All Bottle | All Bottle | ECOHAB-PNW | v_fl |
alongtrack | Data collected daily along the ship track in JGOFS format | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
alongtrack | Alongtrack ship data for AlbatrossIV GLOBEC Georges Bank cruises, 1995-1999 | GB | flvolt |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for LMG1110, Antarctic. | Salp_Antarctic | fluor_ss |
alongtrack SJ9505 | Seward Johnson alongtrack sensor data GLOBEC Georges Bank cruise SJ9505 in 1995. | GB | flvolt |
alongtrackel | Alongtrack ship data from the Edwin Link GLOBEC Georges Bank cruises, 1999 | GB | flvolt |
alongtrack_AT15-61 | alongtrack data for AT15-61 | Syne_ETSP | flvolt |
alongtrack_lmg0602 | Data collected daily along the ship track in JGOFS format from LMG0602 | SouthernSalps | flvolt |
BMP2-vpr ess | BiomaperII environmental data from VPR data stream | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | flvolt |
BMP2_ess | Biomaper-II environmental data from Georges Bank, 1997-1999 | GB | flvolt |
BMP2_ess | BIOMAPERII environmental data from acoustics data stream | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | flvolt |
bottle data 2000 | Salinity, nutrients, and extracted pigment | NEP | flvolt |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | V0 |
bottle_data_2002 | Rosette Bottle Data | NEP | flvolt |
bottle_proc | Rosette Bottle Data (nutrients, chl), 2001 and 2003 | NEP | flvolt |
broadscale_summary | Broadscale physical and nutrient kriged data, five year summary. | GB | flvolt |
ccs_proc_CTD | CTD data from CCS Process/Mesoscale Cruises | NEP | flvolt |
chloro_bottle_ctd | 1995 and 1996 temperature, salinity and fluorescence data, GLOBEC Georges Bank Broadscale cruises, 1995-1996. | GB | flvolt |
CR1994_met | Mooring meteorological data from the Georges Crest from 1994 | GB | flvolt |
CR1994_T_S | Mooring temperature, salinity, fluor data from the Georges Crest, 1994 | GB | flvolt |
CR1995_bio_opt | Mooring bio-optical data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | flvolt |
CR1995_met | Mooring meteorological data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | flvolt |
CR1995_T_S | Mooring temperature, salinity, fluor data from the Georges Crest, 1995. | GB | flvolt |
crest | Mooring data from the Georges Crest, 1994-1995 | GB | flvolt |
CTD - Discrete Samples | Discrete Samples from CTD Casts | COPAS08 | FlSP |
CTD - Discrete Samples | CTD - Discrete Samples | Great Calcite Belt | CTD_Fluorescence |
CTD - TRANSPORT Fixed Stations | CTD data from the Fixed Station cruises of the TRANSPORT program, 2011-2012 | TRANSPORT | flvolt |
CTD - TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises | CTD data from TRANSPORT Mapping cruises, 2010-2012, Choptank River. | TRANSPORT | V4 |
CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | CTD Bottle Data - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | FlSP_avg, FlSP_sdev |
CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | CTD Bottle Data - RR1202 | Great Calcite Belt | FlSP_avg, FlSP_sdev |
CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | CTD Down Casts - MV1101 | Great Calcite Belt | flSP |
CTD Down Casts - RR1202 | CTD Down Casts - RR1202 | Great Calcite Belt | flSP |
CTD full resolution profiles | Full resolution CTD profiles from project "Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing" | Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing | flvolt |
CTD profiles | CTD profile data from Fukushima Radiation Project | Fukushima Radionuclide Levels | flvolt |
CTD profiles - IC1 | CTD profiles from GEOTRACES cruise KN193-06 for Intercalibration of sensors. | GEOTRACES IC | flvolt |
CTD_cg | CTD data from R/V Endeavor and R/V Oceanus, Gulf of Maine, 1997-1999. | GB | flvolt |
CTD_dg | CTD data from EN321 and EN325, Georges Bank, 1999. | GB | flvolt |
CTD_dh | Seward Johnson CTD casts, Georges Bank, 1995 | GB | flvolt |
CTD_hydrography | Georges Bank Broad-scale hydrography, 1995 - 1999 | GB | flvolt |
CTD_hydro_1dbar | All cruise CTD profiles from MV1008; data at 1 decibar intervals. | CRD FLUZiE | fluor_v |
CTD_ji | CTD for long term mooring cruises, GLOBEC Georges Bank, 1994-1999 | GB | flvolt |
CTD_Klink_one_meter | Processed one meter(decibar) CTD data | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
CTD_Klink_std_depth | Processed standard depth (pressure) CTD data from SOGLOBEC survey cruises | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS.25 | CTD data from the CMarZ 0.25m2 MOCNESS tows - includes ancillary tow info | CMarZ_2004-2010 | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS.25 | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls, Georges Bank, 1993-1997 | GB | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS1 | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls, Georges Bank, 1993-1999 | GB | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS1 | CTD data from the CMarZ 1m2 MOCNESS tows - includes ancillary tow infomation | CMarZ_2004-2010 | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS1 | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS10 | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls, Georges Bank, 1994-1999. | GB | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS10 | CTD data collected during MOCNESS hauls | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
CTD_MOCNESS10 | CTD data from the CMarZ 10m2 MOCNESS tows - includes ancillary tow info | CMarZ_2004-2010 | flvolt |
CTD_pmel FOCI cruises | CTD files (netcdf format originally) from NOAA/PMEL FOCI cruises | NEP | flvolt, flvolt2, flvolt3 |
CTD_rl | Process Study CTD data, Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank, 1994-1995. | GB | flvolt |
CTD_sbe_dh | Seward Johnson CTD casts - from Seabird CTD, Georges Bank, 1995. | GB | flvolt |
delta_O_18 | Oxygen Isotope data, GLOBEC and Canadian Cruises, 1994-1998. | GB | flvolt |
dye_bh | Scanfish data from dye injection, OC342, Georges Bank, 1999 | GB | flvolt |
Florida Straits 2015 CTD | Vertical profile data collected by CTD in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | fluor_v |
Florida Straits ISIIS physical environment data | Physical data collected by at towed plankton imaging system in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | fluor_v |
GT10 - CTD - GT-C Profiles | CTD - GT-C Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
GT10 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles | CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
GT10-11 - Transmissometer GTC | NAZT particle beam attenuation coefficient (Cp) data from GT-C (GEOTRACES carousel) rosette system | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
GT10-11 - Transmissometer ODF | NAZT particle beam attenuation coefficient (Cp) data from ODF (Ocean Data Facility) rosette system | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
GT11 - CTD - GT-C Profiles | CTD - GT-C Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
GT11 - CTD - ODF/SIOR Profiles | ODF/SIOR CTD Profiles (1 m downcasts) | U.S. GEOTRACES NAT | FLUORM |
Injection Sled | Tracer Injection Sled data profiles | EDDIES | volts_Wetl |
inventory | Inventory of U.S. GLOBEC Southern Ocean data | SOGLOBEC | flvolt |
LB_2012_Ship_CTD-Optics-O2 | Long Bay vertical CTD profiles, bin-averaged, downcast | Long Bay Wintertime Bloom | flvolt |
lightProbe_WB | Satlantic profiling radiometer system (SPMR/SMSR) | EDDIES | fluor_chla_stim |
MIDAS underway data | Cross shelf undulating towed vehicle (Acrobat with MIDAS) survey data | BenDiM | flvolt |
MOCNESS Deployment Summary | Summary deployment data for MOCNESS 1m2 and 10m2 tows | SuspendSinkPart | fluor |
nep CTD | CTD data from CCS LTOP Cruises | NEP | flvolt |
NEP1995_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1995_met | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1995_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1995 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1996_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1996_met | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1996_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1996 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1997_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1997_met | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1997_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1997 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1998_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1998_met | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1998_T_S | Data from mooring deployed 1998 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1999_bio_opt | Data from mooring deployed 1999 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
NEP1999_met | Data from mooring deployed 1999 on Northeast Peak | GB | flvolt |
Niskin CTD hydrography - IC1 | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from first GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES IC | flvolt |
nmfs_CTDsb | Seabird 911 CTD | GB | flvolt |
nut_phyto | Phytoplankton chlorophyll + nutrient studies | GB | flvolt |
phytoplankton | Discrete phytoplankton, HPLC, flow cytometry, and nutrient data from GLOBEC NEP mesoscale cruises. | NEP | flvolt |
Rosette Samples - HRS1415 | CTD data and analyses of bottles from CTD rosette samples collected on HRS1415 | Soluble ManganeseIII | fluor_chla |
Sampler Sled | Sampler Sled data profiles | EDDIES | volts_Wetl, fluor_V_Ch |
Sampler Sled cast 1 | Sampler Sled cast 1 data profiles | EDDIES | fluor_V_Wetl, fluor_V_Ch |
seasoar_CTD | SeaSoar CTD observations | GB | flvolt |
Shipboard Standard Underway | Shipboard Standard Underway | ASPIRE | SS_Fluor |
underway - AT26-15 | Underway data from cruise Atlantis 2615. | SEEPC | flvolt |
underway - EN531 | Underway data from cruise Endeavor 531 | SEEPC | flvolt |
underway - OC471-02 | Underway data from cruise OC471-02 | SEEPC | flvolt, flvolt_SBE |
VPR_ashjian_alt | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | GB | flvolt |
VPR_ashjian_alt_SO | Display of Video Plankton Recorder data where taxa are not diplayed in separate columns | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | flvolts |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero | Video Plankton Recorder data where abundances of zero have been removed from dipslay | GB | flvolt |
VPR_ashjian_nonzero_SO | Video Plankton Recorder data where values reported as zero or nd have been removed from display | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | flvolts |
VPR_ashjian_orig | Video Plankton Recorder data | GB | flvolt |
VPR_ashjian_orig_SO | Video Plankton Recorder data from 2001, fall and winter. | SOGLOBEC, Southern Ocean Krill | flvolts |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2017 | Manganese3 | fluor_voltage |
Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Water column Chesapeake Bay 2018 | Manganese3 | voltage_fluorescence |