Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (3.37 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf tidal_station_list { dimensions: rows = 80 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar5 = 5 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; char trib(nchar5, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "Name of the tributary of the monitoring station location" ; trib:abbreviations = "SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=York below the confluence of Mattaponi and Pamunkey, JAMS=James, CHES=Chester" ; double lat(rows) ; lat:units = "decimal degrees" ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; double lon(rows) ; lon:units = "decimal degrees" ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "list and geolocation of tidal stations in the whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (1.38 MB) | NetCDF | netcdf tidal_data_whole { dimensions: rows = 25289 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double dep(rows) ; dep:units = "m" ; dep:long_name = "sampling depth" ; double salt(rows) ; salt:units = "ppt" ; salt:long_name = "salinity" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "alkalinity concentration" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenousalkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "tidal whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (301.58 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf tidal_data_reduced { dimensions: rows = 6408 ; nchar6 = 6 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char sta(nchar6, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double salt(rows) ; salt:units = "ppt" ; salt:long_name = "salinity" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "alkalinity concentration" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenousalkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "tidal reduced dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (2.95 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf sav_data { dimensions: rows = 94 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double box_id(rows) ; box_id:units = "N/A" ; box_id:long_name = "box ID: Box1=tidal-fresh region, Box2=oligohaline region" ; double sav_area(rows) ; sav_area:units = "ha" ; sav_area:long_name = "SAV areal extent in a given box and year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "26-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "SAV areal extent in Box 1 and Box 2, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (1.95 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf tidal_station_list { dimensions: rows = 80 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar5 = 5 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; char trib(nchar5, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "Name of the tributary of the monitoring station location" ; trib:abbreviations = "SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=York below the confluence of Mattaponi and Pamunkey, JAMS=James, CHES=Chester" ; double lat(rows) ; lat:units = "decimal degrees" ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; double lon(rows) ; lon:units = "decimal degrees" ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "list and geolocation of tidal stations in the whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (192.37 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf nontidal_data_whole { dimensions: rows = 3360 ; nchar8 = 8 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char trib(nchar8, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "tributary of the USGS gauging station location, see Table S4 of the manuscript" ; trib:abbreviations = "ntn=non-tidal network, SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=flow-weighted average of YORKM and YORKP, JAMS=James" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double flow(rows) ; flow:units = "m3/s" ; flow:long_name = "monthly average streamflow" ; flow:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily streamflow" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alk:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily alkalinity concentration" ; double ealk(rows) ; ealk:units = "mol/m3" ; ealk:long_name = "effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; ealk:comment = "the daily fluxes were summed for each month to get monthly fluxes and then an effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration was determined by dividing the monthly alkalinity flux by the monthly streamflow" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenous monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 and 2.2. of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "non-tidal whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S2 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (42.15 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf nontidal_data_reduced { dimensions: rows = 708 ; nchar8 = 8 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char trib(nchar8, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "tributary where USGS gauging station is located, see Table S4 of the manuscript" ; trib:abbreviations = "ntn=non-tidal network, SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=flow-weighted average of YORKM and YORKP, JAMS=James" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double flow(rows) ; flow:units = "m3/s" ; flow:long_name = "monthly average streamflow" ; flow:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily streamflow" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alk:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily alkalinity concentration" ; double ealk(rows) ; ealk:units = "mol/m3" ; ealk:long_name = "effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; ealk:comment = "the daily fluxes were summed for each month to get monthly fluxes and then an effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration was determined by dividing the monthly alkalinity flux by the monthly streamflow" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenous monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 and 2.2. of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "non-tidal reduced dataset, see Supplement Text S2 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (2.80 KB) | NetCDF | netcdf bivalve_data_random { dimensions: rows = 42 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double box_id(rows) ; box_id:units = "N/A" ; box_id:long_name = "box ID: Box1=tidal-fresh region, Box2=oligohaline region" ; double biomass_mean(rows) ; biomass_mean:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_mean:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, average of all samples in a given box and year" ; double biomass_ste(rows) ; biomass_ste:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_ste:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, standard error of the mean of all samples in a given box and year" ; double nsamp(rows) ; nsamp:units = "count" ; nsamp:long_name = "number of all samples in a given box and year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "25-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "organic bivavle biomass per unit area of bottom at random sampling stations in Box 1 and Box 2, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } | | (3.64 KB) | NetCDF | dimensions: rows = 64 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double sta(rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "station" ; double biomass_mean(rows) ; biomass_mean:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_mean:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, mean of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; double biomass_ste(rows) ; biomass_ste:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_ste:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, standard error of the mean of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; double nsamp(rows) ; nsamp:units = "count" ; nsamp:long_name = "number of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "25-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "organic bivavle biomass per unit area of bottom at fixed sampling stations 36 and 40, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; } |
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf tidal_station_list { dimensions: rows = 80 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar5 = 5 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; char trib(nchar5, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "Name of the tributary of the monitoring station location" ; trib:abbreviations = "SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=York below the confluence of Mattaponi and Pamunkey, JAMS=James, CHES=Chester" ; double lat(rows) ; lat:units = "decimal degrees" ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; double lon(rows) ; lon:units = "decimal degrees" ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "list and geolocation of tidal stations in the whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf tidal_data_whole { dimensions: rows = 25289 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double dep(rows) ; dep:units = "m" ; dep:long_name = "sampling depth" ; double salt(rows) ; salt:units = "ppt" ; salt:long_name = "salinity" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "alkalinity concentration" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenousalkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "tidal whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf tidal_data_reduced { dimensions: rows = 6408 ; nchar6 = 6 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char sta(nchar6, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double salt(rows) ; salt:units = "ppt" ; salt:long_name = "salinity" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "alkalinity concentration" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenousalkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "tidal reduced dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf sav_data { dimensions: rows = 94 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double box_id(rows) ; box_id:units = "N/A" ; box_id:long_name = "box ID: Box1=tidal-fresh region, Box2=oligohaline region" ; double sav_area(rows) ; sav_area:units = "ha" ; sav_area:long_name = "SAV areal extent in a given box and year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "26-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "SAV areal extent in Box 1 and Box 2, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf tidal_station_list { dimensions: rows = 80 ; nchar7 = 7 ; nchar5 = 5 ; variables: char sta(nchar7, rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "Chesapeake Bay Program tidal monitoring station id" ; char trib(nchar5, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "Name of the tributary of the monitoring station location" ; trib:abbreviations = "SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=York below the confluence of Mattaponi and Pamunkey, JAMS=James, CHES=Chester" ; double lat(rows) ; lat:units = "decimal degrees" ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; double lon(rows) ; lon:units = "decimal degrees" ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "list and geolocation of tidal stations in the whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S1 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf nontidal_data_whole { dimensions: rows = 3360 ; nchar8 = 8 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char trib(nchar8, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "tributary of the USGS gauging station location, see Table S4 of the manuscript" ; trib:abbreviations = "ntn=non-tidal network, SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=flow-weighted average of YORKM and YORKP, JAMS=James" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double flow(rows) ; flow:units = "m3/s" ; flow:long_name = "monthly average streamflow" ; flow:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily streamflow" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alk:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily alkalinity concentration" ; double ealk(rows) ; ealk:units = "mol/m3" ; ealk:long_name = "effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; ealk:comment = "the daily fluxes were summed for each month to get monthly fluxes and then an effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration was determined by dividing the monthly alkalinity flux by the monthly streamflow" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenous monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 and 2.2. of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "non-tidal whole processed dataset, see Supplement Text S2 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf nontidal_data_reduced { dimensions: rows = 708 ; nchar8 = 8 ; nchar10 = 10 ; variables: char trib(nchar8, rows) ; trib:units = "N/A" ; trib:long_name = "tributary where USGS gauging station is located, see Table S4 of the manuscript" ; trib:abbreviations = "ntn=non-tidal network, SUSQ=Susquehanna, PATX=Patuxent, POTM=Potomac, RAPP=Rappahannock, YORKM=Mattaponi tributary of York, YORKP=Pamunkey tributary of York, YORK=flow-weighted average of YORKM and YORKP, JAMS=James" ; double daten(rows) ; daten:units = "decimal_days" ; daten:long_name = "number of days from January 0, 0000" ; char dates(nchar10, rows) ; dates:units = "N/A" ; dates:long_name = "date string in the form YYYY-MM-DD" ; double flow(rows) ; flow:units = "m3/s" ; flow:long_name = "monthly average streamflow" ; flow:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily streamflow" ; double alk(rows) ; alk:units = "mol/m3" ; alk:long_name = "monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alk:comment = "calculated as the arithmetic average of daily alkalinity concentration" ; double ealk(rows) ; ealk:units = "mol/m3" ; ealk:long_name = "effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; ealk:comment = "the daily fluxes were summed for each month to get monthly fluxes and then an effective monthly mean alkalinity concentration was determined by dividing the monthly alkalinity flux by the monthly streamflow" ; double alknitr(rows) ; alknitr:units = "mol/m3" ; alknitr:long_name = "nitrogenous monthly mean alkalinity concentration" ; alknitr:comment = "calculated as NH4-NO3-NO2, see sections 2.1 and 2.2. of the manuscript" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "22-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "non-tidal reduced dataset, see Supplement Text S2 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: netcdf bivalve_data_random { dimensions: rows = 42 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double box_id(rows) ; box_id:units = "N/A" ; box_id:long_name = "box ID: Box1=tidal-fresh region, Box2=oligohaline region" ; double biomass_mean(rows) ; biomass_mean:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_mean:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, average of all samples in a given box and year" ; double biomass_ste(rows) ; biomass_ste:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_ste:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, standard error of the mean of all samples in a given box and year" ; double nsamp(rows) ; nsamp:units = "count" ; nsamp:long_name = "number of all samples in a given box and year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "25-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "organic bivavle biomass per unit area of bottom at random sampling stations in Box 1 and Box 2, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }
Type: NetCDF
Description: dimensions: rows = 64 ; variables: double years(rows) ; years:units = "N/A" ; years:long_name = "year" ; double sta(rows) ; sta:units = "N/A" ; sta:long_name = "station" ; double biomass_mean(rows) ; biomass_mean:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_mean:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, mean of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; double biomass_ste(rows) ; biomass_ste:units = "g/m2" ; biomass_ste:long_name = "bivalve biomass per unit area, standard error of the mean of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; double nsamp(rows) ; nsamp:units = "count" ; nsamp:long_name = "number of all samples (including replicates) in a given year" ; // global attributes: :date_created = "25-Nov-2019" ; :creator = "Maria Herrmann," ; :manuscript = "Alkalinity in Tidal Tributaries of the Chesapeake Bay, Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans" ; :dataset_description = "organic bivavle biomass per unit area of bottom at fixed sampling stations 36 and 40, see Supplement Text S4 of the manuscript" ; :missing_data_code = "NaN" ; }