Deployment: SAV-19-02

2019-03-30 - 2019-04-11 Northwestern Atlantic Platform:R/V Savannah (vessel)DOI: 10.7284/908719 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program


Cruise synonym: Zephyr (Zooming in on Enzymatic PhosphoHYdrolysis Reactions)

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Bioavailability factor of polyphosphate, nucleotides, and methyl phosphonate in bioassay experiments with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 2019 2021-11-02Data not available
Phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterial cell abundance over the incubation period ​in bioassay experiments with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available
Concentrations of particulate phosphate in treatments amended with dissolved organic phosphate compounds in bioassay experiments (incubation 48h) with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 2019 2021-11-02Data not available
Concentrations of soluble reactive phosphate in treatments amended with dissolved organic phosphate compounds in bioassay experiments (incubation 48h) with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 2019 2021-11-02Data not available
Turnover time and uptake rates of phosphate in treatments amended with dissolved inorganic and organic phosphate compounds in bioassay experiments (incubation 48h) with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring 2019 2021-11-02Data not available
Alkaline phosphatase activity over bioassay experiments with seawater from R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available
Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) Michaelis-Menten kinetic parameters (Vmax and Km) in both whole and filtered seawater collected during R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in the Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available
Bioavailability factor of polyphosphate, nucleotides (ATP and AMP) and phosphonate in seawater collected during R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in the Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available
Concentrations of particulate phosphate in seawater collected during R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in the Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available
Phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacterial cell abundance in seawater collected during R/V Savannah cruise SAV-19-02 in the NW Atlantic Ocean in the Spring of 20192021-11-02Data not available

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Julia Diaz
University of Georgia



Zooming in on Enzymatic PhosphoHYdrolysis Reactions