Benthic dissolved oxygen and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations conducted aboard the R/V Oceanus and R/V Robert G. Sproul during nine cruises from 2018-2022 from the Oregon and Washington shelf | | UIC Coulometer |
Surface seawater carbonate chemistry parameters from the Bermuda coral reef platform timeseries, 2007-2012 (BEACON project) | DIC was analyzed coulometrically using a UIC CM5011 CO2 coulometer combined with a VINDTA3C (Marianda Inc) or SOMMA system, alternatively based on infrared absorption using an AIRICA (Marianda, Inc) and a Li-Cor 7000 as the detector.
| UIC CM5011 CO2 coulometer |
Calcium carbonate concentrations from sediment cores collected during R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TT013 in the Equatorial Pacific in 1992 during the U.S. JGOFS Equatorial Pacific (EqPac) project | Model 5011 CO coulometer with a Model 5030 carbonate carbon apparatus.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results of laboratory experiment examining growth, CO2- and N2-fixation of Crocosphaera watsonii in differing pCO2 and light levels; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Total CO2 was analyzed with a carbon coulomb meter (CM140, UIC, Joliet, IL). CM140 Instrument Brochure.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results of laboratory experiment examining growth and N2-fixation of Crocosphaera watsonii under differing pCO2 levels; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Total CO2 was analyzed with a carbon coulomb meter (CM140, UIC, Joliet, IL). CM140 Instrument Brochure.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results of experiments examining cellular growth by Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) under differing levels of phosphate, light, and pCO2; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Samples for measurements of total CO2 (TCO2) were determined using a CM140 (UIC) carbon coulomb meter.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results from experiments examining efficiency of cellular P for CO2- and gross N2-fixation rates by Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) as a function of light and pCO2; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Samples for measurements of total CO2 (TCO2) were determined using a CM140 (UIC) carbon coulomb meter.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results of experiments examining CO2 and gross N2 fixation rates by Crocosphaera watsonii (WH0003) under differing levels of phosphate, light, and pCO2; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Samples for measurements of total CO2 (TCO2) were determined using a CM140 (UIC) carbon coulomb meter.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Results of laboratory experiments examining Cyanobacteria (Trichodesmium and Crocosphaera watsonii) N2-fixation responses to pCO2; conducted in the Hutchins Laboratory, USC | Total DIC was measureed coulomb-metrically (CM140, UIC, Joliet, IL). CM140 Instrument Brochure.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Elemental composition for 16S rRNA gene amplicon and metagenomic sequences collected on the R/V JOIDES Resolution (JRES-204) cruise in the Cascadia Continental Margin during 2002 (Methane-Hydrate Sediment Omics project) | CM5014 CO2 coulometer with a CM5130 Acidification module.
| |
Size-fractionated major and minor particle composition and concentration from the US GEOTRACES Arctic cruise (HLY1502) on USCGC Healy from August to October 2015 | Used to analyze the following measured parameters: PIC; and the following derived parameters: CaCO3
| UIC Carbon dioxide coulometer |
Size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration from Leg 1 (Seattle, WA to Hilo, HI) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1814) on R/V Roger Revelle from Sept to Oct 2018 | Used in the measurement of PIC, and to derive CaCO3.
| UIC Carbon dioxide coulometer |
Size-fractionated major, minor, & trace particle composition and concentration from Leg 2 (Hilo, HI to Papeete, French Polynesia) of the US GEOTRACES Pacific Meridional Transect (PMT) cruise (GP15, RR1815) on R/V Roger Revelle from Oct to Nov 2018 | Used in the measurement of PIC, and to derive CaCO3.
| UIC Carbon dioxide coulometer |
Seawater Inorganic Carbon Data (DIC) from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the Eastern Tropical Pacific from October to December 2013 (U.S. GETORACES EPZT project) | DIC was measured by a gas extraction/coulometric technique (see Bates et al., 1996a,b for details), using a SOMMA (Single-Operator Multi-Metabolic Analyzer) to control the pipetting and extraction of seawater samples and a UIC CO2 coulometer detector.
| UIC CO2 coulometer detector |
Size-fractionated particulate inorganic carbon (PIC) in particles collected by in-situ filtration on the US GEOTRACES GP17-OCE cruise on R/V Roger Revelle (RR2214) in the South Pacific and Southern Oceans from December 2022 to January 2023 | PIC was measured with a UIC Carbon dioxide coulometer.
| UIC Carbon dioxide coulometer |
Carbonate chemistry from Niskin bottle samples collected at Twanoh buoy in Hood Canal during R/V Clifford A. Barnes cruises CB1077 and CB1072 in 2017 | AT was measured by open-cell potentiometric titration and CT was measured by acidification and quantification using a CO₂ coulometer (UIC model CM5015) at the University of Washington's School of Oceanography
| UIC model CM5015 |
Behavior Metrics - Crab-Oyster behavior - from UNC Reis laboratory starting 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification project) | The temperature within experimental tanks was measured every
other day with a NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-
filled glass thermometer (precision + 0.3%, accuracy + 0.4%).
Salinity was measured every other day with a YSI 3200 conduc-
tivity meter with a YSI 3440 cell (K 1⁄4 10) that was calibrated
with seawater standards of known salinity provided by the labora-
tory of Prof. A. Dickson of Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Seawater pH was measured every other day with a Thermo Scien-
tific Orion 2 Star benchtop pH meter with an Orion 9156BNWP pH
probe, calibrated with 7.00 and 10.01 Orion NBS buffers traceable
to NIST standard reference material (for slope of the calibration
curve) and with seawater standards of known pH also provided
by Prof. Dickson’s laboratory (for y-intercept of the calibration
curve). Seawater DIC was measured via coulometry (UIC 5400)
and TA was measured via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration
calibrated with certified Dickson TA/DIC standards. Measure-
ment of DIC and TA of the certified reference materials (CRMs)
were consistently within 0.3% of certified values. Differences
between the measured and certified TA and DIC values of
the CRMs were used to correct measurements of experimental
seawater solutions.
| UIC 5400 |
Consumption data from Crab-Oyster Behavior study from laboratory results from UNC from the Sapodilla Caye, Belize ongoing from 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification project) | The temperature within experimental tanks was measured every
other day with a NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-
filled glass thermometer (precision + 0.3%, accuracy + 0.4%).
Salinity was measured every other day with a YSI 3200 conduc-
tivity meter with a YSI 3440 cell (K 1⁄4 10) that was calibrated
with seawater standards of known salinity provided by the labora-
tory of Prof. A. Dickson of Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Seawater pH was measured every other day with a Thermo Scien-
tific Orion 2 Star benchtop pH meter with an Orion 9156BNWP pH
probe, calibrated with 7.00 and 10.01 Orion NBS buffers traceable
to NIST standard reference material (for slope of the calibration
curve) and with seawater standards of known pH also provided
by Prof. Dickson’s laboratory (for y-intercept of the calibration
curve). Seawater DIC was measured via coulometry (UIC 5400)
and TA was measured via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration
calibrated with certified Dickson TA/DIC standards. Measure-
ment of DIC and TA of the certified reference materials (CRMs)
were consistently within 0.3% of certified values. Differences
between the measured and certified TA and DIC values of
the CRMs were used to correct measurements of experimental
seawater solutions.
| UIC 5400 |
Seawater chemistry calculated parameters from Crab-Oyster Behavior study from laboratory results from UNC from data collected at the Sapodilla Caye, Belize starting 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification project) | The temperature within experimental tanks was measured every
other day with a NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-
filled glass thermometer (precision + 0.3%, accuracy + 0.4%).
Salinity was measured every other day with a YSI 3200 conduc-
tivity meter with a YSI 3440 cell (K 1⁄4 10) that was calibrated
with seawater standards of known salinity provided by the labora-
tory of Prof. A. Dickson of Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Seawater pH was measured every other day with a Thermo Scien-
tific Orion 2 Star benchtop pH meter with an Orion 9156BNWP pH
probe, calibrated with 7.00 and 10.01 Orion NBS buffers traceable
to NIST standard reference material (for slope of the calibration
curve) and with seawater standards of known pH also provided
by Prof. Dickson’s laboratory (for y-intercept of the calibration
curve). Seawater DIC was measured via coulometry (UIC 5400)
and TA was measured via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration
calibrated with certified Dickson TA/DIC standards. Measure-
ment of DIC and TA of the certified reference materials (CRMs)
were consistently within 0.3% of certified values. Differences
between the measured and certified TA and DIC values of
the CRMs were used to correct measurements of experimental
seawater solutions.
| UIC 5400 |
Seawater chemistry measured parameters from Crab-Oyster Behavior study from laboratory results from UNC from data collected at the Sapodilla Caye, Belize starting 2010 ((OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification project) | The temperature within experimental tanks was measured every
other day with a NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-
filled glass thermometer (precision + 0.3%, accuracy + 0.4%).
Salinity was measured every other day with a YSI 3200 conduc-
tivity meter with a YSI 3440 cell (K 1⁄4 10) that was calibrated
with seawater standards of known salinity provided by the labora-
tory of Prof. A. Dickson of Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Seawater pH was measured every other day with a Thermo Scien-
tific Orion 2 Star benchtop pH meter with an Orion 9156BNWP pH
probe, calibrated with 7.00 and 10.01 Orion NBS buffers traceable
to NIST standard reference material (for slope of the calibration
curve) and with seawater standards of known pH also provided
by Prof. Dickson’s laboratory (for y-intercept of the calibration
curve). Seawater DIC was measured via coulometry (UIC 5400)
and TA was measured via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration
calibrated with certified Dickson TA/DIC standards. Measure-
ment of DIC and TA of the certified reference materials (CRMs)
were consistently within 0.3% of certified values. Differences
between the measured and certified TA and DIC values of
the CRMs were used to correct measurements of experimental
seawater solutions.
| UIC 5400 |
Unsuccessful events from Crab-Oyster Behavior study from UNC laboratory results from data from the Sapodilla Caye, Belize starting 2010 (OA - Ocean Acidification and Warming Impact on Calcification project) | The temperature within experimental tanks was measured every
other day with a NIST-calibrated partial-immersion organic-
filled glass thermometer (precision + 0.3%, accuracy + 0.4%).
Salinity was measured every other day with a YSI 3200 conduc-
tivity meter with a YSI 3440 cell (K 1⁄4 10) that was calibrated
with seawater standards of known salinity provided by the labora-
tory of Prof. A. Dickson of Scripps Institute of Oceanography.
Seawater pH was measured every other day with a Thermo Scien-
tific Orion 2 Star benchtop pH meter with an Orion 9156BNWP pH
probe, calibrated with 7.00 and 10.01 Orion NBS buffers traceable
to NIST standard reference material (for slope of the calibration
curve) and with seawater standards of known pH also provided
by Prof. Dickson’s laboratory (for y-intercept of the calibration
curve). Seawater DIC was measured via coulometry (UIC 5400)
and TA was measured via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration
calibrated with certified Dickson TA/DIC standards. Measure-
ment of DIC and TA of the certified reference materials (CRMs)
were consistently within 0.3% of certified values. Differences
between the measured and certified TA and DIC values of
the CRMs were used to correct measurements of experimental
seawater solutions.
| UIC 5400 |
TPC, PIC, POC, TPN, and Th-234 from in-situ pumps at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) site in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during RRS Discovery cruise DY077 in April of 2017 | | Coulometer |
The density (mg CaCO3/cm^3) of the skeleton of Clathromorphum nereostratum, when assessed as function of increasing seawater temperature and pCO2 concentration | To measure dissolved inorganic carbon
| UIC 5400 Coulometer on a VINDTA 3C |
Experimental study to estimate per capita sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus polyacanthus) grazing rates on the alga Clathromorphum nereostratum as a function of seawater temperature and pCO2 concentration | To measure dissolved inorganic carbon
| UIC 5400 Coulometer on a VINDTA 3C |
Measured and calculated water chemistry parameters throughout a 93-day acidification and warming experiment | Total alkalinity (TA) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) were analyzed via coulometry (UIC 5400) and via closed-cell potentiometric Gran titration, respectively (Marianda, VINDTA 3C) calibrated with certified Dickson DIC/TA standards (Scripps Institution of Oceanography; San Diego, California, USA).
| UIC 5400 |
Phytoplankton cell counts at 3 pCO2 levels and 2 temperatures before and after 12 month conditioning off New Zealand South Island, near Taiaroa Head, 2011 (Plankton acclimation project) | Dissolved inorganic carbon was analysed using a CM5230 CO2 coulometer (UIC)
| CO2 coulometer |
Results from experiments on Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta growth and domic acid productionunder varying CO2 and silicate levels (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | DIC analysis was perfomed using a CM5230 CO2 coulometer manufactured by UIC, Inc.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Experimental results from a study of pPeudo-nitzschia multiseries domoic acid production, C-fixation, mean growth, and element composition under varying pCO2 and phosphate levels (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | A model CM 140 (UIC) carbon coulometer was used to measure total DIC.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Experimental results from a study of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries growth rates and cellular domoic acid under varying pCO2 and phosphate levels (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | A model CM 140 (UIC) carbon coulometer was used to measure total DIC.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Experimental results from a study of photosynthesis rates of the diatom Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries under varying pCO2, phosphate, and light levels (PhytoTM_in_HighCO2 project) | A model CM 140 (UIC) coulometer was used to measure DIC.
| CO2 Coulometer |
Sinking POC and PIC fluxes measured with PIT sediment traps R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 along the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project) | PIC was determined from the other set of filter halves by coulometric analysis of acidified samples using a Model CM5014 UIC Coulometric Analyzer with Carbonate Acidification Module, as described in Honjo et al. (1995).
| Model CM5014 UIC Coulometric Analyzer |
Sinking POC and PIC fluxes measured with PIT sediment traps on R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project) | PIC was determined from the other set of filter halves by coulometric analysis of acidified samples using a Model CM5014 UIC Coulometric Analyzer with Carbonate Acidification Module, as described in Honjo et al. (1995).
| Model CM5014 UIC Coulometric Analyzer |
Carbon, Nitrogen, biogenic silica, thorium-234, and mass fluxes from upper ocean sediment traps at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Sustained Observatory (PAP-SO) site in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean during RRS Discovery cruise DY077 in April of 2017 | | Coulometer |
Trichodesmium nutrient-limited proteomes in 380 and 750 uatm CO2 from experiments conducted at the University of Southern California from 2011-2013 (HiCO2_AdaptCyano project) | Dissolved inorganic carbon was measured with CO2 coulometry (model CM 140, UIC).
| CM140 Total Inorganic Carbon Analyzer |