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Experimental conditions applied to experimental units. In comparative experiments, members of the complementary group, the control group, receive either no treatment or a standard treatment.
nutrient amendment and/or manipulation: Fjord = water sampled directly from fjord adjacent to mesocosm bags Ambient = unamended P-limited=N:P (66:1; 4 umol L-1 sodium nitrate:0.06 umol L-1 sodium phosphate) added on 13-May, 14-May, 15-May- Redfield = N:P (16:1; 4 umol L-1 sodium nitrate:0.25 umol L-1 sodium phosphate ) added on 13-May, 14-May, 15-May Redfield/Shaded = N:P (16:1; 4 umol L-1 sodium nitrate:0.25 umol L-1 sodium phosphate) added on 13-May, 14-May, 15-May-; bags shaded to 20% surface irradiance on 24-May-2017)