2017 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 4Hz data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | Sound_velocity_m_per_sec |
2017 Wire Flyer CTD data | CTD data from 12 Wire Flyer deployments in 2017 | Metabolic Index | soundVelocity |
2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | 2018 Wire Flyer 4Hz data | Costa Rica Seeps | Sound_velocity_m_per_sec |
2018 Wire Flyer CTD data | 2018 Wire Flyer CTD data | Costa Rica Seeps | soundVelocity |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track from cruise KN207-01 | SargassoSeaLipids | sound_vel |
alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track during cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | sound_vel |
alongtrack | Alongtrack data from ship's Data Acquisition System (DAS). | POWOW | sound_vel |
alongtrack_AT15-61 | alongtrack data for AT15-61 | Syne_ETSP | sound_vel |
AR16_Bottle | Standard bottle data. | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | SvCM, SvCM1 |
AR16_CTD | Standard CTD data. | Phosphorus Redox Cycling | svCM |
Arabian Sea phytoplankton | Phytoplankton and nutrients from Northern Arabian Sea, 2009-2011 | Arabian Sea Noctiluca | sound |
AT18-02_CTD | CTD data from cruise AT18-02 in the Gulf of Mexico, Nov-Dec 2010. | DWH_Deep_Microbes | sound_vel_avg |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: CTD | | Coral-bound N | Sound_velocity |
BCO-DMO Test Dataset 2 | BCO-DMO Test Dataset 2 | BCO-DMO | avgsvCM, svCM |
Biogeochemical survey 2015-2018 | Biogeochemical data from cruises AT32, AT34, AT38, AT39-06 | DOM_SeasonalDynamics | SoundVel, SoundVel1 |
bottle | Niskin bottle data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sound_vel2, sound_vel |
Bottle AR29 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | svCM, svCM2 |
Bottle AR29 - Transect 24 | Bottle data April 2018 | SPIROPA | SvCM1_avg, SvCM_avg |
Bottle RB1904 | Bottle dataset May 2019 | SPIROPA | svCM, svCM2 |
Bottle TN368 | Bottle data, July 2019 | SPIROPA | svCM, svCM2 |
Chesapeake Bay CTD 2021 | Chesapeake Bay CTD 2021 | NO2Ox_OMZs | svCM_1, svCM_2 |
Chesapeake Bay CTD 2022 | Chesapeake Bay CTD 2022 | NO2Ox_OMZs | svCM_1, svCM_2 |
CLASS custom instrument EXAMPLE (draft) | | GOMP, Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM |
CTD | Processed CTD data from all sensors mounted on rosette. | Deep Atlantic DOM | sound_vel |
CTD - AT37-12 | AT37-12 CTD data at the Eastern Tropical North Pacific | vent O2 NO3 roles | sound_vel, sound_vel_2 |
CTD - Downcasts | CTD - Downcasts | MuLTI-2 | Sound_Velocity |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN496 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN496 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | SvCM, SvCM_SD, SvCM1, SvCM1_SD |
CTD - Hydro Nutrients - EN509 | CTD Hydro Nutrients Data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | SvCM1_SD, SvCM, SvCM_SD, SvCM1 |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | COPAS08 | soundVel |
CTD - Profiles | CTD - Profiles | Assessing Roseobacter activities | svCM |
CTD - Profiles | CTD Profile Data | Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton | svCM |
CTD - Profiles | CTD - Profiles | GATEKEEPERS | svCM |
CTD - Profiles - AN10 | CTD Profile Data | ANACONDAS | Sound_Velocity |
CTD - Profiles - EN509 | CTD profile data - EN509 | GoMX - N2 Fixation | SvCM, SvCM1 |
CTD AR29, RB1904 and TN3638 | CTD Casts New England Shelfbreak in 2018 and 2019 | SPIROPA | svCM |
CTD data | CTD data from AT39-01 (North Pond 2017 expedition) | North Pond Viruses, North Pond 2017, Subseafloor Microbial Carbon Cycling | sound_vel, sound_vel_2 |
CTD data - Eastern Tropical Pacific | CTD data from the Eastern Tropical Pacific | ETP | sound_vel_Chen, sound_vel_Delgrosso, sound_vel_Wilson |
CTD data for mussel study | | GOMEPRO | Sound_velocity |
CTD data from LMG1110 | CTD downcasts from LMG-1110 in the Antarctic in November, 2011. | Salp_Antarctic | sound_vel |
CTD full resolution profiles | Full resolution CTD profiles from project "Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing" | Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing | sound_vel |
CTD KN195-03 | CTD data from KN195-03 in the equatorial and north Pacific. | Subseafloor Microbial Life | soud_vel |
CTD KN223 | CTD data from KN223 in the western North Atlantic. | AMOC Last Glacial Max | sound_vel |
CTD profiles | CTD cast profile data from MedFlux EN416 cruise | MedFlux | sndvel_CM |
CTD Profiles | CTD profile data from EN524 cruise. | OA, Hypoxia and Warming | sound_vel, sound_vel2 |
CTD profiles - Hood Canal | CTD hydrodata from Hood Canal Washington | PelagicHypoxia | sv_Delgross, sv_chen, sv_wilson |
CTD profiles - IC1 | CTD profiles from GEOTRACES cruise KN193-06 for Intercalibration of sensors. | GEOTRACES IC | sound_vel |
CTD profiles 2011 | CTD profiles from AT18-14 | Pickled Protists | sound_vel |
CTD_cruise | CTD data from the Cruise CD-ROMS | SOGLOBEC | sound_vel |
CTD_fv | Fishing vessel CTD data, Gulf of Maine, 1998 | GB | sound_vel |
CTD_Profiles | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-03 (NA-VICE). | NA-VICE | sound_vel |
CTD_Profiles_KN207-01 | CTD Profiles from cruise KN207-01. | SargassoSeaLipids | sound_vel |
DAP CTD Data from the Puerto Rico Trench | DAP CTD Data from the Puerto Rico Trench | DAP Test PR Trench | sound_speed |
EN614 Hydrography | Hydrographic data collected during casts with a CTD-rosette system on R/V Endeavor cruise EN614 from May to June 2018 | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM, SvCM1 |
EN614 Nutrients | EN614 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM, SvCM1 |
EN640 Bottle Data | EN640 Bottle Data | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM, SvCM1 |
EN640 Hydrographic Profiles | EN640 Hydrographic Profiles | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM, SvCM1 |
EN640 Nutrients | EN640 Nutrients | Amazon River Plume Nitrogen | SvCM1, SvCM |
EN669 Bottle Data | EN669 Bottle Data | GoM Temperature Trends | SvCM, SvCM1 |
ETSP CTD processed | | Microbial Nitrification | svCM |
GOMEPRO: CTD - Profiles | CTD profiles | GOMEPRO | Sound_velocity |
Groves Creek: ADP current profiles | ADP | GrovesCreek | soundspeed |
Hood Canal CTD | Hood Canal CTD profiles of temperature, oxygen, salinity, density, fluorescence, PAR, and pH collected in 2017-2018 | Zooplankton Swimming | Sound_Velocity_Delgrosso, Sound_Velocity_Chen_Millero, Sound_Velocity_Wilson, Average_Sound_Velocity_Delgrosso |
McMurdo Sound CTDs | CTD casts in McMurdo Sound | McMurdo Predator Prey | sound_vel_CM, sound_vel_DM, sound_vel_WM, avg_sound_vel_CM, avg_sound_vel_DM, avg_sound_vel_WM |
Niskin CTD hydrography - IC1 | Niskin bottle basic hydrography from CTD from first GEOTRACES Intercalibration cruise. | GEOTRACES IC | sound_vel |
Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | Northern Gulf of Mexico Bottle Data | GOMP | SvCM, SvCM1 |
Northern Gulf of Mexico CTD Profiles | Northern Gulf of Mexico CTD Profile Data | GOMP | SvCM, SvCM1 |
OC473 alongtrack | Data collected along the ship's track for OC473. | OAPS | sound_vel |
PE23-20 Binned CTD | PE23-20 Binned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | avgsvCM, svCM |
PE23-20 Unbinned CTD | PE23-20 Unbinned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | avgsvCM, svCM |
PE24-03 Binned CTD | PE24-03 Binned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | svCM, avgsvCM |
PE24-03 Unbinned CTD | PE24-03 Unbinned CTD | Coastal O2 Respir | avgsvCM, svCM |
RR2004 Bottle Data | RR2004 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | SvCM, SvCM1 |
SEEPC CTD | CTD data from SEEPC moorings | SEEPC | sound_vel |
SEEPC XBT | XBT data from SEEPC cruises | SEEPC | snd_vel |
TI668 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI668 to the Gulf of Maine, May 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods, GoME OA Pteropods | sound_vel |
TI700 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI700 to the Gulf of Maine, August 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | sound_vel |
TI715 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI715 to the Gulf of Maine, October 2013 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | sound_vel |
TI725 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI725 to the Gulf of Maine, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | sound_vel |
TI729 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI729 to the Gulf of Maine, January 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | sound_vel |
TI746 alongtrack | Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI746 to the Gulf of Maine, April 2014 | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | sound_vel |
TN376 Bottle Data | TN376 Bottle Data | Conditioning_SAMW | SvCM, SvCM1 |
underway - AT26-15 | Underway data from cruise Atlantis 2615. | SEEPC | sound_vel |
Underway - MET | Underway - MET | GATEKEEPERS | SV |
Underway Data - Filtered - AN10 | Filtered, hourly underway data from shipboard acquisition system | ANACONDAS | Sound_Velocity |
Underway Data - Unfiltered - AN10 | Unfiltered underway data from shipboard acquisition system | ANACONDAS | Sound_Velocity |
underway_met_NH | underway MET data collected on GLOBEC LTOP cruises aboard R/V New Horizon | NEP | sound_vel |
XBT | XBT depth, temperature, sound velocity | EDDIES | snd_vel |