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ISBN: 978-0873715645

Dataset Relation
Hydrolysis rates from incubations on particles obtained by gravity filtration of water collected on RV/Endeavor EN556 (Patterns of activities project) Methods
Hydrolysis rates from gravity filtered samples, plate reader results from RV/Endeavor EN556, 2015 (Patterns of activities project) Methods
Hydrolysis rates from bulk samples, plate reader results from RV/Endeavor EN556, 2015 (Patterns of activities project) Methods
Microbial enzymatic activities from seawater and from particle-associated seawater communities from Greenland, August 2015 (Patterns of activities project) Methods
Measurements of peptidase and glucosidase activities in large volume mesocosm incubations on RV/Endeavor EN584, July 2016 (Patterns of activities project) Methods
Microbial enzyme activities: peptidase activities in bulk seawater samples from the RV\Polarstern cruise ARKXXVII/3 in the Central Arctic Ocean and Laptev Sea, Aug-Sept. 2012 Methods
Microbial enzyme activities: peptidase activities of gravity-filtered seawater samples from the RV\Polarstern cruise ARKXXVII/3 in the Central Arctic Ocean and Laptev Sea, Aug-Sept. 2012 Methods
Microbial enzyme activities: peptidase activities of sediment samples from the RV\Polarstern cruise ARKXXVII/3 in the Central Arctic Ocean and Laptev Sea, Aug-Sept. 2012 Methods
Microbial enzyme activities: glucosidase and peptidase activities of bulk seawater samples from the RV\Sonne cruise SO248 in the South and North Pacific, along 180 W, May, 2016 Methods
Microbial enzyme activities: glucosidase and peptidase activities of gravity filtered seawater samples from the RV\Sonne cruise SO248 in the South and North Pacific, along 180 W, May, 2016 Methods
Citation Style: 
Citation Text: 
Hoppe, HG. (1993). Use of fluorogenic model substrates for extracellular enzyme activity (EEA) measurement of bacteria, p. 423-431. In P. F. Kemp, B. F. Sherr, E. B. Sherr, and J. J. Cole (ed.), Handbook of methods in aquatic microbial ecology. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL 978-0873715645
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