Data from two Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) 24-hour feeding experiments under ambient temperature and pCO2, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, and elevated temperature and pCO2. | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
| |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from a 1-month experiment at ambient conditions, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, or elevated temperature and elevated pCO2, Jan-Feb. 2014 | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
| |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from a 1-month experiment at ambient conditions, ambient temperature and elevated pCO2, or elevated temperature and elevated pCO2, Jan-Feb. 2015 | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
| |
Growth of Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) from an experiment at two temperatures and three pH levels, Feb-Mar. 2015 | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
| |
Field collection data for taxa detected in Copepod nauplii guts analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | Mesh size 100 microns or 150 microns
| Plankton Net |
Taxa detected in field caught nauplii guts analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | Mesh size 100 microns or 150 microns
| Plankton Net |
GenBank BLAST results of copepod nauplii gut contents analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | Mesh size 100 microns or 150 microns
| Plankton Net |
Identification of copepod gut contents analyzed at San Francisco State University in 2013 (Food Limitation in Copepod nauplii project) | Mesh size 100 microns or 150 microns
| Plankton Net |
Sex-specific body size measurements from two copepod populations in the Coastal Northwest Atlantic Surface Waters from 2017-07-16 to 2017-08-25 | Copepods were collected with a 250 micrometer mesh plankton net with a solid cod end.
| plankton net |
Individual egg production measurements from 10 copepod populations from 2017-07-15 to 2018-07-26 in coastal northwest Atlantic surface waters | Copepods were collected with a 250 micrometer mesh plankton net with a solid cod end.
| plankton net |
Individual thermal stress survivorship measurements from 10 copepod populations from Coastal Northwest Atlantic Surface Waters from 2017-07-15 to 2018-07-26 | Copepods were collected with a 250 micrometer mesh plankton net with a solid cod end.
| plankton net |
Acartia tonsa mortality collected from a plankton net with associated CTD data from 5 day-trips in mid-Chesapeake Bay from August to October 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project) | Used to collect live zooplankton. The plankton net was 0.5m in diameter and made of 64µm mesh, equipped to close with a mechanical messenger trigger, and was deployed from the winch arm of the R/V Parker.
| 0.5m plankton net |
Sex-specific thermal stress survivorship measurements from two copepod populations in the Coastal Northwest Atlantic Surface Waters from 2017-07-16 to 2017-08-25 | Copepods were collected with a 250 micrometer mesh plankton net with a solid cod end.
| plankton net |
Particulate data collected near Friday Harbor, WA between 2020 and 2021 as part of a study of cold-water coral Balanophyllia elegans diet and trophic position | Net tow material was collected with plankton nets with mesh sizes ranging from 80uM, 120uM, and 150uM.
| |
Zooplankton biomass measured from net tows conducted during ongoing monthly cruises, from April 1994 to June 2024, at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the Sargasso Sea | This type of net was designed by Larry Madin and the company Sea Gear.
| rectangular depressor plankton net with 202 µm mesh |
Copepod track data from a set of 4 experiments quantifying the foraging behavior and ingestion by copepods within different distributions of marine snow | | 333 micrometer mesh plankton net |
Behavioral assays to assess the ability of G. marleyi to detect and preferentially differentiate between Caribbean reef fish hosts in John Brewers Bay, St Thomas, US Virgin Islands | Lighted plankton traps: PVC tubing with a reversed funnel. A light is shined out of the funnel to attract plankton (including gnathiids) into the trap.
| Lighted plankton trap |
Carbohydrate weight percentages from composite plankton tows from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruises TT007, TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Plankton Tow |
A multi-phylum study of grazer-induced paralytic shellfish toxin production in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense: A new perspective on control of algal toxicity | | mesh net suspended in tidal flow |
Event log from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise NBP1801 in the Southern Ocean for the CICLOPS project | | Plankton Tow |
DNA sequences of viruses associated with copepods collected from the shoreside from Tampa Bay, Florida from 2004-2011 (Viruses in Copepods project) | General Oceanics plankton net (335 um mesh size).
| Plankton Net |
Bacteria assemblages associated with Eurytemora affinis in both salt and fresh water from shoreside Lee-DaSilva Lee-DaSilva_Collection in the USA; Netherlands; Canada; Belgium; various locations each from 2012-2014 (CopepodMicrobiome project) | Some of the samples were collected by small boat (Blue Hammock Bayou and Lake Pontchartrain) very near the shore. The rest of the net collection was from throwing the plankton net off the dock.
| Plankton net |
Copepod density gradient experiments near Scripps Canyon in La Jolla, CA from August to September 2017 | With a 300 µm mesh plankton net (0.5 m diameter mouth), 5-6 oblique tows were taken per sampling trip to a depth of at least 40 m and for a duration of 3 to 5 minutes.
| mesh plankton net |
Copepod gut pigment data from each of six experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases | | 333 µm mesh plankton net |
Copepod ingestion rate as calculated through stable isotope analysis from experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases | | 333 µm mesh plankton net |
Fluorescence per phytoplankton cell from each of six experiments quantifying the ingestion by copepods of marine snow and phytoplankton at different phytoplankton growth phases | | 333 µm mesh plankton net |
Observations of Copepod Reactions to Sinking Aggregates Experiments 2019 | | 333 µm mesh plankton net (0.5 m diameter mouth) |
Coral Reef Fish Abundance from Study Sites Surrounding the U.S. Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico between April and September of 2015 and 2016 | | Lighted plankton trap |
d15N of size-fractionated particulate organic nitrogen (PON) from net tows in the Sargasso Sea at BATS and Hydro Station S | PON samples were collected from the upper 200 m of the water column using a 1-m2, 200-μm-mesh plankton net.
| mesh plankton net |
Pseudo-nitzschia species microbiome identification collected from the Santa Cruz Warf in 2011 (bacteria, virus, diatom interactions project) | 20um mesh size plankton net was used for sampling.
| Plankton Net |
Effect of Marine Snow Distribution on Copepod Ingestion of Marine Snow Experiments 2018 | | 333 µm mesh plankton net (0.5 m diameter mouth) |
Plankton net cast deployments and collection information from R/V Endeavor cruise EN658 from Narragansett, Rhode Island to Gulfport, Mississippi in October and November of 2020 | A plankton net with a mesh size of 150 microns was used to filter water and obtain samples.
| |
Eukaryotic phytoplankton flow cytometric results from salp grazing incubations conducted on R/V Tangaroa cruise TAN1810 during Oct-Nov 2018 | | salp net |
Fatty Acid concentrations in plankton samples from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TT011 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | | Plankton Tow |
Field experiments to determine the ability of gnathiid isopods to detect and locate Caribbean reef fish hosts using chemosensory cues in John Brewers Bay, St Thomas, US Virgin Island from June to August, 2019 | Lighted plankton traps: PVC tubing with a reversed funnel. A light is shined out the funnel to attract plankton (including gnathiids) into the trap.
| Lighted plankton trap |
Evolutionary and acclimatory shifts in gene expression of Eurytemora affinis copepods reared in saline and freshwater conditions during laboratory experiments from 2011-2014 | | |
Gnathiid blood meal identification results | | Lighted plankton trap |
Annotated de novo transcriptomes generated from six co-occurring species of calanoid copepods from the R/V Tiglax TXF18, TXS19, TXF15, TXF17 in the Gulf of Alaska from 2015-2019 | Two 150 µm and two 53 µm mesh nets
| QuadNet |
Copepod gut pigment and tank water pigment data from a set of 4 experiments quantifying the foraging behavior and ingestion by copepods within different distributions of marine snow | | 333 micrometer mesh plankton net |
Initial field conditions at Kane‘ohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaii and abundances of Parvocalanus crassirostris and Bestilina similis nauplii, May/June 2013 (EAGER: Copepod nauplii project) | 0.5 m diameter ring net, 63 µm mesh
| microplankton net |
Acid base parameters in control and treated Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, over 19 days (OA Krill) | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
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Lactate in Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, tissue from a long-term (7-day) trial maintained at ambient conditions, high temperature and/or high CO2 (OA Krill project) | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
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Lactate in Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba, tissue from short-term (2-day) trial #1 maintained at ambient conditions, high temperature and/or high CO2 (OA Krill project) | Net with 2 m diameter, 1000 m mesh, non-filtering cod end. Used to collected krill for experimental analyses.
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Larval abundance data collected by plankton pump or diver-towed plankton nets at Bird Rock, La Jolla, CA, 2014-2016 | 120 µm mesh, 20.32cm diameter equipped with mechanical flow meters (General Oceanics 2030R)
| Larval plankton nets |
Molecular identification of genetic variants of Neocalanus flemingeri in the Gulf of Alaska from samples collected from 2015 to 2023 | Elongated QuadNet net equipped with two 53-μm and two 150-μm mesh nets (25 cm diameter)
| Elongated QuadNet |
Multiyear RNA-Seq of Neocalanus flemingeri stages CV and Adult Female from the R/V Tiglax and R/V Sikuliaq in the Northern Gulf of Alaska from 2015-2022 | 53 µm mesh nets
| CalVET QuadNet |
Neocalanus body and lipid sac morphometrics from zooplankton samples collected during Seward Line cruises in the Northern Gulf of Alaska from 2018 to 2020 | Quad net, a modified CalVet net (0.25 m mouth diameter, 1 m cylinder and 1.5 m cone), of 150-µm mesh
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Gene expression profiles for Neocalanus flemingeri pre adults (CV) exposed to four different experimental food conditions collected from the M/V Dora in the Gulf of Alaska at station GAK1 from April 2019 | Two 150 µm and two 53 µm mesh nets
| QuadNet |
2014-2016 zooplankton time-series of pump samples from OIMB pier at the entrance to Coos Bay Oregon | Samples collected by pump were filtered through a 130 um mesh plankton net partially submerged in a trough of seawater.
| 130 um mesh plankton net |
Biogeochemistry of microbial phosphorus uptake from cruises in the Sargasso Sea; Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2011-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project) | Handheld 100 µm net
| Plankton Net |
Bulk phosphorus uptake by microbes from cruises in the NW Atlantic and western Sargasso Sea 2006-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project) | Handheld 100 µm net
| Plankton Net |
Phosphorus uptake kinetics by microbes to whole communities from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1206, AE1319 in the Sargasso Sea; Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Station from 2012-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project) | Handheld 100 µm net
| Plankton Net |
Taxon-specific phosphorus uptake by microbes from NW Atlantic and western Sargasso Sea from 2007-2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project) | Handheld 100 µm net
| Plankton Net |
Phytoplankton abudance and physical environmental data from off the coast of Juneau, Alaska from 2015-2016 (SEAK-AHAB project) | Sea Gear 8" diameter 20um mesh
| Sea Gear |
Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from net tows in the Sargasso Sea at BATS and Hydro Station S | Living planktic foraminifera were collected for tissue N analysis from the upper 200 m of the water column using a 1-m2, 200-um-mesh plankton net aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer during ten cruises between July 2011 and November 2013.
| mesh plankton net |
Planktic foraminifer shell d15N from Oceanic Flux Program (OFP) sediment traps in the Sargasso Sea | Living planktic foraminifera were collected for tissue N analysis from the upper 200 m of the water column using a 1-m2, 200-um-mesh plankton net aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer during ten cruises between July 2011 and November 2013.
| mesh plankton net |
Planktic foraminifer tissue d15N from net tows in the Sargasso Sea at BATS and Hydro Station S | Living planktic foraminifera were collected for tissue N analysis from the upper 200 m of the water column using a 1-m2, 200-um-mesh plankton net aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer during ten cruises between July 2011 and November 2013.
| mesh plankton net |
Plankton tow log from Alvin dives from R/V Atlantis AT15-59 in the Pacific Ocean off Costa Rica from January 2010 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project) | | Plankton Net |
Pooled sequencing data of field-collected Eurytemora affinis copepods from nine locations in North America collected October 2012 to March 2014 | | |
Planktic foraminifer tissue and shell d15N from net tows on R/V S.A. Agulhas II cruises VOY016 and VOY019 in the Southern Ocean south of Africa during 2015-2016 | | 200-um-mesh plankton net |
Size-fractionated zooplankton d15N from net tows on R/V S.A. Agulhas II cruises VOY016 and VOY019 in the Southern Ocean south of Africa during 2015-2016 | | 200-um-mesh plankton net |
Species composition from net tows and associated CTD data from a small boat in the Mid-Chesapeake Bay from August to October 2013 (CopesPopDynHypoZone project) | Used to collect live zooplankton. The plankton net was 0.5m in diameter and made of 64µm mesh, equipped to close with a mechanical messenger trigger, and was deployed from the winch arm of the R/V Parker.
| 0.5m plankton net |
Sample logs from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program on R/V Hugh R. Sharp (HRS110714EN, HRS120711EN) in the Choptank River, Chesapeake Bay during 2011-2012 (TRANSPORT project) | 1) Gel-net, towed vertically, for gelatinous zooplankton collection
2) Zooplankton net, 64 micron mesh
| gel-net |
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC469-01 in the NW Atlantic, Woods Hole to Barbados from October 2010 (Trichodesmium project) | 150 micron mesh on a 1-meter ring net
| Plankton Net |
Trichodesmium species in the North Atlantic from R/V Oceanus OC471-01 in the NW Atlantic: Woods Hole to Barbados from April 2011 (Trichodesmium project) | 150 micron mesh on a 1-meter ring net
| Plankton Net |
Trichodesmium AHL amendment metatranscriptomic reads accessions and metadata | The net had 130 micron mesh and was used to collect Trichodesmium colonies.
| net |
BioProject accession information for Trichodesmium colonies from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1409, R/V Kilo Moana KM1513 and other cruises in the N. Atlantic, S. Pacific and N. Pacific, 2007-2015 (P Processing by Tricho project) | Used to collect Trichodesmium colonies.
| net |
Trichodesmium data from R/V Atlantic Explorer cruise AE1409 in the Western Tropical North Atlantic from May 2014 (P Processing by Tricho project) | Trichodesmium colonies were collected with surface water net tows along a cruise transect in the western North Atlantic aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer (AE1409) during May 2014. Sampling occurred at the same time each day (~7:30-8:30 am) using nets with a mesh size of 130 μm. Nets were deployed and hauled through the surface water column 6 times before recovery.
| net |
Abundance of copepods in Wilkinson Basin Time Series Station, Gulf of Maine, 2005-2016 | An 0.75 meter diameter single ring or a SEA-GEAR Model 9600 twin-ring 200-micron mesh net.
| plankton nets |
Temperature and salinity measured at the UConn dock in Groton, CT, USA, associated with DNA collection | | 20 um mesh plankton net |
C and N isotope data for zoo- and phytoplankton from west Antarctica | Krill obtained during the PAL-LTER sampling, mixed zooplankton samples collected during the Oden cruise in 2010/11, and one sample of Clione limacina from a 2007/08 Oden cruise were derived from oblique tows (700 µm square-frame net) in 120 m and 400 m water depth for PAL-LTER and Oden cruises, respectively.
| square-frame net |
Hydromedusae and zooplankton abundance in Naragansett Bay timeseries from in the coastal northwest Atlantic from 2005-2006 (Hydromedusae trophic ecology project) | 64 µm-mesh 0.5m diameter ring net with flow meter.
| Plankton Net |
[DRAFT] Dana catch-all | Zooplankton were collected using a QuadNet during research cruises conducted in the Gulf of Alaska in 2018, 2019, and 2020
| QuadNet |