Deployment: KM1513

2015-07-24 - 2015-08-05 Near Hawaii (22.75 N, 158 W) Platform:R/V Kilo Moana (vessel)


The objective of the cruise is deploy free-drifting surface drifters in the vicinity of the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOT) station (Station ALOHA), which is defined as a circle with a 6 nautical mile radius centered at 22° 45'N, 158°W. The surface drifters will be monitored for the duration of the cruise and the Kilo Moana will conduct water-column sampling using the CTD-rosette alongside one of the drifters for the duration of the cruise.

Cruise Plan

Cruise Binder

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Samuel Wilson
University of Hawai'i

