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Funding Source: NSF Office of Polar Programs (formerly NSF PLR) (NSF OPP)

Fundref DOI: 
Dataset Award Number
15N Rate Summary OPP-1643466
15N Rate Summary OPP-1643345
2014 Antarctic krill feeding experiments OPP-1641198
2014 Antarctic krill feeding experiments OPP-1246293
2014 Antarctic krill growth experiment OPP-1641198
2014 Antarctic krill growth experiment OPP-1246293
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 1 OPP-1641198
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 1 OPP-1246293
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 2 OPP-1641198
2015 Antarctic krill growth experiment 2 OPP-1246293
2018 Ross Sea Crystal Krill Grazing OPP-1743035
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: IKMT OPP-1743035
2018 Ross Sea Zooplankton Abundance: Ring net OPP-1743035
Antarctic ACROBAT data OPP-1745023
Antarctic Biological Model Output OPP-1643618
Antarctic dFe model dyes OPP-1643652
Antarctic dFe model dyes OPP-1643618
Antarctic krill schooling: 3D trajectories OPP-1840941
Antarctic krill schooling: Coordinates for speed and nearest neighbor distances OPP-1840941
Antarctic krill schooling: Rotation order parameters OPP-1840941
Arctic water column 7Be OPP-1753418
Arctic water column 7Be OPP-1753408
Arctic water column 7Be OPP-1753423
Bacterivory OPP-9634053
biogenic silica OPP-0338097
BLASTp homology data PLR-1341479
Bottle data from trace-metal CTD casts ANT-1543483
Cannon_2013_T1: Collection and locality information PLR-1043745
Cannon_2013_T1: Collection and locality information PLR-1043670
Cannon_2013_T2: NCBI accessions PLR-1043745
Cannon_2013_T2: NCBI accessions PLR-1043670
Cannon_2014_S1: Collection and locality information PLR-1043745
Cannon_2014_S1: Collection and locality information PLR-1043670
Cannon_2014_S2: Hemichordata and Echinodermata sample log and accessions PLR-1043745
Cannon_2014_S2: Hemichordata and Echinodermata sample log and accessions PLR-1043670
Cell biovolumes PLR-1341479
Chemoautotrophy OPP-1643466
Chemoautotrophy OPP-1643345
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt OPP-1643845
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt OPP-1644073
CICLOPS Dissolved Cobalt OPP-1643684
CICLOPS Dissolved Metals OPP-1643845
CICLOPS Dissolved Metals OPP-1644073
CICLOPS Dissolved Metals OPP-1643684
CICLOPS Dissolved Nutrients OPP-1644073
CICLOPS Dissolved Nutrients OPP-1643684
CICLOPS Dissolved Nutrients OPP-1643845
CICLOPS Event Log OPP-1644073
CICLOPS Event Log OPP-1643684
CICLOPS Event Log OPP-1643845
CICLOPS TMR hydrography data OPP-1644073
CICLOPS TMR hydrography data OPP-1643684
CICLOPS TMR hydrography data OPP-1643845
CICLOPS Total Zn and Cd uptake rates OPP-1643845
CICLOPS Total Zn and Cd uptake rates OPP-1644073
CICLOPS Total Zn and Cd uptake rates OPP-1643684
Circum-Antartic Model: four simulation outputs OPP-1643618
Circum-Antartic Model: four simulation outputs OPP-1643652
Cruise Tracks OPP-1142095
Cruise Tracks OPP-1142018
CTD OPP-0338097
CTD Biogenic Silica OPP-1644073
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1745011
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1745081
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1744884
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1745018
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1745009
CTD Data from IFCB Sampling OPP-1745023
CTD Hydrography OPP-1644073
CTD Manganese Speciation OPP-1643684
CTD Manganese Speciation OPP-1644073
d15NOx Natural Abundance OPP-1643466
d15NOx Natural Abundance OPP-1643345
Diatom growth rates PLR-1341479
Diatom reference sequences PLR-1341479
dissolved cobalt OPP-0338097
Dissolved oxygen OPP-1551195
Domel_2017_T1: Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions PLR-1043745
Domel_2017_T1: Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions PLR-1043670
Duquette et al. 2018: Mg/Ca ratios PLR-1043745
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1745023
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1745009
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1745011
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1745081
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1745018
EK80 Antarctic Krill Swarms OPP-1744884
Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos OPP-1103428
Fe_Vit12_MetaT_Co-Limitation_RossSea_2014 PLR-1043671
Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Results, Calculated from High Frequency Radar Observed Surface Currents OPP-1745009
Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Results, Calculated from High Frequency Radar Observed Surface Currents OPP-1745011
Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Results, Calculated from High Frequency Radar Observed Surface Currents OPP-1744884
Fossil Seal Amino Acid Isotopes OPP-1141849
Fossil Seal Amino Acid Isotopes OPP-1142108
Fossil Seal Bulk Isotopes 14C OPP-1141849
Fossil Seal Bulk Isotopes 14C OPP-1142108
Fossil Seal Skeletal Measurements OPP-1141849
Fossil Seal Skeletal Measurements OPP-1142108
Geochemistry OPP-1023233
Geochemistry OPP-1115245
GN01 Po-Pb Dissolved and Large Particles OPP-1435376
GN01 Po-Pb Small Particles OPP-1435376
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T1: NCBI accessions PLR-1043670
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T1: NCBI accessions PLR-1043745
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T3: Best TLR genes from BLASTP search PLR-1043670
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T3: Best TLR genes from BLASTP search PLR-1043745
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T4: Best other LRR genes from BLASTP search PLR-1043670
Halanych-Kocot_2014_T4: Best other LRR genes from BLASTP search PLR-1043745
Halanych_2013: Video of acorn worm tubes PLR-1043670
Halanych_2013: Video of acorn worm tubes PLR-1043745
Halanych_2013_T1: NCBI accessions PLR-1043670
Halanych_2013_T1: NCBI accessions PLR-1043745
Harder_2016_T1: sea spider Pallenopsis sampling sites and COI NCBI accessions PLR-1043745
Harder_2016_T1: sea spider Pallenopsis sampling sites and COI NCBI accessions PLR-1043670
Havird_2015_T1: NCBI accessions: COX and PXDN PLR-1043670
Havird_2015_T1: NCBI accessions: COX and PXDN PLR-1043745
Havird_2015_T2: NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN PLR-1043745
Havird_2015_T2: NCBI accessions: MPO and PXDN PLR-1043670
Havird_2015_T3: vertebrate COX conservation PLR-1043745
Havird_2015_T3: vertebrate COX conservation PLR-1043670
herbivory OPP-9634053
High Frequency Radar, Palmer Deep OPP-1745009
High Frequency Radar, Palmer Deep OPP-1745011
High Frequency Radar, Palmer Deep OPP-1744884
IFCB Image Data OPP-1745081
IFCB Image Data OPP-1744884
IFCB Image Data OPP-1745018
IFCB Image Data OPP-1745009
IFCB Image Data OPP-1745023
IFCB Image Data OPP-1745011
INSPIRE 1-D ROMS model output OPP-1443569
INSPIRE 1-D ROMS model output OPP-1443657
INSPIRE 1-D ROMS model output OPP-1443604
INSPIRE 1-D ROMS model output OPP-1443315
INSPIRE sea ice model simulations OPP-1443657
INSPIRE sea ice model simulations OPP-1443604
INSPIRE sea ice model simulations OPP-1443315
INSPIRE sea ice model simulations OPP-1443569
Isolate information PLR-1341479
ISPP14C Synthesis OPP-9530611
ISPP14C Synthesis OPP-9531990
ISPP14C Synthesis OPP-9531981
Janosik_2013_T1: Odontasteridae species collection information PLR-1043745
Janosik_2013_T1: Odontasteridae species collection information PLR-1043670
Janosik_2013_T2: outgroup species and accessions PLR-1043745
Janosik_2013_T2: outgroup species and accessions PLR-1043670
Janosik_2013_T3: matrix of Odontasteridea morphological characters PLR-1043745
Janosik_2013_T3: matrix of Odontasteridea morphological characters PLR-1043670
Krill acid-base tissue and blood OPP-1641198
Krill lactate - long-term trial OPP-1641198
Krill lactate - short-term trial OPP-1641198
LMG0102 cruise track PLR-1043745
LMG0102 cruise track PLR-1043670
LMG0414 cruise track PLR-1043745
LMG0414 cruise track PLR-1043670
LMG1312 cruise track PLR-1043670
LMG1312 cruise track PLR-1043745
LMG1801 Sample Log OPP-1643466
LMG1801 Sample Log OPP-1643345
McMurdo epifauna PLR-0619622
McMurdo epifauna species list PLR-0619622
McMurdo sediment PLR-0619622
Microbial community composition McMurdo Spiophanes beds OPP-1103428
Microbial community composition of the Cinder Cones Cold Seep OPP-1642570
MIS_Benthic_Quadrats PLR-0619622
MIS_Benthic_Transect PLR-0619622
MIS_Midwater_Transect PLR-0619622
MMETSP locations and e-values PLR-1341479
Model-building biogeochemical data set from ASPIRE OPP-1443657
Model-building biogeochemical data set from ASPIRE OPP-1443604
Model-building biogeochemical data set from ASPIRE OPP-1443315
Model-building biogeochemical data set from ASPIRE OPP-1443569
Modern Seal Amino Acid Isotopes OPP-1141849
Modern Seal Amino Acid Isotopes OPP-1142108
Modern Seal Bulk Isotopes OPP-1142108
Modern Seal Bulk Isotopes OPP-1141849
MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 OPP-1753418
MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 OPP-1753408
MOSAIC Expedition Aerosol Be7 OPP-1753423
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 OPP-1753418
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 OPP-1753408
MOSAIC Expedition Ice Core Be7 OPP-1753423
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 OPP-1753418
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 OPP-1753408
MOSAIC Snow and Frost Flower Be7 OPP-1753423
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients OPP-1443646
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients OPP-1443474
NBP1608 Incubation Nutrients OPP-1443483
NBP1608 Station Nutrients OPP-1443646
NBP1608 Station Nutrients OPP-1443474
NBP1608 Station Nutrients OPP-1443483
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 1 OPP-1443483
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 1 OPP-1443646
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 1 OPP-1443474
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 2 OPP-1443483
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 2 OPP-1443646
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 2 OPP-1443474
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 3 OPP-1443483
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 3 OPP-1443646
NBP1608 TMs: Incubation 3 OPP-1443474
NBP1608 TMs: stations OPP-1443483
NBP1608 TMs: stations OPP-1443646
NBP1608 TMs: stations OPP-1443474
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients OPP-1443474
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients OPP-1443483
NBP1608 Underway Nutrients OPP-1443646
NBP1702 Dissolved Th and Pa OPP-1542962
Net tow data PLR-1347911
Niskin bottle hydrography OPP-0338097
Nutrients_Chlorophyll_Ross_Sea PLR-1043748
Palmer Station Nitrate Uptake OPP-1340886
Palmer Station Nitrate Uptake OPP-1951090
Palmer Station Nitrate Uptake OPP-1440435
Palmer Station Particulate Thorium OPP-1340886
Palmer Station Particulate Thorium OPP-1951090
Palmer Station Particulate Thorium OPP-1440435
Palmer Station Sediment Trap OPP-1340886
Palmer Station Sediment Trap OPP-1951090
Palmer Station Sediment Trap OPP-1440435
Palmer Station Size Fractionated Particulate Thorium OPP-1340886
Palmer Station Size Fractionated Particulate Thorium OPP-1951090
Palmer Station Size Fractionated Particulate Thorium OPP-1440435
Palmer Station Thorium OPP-1340886
Palmer Station Thorium OPP-1951090
Palmer Station Thorium OPP-1440435
Particulate Organic Carbon and Particulate Nitrogen OPP-1744645
Penguin glider PLR-1142174
Photosynthetic Pigments OPP-1744645
Physical Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, and Brine Volume OPP-1744645
Phytoplankton physiology PLR-1043593
Phytoplankton_Physiology_Fe_Temperature PLR-1043748
Pigments HPLC OPP-1644073
pigments_HPLC OPP-0338097
pmoA sequences (GenBank) OPP-1023233
pmoA sequences (GenBank) OPP-1115245
Pore water geochemistry OPP-1551195
Porewater Composition OPP-1642570
Presence and absence of iron and light-related functional genes PLR-1341479
qPCR OPP-1643466
qPCR OPP-1643345
Relative Particle Density OPP-1745009
Relative Particle Density OPP-1745011
Relative Particle Density OPP-1744884
RNA sequence accessions at NCBI PLR-1341362
Ross Sea metaproteome FASTA files OPP-0338097
Ross Sea metaproteome peptide spectral counts OPP-0338097
Ross Sea metaproteome protein spectral counts OPP-0338097
Ross Sea Productivity OPP-0338157
Seabird and marine mammal sightings PLR-1347911
Sediment iron OPP-1551195
Sediment porosity OPP-1551195
Stable isotopic composition of McMurdo Benthos OPP-1103428
Surface gas concentrations PLR-1043593
Surface gas concentrations PLR-1043559
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1745009
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1745011
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1745081
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1744884
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1745018
SWARM AMLR moorings - acoustic data OPP-1745023
Swimming kinematics of krill exposed to guano and food odor OPP-1840927
Swimming kinematics of krill exposed to guano and food odor OPP-1840941
Swimming kinematics of krill exposed to guano and food odor OPP-1840949
Thorium-234 along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2016-2020) OPP-1951090
Transcriptome statistics PLR-1341479
underway T S fluor pigments OPP-0338097
WAP model float data OPP-1745011
WAP model float data OPP-1744884
WAP model float data OPP-1745009
WAP model properties and diagnostic fields OPP-1703310
WAP model SSH and tracer OPP-1643468
WAP model SSH and tracer OPP-1643386
West Antarctic Isoscape Data OPP-1141849
West Antarctic Isoscape Data OPP-1142108
Whelan_2014_T3: toxin genes identified in Nemertean species PLR-1043745
Whelan_2014_T3: toxin genes identified in Nemertean species PLR-1043670
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1745081
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1744884
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1745018
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1745009
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1745023
Winds from Joubin and Wauwerman Islands OPP-1745011