Water column properties and carbon geochemistry from R/V Blackbeard and R/V Neil Armstrong cruises in coastal North Carolina in 2018 and 2019 | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
| DOC |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1620 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Sept 2016 | Dissolved organic carbon concentration by HTCO. Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman). Methodological reference is Carlson et al. 2010 DSRII
| DOC |
Nutrient concentrations and microbial counts from Niskin bottle collections on R/V Atlantic Explorer A1703 in the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study site from Mar/April 2016 | Dissolved organic carbon concentration by HTCO. Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman). Methodological reference is Carlson et al. 2010 DSRII
| DOC |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California in December 2016 | Porewater concentrations of dissolved organic carbon
| DOC |
Sediment geochemistry summary from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT37-06 in the Guaymas Basin from December 2016 | Dissolved Organic Carbon; method detection limit = 1
| DOC |
Sediment geochemistry from push cores collected during HOV Alvin dives during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT42-05 in Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California (27 00.00 N, -111 20.00 W) in November 2018 | Porewater concentrations of dissolved organic carbon; method detection limit = 1
| DOC_uM |
Geochemical measurements of CTD and Alvin Niskin samples collected in the Gulf of California on RV/Atlantis AT42-05 Alvin dives, Nov. 2018 | Water column dissolved organic carbon concentration; detection limit=1
| DOC |
Bacterial cell counts and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Dissolved organic carbon concentration measured by high temperature combustion/oxidation (HTCO) (Carlson et al; 2010)
| DOC |
Bacterial cell counts and Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) measurements from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Dissolved organic carbon concentration standard deviation
| DOC_sd |
Benthic flux data from sediment cores collected in the York River Estuary, VA in 2020 | flux of dissolved inorganic carbon in dark
| DOC_1 |
Benthic flux data from sediment cores collected in the York River Estuary, VA in 2020 | flux of dissolved organic carbon in light
| DOC_2 |
Experimental results: Bloom in Bottle (BIB) experiments: culture studies of the effect of Si and N stress on diatoms of the Santa Barbara Channel (SBDOM project, SBC LTER) | Dissolved organic carbon.
| DOC |
Biogeochemical measurements from R/V Blue Heron BH10-01, BH10-06, BH10-13, BH10-22, BH09-SINC1 in the Lake Superior from 2009 to 2010 (SINC project) | Dissolved organic carbon
Detailed Acquisition and Processing Metadata for All Parameters
| DOC |
BioGeoChemistry from R/V Blue Heron BH07-09, BH07-17, BH07-19, BH08-01, BH08-11, BH08-19 in Lake Superior from 2007-2008 (CARGO project) | Dissolved organic carbon
| DOC |
Biogeochemical and microbial parameters collected during spatial surveys on a coral reef at Mo'orea's North Shore (French Polynesia) in September 2017, May 2019, and April 2022 | Dissolved Organic Carbon concentration
| DOC |
Survey biogeochemical data from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Dissolved Organic Carbon; Method: High temperature combustion/oxidation (HTCO). Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman) (Carlson et al; 2010)
| DOC |
Survey biogeochemical data from R/V Atlantis AT32, AT34, AT38, and AT39-06 in the western North Atlantic Ocean (35°N to 57°N; 45°W) in Nov. 2015, May 2016, Sep 2017, Mar/Apr 2018 | Dissolved Organic Carbon Standard Deviation
| DOC_sd |
Algae, bacteria, DOC, inorganic and organic nutrients collected from the Richard B Gump Research Station at Moorea LTER from 2010-2011 (MCR LTER and Coral DOM projects) | Dissolved organic carbon concentration by HTCO in micromolar units. Glass fiber filtrate type GF/F (Whatman). Methodological reference is Carlson et al. 2010, DSRII.
| DOC |
BIOS-SCOPE survey biogeochemical data as collected on Atlantic Explorer cruises (AE1614, AE1712, AE1819, AE1916) from 2016 through 2019 | Dissolved organic carbon concentration
| DOC |
Niskin bottle data from R/V Pelagia 64PE325 in the subtropical Atlantic from October 2010 (Basin-scale Protists project) | dissolved Inorganic Carbon
| DOC |
Carbon flux for the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta (Sponge-loop) | dissolved organic carbon consumed by sponges
| DOCconsumed |
Carbon flux for the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta (Sponge-loop) | dissolved organic carbon in excurrent water samples
| DOCex |
Carbon flux for the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta (Sponge-loop) | dissolved organic carbon in incurrent water samples
| DOCin |
Carbon flux for the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta (Sponge-loop) | sponge retention efficiency for dissolved organic carbon
| DOCre |
Carbon flux for the Caribbean giant barrel sponge Xestospongia muta (Sponge-loop) | sponge filtration rate of dissolved organic carbon
| frDOC |
Flux of organic carbon for sponges at Conch Reef, Key Largo, FL, and Carrie Bow Cay, Belize as sampled in 2016. | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in excurrent water samples
| uMdocex |
Flux of organic carbon for sponges at Conch Reef, Key Largo, FL, and Carrie Bow Cay, Belize as sampled in 2016. | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in incurrent water samples
| uMdocin |
Concentrations, d13C and D14C data for DOC and DIC in fluids collected from North Pond Cork Observatories U1382A and U1383C and from bottom seawater in 2012, 2014 and 2017. | concentration of dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
| DOC_conc |
Barataria Bay carbon mineralization and biogeochemical properties from nine soil cores | Extractable Dissolved Organic Carbon in the field
| extractable_doc_field |
Coastal phytoplankton and mercury dynamics in watersheds along the U.S. East Coast from New Jersey to Maine assessed using particulate and dissolved samples collected in 2015 and 2016 | Dissolved Organic Carbon
| DOC |
Consensus Reference Material Collection Data of marine dissolved organic matter collected in the Florida Strait between 2019 and 2023 | The maximum value of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Analytical precision is roughly 1 micromoles carbon per liter, but the data are provided as a range here. The concentrations of the reference waters are determined by a group of expert laboratories, so it is their range of results that we report. There is not an analytical method and result that is certifiable to a NIST standard, hence the need for the consensus values provided to the user community.
| DOC_Conc_uM_Max |
Consensus Reference Material Collection Data of marine dissolved organic matter collected in the Florida Strait between 2019 and 2023 | The minimum value of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Analytical precision is roughly 1 micromoles carbon per liter, but the data are provided as a range here. The concentrations of the reference waters are determined by a group of expert laboratories, so it is their range of results that we report. There is not an analytical method and result that is certifiable to a NIST standard, hence the need for the consensus values provided to the user community.
| DOC_Conc_uM_Min |
Bacterioplankton data from coral and coral mucus aquaria experiments conducted at Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences in 2013 | dissolved organic carbon in seawater samples
| DOC |
Concentrations of colored dissolved organic matter, dissolved organic carbon, and total phosphorous from experiments conducted at the University of Hawaii, Manoa in 2015 (Coral DOM2) | Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)
| DOC |
Biogeochemical data collected from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE) in Virginia USA, from 2018 - 2020 | Porewater Dissolved Organic Carbon
| DOC |
CTD sensor and nutrient measurements from R/V Yellowfin cruises to the San Pedro Ocean Time-series (SPOT) station in 2013 and 2014 | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
| DOC |
Water column DOC, Chl, PN, PC, PON, and POC data from CTD casts from R/V Tangaroa cruise VDT0410 in the South East of New Zealand, S.W. Bounty Trough in 2004 (SAGE project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon(DOC) Dissolved Organic Carbon(low level) using TOC analyser
| DOC |
1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T0 (0 hrs)
| DOC_T0_0 |
1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T10 (284 hrs)
| DOC_T10_284 |
1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T2 (70.5 hrs)
| DOC_T2_70point5 |
1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T7 (195 hrs)
| DOC_T7_195 |
1B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Thalassiosira weissflogii grown under different pCO2 and temperature conditions from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at TF (968.5 hrs)
| DOC_TF_968point5 |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T0 (0 hrs)
| DOC_T0_0 |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Std Dev of Dissolved Organic Carbon at T0 (0 hrs)
| DOC_T0_0_St_dev |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T3 (73.5 hrs)
| DOC_T3_73point5 |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Std Dev of Dissolved Organic Carbon at T3 (73.5 hrs)
| DOC_T3_73point5_St_dev |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at T8 (196.25 hrs)
| DOC_T8_196point25 |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Std Dev of Dissolved Organic Carbon at T8 (196.25 hrs)
| DOC_T8_196point25_St_dev |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Dissolved Organic Carbon at Tx (600 hrs)
| DOC_Tx_600 |
2B: Bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon produced by Dactyliosolen fragilissimus grown under different pCO2 and temperature condition from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Std Dev of Dissolved Organic Carbon at Tx (600 hrs)
| DOC_Tx_600_St_dev |