A unique identifier for the host individual usually including four letters from the host scientific or higher taxon name and two to three numbers indicating the individual. For host individuals identified to species, the four letters at the beginning of the host ID are the first two letters of the genus and the first two letters of the species.
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sample |
The accepted genus and species name if the host is identified to species or a morphogroup identifier if it is not. Morphogroup names usually include the lowest taxonomic level and a letter to indicate a distinct morphological type. “Sp.” indicates the morphogroup is a single morphologically distinct group, and “spp.” indicates multiple species were likely grouped under the morphogroup name.
unitless |
species |
Numerical identifier from World Register of Marine Species at the lowest known taxonomic level that matches the host scientific or morphogroup name.
unitless |
taxon_code |
Machine-readable Life Science Identifier (LSID) containing the AphiaID from World Register of Marine Species at the lowest known taxonomic level that matches the host scientific or morphogroup name. This corresponds to Darwin Core term
unitless |
taxon_code |
The common name used to refer to the host taxonomic group in Dykman et al. (2023). Includes Crustacean, Fish, Mollusk, and Polychaete.
unitless |
common_name |
Name of the person who collected the sample. When samples were collected from an HOV, the collector is usually the primary science observer on the dive. For ROV dives, the collector is the person who retrieved, processed, and stored the sample aboard ship. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
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investigator |
The HOV Alvin or ROV Jason dive number. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
unitless |
dive_id |
Free text providing additional information on the collection event (i.e., slurp, grab, trap), deployed collection device (i.e., trap or colonization surface), or storage container on HOV Alvin or ROV Jason (i.e., forward biobox). These values may correspond with collection events recorded in dive logs (i.e., SeaLog). Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
unitless |
ev_type |
The date the specimen was collected in format “YYYY-MM-DD”. Sample dates correspond to the timestamp recorded for the sample collected at the seafloor, not the date the HOV or ROV arrived on deck. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
unitless |
date |
Name for the vent site where the specimen was collected consistent with Wu et al. (2022). If there was ambiguity in the records of collection site, all potential sites are provided separated by the pipe (|) symbol. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
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site |
Timestamp in UTC for the sample collection as recorded in SeaLog. The timestamp includes the date and time in UTC to the nearest second as a concatenated string in the format “YYYY-MM-DD” + “UTC” + “HH:MM:SS”. If there was ambiguity in the records of collection time, all potential timestamps are provided separated by the pipe (|) symbol. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
time |
ISO_DateTime_UTC |
Renav latitude in decimal degrees recorded by HOV Alvin or ROV Jason at the time when the sample collection event was logged. If there was ambiguity in the records of collection location, all potential latitudes are provided separated by the pipe (|) symbol. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
decimal degrees |
lat |
Renav longitude in decimal degrees recorded by HOV Alvin or ROV Jason at the time when the sample collection was logged. If there was ambiguity in the records of collection location, all potential longitudes are provided separated by the pipe (|) symbol. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
decimal degrees |
lon |
The depth recorded by the depth meter on HOV Alvin or ROV Jason taken from renav data at the time when the sample collection was recorded. Depth is reported to the nearest meter. If there was ambiguity in the records of collection depth, all potential depths are provided separated by the pipe (|) symbol. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
meters (m) |
depth |
How the host specimen was preserved before dissection, or “fresh” if the host was dissected immediately without preservation. “Fresh/Frozen” means some of the host tissue was processed fresh and the rest was frozen and processed later. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
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sample_descrip |
The date the host specimen was dissected in format “YYYY-MM-DD”. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
date |
date |
The name(s) of the person or people who processed the host specimen. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
unitless |
investigator |
The length of the host or the closest estimate (i.e., ~10) measured along the longest axis in units of millimeters following accepted methods for each taxon. For squat lobsters and shrimp, from the tip of the rostrum to the back of the carapace (carapace length); for crabs, at the widest point of the carapace (carapace width); for snails, from the apex to the tip of the siphonal canal or aperture (height); and for fish, from the tip of the nose to the end of the tail (total length). Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
millimeters (mm) |
length |
Standard length was recorded for fish. This was measured from the tip of the snout to the posterior end of the final vertebral column, following the accepted definition ( Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
millimeters (mm) |
length |
The width of the host measured at the widest point. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
millimeters (mm) |
width |
The total wet weight of the host including the shell. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
grams (gr) |
weight_g |
The sex of the host determined by observations of eggs or sperm. Specimens were labeled “Male” or “Female” if the sex assignment was confident and “Male?” or “Female?” if the sex assignment was less confident. “Indeterminant” indicates the sex could not be determined. “Immature” indicates the specimen was too young for sexual characteristics to be developed. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
unitless |
sex |
A list of unique identifiers for photographs of the host specimen, or “NO” if no photos were taken. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
unitless |
file_name |
Free text notes on the host gut contents. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
unitless |
gut_contents |
Free text notes on additional observations on the host including ecological and morphological details, changes to the data, sample storage, and measurements of additional dimensions. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
unitless |
comment |
The tissue or anatomical location on or in the host where the parasite was found. “Wash” indicates the parasite was found detached in the collection container or storage bag with the host. NA is used if no parasites were found on the host. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
unitless |
sample_descrip |
A morphogroup ID assigned to the parasite or other symbiont based on morphological features. Morphogroup IDs usually include four characters to indicate the taxonomic group and two numerals to indicate distinct morphological types. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
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sample_descrip |
An integer count or estimate (i.e., 10-100, ~500) of parasites or other symbionts encountered in dissections. Users should be aware that counts within a host specimen are split into unique rows if they were found in different tissues, had different preservation methods, or include unique length and width measurements. Users should aggregate counts by host ID or as suits their questions. Missing data identifier NR (not recorded).
count |
count |
An official binomial species name for the parasite or other symbiont if species-level identification was possible, or a concatenation of the lowest possible taxonomic level name and the parasite morphogroup name. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
unitless |
species |
Numerical identifier from World Register of Marine Species that matches the lowest known taxonomic level of the parasite or other symbiont species name. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
unitless |
taxon_code |
Machine-readable Life Science Identifier (LSID) containing the AphiaID from World Register of Marine Species that matches the lowest known taxonomic level of the parasite or other symbiont species name. This corresponds to Darwin Core term NA (not applicable).
unitless |
taxon_code |
Whether the species or lowest possible taxonomic level identification of the parasite or other symbiont was based on morphological features, genetic identification by 18S or 28S barcoding, or both. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
unitless |
sample_descrip |
A consumer strategy for the parasite or other symbiont at its current life stage based on definitions in Lafferty & Kuris (2002) and Lafferty et al. (2015). Here, a parasite is defined as a consumer that feeds intimately on one host per life stage. True parasites are included in the consumer strategies “Castrator,” “Macroparasite,” and “Trophically_Transmitted_Macroparasite.” Data users interested in parasites should filter for these consumer strategies. A “Castrator” is a parasite that blocks host reproduction. A “Macroparasite” is a parasite with intensity-dependent pathology. A “Trophically_Transmitted_Macroparasite” is a parasite that is transmitted to the next host via predation. Other consumer strategies that are not parasitic include “Commensal,” “Egg Predator,” and “Micropredator.” A “Commensal” organism lives in close association with a host while not harming the host. An “Egg predator” feeds from brooded eggs on the host rather than directly on host tissue. A “Micropredator” is a predator that does not kill its prey. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
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sample_descrip |
The common name used to refer to the parasite or other symbiont taxonomic group in Dykman et al. (2023). Metazoan parasite group common names include Acanthocephala, Copepoda, Nematoda, Rhizocephala, and Trematoda. Commensal and egg predator group names include Polychaeta and Nemertea. Microbial or unknown pathologies are given informal descriptive names (i.e., cyst unk, filamentous bacteria, melanized tissue). Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
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common_name |
The life stage of the parasite or other symbiont. “adult” indicates the specimen is in the adult sexually reproductive stage and has mature, developed reproductive organs; “adult, immature” indicates it is in its adult stage but is immature and has not yet developed reproductive organs; “larva” is the non-reproductive nematode life stage found in intermediate hosts; “metacercaria” is the encysting trematode life stage found in the second intermediate host; “sporocyst” is the asexual cloning trematode life stage found in the first intermediate host. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
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stage |
Whether the parasite uses one host (direct), or whether it must pass through two or more hosts (indirect) to complete its life cycle. Life cycle assignments were based on direct observations when possible. Otherwise, the life cycle assignment was based on the most closely-related species for which a life cycle description was available, especially when life cycle traits were known to be constrained at a high taxonomic level. For detailed rationale for life cycle assignments, see Dykman, L. (2022) Parasite taxonomic and life cycle information from literature. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2022-08-25 Missing data identifier NA (not applicable).
unitless |
sample_descrip |
List of file names for photographs of the parasite specimen. “NO” indicates a parasite was found but no photos were taken. Missing data identifier NO (no photos were taken) or NA (not applicable).
unitless |
file_name |
Free text indicating whether a specimen was preserved and what preservation method was used (e.g., 95% ethanol, 10% formalin). Sometimes the number of specimens preserved in a container is noted in parentheses. “NO” indicates a parasite was found but a sample was not collected. Missing data identifier NO (no photos were taken) or NA (not applicable).
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sample_descrip |
Whether the parasite was causing noticeable pathology to the host such as damaged, atrophied, or discolored tissue. “YES” indicates tissue damage was recorded, “MAYBE” indicates slight or undetermined tissue damage was observed or the parasite had potential to cause damage due to its size or numbers in the tissue, “NO” indicates no tissue damage was noticed. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
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sample_descrip |
The length of the parasite or the closest estimate (i.e., ~1000) measured along the longest dimension in units of micrometers. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
micrometers |
length |
The width of the parasite or the closest estimate (i.e., ~1000) measured at the widest point in units of micrometers. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
micrometers |
width |
Additional free-text notes on the parasite including ecological and morphological details, any changes to the data, sample storage, and additional measurements. Missing data identifier NA (not applicable) or NR (not recorded).
unitless |
comment |