5 generation increasing temperature experiment data | Offspring growth rate from 5 generation increasing temperature experiment | ThermalTGP | F1_Temp, F2_Temp, F3_Temp, F4_Temp, F5_Temp, P_Temp |
Abiotic data | Physical environmental data. | LittleLagoonGroundwater | avg_temperature, avg_temperature_SE, Mouth_Temperature, East_Temperature, West_Temperature |
Algal treatments | Algal treatment data and ID abbreviations | Amino Acid Sediment 15N | Temp |
Anchovy data of Chesapeake Bay | Anchovies from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | temp |
Arctic Nitrogen Fixation Rates | Size fractioned nitrogen fixation rates | ArcticNITRO | Temperature |
Atmospheric conditions | Wind speed, temperature, and PAR observations. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | temperature |
Average polyp survival – Fall 2018 experiment | Average Polyp Survival | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Temperature |
Bacterial Growth ACTivity | New data and new versions of previous data: Bacterial growth rate ACTivity in Delaware Bay | Coastal Bacterial Growth Rates | temp |
Baltic GasEx 1 SF6 and Helium | Baltic GasEx SF6 and He from tracer release experiment | Baltic GasEx | Temperature |
Benthic and acidification data from the Palmyra Atoll | BEAMS data from two sites on the western terrace on Palmyra Atoll during 2014. | BEAMS | temp_1_1m, temp_0_5m, temp_0_3m |
Bermuda Reef Timeseries 2007-2012 | Bermuda Reef Timeseries 2007-2012 | BEACON | Temperature |
Bottle data and chemical analysis | | Microbial Mysteries | CTDTMP, PH_TEMP |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Imagery | | C-SNOW Development, CCE LTER, C-SNOW | temp |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - Particulate Carbon Flux | | C-SNOW, C-SNOW Development, CCE LTER | tempavg |
Carbon Flux Explorer CCE_LTER P1706 - SOLO CTD Profiles | | CCE LTER, C-SNOW Development, C-SNOW | temp |
Carbonate Chemistry 2014-2017 and 2018-2020 | Carbonate chemistry in Mission Aransas Estuary (2014-2017, 2018-2020) | CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries | Temperature |
Carbonate data from water samples | Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. | Lophelia OA | temperature |
Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | Cell abundance and chlorophyll content | MixoEvo | Ev, Acc |
Coastal Phytoplankton | | Phytoplankton MeHg | Temp |
Coastal SAR11 Physiochemical data | Physiochemical data from samples collected along the coast of Louisiana, USA during 2018. | CoastalSAR11 | Temp |
Colonization experiment Tica Vent AT42-21 and RR2102 | Colonization experiment Tica Vent AT42-21 and RR2102 | Vent Settlement Cues | Exp_start_temp, Recovery_temp |
Compensatory growth and TGP | Offspring growth rate from the compensatory growth experiment. | ThermalTGP | Ptemp, Otemp |
Crocosphaera iron/warming experiments | warming experiments | Cyanobacteria Warming Responses | Temperature |
Cryptic N: Seasonal STE Profiles | Biogeochemical data from porewater profiles within a shallow, sandy subterranean estuary (STE). | Subsurface cryptic N cycle | Temperature |
CTD - Downcasts | CTD - Downcasts | MuLTI-2 | Temperature |
CTD data | CTD data collected on Ophelia out of the University of Copenhagen. | Microbial associations in zooplankton | temperature |
ctenophore sample log | Ctenophore observations collected during ROV dives | DEEPC | Temperature |
Culture Data | Symbiodinium microadriaticum cultures | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Temperature |
Data set 4: TEP production and aggregation of Chaetoceros sp. as a function of light climate, pCO2, and temperature | Experiment with the diatom Chaetoceros sp. on the impact of temperature, light climate, and carbonate chemistry on TEP production and aggregation processes | OA - Effects of High CO2 | Temp |
Demography of coral in the future | Simulations | Climate_Coral_Larvae | colony_density_stocastic2, colony_density_stocastic6, colony_density_stocastic9 |
Diatom contribution to benthic GPP | | CLASiC | Temp, Temp_2, Temp_3 |
Discrete Samples | DIC, TA, pH from nGOM cruise conducted in April 2017 and July 2017 | nGOMx acidification | Temperature |
Discrete Seawater Samples | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Temperature |
Dissolved O2 and Potential Density | Dissolved Oxygen potential density measurements from 3 cruises. | Lophelia OA | temperature |
Echinoid OA and stable isotopes: Echinoid stable isotopes | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Temp |
Environmental Sensory Data | | Coral Hybridization | Temperature |
Eukaryotic Phytoplankton Flow Cytometry from Salp Grazing Incubations | Eukaryotic Phytoplankton Flow Cytometry from Salp Incubations | Salp Food Web Ecology | Temperature |
Experiment Metrics | | Vision under hypoxia | Temp_Max, Temp_Min, Temp_Avg |
Fe reduction isotope effects | Experimental determination of Fe isotope effect for reduction from Fe(III) to Fe(II) | Fe isotope effects | Temp |
Fish observations | Fish observations corresponding to one observation of a fish or group of conspecific fish. | Goby size-selection | temp |
Flow Cytometry Results | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Temperature |
Global Prochlorococcus Synechococcus and picoeukaryotic phytoplankton | | Ocean Stoichiometry | Temperature |
Grandparental effects | Offspring growth rate from grandparantal experiment. | ThermalTGP | GGP_Temp, gptemp, ptemp, otemp |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) | Coral Resilience | LT50_C |
Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Lethal temperature 50s (LT50s) | Heat priming in Nematostella vectensis: Lethal temperature 50s (LT50s) | Coral Resilience | LT50_C |
Heatwave Experiment: Temperature HOBO Logger | Heatwave Experiment: Temperature HOBO Logger | Holobiont Integration | Temperature |
Herbivorous protist abundances under simultaneus manipulation of temperature and nutrients | | Phytoplankton Community Responses, Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence | Temperature |
HydroCAT data from oyster reciprocal transplant experiment | | Predatory NCEs and Scale | Temp |
In-situ temperature profiles | Temperature Profiles | HOTFUN | T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 |
Incubation Experiments | Incubation Experiments | Great Calcite Belt | Temperature |
Inside and Outside Kelp Forest Mooring | Inside and Outside Kelp Forest Mooring | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Temperature |
Local adaptation | Offspring growth rate from experiment to test for local adaptation in thermal TGP. | ThermalTGP | p_temp, o_temp |
Long-term seawater temperature data from USVI | Temperature data for St. John USVI. | St. John LTREB | Temperature |
Lophelia pertusa experiments: calcification and pH | Net calcification of L. pertusa exposed to different pH treatments. | Lophelia OA | temperature |
Lophelia pertusa experiments: mortality and temperature | Mortality of L. pertusa exposed to different temperatures. | Lophelia OA | temperature |
Measurements of treatment tub seawater conditions: pH and total alkalinity | OA experiment: Nematostella adult respiration | Coral Resilience | Temperature |
Mixotrophic nanoflagellate abundances | | Giant virus ecology | Temperature |
MOCNESS CTD tows | MOCNESS tow CTD data | EDDIES | temp |
Montery Bay Time Series Data | | Contributions of AOA Ecotypes | Temperature |
Mussel lab incubations: periostracum and pH (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | temp_0 |
Mussel lab incubations: simulated periostracum abrasion (effect on shell dissolution) | | OA decoupling | temp_0 |
Nematostella ocean acidification experiment: Larval heat tolerance | OA experiment: Nematostella larval heat tolerance | Coral Resilience | Temperature |
nutrient utilization traits and citations | Phytoplankton nutrient traits and data sources | Phytoplankton Traits | temperature |
Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa survival | Ocean warming & acidification experiment: Acartia tonsa survival | Copepod Response to Warming Temp and OA | Temp |
Parental contribution | Offspring growth rate from the parental contribution experiment | ThermalTGP | MomT, DadT, OffspringT |
Park phase data | Float park phase data collected at depth. | RapAutParticleFlux | temp, optode_temp |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Measured pH and nutrients | Measured pH and nutrients | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Temp |
pH internal Consistency Experiment: Raw pH Data | Raw pH Data | Inorganic Carbon Meaurements | Calculated_Temperature, Measured_Temperature |
Photosynthesis-Irradiance Curves | Photosynthesis-Irradiance Curves | MixoEvo | Evol, Acc |
Physiological data | Breviolum Antillogorgia physiological data | Host Symbiont Temp Response | OriginTemp, Temp |
Pleurochrysis carterae 24 hour culture dynamics | Pleurochrysis carterae 24 hour culture dynamics | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | temperature |
Pleurochrysis carterae growth cycle culture dynamics | Pleurochrysis carterae growth cycle (14 day) culture dynamics | OA_Copes_Coccoliths | temperature |
Polyp Fitness | Polyp Fitness | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Temp |
Population Growth | Population Growth | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Temp |
Porewater Geochemistry - Ruff | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey (Ruff et al. 2015). | Guaymas Basin Interactions | temp_approx |
Profile data | Float profile data collected during surface ascent. | RapAutParticleFlux | temp, optode_temp |
Profile data | | N2O in ETNP | Air_Temp |
Proportion infected polyps – Fall 2018 experiment | Infected polyps | Host Symbiont Temp Response | Temperature |
ProteOMZ nutrient, CTD, and oxygen data | R/V Falkor 160115 McLane log from the ProteOMZ expedition in the Central Pacific. | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | ctd_temp2, tmrd_temp, tmru_temp |
R/V Falkor 160115 ProteOMZ Trace Metal Rosette Data | Hydrographic data files from the SeaBird SBE19 CTD mounted on the trace metal rosette (TMR). | ProteOMZ (Proteomics in an Oxygen Minimum Zone) | Tv290C |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) isotope data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Start_Temp, End_Temp |
Ramped Pyrolysis Oxidation (RPO) thermogram data from Station M | | CDP in rDOM | Temp |
REACH_zooplankton | Zooplankton abundance from the western Gulf of Maine at four repeated stations from 2002-2004 | REACH | temp_min, temp_max, temp_avg |
RPO Fast Ramps | Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) temperature and carbon dioxide evolved values | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Temperature |
Sandusky Bay Surveys 2018 | Survey data from Sandusky Bay, Lake Erie | Great Lakes Center | Water_Temp |
Seasonal iron biogeochemistry | Pore water and solid phase iron geochemical data | SedimentaryIronCycle | sed_temp |
Seawater data | Seawater | Climate_Coral_Larvae | Temp |
Seawater data and site descriptions | Site descriptions and physical environmental conditions of reefs where sampling occurred. | Coral Microbial Relationships | temperature |
Sediment Properties | Sediment Properties | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | Temperature_degC |
Short-term heat stress assay: Photochemical yield data | | Mcap pairs time series | Temperature |
Snail Foraging and Temperature - Max Temps Data | Snail Foraging and Temperature - Max Temps Data | Intertidal Temp Effects | block_1W_Tmax, block_2W_Tmax, block_3W_Tmax, block_4W_Tmax, block_5W_Tmax, block_1E_Tmax, block_2E_Tmax, block_3E_Tmax, block_4E_Tmax, block_5E_Tmax |
Spawning Cruise Data 2014-2015 | CTD profiles from cruises off Coos Bay in 2014-2015 | Storm larvae | temp |
Squid tag movement data and environmental sampling | Squid tag movement data and environmental sampling | Too hot to hold | temperature |
Sulfate reduction energetics | Sulfate reduction energetics at Main Endeavor grotto chimney. | Middle Valley Vents | temperature |
Sulfate reduction rates | Sulfate reduction rates at Main Endeavor grotto chimney | Middle Valley Vents | temperature |
Tank conditions in L. pertusa pH experiments | Tank conditions for pH experiments on L. pertusa. | Lophelia OA | temperature |
Temperature and nutrient dependent phytoplankton growth and herbivorous protist grazing rates | | Planktonic Herbivore Temp Dependence, Phytoplankton Community Responses | Temperature |
Temperature loggers | Temperature logger data | RAPID Kiritimati | temp |
Temperature Time Series | Temperature Time Series | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | temperature |
Thread mechanics | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Temp |
Thread number | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Temp |
Tropical Pacific nitrate nitrogen and oxygen isotopes | Tropical Pacific nitrate N and O isotopes | Diatom-bound_N_Isotopes, CAREER | temperature |
Underway Chl | | CCAW | Temperature |
Underway pCO2 | Underway pCO2 from nGOM cruise conducted in April 2017 | nGOMx acidification | Temperature |
Underway POM | | CCAW | Temperature |
UW FHL Temperature & Salinity | | OA - Ecomaterials Perspective | Temperature |
Visual Bleaching Scores Summer 2018 | | Heat Tolerant Corals | Temperature |
Water Chemistry | | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | temperature |
Water Column Data - CTD | CTD water column data from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. | ESAS Water Column Methane | temperature |
Water column production and respiration 2017 | | HarveyCarbonCycle | T_Light_3_TF, T_Dark_1_TF, T_Dark_2_TF, T_Light_1_T0, T_Dark_3_TF, T_Light_2_T0, T_Light_3_T0, T_Dark_1_T0, T_Dark_2_T0, T_Dark_3_T0, T_Light_1_TF, T_Light_2_TF |
Water column temperature | | Moorea Virus Project | Temperature |
Water temperature data | Water temperature data from stable isotope labeling experiments. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | temp, lntemp |
Zooplankton from hypoxic waters of Chesapeake Bay | Zooplankton - esp. copepods - from hypoxic waters of the Chesapeake Bay | DeZoZoo | temp |