32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre - 0.6-5um fraction
| BSi_0_6umfilt_5umprefilt |
32Si and 14C production data (experimental) from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre - >5um fraction
| BSi_5umfilt |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre for the 0.6 to 5 micrometer (um) size fraction
| bSi_0_6um_to_5um |
Depth profiles in the euphotic zone of nitrate, silicate, and phosphate concentrations and profiles of silicic acid uptake rates from EXPORTS cruise DY131 in the North Atlantic during May 2021 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre for the size fraction of 5 micrometers (um) and greater
| bSi_gt_5um |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre - 0.6-5um fraction
| BSi_0_6umfilt_5umprefilt |
32Si data from EXPORTS cruise RR1813 on R/V Roger Revelle in the Subarctic North Pacific near Station PAPA from August to September 2018 | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre - >5um fraction
| BSi_5umfilt |
Discrete bottle samples collected at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea from October 1988 through June 2024 | Particulate biogenic silica
| Bio_Si |
Experimental results: Bloom in Bottle (BIB) experiments: culture studies of the effect of Si and N stress on diatoms of the Santa Barbara Channel (SBDOM project, SBC LTER) | Biogenic silica concentration.
| Si_bio |
Biogenic and lithogenic silica concentrations from marine suspended particles collected during the 2011 CLIVAR S04P expedition on RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer from February 19 to April 19, 2011 | biogenic silica
| BSi |
Water-column Biogenic silica concentrations from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0601, NBP0608 cruises in the Ross Sea Southern Ocean (CORSACS project) | biogenic silica concentration
| Si_bio |
Biogenic Silica from CTD samples collected during R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS2204 from Apr to May 2022 | Biogenic silica in micro-moles of Silicon per liter of seawater
| bSi |
Biogenic silicate from R/V Kilo Moana KM0715 in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre north of Hawaii, near (24 N, 159.0 W) from August 2007 (C-MORE project) | biogenic silica concentration
| Si_bio |
Bottle sample data and water processing samples from CTD casts from the first cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Neil Armstrong cruise AR29, to the New England Shelfbreak in April 2018. | biogenic silica
| Bsi |
Bottle data including phosphate, nitrate, total nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, silicate, chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen (POC, PON), and biogenic silica from multiple cruises to the southern Ross Sea, 2001-2006 (IVARS project) | biogenic silica concentration
| BSi |
Chemical and biological data from CTD Niskin bottle samples from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project) | biogenic Silica
| Bsi |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the second cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Ronald H. Brown cruise RB1904, to the New England Shelfbreak in May of 2019. | biogenic silica
| Bsi |
Bottle sample data from CTD casts from the third cruise of SPIROPA project, R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN368, to the New England Shelfbreak in July of 2019 | biogenic silica
| Bsi |
Discrete bottle samples collected during BATS Validation (BVAL) cruises from April 1991 through July 2024 | Particulate biogenic silica
| Bio_Si |
CarBoy experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Bsi
| Bsi |
Silicon Uptake Kinetics sampled aboard the R/V Pelican during during PE17-04 and PE17-20 along the Northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically the Louisiana Shelf region dominated by the discharge of the Mississippi River plume. | particulate biogenic silica
| bSi |
Water column data sampled aboard the R/V Pelican during August and September 2016 and May 2017 in Northern Gulf of Mexico, specifically the Louisiana Shelf region dominated by the discharge of the Mississippi River plume. | particulate biogenic silica
| bSi |
Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data from 17 cruises conducted between 1973 and 2005 | >53um bSi concentration
| gt53bSiumolkg |
Compilation of MULVFS size-fractionated POC, PIC, and bSi data from 17 cruises conducted between 1973 and 2005 | 0.4-53um bSi concentration
| lt53bSiumolkg |
Compiled global dataset of PIC/POC and bSi concentrations measured by in situ pumps on multiple research cruises conducted from between 1973 and 2013 | large size biogenic silica flux
| bSi_lsf |
Compiled global dataset of PIC/POC and bSi concentrations measured by in situ pumps on multiple research cruises conducted from between 1973 and 2013 | small size biogenic silica concentration
| bSi_ssf |
Discrete samples from CTD casts from R/V Roger Revelle KNOX22RR in the Patagonian Shelf (SW South Atlantic) from December 2008 (COPAS08 project) | Bsi
| Bsi |
CTD - Discrete Samples from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Bsi
| Bsi |
Biogenic silica concentrations collected from CTD casts during RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from 2017-2018 | Concentration of biogenic silica
| Bsi |
Experiment with the diatom Chaetoceros sp. on the impact of temperature, light climate, and carbonate chemistry on TEP production and aggregation processes from May 2015 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Aggregate slurry biogenic silica
| AGG_bSi |
Experiment with the diatom Chaetoceros sp. on the impact of temperature, light climate, and carbonate chemistry on TEP production and aggregation processes from May 2015 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project) | Surrounding seawater biogenic silica
| SSW_bSi |
Silica production rates and concentrations quantified using 32Si and PDMPO using samples from the R/V Point Sur cruise PS1312 along the Central California coast from June to July of 2013 (Diatom Group Si Prod project) | Biogenic silica (µmol Si/L)
| bSiO2 |
Dilution experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Bsi
| Bsi |
Measurements of Chlorophyll, NO2, NO3, PO4, Silicate, NH4, PIC, POC, PON, BSi from CTD casts on R/V Endeavor cruise EN616 in July 2018 | Bsi
| BSi |
Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from R/V Point Sur cruises PS1009 and PS1103 in the Santa Barbara Channel from 2010-2011 (SBDOM project, SBC LTER project) | Biogenic silica concentration.
| Si_bio |
Incubation experiment data from R/V Melville, R/V Roger Revelle cruises MV1101, RR1202 in the Southern Ocean (30-60S); 2011-2012 (Great Calcite Belt project) | Biogenic silica concentration measured in the bottle
| bSi |
Experimental biogeochemical data from R/V Melville MV1405 collected along the California coastline in 2014 | Particulate biogenic silica in micromoles Si per liter.
| bSi |
Data from nutrient manipulation experiments (conducted on EXPORTS cruise DY131) aimed at relieving or inducing nutrient stress in phytoplankton and quantifying these responses using metatranscriptomic sequencing | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre for the 0.6 to 5 micrometer (um) size fraction
| bSi_0_6um_to_5um |
Data from nutrient manipulation experiments (conducted on EXPORTS cruise DY131) aimed at relieving or inducing nutrient stress in phytoplankton and quantifying these responses using metatranscriptomic sequencing | particulate biogenic silica in nanomoles Si per litre for the size fraction of 5 micrometers (um) and greater
| bSi_gt_5um |
Nutrients, pigments, silicate and experimental data collected aboard the OCEANUS during cruise OC1504A in the North Pacific Ocean from 2015-04-19 to 2015-05-06 | particulate biogenic silica in micromoles Si per litre
| bSi |
Nutrients, pigments, silicate and experimental data collected aboard the OCEANUS during cruise OC1504A in the North Pacific Ocean from 2015-04-19 to 2015-05-06 | silicic acid concentration in micromoles (also known as dissolved silicon concentration or dSi)
| dSi |
Carbon, biogenic Silica, and mass fluxes from Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap (NBST) deployments in the North Pacific on R/V Falkor FK170124 in Jan-Feb 2017 | biogenic silica flux
| bSi_f |
Carbon, biogenic Silica, and mass fluxes from Neutrally Buoyant Sediment Trap (NBST) deployments in the North Pacific on R/V Falkor FK170124 in Jan-Feb 2017 | standard deviation of biogenic silica flux replicate measurements
| bSi_f_err |
Particulate nutrients from phyto and microzooplankton experiments from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0601 cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean from 2005-2006 (CORSACS project, Antarctic microzooplankton project) | Biogenic silica.
| silica_biogenic |
Phosphorus and biogenic silica from phytoplankton and microzooplankton experiments on the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0608 cruise in the Ross Sea, Southern Ocean during 2006(CORSACS project, Antarctic microzooplankton project) | Biogenic silica concentration.
| Si_biogenic |
Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1218, AE1228, AE1319, AE1322 in Bermuda, and NW Atlantic from 2012-2013 (Si_in_Syn project) | Size-fractionated biogenic silica concentration
| bSi_4tenths_to_3 |
Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1218, AE1228, AE1319, AE1322 in Bermuda, and NW Atlantic from 2012-2013 (Si_in_Syn project) | Size-fractionated biogenic silica concentration
| bSi_gt_3 |
Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1218, AE1228, AE1319, AE1322 in Bermuda, and NW Atlantic from 2012-2013 (Si_in_Syn project) | Size-fractionated biomass-normalized biogenic silica production (Vb)
| Vb_4tenths_to_3 |
Water column particulate silica, standing stocks, and productivity rates from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruises AE1218, AE1228, AE1319, AE1322 in Bermuda, and NW Atlantic from 2012-2013 (Si_in_Syn project) | Size-fractionated biomass-normalized biogenic silica production (Vb)
| Vb_above_3 |
Data on phytoplankton physiology and iron and temperature interactions collected in the Ross Sea during 2013 (Ross Sea Microb Ecophys project) | Biogenic silicate
| BSI |
Results from experiments on Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta growth and domic acid productionunder varying CO2 and silicate levels (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | Cellular biogenic Silica.
| BSi |