Deployment: TN309

2014-04-10 - 2014-05-20 Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand: approximately 37 12.75 S and 178 51.43 E to 31 51.29 S and 176 49.07 W Platform:R/V Thomas G. Thompson (vessel)


Original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
HADES-K and HADES-M cruise track position data from cruises TN309, FK141109 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand and Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam; 2014 (HADES project)2015-12-18Final no updates expected
HADES-K Specify Export 201305190833 final from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN309 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand; 2014 (HADES project)2014-10-31Final no updates expected
HADES-K - Navigation Track Images from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN309 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand; 2014 (HADES project)2015-11-02Final no updates expected
HADES-K - Deployment Log from R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN309 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand; 2014 (HADES project)2015-11-02Final no updates expected
515F-926R 16S rRNA gene sequencing accessions from seawater and sediment samples from R/V Falkor FK141109 and R/V Thompson TN309 from the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)2017-12-13Final no updates expected
Colony forming units (CFUs) of water samples from Mariana and Kermadec trenches grown in 3 media from R/V Falkor FK141109, FK141215, and R/V Thompson TN309, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)2017-12-14Final no updates expected
Cell counts from hadopelagic samples in the Mariana and Kermadec trenches, collected on R/V Falkor FK141109, FK141215, and R/V Thompson TN309, 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)2017-12-18Final no updates expected
Isolation of microbes from hadal water and sediments from Mariana and Kermadec trenches from R/V Falkor, R/V Thomas G. Thompson FK141109, TN309, FK141215, April to December 2014 (Mariana Perspectives project)2017-12-18Final no updates expected
Raw counts of macrofauna identified in sediment samples from the Kermadec Trench in the Southwest Pacific, 4000 to ~10,000m from the RV/ Thomas G. Thompson during cruise TN309 (HADES-K), May 2014.2019-03-18Final no updates expected
Raw counts of meiofauna identified in sediment samples from the Kermadec Trench in the Southwest Pacific, 4000 to ~10,000m from the RV/ Thomas G. Thompson during cruise TN309 (HADES-K), May 2014.2019-03-18Final no updates expected
Sample log for HADESK bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid content from sediment cores collected on R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN309, May 20142019-03-28Final no updates expected
HADES-K CN concentrations and ratios and d13C bacterial biomass signatures in Kermadec Trench during RV/Thompson cruise TN309, May 20142019-04-08Data not available
Nereus dive bottom navigation in the Kermadec Trench calculated from course, speed and distance from origin, April/May 20142019-04-10Preliminary and in progress
Nereus dive geo-referenced megafaunal transect data from the Kermadec Trench during cruise TN309 on RV/Thompson, May 20142019-04-24Final no updates expected

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Timothy M. Shank
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
