5a_field collection | Field collection data for taxa detected in nauplii guts | food limitation in copepod nauplii | mesh |
B. elegans cold water coral lab culture: particulate data | | Coral-bound N | Mesh_size |
bongo net zooplankton | Zooplankton counts for bongo net hauls in the Gulf of Alaska during 2004 | NEP | mesh_size |
DeZoZoo Cruise Data | Cruise Data from Gelatinous Zooplankton project in Chesapeake Bay in 2010 and 2011 | DeZoZoo | mesh |
Doliolid diet: zooplankton abundance | Zooplankton abundances | Doliolid Diet | mesh |
HADES-K Sediment Macrofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - macrofauna raw counts | HADES | SieveSize |
HADES-K Sediment Meiofaunal Diversity | HADES-K - meiofauna raw counts | HADES | SieveSize |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Bongo | Ichthyoplankton density and Plankton Displacement Volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Bongo Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | MESH_W |
Ichthyoplankton Density - MOCNESS | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using MOCNESS plankton nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | MESH_W |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Neuston | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected during the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises using NOAA SEAMAP Neuston Plankton Nets | RAPID Plankton | MESH_W |
Ichthyoplankton Density - Ring | Ichthyoplankton density and plankton displacement volume data collected using SEA-GEAR plankton ring nets on the NSF RAPID Plankton Cruises in the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico in 2017-2018 | RAPID Plankton | MESH_W |
JeDI | Jellyfish Database Initiative: Global records on gelatinous zooplankton for the past 200 years | Trophic BATS | net_mesh |
Krill densities | Depth-stratified krill net samples | PelagicHypoxia | Mesh_Size |
Larval Sebastes Diet and Morphometric Data | | RAPID Anchovy Response | Mesh_Size |
MOCNESS plankton composition and CTD data | Species composition via MOCNESS and associated CTD information | CopesPopDynHypoZone | mesh_size |
monkfish_size | Bycatch in the Gillnet Fishery for Monkfish: length, weight data | NEC-CoopRes | net_mesh_size |
neuston | neuston from salmon trawl cruise | NEP | gear_mesh |
plankton tow log - CROCKS-II | Plankton tow log from Alvin dives | Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II | mesh |
Pump mesozooplankton samples | Analysis of mesozooplankton from pump samples | GoMX - NGOMEX | mesh |
Pyrosomes - MOCNESS | | MEZCAL | Moc_size, Net_number |
Southern Ocean zooplankton N isotopes | Size-fractionated zooplankton δ15N from net tows in the African sector | N Isotopes Foraminifera, stable isotope instrumentation, Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes | size_fraction |
Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | Species composition with CTD data: 5 daytrips | CopesPopDynHypoZone | Net_mesh_um |
Trichodesmiium field metaproteomes - sample provenance | | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses, TriCoLim, MM Saito, MM Proteins and Organics Tech | Net_size |
Vertical Plankton Tow - VPT | Vertical Plankton Tow (VPT) data from 1997 - 2003 | NEP | gear_mesh |
Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | Mesh_size |
zooplankton biomass | Zooplankton biomass and species composition and abundance from CARIACO time series stations | CARIACO | Mesh_Size |
Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | Zooplankton d13C and d15N of individual amino acids from RR1813 | EXPORTS Isotopes | SizeFraction_min, SizeFraction_max |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | mesh |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output Along Physical Gradients from OAPS | | Zooplankton Gradients | sample_net_mesh |
ZooProcess and Ecotaxa Output for Zooplankton Mediated Aggregates | | Zooplankton Mediation | sample_net_mesh |