Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Acartia tonsa mortality from net tows and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Percent_live, Percent_dead |
Acartia tonsa mortality with CTD data: RV Sharp | Acartia tonsa mortality from Niskin and associated CTD data | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Percent_live, Percent_dead |
ARISA relative abundances | ARISA relative abundances (bacterial community structure), San Pedro Channel, 5 depths | Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Marine Viral Dynamics | rel_abund |
Biochemistry of sponges | | DimensionsSponge | Microbial_abundance, Photosymbiont_abundance, Chemical_defense |
brooded coral larvae 3 - mortality | Settling and mortality measurements of brooded coral larvae at high and ambient temperature and pCO2, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2012) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | prop_mort |
Chemical Defenses-1: Flores et al. 2012 | Chemical Defenses-1: Flores et al. 2012 | Chemical Defenses | Survival |
Chlorophyll d15N in Lake Erie | Chlorophyll d15N in Lake Erie | Lake Erie H2O2 | pcnt_Cyanos, pcnt_Greens, pcnt_Diatoms, pcnt_Crypto |
Dendraster_Beh_OA_Expt2017 | Dendraster Behavior in OA, Expt 2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | proportion_larvae |
FlowCAM imaging cytometer data from EN616 cruise | | Cocco-Mix | Pct_Small_0_to_4um, Pct_Round_4_to_12um, Pct_Ovoid_4_to_12um, Pct_Dinoflagellates, Pct_Ciliates, Pct_Diatoms, Pct_Silicoflagellates, Pct_Other_Cells |
Foraminifera counts | Absolute abundance of Foraminifera in Pacific Panama, 2019. | Coral Climate ETP | Neoconorbina, Marginopora, Sorites, Triloculina, Uvigerina, Reusella, Bolivina, Articulina, Elphidium, Planorbulina, Cymbaloporetta, Miliolinella, Nonioinella, Textularia, Quinqueloculina, Hayesina, Spiroloculina, Borelis, RosaDiscorbis, Pseudohauerina, Peneroplis, Amphistegina |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2014 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2014 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | sample_6_thru_499 |
FRT-Dcyl-Symb_2015-2016 | Dendrogyra cylindrus 23S Illumina 2015-16 - relative abundance | EMUCoReS | sample_785_thru_1292 |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Development of larvae past the planula stage | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Development of larvae past the planula stage | Coral Resilience | Percent_planula, Percent_post_planula |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Dose-response curves (DRC) quantifying survival after exposure to heat ramps | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Dose-response curves (DRC) quantifying survival after exposure to heat ramps | Coral Resilience | Proportion_surviving, Percent_surviving |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Heat tolerance (survival) of juveniles | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Heat tolerance (survival) of juveniles | Coral Resilience | Survival_pcnt |
Macrofauna species distribution | Benthic macrofauna species distribution, 2014-2016 | Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology | Gastropoda, Clam, Octopus, Polychaeta, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, Fish, Algae, Sponge, Anthozoa |
MBRS coral survey 2014 | MBRS coral survey | Thermal History and Coral Growth | trans, old, percent_mort, disease, percentdisease, pale, bleached, total_pb, percent_pb, new |
MBRS Symbiodinium OTU | Symbiodinium OTU | Thermal History and Coral Growth | D1a, B1_II, G3, A4a, B_BG, C3, C1_I, B1_I, C1_II, C1_III |
Motility assays | Motility assays | Coral Resilience | Prct_motile |
Nematostella ocean acidification experiment: Larval heat tolerance | OA experiment: Nematostella larval heat tolerance | Coral Resilience | Percent_surviving_larvae |
Northeast US Adult Fish | Adult fish of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSCBottomTrawl | rel_proportion |
Northeast US Ichthyoplankton | Ichthyoplankton of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: 1977-1987 and 1999-2008. | NEFSC Ichthyoplankton | rel_proportion |
NP_Biomass_Huber | Total microbial cell densities and 16S rRNA abundance from North Pond. | North Pond Microbes | rel_abund_hybridized, rel_abund_hybridized_CI |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica survival | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia hudsonica survival | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | lx |
OlyGrowth_Expt_2018_Mortality | Olympia oysters Growth_Expt_2018_Mortality | Climate stressors on larvae | Mortality, Percent_eyed |
Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Ostrea_Behavior_OA_Expt2017 | Climate stressors on larvae | proportion_larvae |
Oyster size frequency | Intertidal oyster size frequency in Pamlico Sound, 2014-2015 | EstuarineMetaDyn | June_2014_Relative_Frequency |
Phytoplankton cell count | Phytoplankton cell count, 2014-2016 | Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology | Percent_diatoms, Percent_dinoflagellates |
Postsettlement performance in kin groups | | Marine kin structure | sib_total |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Diatoms_pcnt, Silicoflagellates_pcnt, Other_Cells_pcnt, Small_0_4um_pcnt, Round_4_12um_pcnt, Ovoid_4_12um_pcnt, Dinoflagellates_pcnt, Ciliates_pcnt |
Sand lance survival | Survival of northern sand lance Ammodytes dubius offspring under factorial CO2 x temperature conditions | OA Stellwagen Sand Lance | pcnt_hatching_success, pcnt_larval_survival |
settlement abundance | relative abundance inverts and algae | Coral Climate ETP | Macro_algae, Total_Gastropods, Film_algae, Coral_byrozoan, Tot_algae, Tubulipora_bryozoan, Aggregate_byrozoan, Other_bryozoan, Cirripedia, Total_bryozoan, Spirorbid, Smooth_ascidian, Serpulid, Other_ascidian, Total_Polychaete, Total_ascidian, Vermetid, Corallinales, Other_gastropod |
Sponge Density, Morphology, and Assemblages | | Sponge resilience | pcnt_Encrusting, pcnt_Massive, pcnt_Upright, pcnt_Excavating |
Suppl 2c: relative abundance of phyla | Relative abundance of phyla | HERBVRE | k_Bacteria__p_LCP_89, k_Bacteria__p_Actinobacteria, k_Bacteria__p_SAR406, k_Bacteria__p_Cyanobacteria, k_Bacteria__p_WS5, k_Bacteria__p_Lentisphaerae, k_Bacteria__p_SBR1093, k_Bacteria__p_AncK6, k_Bacteria__p_Deferribacteres, k_Bacteria__p_WWE1, k_Bacteria__p_NKB19, k_Bacteria__p_SR1, k_Bacteria__p_Aquificae, k_Bacteria__p_Elusimicrobia, k_Bacteria__p_ZB3, k_Bacteria__p_Nitrospirae, k_Bacteria__p_Spirochaetes, k_Bacteria__p_Armatimonadetes, k_Bacteria__p_Fibrobacteres, k_Bacteria__p_Caldithrix_maybe, Unassigned__Other, k_Bacteria__p_OD1, k_Bacteria__p_TM6, k_Bacteria__p_BHI80_139, k_Bacteria__p_Firmicutes, k_Bacteria__p_Thermi_maybe, k_Archaea__p_Crenarchaeota, k_Bacteria__p_OP1, k_Bacteria__p_TM7, k_Bacteria__p_BRC1, k_Bacteria__p_Fusobacteria, k_Archaea__p_Euryarchaeota, k_Bacteria__p_OP3, k_Bacteria__p_Tenericutes, k_Bacteria__p_Bacteroidetes, k_Bacteria__p_GN02, k_Archaea__p_Parvarchaeota, k_Bacteria__p_OP8, k_Bacteria__p_Verrucomicrobia, k_Bacteria__p_Caldithrix, k_Bacteria__p_GN04, k_Bacteria__Other, k_Bacteria__p_PAUC34f, k_Bacteria__p_WPS_2, k_Bacteria__p_Chlamydiae, k_Bacteria__p_Gemmatimonadetes, k_Bacteria__p, k_Bacteria__p_Planctomycetes, k_Bacteria__p_WS2, k_Bacteria__p_Chlorobi, k_Bacteria__p_KSB3, k_Bacteria__p_Acidobacteria, k_Bacteria__p_Proteobacteria, k_Bacteria__p_WS3, k_Bacteria__p_Chloroflexi |
Survival - pCO2 x DO effects on Menidia menidia | Survival data from static and fluctuating pCO2 x dissolved oxygen (DO) experiments on Menidia menidia | HYPOA | Embryo_survival, Larval_survival_to_15dph, Larval_survival_to_6dph |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | Small_0_4um_pcnt, Round_4_12um_pcnt, Ovoid_4_12um_pcnt, Dinoflagellates_pcnt, Ciliates_pcnt, Diatoms_pcnt, Silicoflagellates_pcnt, Other_Cells_pcnt |
USVI Time-series | USVI Time-series | Coral Chorus | Ramicrusta, SoftCoral, Sponge, Substrate, BleachCoral, TurfAlgae, CCA, CYAN, DiseasedCoral, HardCoral, Macroalgae, Other |
Vitacopss: eukaryote abundance by taxon | Eukaryote plankton abundance and composition with nitrate and B vitamins from San Pedro Ocean Timeseries (SPOT), 2015 | B-vitamin plankton succession | percent_composition |