Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020 | the levels of the predator exclosure factor to which replicates were assigned. This includes "control" (no cage) and "cage" (predator exclosure cage)
| treatment |
32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | experimental sample treatment defined as follows: CTRL = no nutrient additions; +Si = addition of 320 uL of 20 mM Na2SiO3 to increase ambient dissolved silicon by 20uM (measured total Fe in 20nM Si stock indicates that increasing dissolved Si by 20uM increases total dissolved Fe by 0.05nM); +Fe = addition of 32uL of 10uM FeCl3 for a total concentration of 1nM; +Si+Fe = addition of both above.
| TRMT |
GenBank accession numbers for microbial 16S rRNA sequences collected at the East Pacific Rise by DSV/Alvin during R/V Atlantis research cruises (Jan. 2004 - June 2006) (Microbial Communities at Deep-Sea Vents project) | treatment type: experimental, control, or natural basalt (see methodology description for details)
| treatment |
Data from two Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) 24-hour feeding experiments under ambient temperature and pCO2, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, and elevated temperature and pCO2. | Designation of control bottle (no krill; seawater only) and krill bottle (4 L bottle filled with treatment seawater plus one krill)
| Bottle_description |
Percent growth of corals in experimental plots on Fringing reef (Coral Biodiversity project) | The experimental treatment of the plot.
| Treatment |
3 Species macroalgal cover at month 3 in experimental plots on Fringing reef (Coral Biodiversity project) | The experimental treatment of the plot.
| Treatment |
Percent tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots on Fringing reef (Coral Biodiversity project) | The experimental treatment of the plot.
| Treatment |
Results from nutrient limitation assessments quantifying the level of Si, N, and Fe stress being experienced by phytoplankton in samples collected on EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | experimental treatment:
CTRL = no nutrient additions;
+Si = addition of volume of 0.1M sodium metasilicate (Na2SiO3) solution to increase ambient dissolved silicon by 20uM;
+Fe = addition of volume of 0.01mM ferric chloride (FeCl3) for a total concentration of 1nM;
+Si+Fe = addition of both Si + Fe;
+N = addition of volume of 0.1M sodium nitrate (NaNO3) solution to 20uM;
+Si+N = addition of both Si + N.
| Treatment |
57Fe Wall Loss Experiment data collected as part of a method development study investigating the precipitation and wall loss of labeled 57Fe when added to M9 Minimal Media | Solution was treated with Chelex-100 resin (Yes) or not (No), units in Yes/No
57Fe Wall Loss Experiment data collected as part of a method development study investigating the precipitation and wall loss of labeled 57Fe when added to M9 Minimal Media | Description of treatment type
57Fe Wall Loss Experiment data collected as part of a method development study investigating the precipitation and wall loss of labeled 57Fe when added to M9 Minimal Media | 57FeSO4 spike concentration as added to the media
| Fe57_SPIKE |
Percent growth and tissue mortality of corals in experimental plots on Fringing reef (Coral Biodiversity project) | The experimental treatment of the plot. Live polycultures contained three species: Pocillopora verrucosa, Acropora hyacinthus, and Porites rus.
| Treatment |
Dissolved Fe and Sc concentrations, chlorophyll, nutrients from a scandium incubation experiment during the PUPCYCLE I R/V Oceanus cruise 1905B in the California Current System in 2019 | Description of the treatment for the particular sample
| Treatment |
Abalone consumption rates from experiment at the Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) from June-October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | Categorical variable; Species of algae. M# = Macrocystis pyrifera; N = Neoagarum clathratum; H = Hedophyllum nigripes; C = Cryptopleura ruprechtiana.
| Algae |
Abalone consumption rates from experiment at the Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) from June-October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | Categorical variable; Macrocystis vs mixed algal diet in experiment. All = all; Macrocystis MIX = mixed algal diet.
| Diet |
Abalone growth responses from a fully factorial mesocosm experiment manipulating pH and diet from June to October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | Categoriacal variable; Macrocystis vs mized algal diet. ALL = all Macrocystis; MIX = mixed algal diet.
| Diet |
Abalone growth responses from a fully factorial mesocosm experiment manipulating pH and diet from June to October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | Categorical variable; pH treatments in experiment. FW = 7.5, CS = 8.1, CW = 7.8.
| pH |
Abalone respiration rates from a fully factorial mesocosm experiment manipulating pH and diet from June to October 2017 (High latitude kelp dynamics project) | Categorical variable; Macrocystis vs mixed algal diet in experiment. ALL = all Macrocystis; MIX = mixed algal diet; CONT = controls containing no abalone
| Diet |
Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha | Whether sample was acidified prior to analysis
| Acidified |
Bulk isotopic composition (d15N and d13C) of abyssal megafauna and macrofauna from Stations M and Aloha | Whether sample was lipid extracted prior to analysis
| lipid_extracted |
Individual thermal limit measurements for Acartia tonsa during Critical Thermal Maxima (CTmax) experiments under different feeding treatments with copepods collected from eastern Long Island Sound in July 2020 | Whether individuals were from the fed or starved treatments
| diet |
Temperature and pCO2 effects on survivability of 25 genotypes of Acropora cervicornis coral at Mote Marine Laboratory in Nov-Dec 2019 | Aquarium pCO2 conditions (ambient or high pCO2)
| pCO2_treatment |
Temperature and pCO2 effects on survivability of 25 genotypes of Acropora cervicornis coral at Mote Marine Laboratory in Nov-Dec 2019 | Aquarium temperature conditions (ambient or high temperature)
| Temp_treatment |
Aquaria water quality pH and dissolved oxygen measurements from full factorial study of Acropora cervicornis at Mote Marine Laboratory in Nov-Dec 2019 | pCO2 treatment conditions (Ambient or High)
| Treatment_pCO2 |
Aquaria water quality pH and dissolved oxygen measurements from full factorial study of Acropora cervicornis at Mote Marine Laboratory in Nov-Dec 2019 | Temperature treatment conditions (Ambient or High)
| Treatment_Temp |
Pilot study with three unique genotypes of Acropora cervicornis coral to determine survival probability after exposure to temperature treatments at Mote Marine Laboratory in September and October 2019 | Aquarium pCO2 conditions (ambient or high pCO2)
| pCO2_Treatment |
Pilot study with three unique genotypes of Acropora cervicornis coral to determine survival probability after exposure to temperature treatments at Mote Marine Laboratory in September and October 2019 | Aquarium temperature conditions (ambient or high temperature)
| Temp_Treatment |
Acropora cervicornis growth rates under different pH and temperature treatments from experiments at Summerland Key, Florida in September of 2016 | Chamber number that held the coral fragment during the light and dark cycle
| Chamber |
Acropora cervicornis growth rates under different pH and temperature treatments from experiments at Summerland Key, Florida in September of 2016 | Characterizes whether the coral was exposed to light or held in the dark prior to final measurements
| Cycle |
Acropora cervicornis genomic/trancriptomic sequence accessions with associated data on tank exposure to white band disease and survival outcomes with corals collected from Florida, USA and Bocas del Toro, Panama in 2021 | Experimental exposure (H - healthy exposure, D - disease exposure)
| Treatment |
Adult Black Sea Bass (Centropristis striata) winter survival and lipid accumulation under varying diet and temperature conditions from a laboratory mesocosm experiment (Oct 2022 to Apr 2023) with individuals collected in Long Island Sound | Diet treatment (Mussels or Herring)
| Treatment |
Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) collected from the surface to the bottom at 30 cm intervals from the MBL dock in Woods Hole, MA, USA in 2012 (Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence project) | Treatment type.
| treatment |
Chlorophyll a concentrations from addition incubation experiments performed aboard AE1812 while transecting from the Sargasso Sea to Coastal Rhode Island in May 2018. | Experimental treatment
| treatment |
DIC and alkalinity from agglutinate experiment (OA, Hypoxia and Warming project) | treatments had different oxygen and/or pCO2. I = Ambient (control); II = Hypoxic; III = Acidified; IV = Hypoxic + Acidified; V = Preindustrial
| treatment |
Experimental results of calcification rates of algae at variable pCO2 concentrations from the Richard B Gump Research Station, Moorea, French Polynesia in 2011 (MCR LTER project, OA_Corals project) | pCO2 concentration for each species treatment.
| treatment_pCO2 |
Nearshore Shallow Subtidal Macroalgal Preburn, Postburn and Ash-Free Dry Weight Data from October 2022 (Galapagos 2021 project) | Four types of experimental treatments were used: (All Present) Open pizzas (treatment cages of circular bases only) with full access to all grazers. (Urchins Only) Urchin inclusions, where two pencil urchins remained caged throughout the duration of each trial to maintain the identity and density of our herbivore of interest constant. (None Present) Full exclusions, preventing access to all macro-herbivores such as sea urchins, fishes, iguanas, and turtles, but not to meso-herbivores such as amphipods. These cages are covered with a top. (Procedural) Procedural control that included partial sides, designed to affect flow and light to a similar degree as other cages to test for experimental artifacts of the herbivore manipulation.
| Treatment |
Algal consumption data from Tegula in the presence of the predator Cancer productus, displaying anti-predatory responses or not within mesocosms at Bodega Marine Lab in 2018 | Presence or absence of crab cues for the experiment (yes/no)
| Crab |
Algal consumption data from Tegula in the presence of the predator Pisaster ochraceus, displaying anti-predatory responses or not within mesocosms at Bodega Marine Lab in 2018 | Whether predatory Pisaster cue were used in the treatment or not,
| pisaster |
Algal cover from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 | uncaged = open to herbivores (Exclosure Control); caged = excluded herbivores (Exclosure)
| herbivore_tmt |
Algal cover from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 | control = ambient nutrients; enriched = mimicked nutrient pollution by addition of fertilizer
| nutrient_tmt |
Algal cover from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 | treatment identification: block; nutrient tmt; herbivore tmt; replicate
| treatment_id |
Algal species ID from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 (HERBVRE project) | uncaged = open to herbivores (Exclosure Control); caged = excluded herbivores (Exclosure)
| herbivore_tmt |
Algal species ID from herbivore exclusion and nutrient enrichment experiments conducted in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary during 2009-2012 (HERBVRE project) | control = ambient nutrients; enriched = mimicked nutrient pollution by addition of fertilizer
| nutrient_tmt |
Treatment description and growth parameters for Thalassiosira weissflogii generating d13C-AA, collected on R/V Meteor M77 in the Peruvian ocean margin from November to December 2008. | Treatment description
| Treatment |
Amino acid d13C values of Thalassiosira weissflogii of ten different treatments; collections from R/V Meteor M77 in the Peruvian ocean margin from November to December 2008. | Treatment type
| Treatment |
Macroalgal contribution to NH4+ removal in tidepools from Cape Flattery, WA from 2010-2011 (Regenerated Nitrogen project) | mussels removed or present in tidepool
| treatment |
Anemone photochemistry assessed via active chlorophyll a fluorescence by pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry after acute heating across a range of temperatures (28–36°C) in a controlled Coral Bleaching Acute Stress System (CBASS) | HL (high light, 220 µmol photons m-2 s-1) or LL (50 µmol photons m-2 s-1)
| light |
Anemone photochemistry assessed via active chlorophyll a fluorescence by pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry after acute heating across a range of temperatures (28–36°C) in a controlled Coral Bleaching Acute Stress System (CBASS) | temperature in °C (28, 32, 34, 36)
| temp |
Experimental results on swimming behaviors of four species of cnidarian hydromedusae at Friday Harbor in 2012 (Jellyfish predation in turbulence project) | treatment: still or turbulent water
| treatment |
Measurements of nutrient flux and denitrification in clam aquaculture sediments. | Light or dark treatment
| light_dark |