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Drying Oven
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a heated chamber for drying
Datasets (25)
Dataset Name
PI-Supplied Description
PI-Supplied Name
Individual oyster results from an oyster reciprocal transplant experiment conducted at two sites in an estuary in NE Florida between August 2019 and May 2020
ThermoScientific Heratherm OMS 180
Radiocarbon and 13C of sediment from cores collected pre- and post-hurricane Harvey at the Aransas and Anahuac National Wildlife Refuges, Texas on January 2018
Nearshore Shallow Subtidal Macroalgal Preburn, Postburn and Ash-Free Dry Weight Data from October 2022 (Galapagos 2021 project)
Macroalgae samples were dried in a drying oven for 24 hours at 60° C.
Drying Oven (Memmert UFE 400 Sterilizer Laboratory Oven)
Landscape fine-scale complexity of seagrass, fish and macroinvertebrate communities within Artificial Seagrass Units (ASU) in Back Sound, NC from July to September 2018
Experimental results describing the volume of eggs in crabs that were fed different diets (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)
gravity convection oven (VWR 414004-562)
Weight of hepatopancreas for crabs fed different diets collected the Baruch Institute in 2014 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)
gravity convection oven (VWR 414004-562)
Hepatopancreas lipid content of crabs fed different diets collected at the Baruch Institute in 2014 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)
gravity convection oven (VWR 414004-562)
Gonadosomatic index of blue crabs on various diets collected at the Baruch Institute in 2014 (Variation in Metabolic Processes project)
gravity convection oven (VWR 414004-562)
Macroalgal biomass data (Preburn, Postburn, and Ash-Free Dry Weight) collected in the nearshore shallow subtidal during six field experiments conducted at Cerro Mundo Bay in the Galapagos Islands between July 2021 and May 2022
Memmert UFE 400 Sterilizer Laboratory Oven
Coral fragment surface area calculations utilizing two methods (tin foil and Image J) and corresponding zooxanthellae count data
Labconco™ FreeZone™ Bulk Tray Dryer
Coral physiology parameters acquired during a heatwave experiment done September to November 2018 using reef building corals collected in Kāne'ohe Bay, O'ahu, Hawai'i.
Thermo Scientific Heratherm General Protocol Oven, Catalog #51028112
Invertebrate stable isotopes from samples collected at methane seeps off Southern California with the HOV Alvin from July 16-28, 2023 during R/V Atlantis cruise AT50-12
In the laboratory, tissue samples were oven dried (60C) overnight, weighed and acidified with 12.5-25 ul 1N H3PO4 to remove inorganic C.
Mussel respiration data from experiments with mussels sourced in WA conducted at University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor, WA from 2020 to 2023
Lindeberg/Blue M Vacuum Oven; ThermoScientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA
Data on how nutrient and sediment loading affect coral functionality in a tropical branching coral
Fisher Scientific Isotemp Oven
Morphological Characteristics of Oysters from Predator Experiments at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, AL, May-July 2019
Morphological Characteristics of Oysters from Predator Experiments at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab, AL from July to October 2020
Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) carbon isotope data from DOC in water samples collected during R/V Western Flyer Benthic-Pelagic Coupling expedition to Station M in the eastern Pacific Ocean in April 2018
The samples were placed in a drying oven at 80°C for 18 hours.
drying oven
Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) thermogram data of DOC from water samples collected during R/V Western Flyer Benthic-Pelagic Coupling expedition to Station M in the eastern Pacific Ocean in April 2018
The samples were placed in a drying oven at 80°C for 18 hours.
drying oven
Adult oyster condition index from risk-addition experiments in the Guana Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve from June to November 2012
ThermoScientific Heratherm OMS180
Nutrient content and stable isotope ratios from seagrasses in Texas over one year following Hurricane Harvey
Soil physicochemical properties of coastal wetland soil cores collected in June 2018 from Barataria Bay, Louisiana
gravimetric oven
Thalassia testudinum belowground carbohydrate measurements from experimental plots in the Western Atlantic from Winter 2019 (Tropicalization Seagrass Beds project)
For initial processing, belowground biomass was dried in a 60 C oven.
(DRAFT) Tidal inundation results from oyster reciprocal transplant experiment
ThermoScientific Heratherm OMS 180
Pencil urchin respiration rates at different temperatures from four sites in the Galápagos archipelago
drying oven
(DRAFT) Water salinity and temperature data from oyster reciprocal transplant experiment
ThermoScientific Heratherm OMS 180