17D and isotopic ratios | 17D and isotopic ratios | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
234Th | All 234Th measurements made during this study | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
234Th Upwelling | All 234Th data pertaining to the upwelling velocity calculations | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
7Be | All 7Be data pertaining to upwelling velocity calculations | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
acoustic backscatter - BIOMAPER-II | Acoustic backscatter data collected by BIOMAPERII | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | yrday |
ADCP - Broad Band | Broad Band Shipboard ADCP | SO_GasEx | yrday |
ADCP - Narrow Band | Narrow Band Shipboard ADCP | SO_GasEx | yrday |
AEROSOL | Aerosol Data | CLIVAR AEROSOL | YrDay |
aerosols_short | Aerosols, short irradiation neutron activation analysis | Arabian Sea | yrday |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for LMG1110, Antarctic. | Salp_Antarctic | yrday |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track from cruise KN207-01 | SargassoSeaLipids | yrday |
alongtrack | Alongtrack data from ship's Data Acquisition System (DAS). | POWOW | yrday |
Arabian Sea phytoplankton | Phytoplankton and nutrients from Northern Arabian Sea, 2009-2011 | Arabian Sea Noctiluca | yrday |
Biofloat_48 CSTAR transmissometer Profiles | Raw and derived parameters from WET Labs C-Star Beam Transmissometer | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 CTD Profiles | Full-resolution profiles of salinity and temperature plus derived variables from Seabird SBE41 Salinity and temperature sensor; Druck pressure sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Hyperspectral Downwelling Plane Irradiance - Ed - Profiles | Hyperspectral downwelling plane irradiance (Ed) from Trios ACC | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Hyperspectral Upwelling Plane Radiance - Lu - Profiles | Hyperspectral upwelling radiance (Lu) Profiles from Trios ARC | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 LI-COR sensor PAR profiles | Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) profiles from LI-COR 192-SA sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Optode dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen concentration and oxygen saturation from Aanderaa 3835 Optode oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Satlantic ISUS Nitrate profiles | Nitrate and Raw spectral profiles from Satlantic Nitrate Sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Seabird dissolved oxygen sensor Profiles | Dissolved oxygen profile from Seabird SBE43 Oxygen sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 surface GPS position and time data | Raw GPS data acquired during surface communication of Biofloat_48 | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Biofloat_48 Wetlabs FLNTU chlorophyll sensor Profiles | Profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence and volume scattering function from WET Labs FLNTU sensor | NAB 2008 | yrday |
bottle_BC_PS | salinity, SF6 and chlorophyll-a from bottle cast samples | SOFeX | yrDay |
bottle_merged | Merged bottle and nutrient data | EqPac | year_date |
bottle_samples_PS | combined water sample data from variety of sampling devices | SOFeX | yrDay |
bottle_summ | Niskin bottle summary product; basic hydrographic data, thorium-234, pigments and nutrients | VERTIGO | yrday |
Carbon - no POC_new | Phytoplankton carbon content by type (no POC_new) | IronExII | yrday |
Carbon - with POC_new | Phytoplankton carbon content by type (w/ POC_new) | IronExII | yrday |
Carbon Comparisons | Comparison of calculated µM Carbon between methods of Chavez et.al.(91) and Campbell et.al.(94) | IronExII | yrday |
Carmel River State Beach Offshore Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration offshore of Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Carmel River State Beach Offshore Zoo 2011 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in the waters offshore of Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Carmel River State Beach Rocky Shore Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration at the rocky shore next to Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Carmel River State Beach Surf Zone Phyto 2011 | Time series of avg daily phyto concentration in the surf zone at Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Carmel River State Beach Surf Zone Zoo 2011 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in the surf zone at Carmel River State Beach, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Cast Log | Cast Log | IronExII | yrday |
Chloro HPLC | Chloro HPLC | ON DEQUE | Day_of_Year |
chlorophyll | Extracted chlorophyll concentrations from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
CO2 | Underway CO2 Data | IronExII | yrday |
continuous | Underway/continuous measurements of O2, O2/Ar and optically-based POC in the North Pacific | ProdChangeO2Carb | decimal_day_of_year |
continuous carbonate chemistry | Continuous carbonate chemistry data from Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery 2009. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | julian_day |
continuous pCO2 | Continuous pCO2 data from Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery 2011. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | julian_day |
CTD | SOFeX project CTD profile data | SOFeX | yrDay |
CTD | continuous downcast profile data in 1m bins | CORSACS | year_day |
CTD | CTD sensor and nutrient measurements | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
CTD | Surface and mixed-layer averaged diel cycles of O2 and optically-based POC along the North Pacific | ProdChangeO2Carb | decimal_day_of_year |
CTD - Bottle - AN10 | CTD Averaged Bottle Data | ANACONDAS | Yearday |
CTD - TRIAXUS - 1sec Data | CTD - TRIAXUS - 1sec Data | RISE | timeJ |
CTD - TRIAXUS - 24Hz Data | CTD - TRIAXUS - 24Hz Data | RISE | timeJ |
CTD Hydrography | | CICLOPS | Julian_Day |
CTD Log | CTD Log | IronExI | yrday |
CTD TM_Rosette Nutrients Chl | CTD, TM Rosette CTD, nutrients and chlorophyll data | IronExII | yrday |
CTD_BC_PS | SeaBird SeaCat SBE-19 CTD profiler data from bottle casts (BC) | SOFeX | yrDay |
CTD_Cokelet eco FOCI cruises | CTDs from one cruise per year from the NE Pacific | NEP | yrday_gmt |
CTD_transect_PS | CTD profile data from Polar Star Transect 1 | SOFeX | yrDay |
Cyanophage abundance | El Nino virus abundance | El Nino and virus diversity, Cyanophage Evolutionary Ecology | yrday_local |
Database Profile Data Products | Database Profile Data Products | ON DEQUE | Day_of_Year |
Descriptions of hurricanes affecting St. John | Names and descriptions of hurricanes near St. John USVI. | St. John LTREB, VI Octocorals | interp_date |
DIC_DIN_Up_DID | Results on tracer experiments using 13C and 15N to estimate uptake rates of DIC and DIN, Depth Integrated Data (DID) | VERTIGO | yrday |
discrete carbonate chemistry | Discrete carbonate chemistry samples from Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery 2009. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | julian_day |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
dissolved oxygen and barometric pressure | Dissolved O2, percent O2 saturation, and barometric pressure from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
drifter navigation | SOFeX project South Patch Drifter Navigation | SOFeX | yrDay |
Event Log | Event Log | IronExII | yrday |
Event Log - AN11 | Event Log - ANACONDAS cruise 11 | ANACONDAS | Yearday |
Event Logs | Event Logs - All Wecoma Cruises | RISE | YrDay |
Export fluxes | Export fluxes of Th, POC, PON and bSi calcuated using sediment traps and thorium budget | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
Fe - Surface | Surface Fe Data | SOIREE | SDY_top |
float | Mixed-layer averaged O2 and optically-based POC from Profiling Floats | ProdChangeO2Carb | decimal_day_of_year |
GoM - nitrates_phosphates | Nitrate and phosphate concentrations collected at intertidal locations in three regions on the coast of the Gulf of Maine | GOM Biodiversity | yrday |
GoM temperature | Air and water temperatures collected at intertidal locations in three regions on the coast of the Gulf of Maine, 2011 | GOM Biodiversity | yrday |
Gross oxygen production | All measurements used in the gross oxygen production estimates | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
GT10 - CDOM | Absorption coefficients of Colored Dissolved Organic matter (CDOM) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | yrday |
Injection Sled | Tracer Injection Sled data profiles | EDDIES | yrday |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, PO4, SiOH4) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
IrnBru MV1405 - Bacteria and Virus Abundance | Bacteria and virus abundance data from the MV1405 cruise. | Diatom Silicification | yearday_GMT |
ISPP14C Synthesis | In situ primary productivity 14C | Arabian Sea, KD490 Upgrade, Arabian Sea Phyto Seasonality, ISPP14C, Arabian Sea Primary Prod, Arabian Sea Photo-Ecology, Biowatt I, JGOFS NABE Primary Prod 20W, PRPOOS Tracer Kinetics, NABE, AESOPS Primary Production, Biowatt II, PRPOOS logistics, AESOPS, ML-ML, ON DEQUE, ARLINDO | Julian_Date_UTC |
lightProbe_OC | Satlantic light-profiling system data | EDDIES | yrday |
lightProbe_WB | Satlantic profiling radiometer system (SPMR/SMSR) | EDDIES | yrday |
log_SFX_PS | SOFeX Polar Star Cruise sampling event log | SOFeX | yrDay |
LVP_pump | Carbon and Nitrogen concentration from filtered in situ LVP pump samples | SOFeX | yrday |
Mean daily SST | Average daily sea surface temperature, Florida to Prince Edward I. | Local adaptation in Menidia | yrday |
Media Luna Reef - CO2 Dissolved O2 tempearture pH | SAMI-CO2, SAMI-pH, temperature and dissolved O2 data from Media Luna Reef, Puerto Rico | NH10_ShelfBreak_MLR, DOGEE-II | Year_Day |
Microbial Counts - Eukaryote | Microbial counts - Eukaryote | IronExII | yrday |
Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | Microbial Counts - Picophytoplankton | IronExII | yrday |
mixed_layer | Mixed Layer Depths, Ross Sea and APFZ | AESOPS | yrday |
MLML Fe | Size fractionated particulate Fe Data | IronExII | yrday |
mooring_flux | Heat and momentum fluxes from surface mooring | Arabian Sea | yrday |
MV1110 CTD Nutrient and Particle Data | | ANACONDAS | Yearday |
NAB08 C-14 PP | | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Natural waters experiment with picoeukaryotes and Synechococcus | Natural waters experiment (picoeukaryotes + Synechococcus) | Grazing Saturation | Day_of_year |
Net O2 Production | All measurements used in the net oxygen production estimates | UpRISEE O2 upwelling | yrday |
Niskin Bottle Hydrography | Niskin Bottle Hydrography from CTD Rosette | NAB 2008 | yrday |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | yrday_local |
OC473 alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for OC473. | OAPS | yrday_new |
pCO2 pH salinity and temperature collected off the coast of Oregon USA by a SAMI-CO2 - Shelf Break and NH10 | pCO2, pH, salinity and temperature collected off the coast of Oregon USA by a SAMI-CO2 - Shelf Break and NH10 | NH10_ShelfBreak_MLR | Year_Day |
pH | pH measured at the PICO time-series station from 2010 to 2012. | PICO | yrday |
phytobio_CTD | Phytoplankton species data and biomass data: abundance and fluxes from CTDs | VERTIGO | yrday |
Phytoplankton abundances | Phytoplankton abundances | IronExII | yrday |
pigments HPLC | pigments from HPLC analysis of bottle samples | SOFeX | yrDay |
pigments_HPLC | Algal pigment concentrations in the Ross Sea as measured by HPLC | CORSACS | yrday |
POC | POC Data | IronExII | yrday |
primary_production | Primary Productivity and Chlorophyll from bottle samples | SOFeX | yrday |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | yrday |
recruit_seawater_chemistry | Seawater chemistry for coral recruit experiments in variable CO2 conditions | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | yrday |
salinity | Salinity measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature Mooring Time Series | SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | CO2Flux_LabradorSea | Year_Day |
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data at LEO15 BBAY and MVCO Moorings | SAMI-CO2 pCO2 and Temperature mooring time series data at LEO15 BBAY and MVCO Moorings | LEO-15 | Year_Day |
SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | SAMI-CO2 pCO2 Temperature and Oxygen Time series dataset | DOGEE-II | Year_Day |
SAMI-pH temperature and Salinity data collected on the MBARI M0 mooring in 2007 | SAMI-pH, temperature and Salinity data collected on the MBARI M0 mooring in 2007 | MBARI | Year_Day |
Sampler Sled | Sampler Sled data profiles | EDDIES | yrday |
Sampler Sled cast 1 | Sampler Sled cast 1 data profiles | EDDIES | yrday |
Sand City Offshore Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration in the waters just seaward of the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Sand City Offshore Zoo 2010 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in the waters just seaward of the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Sand City Ridge Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration over ridges in the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Sand City Rip Phyto 2010 | Thirty day time series of avg daily phyto concentration in rip currents at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Sand City Rip Zoo 2010 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in a rip current within the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
Sand City Shoal Zoo 2010 | Time series of avg daily zooplankton concentration in shoal water within the surf zone at Sand City, CA. | Surf zone larval transport | yrday |
SBE37 - El Rosario and Natividad | Moored physical and chemical parameters measured by SBE37 at El Rosario and Isla Natividad sites, Mexico | CNH-Baja Pacific, CA Current MS Abpop | Date_Time_Julian |
secchi depth | Secchi depth measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
SST - MAERI Air and SST | Air and Sea-surface Temperatures from MAERISST | SAGE | yrday |
Station List | Station List | IronExI | yrday |
temperature | Water temperature measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
Temperature-dependent sex ratio of Menidia and SST data | Temperature-dependent sex ratio of Menidia and sea surface temperature data from Florida to PEI, 2004 through 2008. | Local adaptation in Menidia | yrday |
thorium WB bottle | Thorium-234 and Uranium-238 from Niskin bottle samples | EDDIES | yrday |
turbidity | Turbidity measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | yrday |
underway_bottle | Hydrographic data from ship's underway pumping system | AESOPS | yrday |
underway_fluoro_KM | Underway fluorometer data from two R/V Kilo Moana cruises (POWOW2 & POWOW3). | POWOW | yrday |
underway_met | underway MET data collected on GLOBEC LTOP cruises aboard R/V Wecoma | NEP | yrday |
underway_met_NH | underway MET data collected on GLOBEC LTOP cruises aboard R/V New Horizon | NEP | yrday |
underway_nav_KM | Underway navigation data from two R/V Kilo Moana cruises (POWOW2 & POWOW3) | POWOW | yrday |
underway_thermosal_KM | Underway thermosalinograh data from two R/V Kilo Moana cruises (POWOW2 & POWOW3). | POWOW | yrday |
Vent chemistry | Concentrations of anions, cations, and trace elements/metals from vents near Milos I., Greece. | Hydrothermal Autotrophic Carbon Fixation | yrday |
VPR TN368 | | SPIROPA | YearDay |
water temp sal cond - FHL | Underwater temperature, salinity, conductivity at Cantilever Point, Friday Harbor | Subtidal Preserves | yrday |
water temperature - FHL | Water temperature at 20', 60' and 80' at Pt. Caution, Friday Harbor Lab. | Subtidal Preserves | yrday_local |