Instrument: Digital inline holographic microscope

Acronym: DIHM
External Identifier:


A Digital Inline Holographic Microscope (DIHM) uses coherent (laser) light and a digital camera to image objects with micrometer scale resolution. A portion of the light scattered by illuminated objects interferes with incident light in a predictable manner. The resulting interference patterns projected onto a two-dimensional plane (i.e. digital camera sensor) are recorded as holograms. These digital holograms are then numerically reconstructed to produce an in-focus image at a given distance from the recording plane. A relatively large illuminated volume (>100 mL) can be reconstructed in this manner to produce a single image with an extended depth of field. 

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Unprocessed holographic data of cryopeg fluids viewed at sub-micron resolution from Alaskan Arctic Coast Permafrost Tunnel and landfast sea ice from May 2017Sackhole and cryopeg brines were collected according to Cooper et al., 2019 FEMS Environmental Microbiology and inserted into the holographic microscope using a syringe as described in Lindensmith et al., 2016 PLOS One. holographic microscope
Phaeocystis colony counts from raw Digital Holographic Microscope images from casts on RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302, March 2013 (TRACERS project)Used to count Phaeocystis colonies in situ. DIHM
Orientation and growth of colonies of four diatom species (Stephanopyxis turris, Pseudo-nitzschia sp., Skeletonema sp., and Odontella sinensis) in Couette flow digital holographic microscope (DHM)
Experiments on orientation of colonial diatom Stephanopyxis turris in Couette flow using hologram imagery analysisA custom digital holographic microscope (DHM) was constructed to image particles within the Couette chambers. Coherent illumination was provided by a green (532 nm) nanosecond pulsed laser. The incident beam was directed upward through the bottom of the chamber and images were acquired by a CCD camera (4896 x 3264 pixels) positioned above the chamber looking downward through the illuminated volume. An objective lens in front of the camera increased magnification and positioned the hologram image plane at the water surface. Hologram resolution was 1.74 um/pixel.