Instrument: CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19

Acronym: CTD SBE 19
External Identifier: skos:closeMatch:


The Sea-Bird SBE 19 SEACAT Recorder measures conductivity, temperature, and pressure (depth). The SEACAT is self-powered and self-contained and can be deployed in profiling or moored mode. The SBE 19 SEACAT was replaced in 2001 by the 19plus. more information from Sea-Bird Electronics

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Salinity, SF6 and chlorophyll-a from bottle cast samples from USCGC Polar Star cruise PS02_2002 from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)bottle cast (BC) samples were collected using 10L bottles on Kevlar with the Polar Star CTD logger on end of line CTD Seabird 19
Combined CTD profiles for two CTD sensor packages on R/V Knorr KN192-05 from November to December 2007The Seabird-19 was deployed on the science party's trace metal rosette for the deep casts to ~5000m. Seabird-19
CTD profiles R/V Islandia cruise ISL0109 near the TENATSO (Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory) time series station Cape Verde. from 2009 to 2009 (SIRENA project)CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Upcast profiles from Seacat CTD on MacLane pump from R/V Oceanus cruises OC449-02, and OC449-03 in the Eastern Atlantic and Indian Oceans in 2008 (SIRENA project)* Sea-Bird SBE19plus Data File: * FileName = C:dataSIRENAseacat awhexfiles20080809_stn3_d1.hex * Software Version 1.59 * Temperature SN =  5236 * Conductivity SN =  5236 * System UpLoad Time = Aug 10 2008 14:20:50 ** KN192-05 SeacatSIRENA OC449-2 Seacat ** Nov-Dec 2007 GMTAugust 2008 ** TMCR or McLane DeploymentMcLane Deployments CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Time series composite CTD profiles from R/V Hermano Ginés cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)SBE-19 SBE-19
CARIACO time series individual CTD profiles from B/O Hermano Gines HG93_CARIACO in the CARIACO basin from 1995-2017 (CARIACO project)SBE-19 SBE-19
CTD profile data from 2010 R/V Llyr cruises, Downeast Maine (44.1N 68.1W 44.9N. 66.9W), Saco Bay, Maine (43.45N 70.33W, 43.47N 70.28W)Samples were taken using a Sea-Bird SBE19plus. CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
CTD station locations for 2010 and 2011 R/V Llyr cruises, Downeast Maine (44.1N 68.1W 44.9N. 66.9W), Saco Bay, Maine (43.45N 70.33W, 43.47N 70.28W) (MuLTI project)HardwareData DeviceType='SBE19plus' SerialNumber='01906084' Manufacturer Sea-Bird Electronics, Inc. FirmwareVersion 2.0c FirmwareDate 20 February 2008 14:10 PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41054F' PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41580A' PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41056F' PCBAssembly PCBSerialNum='not assigned' AssemblyNum='41059D' MfgDate 11 JUN 2008 CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
SeaBird SeaCat SBE-19 CTD profiler data from bottle casts (BC) from USCGC Polar Star cruise PS02_2002 in the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)SeaBird SeaCat SBE-19 CTD profiler (V3.0c SN 1394) with Seapoint Fluorescence sensor CTD Seabird 19
CTD data collected on R/V Lowell Weicker in the Long Island Sound in 2008A SeaBird SBE 19 CTD was used at each station to record temperature, salinity, and other physical data. CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
CTD profile data from Polar Star Transect 1 from USCGC Polar Star cruise PS02_2002 from the Southern Ocean, south of New Zealand in 2002 (SOFeX project)SeaBird SeaCat SBE-19 CTD profiler with Seapoint Fluorescence sensor, however no fluorescence data were recorded CTD Seabird 19
CTD data from 5 stations collected on an R/V Lowell Weicker cruise in Fisher's Island Sound (NY/CT) in 2012CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Fish larvae growth rates and related data collected from BONGO nets from the R/V Endeavor, R/V Albatross IV, EN265, AL9605, EN282 cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank from 1995-1999 (GB project)The CTD was attached on the wire above the Bongo frame. CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Fish larvae growth rates and related data from BONGO nets from the R/V Albatross IV, R/V Seward Johnson, R/V Oceanus, R/V Edwin Link cruises in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, from 1993-1999 (GB project)The CTD was attached on the wire above the Bongo frame. CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
GTC shipboard CTD data along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project)
NEFSC oceanographic profile (hydrography) data from multiple cruises in the the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank, Northeast Continental Shelf of the United States from 1977-2009 (Hydrography project)CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Time-series Niskin-bottle sample data from R/V Hermano Gines cruises in the Cariaco Basin from 1995 through 2017 (CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program)Between November 1995 and September 1996, three separate SBE-19 CTDs were used in repeated casts until a reliable salinity profile was obtained below the oxycline. The SBE-19 model CTDs frequently failed to provide reliable conductivity values below the oxycline in the Cariaco Basin. SBE-19
Nutrients, metals, and CTD observations from CTD casts and bottles from R/V Knorr cruise KN192-05 in the South Atlantic subtropical gyre and Benguela upwelling region from November to December 2007 (CoFeMUG project)The Seabird-19 was deployed on the science party's trace metal rosette for the deep casts to ~5000m. Seabird-19
Pre-Fertilization (PF) CTD profile measurements from R/V Kaiyo-Maru cruise KY0103-01 in the Northwestern Sub-Arctic Pacific in 2001 (SEEDS I project)CTD header file for SEEDS 2001 PF CTD data: * Sea-Bird SBE 19 Data File: * FileName = CTD19pf00.HEX * Software Version 4.233 * Temperature SN = 591 * Conductivity SN = 591 * System UpLoad Time = Jul 05 2001 07:08:41 ** Ship:kaiyomaru ** Cruise:9605 2001N3 ** Station:i08 PF ** Latitude:38-32.2 48-29.98N ** Longitude:135-00.0 164-59.67E * ds * SEACAT PROFILER V2.1 SN 591 07/05/01 16:25:44.181 * pressure sensor: serial no = 9B383, range = 3000 psia, tc = 0 * clk = 32767.922 iop = 136 vmain = 8.4 vlith = 5.3 * ncasts = 1 samples = 1949 free = 8598 lwait = 0 msec * sample rate = 1 scan every 0.5 seconds * minimum raw conductivity frequency for pump turn on = 3203 hertz * pump delay = 45 seconds * battery cutoff = 5.8 volts * number of voltages sampled = 0 * S> * cast 0 07/05 16:03:22 samples 0 to 1948 stop = switch off # nquan = 7 # nvalues = 296 # units = metric # name 0 = depS: depth, salt water [m] # name 1 = pr: pressure [db] # name 2 = t090: temperature, ITS-90 [deg C] # name 3 = c0S/m: conductivity [S/m] # name 4 = sal00: salinity, PSS-78 [PSU] # name 5 = sigma-t00: density, sigma-t [kg/m^3] # name 6 = flag: 0.000e+00 # span 0 = 1.000, 296.000 # span 1 = 1.036, 298.687 # span 2 = 1.2100, 5.6701 # span 3 = 2.875072, 3.264853 # span 4 = 31.7617, 34.0901 # span 5 = 25.2717, 27.1038 # span 6 = 0.000e+00, 0.000e+00 # interval = meters: 1 # start_time = Jul 05 2001 16:03:22 # bad_flag = -9.990e-29 # sensor 0 = Frequency 0 temperature, 591, 02-Nov-00 # sensor 1 = Frequency 1 conductivity, 591, 02-Nov-00, cpcor = -9.5700e-08 # sensor 2 = Pressure Voltage, 9B383, 09-Nov-00 # datcnv_date = Jul 05 2001 07:12:58, 4.233 # datcnv_in = PF00.HEX 19-591.CON # datcnv_skipover = 0 # filter_date = Jul 05 2001 07:13:03, 4.233 # filter_in = WORK0.CNV # filter_low_pass_tc_A = 0.500 # filter_low_pass_tc_B = 0.000 # filter_low_pass_A_vars = depS # filter_low_pass_B_vars = # alignctd_date = Jul 05 2001 07:13:08, 4.233 # alignctd_in = WORK1.CNV # alignctd_cond_advSecs = 0.000, 0.000 # alignctd_temp_advSecs = 0.500, 0.000 # alignctd_oxygen_current_advSecs = 0.000, 0.000 # alignctd_oxygen_temp_advSecs = 0.000, 0.000 # alignctd_wetstar_advSecs = 0.000 # binavg_date = Jul 05 2001 07:13:13, 4.233 # binavg_in = WORK2.CNV # binavg_bintype = Depth Bins # binavg_binsize = 1.00 # binavg_excl_bad_scans = yes # binavg_downcast_only = yes # binavg_skipover = 0 # binavg_surface_bin = no, min = 0.000, max = 0.000, value = 0.000 # derive_date = Jul 05 2001 07:13:17, 4.233 # derive_in = WORK3.CNV 19-591.CON # file_type = binary *END* CTD Seabird 19
qPCR data for archaeal amoA ecotypes; samples collected on METZYME cruise.
Fish catch data from R/V John N. Cobb SECM, multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project)Sea-Bird1 SBE 19 Seacat profiler to 200 m or within 10 m of the bottom. CTD Seabird 19
Fish length, weight and stomach contents (prey) data in Southeastern Alaska from R/V John N. Cobb SECM, multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project)Sea-Bird1 SBE 19 Seacat profiler to 200 m or within 10 m of the bottom. CTD Seabird 19
Time series of CTD data from SECM stations from R/V John N. Cobb SECM in the Gulf of Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project)The CTD data were collected with a Sea-Bird1 SBE 19 Seacat profiler to 200 m or within 10 m of the bottom. CTD Sea-Bird SEACAT 19
Temperature, salinity, depth, light levels from the SECM stations from R/V John N. Cobb multiple cruises in the Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project)The CTD data were collected with a Sea-Bird1 SBE 19 Seacat profiler to 200 m or within 10 m of the bottom. CTD Seabird 19
Zooplankton counts for the Southeast Alaska Coastal Monitoring from R/V John N. Cobb SECM multiple cruises in the Gulf of Alaska, Coastal Southeast Alaska from 1997-2006 (NEP project)The CTD data were collected with a Sea-Bird1 SBE 19 Seacat profiler to 200 m or within 10 m of the bottom. CTD Seabird 19
CTD data collected during CGOA Trawl cruises from R/V Pandalus PA0101, PA0102, PA0103, PA0104, PA0201, PA0202, PA0203, PA0301, PA0302, PA0303, PA0401, PA0402, PA0403 in the Northeast Pacific from 2001-2004 (NEP project)Also called Seacat, with pump and Wetlabs fluorometer. Lowered to 100m depth at all fish stations. CTD Seabird 19
Metadata for tucker trawls and bongo net hauls from F/V Great Pacific and R/V Miller Freeman multiple cruises in the Coastal Gulf of Alaska, NE Pacific, 2001-2004 (NEP project)Seabird Seacat SBE 19 CTD, equipped with a WetStar fluorometer CTD Seabird 19