octocoral Community Dynamics | Taxon |
Suppl 2c: microbial sample metadata | Microbial sample metadata, sequencing and treatment details, temperature and salinity | HERBVRE | host_common_name, host_taxon_name, host_taxid |
Suppl 2c: parrotfish bite annotations | Parrotfish bite annotations | HERBVRE | secnd_likely_host_by_mitochondria, new_host_taxon_name, reassigned_host_taxon_name |
Suppl 3a: core microbiome | Core microbiome | HERBVRE | taxonomy |
Suppl 3f: dominant microbe taxa | Dominant microbe taxa | HERBVRE | display_name, taxonomy |
Symbiodinium Fv/Fm over a temperature gradient | Symbiodinium Fv/Fm over a temperature gradient | Varadero Reef, GCMB | Strain |
Synechococcus accessions | Synechococcus accessions | Phytoplankton Community Responses | Organism |
T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume | T. pseudonana fatty acids by biovolume | Phytoplankton Community Responses | strain |
T. pseudonana fatty acids per cell | T. pseudonana fatty acids by cell | Phytoplankton Community Responses | strain |
Table 3 - Hatching success | Table 3 - Hatching success | OA Calanus Survival | SPECIES |
Tam genome analysis | Thermovibrio ammonificans HB1 genome manual curation | Deep Biosphere Energy Limitation | Organism, Organism_Name |
TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | TEN Biomass Weights Spring 2018 | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | otherveg |
TEN Fish Survey Data | Size and abundance data for fish communities across the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | fish_spp |
Thaps microarrays - ISB | Microarrays for T. pseudonana diatoms grown in the laboratory under different conditions. | OA Diatom Response | taxon |
Thermophile abundance - MPN | Abundances of various thermophiles, and total CH4 produced in microcosms | NeMO2015 | organism |
Three-Prime Tag-Sequencing (3' Tag-Seq) Data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | organism |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Mobile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Organism |
Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Tide Pool Community Surveys: Sessile organisms | Sitka CO2 and Temp Expt | Organism |
Total lipid measurements - field data | | Egg Boon Food Webs | Taxon |
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2) | Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | best_hit_species, best_hit_taxon_id |
Trait Data | Trait data captured from literature sources, field observations and measurements of sessile marine invertebrates from coastal sites across a geographic gradient spanning the sub-arctic to the tropics | Competition and Predation across Latitude | MorphName, MorphTaXa |
Trait data: native, cryptogenic, introduced species | | Competition and Predation across Latitude | MorphName |
Transcriptomes of co-cultured marine microbes and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | Transcriptomes of co-cultured marine microbes and Ruegeria pomeroyi DSS-3 | CC_Auto_Hetero_Fluxes | Taxon |
Transcriptomics of Phytoplankton Cultures Grown on Various Phosphorus Sources | Transcriptomics of Phytoplankton Cultures Grown on Various Phosphorus Sources | Euk Phn Utilization | Organism, Tax_ID, Strain |
trawl catch - GoA | CGOA trawl data | NEP | genus_species |
Trawl survey: fish and jellyfish stomach contents | Fish and jellyfish stomach contents | PelagicHypoxia | Prey |
Trawl survey: species list | Species list | PelagicHypoxia | Family, Genus, Species |
Tricho NMR | Molecular P characterization (by NMR) of initial dry POM added to each treatment. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | taxon |
Tricho Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Trichodesmium derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | taxon |
Trichodesmium consortia FASTq accessions | NCBI accession numbers for raw RNA-seq fastq files derived from laboratory-maintained Trichodesmium erythraeum cultures | HiCO2_AdaptCyano, TriCoLim | organism_community |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | ncbi_id, ncbi_name |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - protein spectral counts in alternative format | | MM Proteins and Organics Tech, Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito | Taxonomy |
Trichodesmium field metaproteomes - single colony metaproteomes | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | Taxonomy |
Trichodesmium sequence accessions | GenBank Trichodesmium accessions and associated metadata | P Processing by Tricho | organism, strain, isolate, host |
trichodesmium_fixation | CO2 and N2 fixation and trichome length of Trichodesmium erythraeum under varying pCO2 and light conditions. | PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 | strain |
trichodesmium_growth | Growth rates of two strains of Trichodesmium erythraeum under varying pCO2 and light conditions. | PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 | strain |
tucker catch - CGoA LTOP | Zooplankton catch data from Tucker trawl from CGOA LTOP cruises, 2001-2003 | NEP | taxon |
Vent_CSP_SAG | Single amplified genomes (SAGs) of microbial cells isolated from Crab Spa, East Pacific Rise | Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents | taxon |
Vertebrate home range and body size | | CC Fishery Adaptations | Species |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | species |
Vitacopss: cell counts and chla | Picoplankton growth with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | organism |
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon | Eukaryote plankton abundance and composition with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | taxon |
VPR_ashjian_alt | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | GB | taxon |
VPR_ashjian_alt_SO | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | taxon |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero | Video Plankton Recorder data where abundances of zero have been removed from dipslay | GB | taxon |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero_SO | Video Plankton Recorder data where values reported as zero or nd have been removed from display | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | taxon |
West Antarctic Isoscape Data | C and N isotope data for zoo- and phytoplankton from west Antarctica | Southern Ocean Pinnipeds | Taxon |
whales aerial sightings | Right Whales aerial sightings in Cape Cod Bay and adjacent waters, 2002 | NEC-CoopRes | taxon |
Whole genome sequence data for Pisaster ochraceus | | PoGOMO | organism |
winter flounder catch | Experimental winter flounder trap study, coastal Maine, 2005-2006: catch data | NEC_ProjDev | taxon |
Winter to spring transition in a fjord in the Gulf of Alaska - microscopy data | | Zooplankton recruitment | taxa |
ZEN 2015 ECO Experiment: Crustacean Survival | Amphipod and isopod survival in global eelgrass habitats | ZEN 2 | Taxon |
zooplankton abund and stages_lmg | Zooplankton abundance + stages from MOCNESS nets, LMGould | SOGLOBEC | taxon, taxon_group |
zooplankton abund and stages_nbp | Zooplankton abundance + stages from MOCNESS nets, NBPalmer | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | taxon |
zooplankton abund biomass_MOC - nbp | Zooplankton abundance + biomass from silhouettes, MOC nets, NBPalmer | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | taxon |
zooplankton abundance | hydromedusae and zooplankton abundance in Naragansett Bay timeseries | Hydromedusae trophic ecology | taxon, taxon2 |
Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | Taxa |
zooplankton counts and abundances | Zooplankton counts and abundances from net tows in Trondheimsfjord, Norway in spring 2012 | Calanus_Diapause | taxon |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | EXPORTS Isotopes | Taxa |
Zooplankton metabolic traits | Respirometry data for pelagic crustaceans, cephalopods, and fish | Metabolic Index | Taxa |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | taxa_removed_1, taxa_removed_2, taxa_removed_3 |
zooplankton_taxonomy | Zooplankton taxonomic data from MOCNESS and IONESS tows | VERTIGO | taxon |
zoop_ANT-XXIV_1 | Zooplankton identified on Polarstern cruise ANT-XXIV_1 in the Eastern Atlantic | CMarZ_2004-2010 | taxon |
zoop_RHB0603 | Zooplankton species identified during RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea | CMarZ_2004-2010 | taxon |
ZooSCAN biomass:biovolume BATS | | Zooplankton Gradients, Zooplankton Diel Rhythm, BIOSSCOPE | taxa |
ZooSCAN output MOCNESS BATS: M3 to M13 | | BIOSSCOPE, Zooplankton Gradients, Zooplankton Diel Rhythm | object_annotation_hierarchy |
zoo_cb_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | taxon |
zoo_cb_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter3 count data from GSO/URI - MOCNESS 1m2 only | GB | taxon |
zoo_cb_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter3 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | taxon |
zoo_MOC_GoM | Zooplankton (including Calanus finmarchicus stages) abundance and biomass from MOCNESS tows, Gulf of Maine | GB | taxon3, taxon1, taxon2, kingdom, phylum |
zoo_pump | Zooplankton counts (density) | GB | taxon |
zoo_sq_meter_bongo | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Bongo Nets only | GB | taxon |
zoo_sq_meter_moc | Zooplankton meter2 count from GSO/URI - 1m2 MOCNESS nets only | GB | taxon |
zoo_sq_meter_pump | Zooplankton meter2 counts from GSO/URI - Pump data only | GB | taxon |