2017-2018-2019 BBL_CTD/Rosette | | BBEDOS | DateTime_PST |
3OEC-instrument PAR | 3OEC-instrument PAR | Robust optode-based eddy correlation systems | ISO_DateTime_EST |
3OEC-instrument Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen | 3OEC-instrument Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen | Robust optode-based eddy correlation systems | ISO_DateTime_EST |
A. pisonii: dock-marsh thermal | A. pisonii dock/marsh thermal readings | Variation in Metabolic Processes | ISO_DateTime_Local |
ABLE Subsurface 2016-18 | Subsurface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | Date_Local |
ABLE Surface 2016-18 | Surface data from ABLE deployments in the upwelling region of the west coast of northern California from 2016-2018 | ABLE | Date_Local |
Acropora cervicornis nursery water temperatures | Coral nursery water temperature during bleaching events | EMUCoReS | ISO_DateTime_local |
ADCP_Weicker | Current velocities from ADCP on R/V Lowell Weicker May 2012 | CiliateSequencing | ISO_DateTime_Local |
AE2207 ADCP Surface Currents | AE2207 ADCP Surface Currents | InVirT | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from water samples collected at coral reefs in the equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Alkalinity and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from sea water samples collected at coral reefs from equatorial central Pacific in 1973, 2012, 2015, and 2018 | Biophysics of Coral Reef Resilience | Datetime_local |
Amazon plume POC biomarkers | Amazon plume POC biomarkers | ANACONDAS | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Amazon plume trap biomarkers | Amazon plume trap biomarkers | ANACONDAS | ISO_DateTime_Local |
BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN 2019 Benthic Fluxes | BASIN | Deployment_Start_DateTime_Local, Deployment_End_DateTime_Local |
Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | BBEDOS, Neotrypaea COP Effects | ISO_DateTime_PST |
Benthic light exposure | Year-round variation in relative light intensity reaching the benthos on four coralline rocky reef sites in Sitka Sound, AK | High latitude kelp dynamics | timestamp_local_akst |
Bermuda Reefs | Time series data from multiple instruments at 4 sites in Bermuda | ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems | ISO_DateTime |
Biogenic Silica - Sediment Traps | Particulate biogenic silica fluxes from sediment trap arrays deployed on the MV1008 cruise. | CRD FLUZiE | ISO_DateTime_Local_deploy, ISO_DateTime_Local_recover |
biogeochemistry microbiology | Cariaco basin biogeochemistry and microbiology | CARIACO | ISO_DateTime_local |
BONGO LOPC - Log | BONGO LOPC - Log | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Begin_Tow, ISO_DateTime_Local_End_Tow |
BONGO LOPC - Stations | BONGO LOPC - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Deployed, ISO_DateTime_Local_Recovered |
BONGO LOPC - UnProcessed Data | BONGO LOPC - UnProcessed Data | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Begin_Tow, ISO_DateTime_Local_End_Tow |
Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Bottle Data for EN665 Gulf of Maine | Calcite Saturometer | ISO_DateTime_Local |
BrownOsenberg_2018- LightSensor | Datasets that evaluate how vermetid (Ceraesignum maximum) modify physical and chemical conditions above coral-algal interactions (i.e., light, flow and oxygen). | Vermetids_Corals | ISO_DateTime |
Cerro Mundo Temperature 2 | Environmental temperature data collected at Cerro Mundo Bay, San Cristobal, Galapagos | Galapagos 2021 | DateTime_Local |
chlorophyll | Extracted chlorophyll concentrations from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
CLASiC Si Kinetics | | CLASiC | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Coastal intertidal temperatures | Coastal intertidal temperatures | CoastalRedistImpacts | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
Cold Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | CCR stratified euphausiid abund and carbon, 1973-1977 | NAtlDarkData | ISODateTime_local |
Comparative Wind | Wind data from June to October 2012; recorded near the MBL Dock, Woods Hole. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Controls | Controls run during remineralization experiments. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Coral transplant site environmental data | Coral transplant site environmental data | Adaptation in asexual coral populations | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Coralline algae experiment - total alkalinity (TA) incubation data | Total alkalinity incubation data for coralline algae individuals and paired controls, ru in the last week of a laboratory experiment testing the effects of pH, light availability and biotic interaction on coralline algae calcification and productivity. | High latitude kelp dynamics | TAinc_start_datetime_AKST, TAinc_end_datetime_AKST |
CTD - TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises | CTD data from TRANSPORT Mapping cruises, 2010-2012, Choptank River. | TRANSPORT | ISO_DateTime_Local |
CTD 2016 | Environmental data from CTD during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | ISO_DateTime_Local |
CTD data from Bongo plankton net tows | CTD up-cast data | RAPID Anchovy Response | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
CTD profiles - Hood Canal | CTD hydrodata from Hood Canal Washington | PelagicHypoxia | ISO_DateTime_Local |
CTD_Weicker | CTD data from 5 stations in Fisher's Island Sound | CiliateSequencing | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Delaware estuary solar irradiance | Solar irradiance in Delaware Estuary, Nov. 2011 - Nov. 2013 | PAPI: Photochemistry and Photoheterotroph Interactions | ISO_DateTime_Local |
DeZoZoo Cruise Data | Cruise Data from Gelatinous Zooplankton project in Chesapeake Bay in 2010 and 2011 | DeZoZoo | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Diatom Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of diatom derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata | dinoRNAV dynamics in the reef-building coral Porites lobata | Moorea Virus Project | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Dissolved Inorganic Carbon | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Dissolved Mercury Speciation in the California Current System | Dissolved Mercury Speciation in the California Current System | DMHg in the Ocean, CCE LTER | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
dissolved oxygen and barometric pressure | Dissolved O2, percent O2 saturation, and barometric pressure from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Dissolved oxygen and temperature (miniDOT) - Inside and outside kelp | Dissolved oxygen and temperature (miniDOT) – Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | ISO_DateTime_Local |
DYEatom: CTD POC and PON | PS1312: POC, PON | Diatom Silicification | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Ebullition on VA Eastern Shore | Bubble flux VA | Seagrass Blue Carbon | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Effects of mussels on seawater chemistry - vertical profiles | Effects of mussels on seawater chemistry - vertical profiles | BOAR Trophic | ISO_DateTime_Local |
EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | EN589 Aerosol and seawater chemical composition | Refractory DOC Recycling | ISO_DateTime_local_start, ISO_DateTime_local_end |
Environmental Sensory Data | | Coral Hybridization | ISO_DateTime_Local |
ESP 2014 CTD | CTD data from ESP, fall 2014 | OceanSulfurFluxBact | ISO_DateTime_Local |
ETSP N2O | ETSP N2O | Microbial Nitrification | ISO_Date_Local |
ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes | ETSP NO3 and NO2 isotopes | Microbial Nitrification | ISO_Date_Local |
Event Log | Event Log | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Exp and Survey Biogeochem and Microbial data | Experimental and survey biogeochemical and microbial data from SBDOM cruises in the Santa Barbara Channel. | SBDOM, SBC LTER | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Feeding Assays | Feeding Assays | High latitude kelp dynamics | ISO_DateTime_Start, ISO_DateTime_End |
FHLOO | Data from a local sensor array that measures pH, pCO2, temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity, and current velocity | FHLOO | ISO_DateTime_PST |
FlavoPH Experiment: HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | HIMB15-1 bacterial abundance and DOC | Coral DOM2 | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Florida Keys SeapHOx | pH, temperature, salinity, and oxygen recorded by the SeapHOx sensor | ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Florida Straits 2015 CTD | Vertical profile data collected by CTD in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Florida Straits ISIIS physical environment data | Physical data collected by at towed plankton imaging system in a subtropical, pelagic environment | OSTRICH | ISO_DateTime_Local |
flow cytometry | Direct counts (flow cytometry) on microbes obtained by Niskin bottle and pressure-retaining sampler | Mariana Perspectives | ISO_DateTime_deploy, ISO_DateTime_recover |
Friday Harbor Labs - Weather Station Data | Friday Harbor Labs - Weather Station Data | Intertidal Temp Effects | ISO_DateTime_PST |
FRT water temperature 2014-2016 | water temperature data 2014-2016 | EMUCoReS | ISO_DateTime_local |
Groundwater Well Water Level Data | Groundwater Well Water Level Data | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Harris Creek May 2015 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Raw files from low-power SoundTrap recorders and hydrophones | Larval settlement soundscapes | ISO_DateTime_Local_start, ISO_DateTime_Local_end |
HMS 5m Hydrography | Temperature, oxygen, pH, depth, and conductivity at 5 depth at Hopkins Marine Station | CA Current MS Abpop | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
HOBO U20L water level and seafloor temperature - Inside and outside kelp | HOBOU20L water level and seafloor temperature - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | ISO_DateTime_Local |
HOBO U22 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | HOBO U22 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | ISO_DateTime_Local |
HPLC_BBRS | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the Bermuda Biological Research Station (BBRS) | CARIACO | Date_time_local |
HPLC_HPL | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Horn Point Laboratory (HPL) | CARIACO | Date_time_local |
HPLC_MOTE | CARIACO HPLC pigments from Mote | CARIACO | Date_time_local |
HPLC_NGSFC | CARIACO HPLC pigments from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center | CARIACO | Date_time_local |
Hydrocarbon sample log | Guaymas hydrocarbon pushcore sample log | HOTFUN | Date_time_local_sampling |
iioe_mysids | Counts of Mysidacea species collected during the International Indian Ocean Expeditions, 1962-1965. | IIOE | ISO_DateTime_Local |
In situ seawater temperature at Heron Island (2015-2020) | In situ seawater temperature at Heron Island (2015-2020) | Coral Resilience | ISO_DateTime_AEST |
inorganic nutrients | Inorganic nutrients (NO3, NO2, PO4, SiOH4) from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s; column view | NAtlDarkData | ISODateTime_local |
Integrated Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass restructured | Gulf Stream Warm-Core and Cold-Core Rings integrated Euphausiid abundance and zooplankton biomass from 1970s, 1980s | NAtlDarkData | ISODateTime_local |
Killed Controls | Killed controls run during remineralization experiments. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Krill abundance by species | Krill raw counts and abundance sorted by species, Red Sea, Jan. 2014 | Red Sea Krill | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Lake Erie Ice- physico-chemical data | Great Lakes physico-chemical data from winter 2012, 2013, and 2016 | Lake Erie Ice | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | Larval fish abundance from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
Larval Sebastes Diet and Morphometric Data | | RAPID Anchovy Response | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
LI tidal flat pore water analysis | | Fe flux | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Light level (lux) at coral reefs in Palau | Light level (lux) at coral reefs in Palau | Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Line Islands Diel Tents: DOC, O2 and pH | DOC, O2, pH | Coral DOM2 | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Major inorganic ions in Primary Marine Aerosol (PMA) generated near the BATS station, cruises AE2113 and AE2303 | | Carbon Flux and Aerosol Emissions | ISO_DateTime_Local_Stop, ISO_DateTime_Local_Start |
MCR_HIGH RES_DOC | High resolution DOM, Moorea, 2016 | Coral DOM2 | ISO_DateTime_Local |
MesoZoo Biomass BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton wet-dry-C&N biomass in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
MesoZoo Grazing BLOOFINZ-GoM | Mesozooplankton grazing rates in oceanic Gulf of Mexico | BLOOFINZ-IO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Microbial Respiration | Microbial Respiration | Bacterial DOC Sensor | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Middle Marsh 2014 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Raw files from low-power SoundTrap recorders and hydrophones | Larval settlement soundscapes | ISO_DateTime_Local_start, ISO_DateTime_Local_end |
MOCNESS - Stations | MOCNESS - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Deployed, ISO_DateTime_Local_Recovered |
MOCNESS Deployment Summary | Summary deployment data for MOCNESS 1m2 and 10m2 tows | SuspendSinkPart | ISO_DateTime_Local |
MOCNESS physical parameters | MOCNESS physical parameters | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Deployed, ISO_DateTime_Local_Recovered |
MOCNESS sampling depths | MOCNESS: depths of zooplankton & fecal pellet preserved samples | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Mumford Cove Monitoring Data | Temp, pH, DO monitoring in Mumford Cove, CT, USA, 2015-2022 | HYPOA | ISO_DateTime_EST |
Mussel lab incubations: periostracum and pH (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | time_out, time_in |
Mussel lab incubations: simulated periostracum abrasion (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | time_in, time_out |
N2 excess and N species isotopic composition | Vertical profiles from the Mexican OMZ of N2 gas concentrations in excess of equilibrium values along with the isotopic composition of total N2, NO3- and NO2- | OMZ Biogeochemistry Floats | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Narragansett Bay RWU Time-series | Narragansett Bay RWU Time-series | NB_Syn_cyanophage | ISO_DateTime_Local |
net flow meter calibration | Plankton net flow meter calibration data, July 2015 | Nearshore larval transport | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Niskin 2016 | Environmental data from Niskin bottle sampling during the Fall 2016 ESP deployment in Monterey Bay, CA | OceanSulfurFluxBact | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Niskin bottle samples | CARIACO time series Niskin bottle sample data | CARIACO | ISO_DateTime_start_hc_local, ISO_DateTime_end_hc_local, ISO_DateTime_start_bc_local, ISO_DateTime_end_bc_local |
Nitrate 15N/14N measurements in two adjacent mesoscale eddies in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | Nitrate 15N/14N measurements in two adjacent mesoscale eddies in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre | Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation | ISO_DateTime_Local_HST |
Nitrogen and carbon isotopes | Seawater and filter sample Nitrogen and Carbon isotopes from coastal and off-shore sites | Regenerated Nitrogen | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Nitrogen isotope fractionation for ammonium assimilation by marine phytoplankton | | Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation | Date_and_time_EST |
Normalized oxygen from MCH incubations | Normalized oxygen from MCH incubations | CASA | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Normalized oxygen from MCP incubations | Normalized oxygen from MCP incubations | CASA | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | Nutrient and cell count data for incubations | CASA | ISO_DateTime_Local |
nutrients | General nutrient data (averages) from Leggo drop 1 seawater | Mariana Perspectives | ISO_DateTime_deploy, ISO_DateTime_recover |
Nutrients and pigments | Nutrients and pigments | FADCO | Time_Stamp |
Nutrients and Targeted Proteomics | Macronutrients from the trace metal rosette and targeted metaproteomics analyzed by triple quadrupole mass spectrometry calibrated with stable isotope labeled peptides. | MetZyme | Nuts_TMR_time_local, McLane_time_local, Pigment_time_local |
OR POM Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of POM collected off the coast of Oregon to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Oregon Shelf Eddy Covariance Data | | BBEDOS | ISO_DateTime_PT |
Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific | Organic sulfur in the subarctic NE Pacific | DMS Dynamics | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
Oxygen Consumption Rates of Iron Oxidizing Bacteria - FeOB | O2 consumption of two strains of Mariprofundus ferrooxydans at two O2 conc. | SedimentaryIronCycle | ISO_DateTime_Local |
pH | pH measured at the PICO time-series station from 2010 to 2012. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Physical Monitoring Data | Dissolved oxygen and temperature data from loggers deployed in Bahia Almirante | Coral microbiome resilience | date_time |
Phytoplankton abundance from bottles and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton bottle data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Phytoplankton abundance from net tows and environmental data | Environmental and phytoplankton net tow data from Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | ISO_DateTime_Local |
phytoplankton taxonomy | CARIACO time series Phytoplankton taxonomy from samples collected during CTD/Niskin casts | CARIACO | Datetime_local |
Plocamium: pH and temperature time-series | Plocamium culture pH and temperature | Seaweed OA Resilience | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Prochlorococcus Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Prochlorococcus derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | Pseudo-nitzschia counts, nutrients and more | C-AIM | ISO_DateTime_Local |
qPCR data for archaeal amoA ecotypes | Abundance of ammonia monooxygenase subunit A (amoA) genes determined using TaqMan qPCR. | MetZyme, AmoA Archaea | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Reciprocal transplant expt. - irradiance and light attenuation 2017 | Light intensity and irradiance at Varadero reefs, 2017 | Varadero Reef | DateTimeLocal |
Red Sea CTD | CTD of a cast on 13 Jan. 2014 in the Red Sea | Red Sea Krill | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Respiration trials summary | Shark acceleration and oxygen consumption trials summary | Shark Metabolic Rate | ISO_DateTime_start, ISO_DateTime_stop |
RR2311 Event Log | RR2311 Event Log | NO2Ox_OMZs | ISO_DateTime_Local |
salinity | Salinity measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Sample Stations for COP Cruises 2021-2022 | Neotrypaea COP Effects | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
sampling log - internal wave events | Log of plankton sampling during internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | ISO_DateTime_Local |
sampling log - non-internal wave events | Log of plankton sampling during non-internal wave events from the Nearshore Transport Spring 2014 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | ISO_DateTime_Local |
sampling log - swell events | Log of plankton sampling during swell events from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | ISO_DateTime_Local |
sampling log - thermocline study | Log of plankton sampling during thermocline study from the Nearshore Transport 2015 cruises. | Nearshore larval transport | ISO_DateTime_Local |
San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | San Dieguito Lagoon Carbon export | Nearshore CO2 | ISO_DateTime_Local |
SBE56 water column temperature - Inside and outside kelp | SBE56 water column temperature – Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Seafloor PAR - Inside and outside kelp forest | Seafloor PAR - Inside and outside kelp forest | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Seasonal temperatures on Floridian coral reef | Seasonal temperatures on Floridian coral reef | Symbiont Shifts on Reefs | ISO_DateTime_EST |
secchi depth | Secchi depth measurements from the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Sediment Core Incubations - Sylt 2013 | | Coastal_Nitrous_Oxide | ISO_DateTime_Local |
sediment trap flux | Sinking POC and PIC fluxes measured with PIT sediment traps on KN207-01 cruise. | SargassoSeaLipids | ISO_DateTime_Start_Local, ISO_DateTime_End_Local |
sediment_cores | Results of Sediment Core Experiments in Chesapeake Bay | LiDZ | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | Shipboard incubations SKQ202209S | pH-Fe availability | ISO_DateTime_Start_Local, ISO_DateTime_Stop_Local |
SKQ201701S Event Log | Event log from Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S | Metabolic Index | date_time_in_MST |
SOLOPC - Stations | SOLOPC - Stations | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Deployed, ISO_DateTime_Local_Recovered |
SOLOPC - UnProcessed Data | SOLOPC - UnProcessed Data | GATEKEEPERS | ISO_DateTime_Local_Recovered, ISO_DateTime_Local_Deployed |
Sparging Chamber Testing: radon activity - control | Sparging Chamber Testing | Submersible Rn-222 | ISO_DateTime |
Sparging Chamber Testing: radon activity - experimental | Sparging Chamber Testing - Bell | Submersible Rn-222 | ISO_DateTime |
Spatial surveys of carbonate chemistry in Kaneohe Bay | Spatial variability in carbonate chemistry was conducted across the barrier reef flat of Kaneohe Bay, HI | Nearshore CO2 | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Spawning Cruise Data 2014-2015 | CTD profiles from cruises off Coos Bay in 2014-2015 | Storm larvae | ISO_DateTime_Local |
SPOT virus environmental | Environmental data for SPOT virus sampling | Marine Viral Dynamics, Bacterial, Archaeal, and Protistan Biodiversity, Mar. Microbial Communities | ISO_DateTime_Local_start |
Squidpop Assays 2021 | Squidpop Assays 2021 | Temperature and Herbivory | ISO_DateTime_Local |
station logs - TRANSPORT Mapping Cruises | Consecutive station logs from TRANSPORT Mapping cruises, 2010-2012, Choptank River. | TRANSPORT | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Stillwater Cove temperature time series | Temperature time-series data from 4 depths, 2010-2012, Central California kelp forest. | Climate Change Kelp | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Summary CTD data | CTD summary data from phytoplankton monitoring sites in Juneau, AK. | SEAK-AHAB | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | Suspended particle total mercury and monomethylmercury in the California Current Ecosystem (CCE) | DMHg in the Ocean, CCE LTER | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
Table 1 - Physical and chemical parameters during egg experiments | Table 1 - Physical and chemical parameters during egg experiments | OA Calanus Survival | ISO_DateTime_local |
Table 1. 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in rain and lake water | Table 1: Pb, Bi, Po | Bi 210 measurement | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Table 2. Suspended particulate matter (SPM) concentrations in lake water | Table 2: lake SPM | Bi 210 measurement | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Table 3: 210Pb, 210Bi, and 210Po activities in mussels | Table 3: Pb, Bi, Po in mussels | Bi 210 measurement | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Tatoosh Island Surface Water Temperature | Tatoosh Island Surface Water Temperature | Eco Evolutionary Response | ISO_DateTime_Local |
temperature | Water temperature measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Temperature | Temperature | EAGER-CBASS | DateTime |
Temperature and Light | Temperature and light intensity at 7 locations, Guam, 2014 | Reef Resilience in Guam | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Temperature and light data - Strait of Juan de Fuca | Temperature and light time series in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, fall 2009 | Regenerated Nitrogen | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Temperature Data From Tomales Bay and Bodega Harbor | Temperature Data From Tomales Bay and Bodega Harbor | ZosteraEcoGenomics | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
TEN Light Data | Light data collected from loggers deployed at the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | date_time |
TEN Temperature Data | Temperature data collected from loggers deployed at the Thalassia Experimental Network (TEN) sites | Tropicalization Seagrass Beds | ISO_DateTime |
Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) | WAP Carbon export | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Thuwal event log | Event log for RV/Thuwal-2014-01 in the Red Sea near Economic City (ECDEEP), January 2014 | Red Sea Krill | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Tomales_Line_Time_Series | Water quality time series in Tomales Bay | BOAR | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Total spectral count of proteins (MetZyme 0.2) | Global metaproteomic dataset for KM1128 the METZYME expedition. | MetZyme | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Tricho Remineralization Exp | Time-series of nutrient measurements following addition of Trichodesmium derived POM to seawater collected at Station ALOHA. | Taxon-Specific Organic P-C-N Production | ISO_DateTime_Local |
turbidity | Turbidity measured at the PICO time-series station. | PICO | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Ulva pHT monitoring | Ulva pHT | Seaweed OA Resilience | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Ulva: pH and temperature time-series | Ulva pH and temperature time-series | Seaweed OA Resilience | ISO_DateTime_Local |
underway_thermosalinography | EIFEX continuous thermosalinography | EIFEX | date_time |
Urchin Respiration Rates | Pencil urchin respiration rates | Temperature and Herbivory | Start_Time_Local, Stop_Time_Local |
urchin survivorship | Urchin survivorship from tethering experiments at rocky subtidal sites in the Galápagos Islands during 2007 – 2008. | GMR Trophic Cascades | ISO_DateTime_Local |
urchin temperature data | Temperatures for sea urchin experiments, Galápagos subtidal, Isla Baltra | GMR Trophic Cascades | ISO_DateTime_Local |
viable cell counts | Viable cell counts on the bacteria in the seawater collected in the Niskin bottles during Leggo drops 1 and 3 | Mariana Perspectives | ISO_DateTime_deploy, ISO_DateTime_recover |
Warm Core Rings Stratified Euphausiid Abundance and Zooplankton Biomass | Gulf Stream Warm-Core Rings stratified euphausiid abund and zoop biomass- 1981-86 | NAtlDarkData | ISODateTime_local |
Water column CTD - Inside and outside kelp | Water column CTD - Inside and outside kelp | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | cast_time_PST |
water column respiration rates | Water column (community) respiration rates from changes in DO in incubations. | SargassoSeaLipids | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Water column temperature | | Moorea Virus Project | DateTime_local |
Water temperature at coral reefs in Palau | Water temperature at coral reefs in Palau | Palau coral selection plasticity dispersal | ISO_DateTime_Local |
water_samples | Depth profiles of oceanographic parameters from Chesapeake Bay in Spring and Summer of 2010-2011 | LiDZ | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Weather | Weather conditions recorded near the MBL Dock, Woods Hole on August 14, 2012. | Mnemiopsis feeding in turbulence | ISO_DateTime_Local |
West Bay 2011-2012 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | West Bay 2011-2012 Acoustic Time Series: raw files | Larval settlement soundscapes | ISO_DateTime_Local_start, ISO_DateTime_Local_end |
Whelk-Barnacle Predation Experiments | Whelk-Barnacle Predation Experiments | Temperature and Herbivory | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Winter temperature data from northeast Pacific embayments | Winter temperature data from northeast Pacific embayments | West Coast Carcinus | Local_DateTime, DeploymentDateTime |
York River Flow Averages - Interpolated | Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary, 2018, 2019 | LYRE | ISO_DateTime_Local |
Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | Zooplankton abundance and size from Bongo plankton net tows | RAPID Anchovy Response | ISO_DateTime_PDT |
zooplankton tow meta | Zooplankton net haul metadata and specimen removal records | Calanus_Diapause | ISO_DateTime_Local_start |