
Project Acronym Start Date End Date
Bioenergetic influences upon carbon flow in alkaliphilic sulfate-reducing microbial populations with relevance to the subsurface biosphere at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field Carbon flow through SRB 2015-04 2016-03
Biogenic Calcium Carbonate Solubilities and Reaction Rates by Lab and Field Saturometry Calcite Saturometer 2019-09 2023-08
Biogenic Chemical Records in Deep-Sea Sediments and Their Application to Paleo-Oceanographic Study Biogenic Chemical Records 1988-08 1991-01
Biogeochemical and Ecological Impacts of Amphipod Circoviruses in Benthic Habitats Amphipod Circovirus Ecology 2014-06 2017-05
Biogeochemical Impact and Fate of Non-phosphorus Membrane Lipids in the Sargasso Sea SargassoSeaLipids 2010-09 2013-08
Biogeochemical implications of marine phage: Roseophage as a relevant and tractable model Roseophage as a Model 2011-04 2015-12
Biogeochemistry of nitrous oxide cycling in the eastern tropical South Pacific N2O Cycling 2005-01 2006-01
Biogeography of a marine defensive microbial symbiont: relative importance of host defense vs. abiotic factors BiogeogDefensiveSymb 2015-09 2018-04
Biological and Physical Determinants of Euphausiid Aggregation, Behavior, and Interaction with Higher Predators at an Abrupt Topographical Feature in the Gulf of Maine Krill GoME 2010-01 2011-12
Biological Controls on the Ocean C:N:P ratios Biological C:N:P ratios 2011-01 2015-12
Biological response to regime shifts and ENSO events in the Peruvian Humboldt Current ecosystem PCE 2005-09 2009-08
Biologically induced methane oxidation and precipitation of carbonate minerals: An experimental study Deep Sea Geochem CaCO3 2014-05 2014-09
Biology and Ecology of Newly Discovered Diazotrophs in the Open Ocean DIAZOTROPHS 2004-08 2010-08
Biopolymers as carrier phases for selected natural radionuclides (of Th, Pa, Pb, Po, Be) in diatoms and coccolithophores Biopolymers for radionuclides 2014-03 2018-02
Biowatt Experiment: Bioluminescence and Optical Variability of the Sea (Biowatt I) Biowatt I
Biowatt Experiment: Bioluminescence and Optical Variability of the Sea (Biowatt II) Biowatt II 1997-02 1997-11
Bismuth-210: A tracer of dynamic scavenging in aquatic systems. Bi 210 tracer of scavenging 2020-09 2024-08
Blue Water Zone BWZ 2005-09 2008-09
Bodega Ocean Acidification Research BOAR 2009-08 2013-07
Boundary Sources and Sinks of 230Th, 232Th and 231Pa in the NW Pacific Sources-Sinks Th-Pa 2010-09 2013-08
Breaking ground with underwater sound - unraveling elusive predator-prey interactions in marine benthic communities using novel technological approaches U/W Crunchtime 2022-04 2027-03
Brine Discharge From Desalination Plants - Impacts On Coastal Ecology, Public Perception, and Public Policy Effluent Impacts on Coastal Ecology 2013-09 2016-08
Building the Foundation in N. California Current Shelf-Slope-Oceanic Ecosystems CalCurEco 2008-01
Buried alive: Microbial responses to sediment flux with implications for the deep biosphere Buried Alive 2012-04 2014-03
C-CoMP Model Bacteria Physiological Studies C-CoMP Model Bacteria 2021-09 2026-12
Calcification in low saturation seawater: What can we learn from organisms in the proximity of low pH; undersaturated submarine springs CalcificationLowSatSeawater 2010-09 2014-08
Calibration and application of the boron isotope seawater-pH indicator in deep-water corals Bamboo Coral Boron Isotopes 2010-09 2015-08
Calibration of a Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy in the Southern Ocean Novel Nutrient Paleoproxy 2015-02 2018-01
California Current Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research site CCE LTER 2004-07 2028-08
CAMEO 2009 - A novel tool for validating trophic position estimates in ecosystem-based fisheries models CAMEO_Trophic_Position 2010-08 2014-07
CAMEO: Building the Foundation: An End-to-End Modeling Workshop CAMWkshp 2008-01
CAMEO: Comparative Approaches to Predicting the Consequences of an Impending Re-Invasion: Top Predator Effects on Californian Near-Shore Fisheries SeaOtterReInv 2010-07 2013-06
CAMEO: Fish productivity and fishing impacts compared across a range of marine ecosystems FishingImpactsEcosystems 2010-08 2013-07
CAMEO: Multiscale modeling of Hawaii's coral reef communities HI Coral Reefs 2010-07 2014-06
CAMEO: Patterns of Connectivity in Northwest Atlantic Fishery Ecosystems NW_AtlEcosysConnect 2010-08 2015-07
CAMEO: Using interdecadal comparisons to understand trade-offs between abundance and condition in fishery ecosystems GoMEcosysDynamics 2010-08 2014-07
Can Coral Reefs in the Central Pacific Survive Ocean Warming? A 2015 El Nino Test Coral Reef Resilience 2015-12 2016-11
Can Raman spectroscopy be used as a high-accuracy method to identify bivalve larvae? Raman Spec Bivalves 2012-07 2014-06
Can the availability of B-vitamins control phyto-and-bacterioplankton successions in a coastal upwelling region? B-vitamin plankton succession 2014-09 2017-08
Can you hear me now? Estuarine soundscapes and their role in larval settlement Larval settlement soundscapes 2012-09 2016-08
Canary on the coral reef: ecophysiology of tropical crustose coralline algae across latitudinal gradients CCA Mineralogy 2014-09 2016-08
Canyon Krill Canyon Krill 2009-07 2013-07
Carbon Cycling in Carbonate-Dominated Benthic Ecosystems: Eddy Covariance Hydrogen Ion and Oxygen Fluxes ECHOES Benthic Ecosystems 2017-02 2020-01
Carbon Dioxide Dynamics in Mode Water of the North Atlantic Ocean CarboMODE 2007-04 2010-03
Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center - Global Ocean CO2 CDIAC Ocean CO2 1993-08
Carbon Flux Explorer Development C-SNOW Development 2009-10 2014-09
Carbon Sedimentation In the Ocean Watercolumn (C-SNOW): Calibration C-SNOW 2015-10 2018-03
Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems via Abiotic Sulfurization Mangroves OS 2021-07 2025-06
Carbonate System Chemistry in the Arabian Gulf Arabian Gulf CO2 2018-12 2025-12
CAREER: "The Omnivore's Dilemma": The Effect of Autumn Diet on Winter Physiology and Condition of Juvenile Antarctic Krill Omnivores Dilemma 2018-09 2023-08
CAREER: A Molecular Level Investigation of Halogenation as a Mechanism of Trace Gas Production and Organic Carbon Transformation at the Surface Ocean Organic Matter Halogenation 2023-05 2028-04
CAREER: An integrated molecular and physiological approach to examining the dynamics of upwelled phytoplankton in current and changing oceans Upwelled Phytoplankton Dynamics 2018-05 2025-04
CAREER: An integrative framework for modeling coral adaptive potential under climate change Coral Adaptation Model 2025-07 2030-06
CAREER: Applying phenotypic variability to identify resilient Acropora cervicornis genotypes in the Florida Keys Resilient Acerv 2015-04 2021-05
CAREER: Assessing local adaptation in the chemosynthetic symbionts of hydrothermal vent animals Symbiont adaptation 2022-09 2027-08
CAREER: Biogeochemical Modification of Seawater CO2 Chemistry in Near-Shore Environments: Effect of Ocean Acidification Nearshore CO2 2013-06 2019-05
CAREER: Building a more expansive understanding of Fe adaptation in marine phytoplankton across the global oceans Syn Fe ecology 2024-09 2029-08
CAREER: Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen biogeochemistry at the scale of a sinking marine particle Particle biogeochemistry 2022-04 2027-03
CAREER: Charting the zoogeochemistry of coral reef ecosystems through an integrative structure-to-function framework ZOCORE 2024-09 2029-08
CAREER: Cryptic sulfur cycling and organic matter preservation in marine oxygen deficient zones Sulfur in Particles 2022-07 2027-06
CAREER: Decoding seascape-scale vegetation patterns on coral reefs to understand ecosystem health: Integrating research and education from organismal to planetary scales Coral Reef Halos 2020-06 2025-05
CAREER: Do extraordinarily long enzyme lifetimes drive microbial community assembly in deep subsurface sediments? Stable Subsurface Enzymes 2023-01 2027-12
CAREER: Ecosystem Impacts of Microbial Succession and Production at Antarctic Methane Seeps Antarctic Seep Ecosystems 2022-01 2026-12
CAREER: Energy fluxes and community stability in a dynamic, high-latitude kelp ecosystem High latitude kelp dynamics 2018-04 2024-03
CAREER: Evaluation of machine learning algorithms for understanding and predicting adaptation to multivariate environments with a Model Validation Program (MVP) Model Validation Program 2021-07 2026-06
CAREER: Fish-derived nutrients in a coral reef ecosystem - impacts on benthic communities and importance for coral restoration Fish Derived Coral Nutrients 2015-07 2021-04
CAREER: Flow-mediated mechanisms of marine disease transmission in benthic ecosystems CAREER Marine Disease 2024-09 2029-08
CAREER: Gulf of Maine Temperature Trends and Variability from the early Holocene to the Present GoM Temperature Trends 2019-05 2024-04
CAREER: Helping or hindering? Determining the influence of repetitive marine heatwaves on acclimatization of reef-building corals across biological scales Coral acclimatization 2023-04 2028-03
CAREER: How do mixotroph phenotypic plasticity and adaptive evolution constrain climate feedbacks? Mixotroph Plasticity 2023-05 2028-04
CAREER: Implications of phytoplankton trait adaptation ecoTRACE 2021-04 2026-03
CAREER: Integrating Ecological Principles of Sponge-Dominated Coral Reefs in the Education Curricula Sponge-Dominated Coral Reefs 2023-05 2028-04
CAREER: Integrating Seascapes and Energy Flow: learning and teaching about energy, biodiversity, and ecosystem function on the frontlines of climate change Louisiana E-scapes 2021-05 2026-04
CAREER: Integrating thermal physiology and species interactions to forecast community response to environmental change Predator prey and warming 2025-06 2030-05
CAREER: Investigating aerobic microbial respiration dynamics in coastal hypoxia Coastal O2 Respir 2020-07 2025-06
CAREER: Life after death in coral reefs: Testing the pivotal role of dead corals in ecosystem resilience Dead Coral Ecosystem 2023-04 2028-03
CAREER: Linking genetic diversity, population density, and disease prevalence in seagrass and oyster ecosystems Seagrass and Oyster Ecosystems 2017-02 2022-01
CAREER: Mechanisms of bioturbation and ecosystem engineering by benthic infauna Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering 2019-06 2025-05
CAREER: Microbial Mineral Oxidation in a Temperate Marine Sediment: Quantifying the importance of extracellular electron transfer to sediment sulfur biogeochemistry Marine Sediment EET 2023-06 2028-05
CAREER: Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in Oxygen Minimum Zones Multiple Scales of Nitrogen Cycle in the Ocean 2019-07 2024-06
CAREER: Nitrate Isotopes and Biogeochemistry; A Plan for coupling CAREER 2005-09 2011-08
CAREER: Oxygen sensitivity of aerobic respiration and nitrification in oxygen minimum zones and biogeochemical feedbacks to deoxygenation RANDOM 2016-04 2022-03
CAREER: Predicting ecosystem metabolism of rocky intertidal communities in warming and acidifying oceans. TIDES 2021-08 2026-07
CAREER: Revealing biological hotspots across time and 3-dimensional space in the open ocean Elephant seal sentinels 2025-08 2030-07
CAREER: Small-scale plankton-aggregate dynamics and the biological pump: Integrating mathematical biology in research and education PlanktonAggDyn 2017-07 2022-07
CAREER: Source-sink dynamics in a restored oyster metapopulation Oyster source-sink dynamics 2024-08 2029-07
CAREER: Species Interactions of Coral Reef Benthic Cyanobacterial Mats: Within-Mat Diversity Promotes Both Facilitation and Top-Down Control Reef BCM 2023-01 2027-12
CAREER: Temperature and microplastic effects on coral physiology and reproduction Corals and microplastics 2021-12 2026-11
CAREER: Temporal dynamics of microbial and viral function and adaptation in hydrothermal vents Vent omics time series 2022-01 2026-12
CAREER: Testing the effects of predator-derived feces on host symbiont acquisition and health Fish transmit microbes 2022-04 2027-03
CAREER: The biological nitrogen isotope systematics of ammonium consumption and production Biological Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation 2016-05 2022-04
CAREER: The Impact of Hydrologic State on CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries CO2 Flux and Acidification in Subtropical Estuaries 2017-05 2022-04
CARIACO Ocean Time-Series Program CARIACO 1995-11
Cascading effects of an invasive seaweed on estuarine food webs of the southeastern US Gracilaria effects 2011-08 2016-07
Cascading interactions of herbivore loss and nutrient enrichment on coral reef macroalgae, corals, and microbial dynamics HERBVRE 2011-09 2015-08
Causes and consequences of hypoxia and pH impacts on zooplankton: Linking movement behavior to vertical distribution. Zooplankton Swimming 2017-03 2023-02
Cell to cell communication in marine phytoplankton: population density control of cellular processes PhytoplanktonQS 2011-07 2013-12
Cellular physiological mechanisms for coral calcification and photosynthesis: extending lab-based models to the field Coral Calcification Physiology 2015-08 2018-07
Census of Marine Zooplankton-2004-2010 CMarZ_2004-2010 2004-01 2010-01
Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education C-MORE 2006-08 2017-07
