Benthic and acidification data from the Palmyra Atoll | BEAMS data from two sites on the western terrace on Palmyra Atoll during 2014. | BEAMS | OMEGA_1_1m, OMEGA_0_5m, OMEGA_0_3m |
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Bermuda | Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Bermuda | Nearshore CO2 | omega_calc |
Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Hawaii | Benthic metabolism vs coral cover - Hawaii | Nearshore CO2 | omega_calc |
Bermuda Structural Equation Modeling Data | | BEACON | Omega |
Biogeochemistry FGBRR16 | Biogeochemical data collected during the Flower Garden Banks Rapid Response Cruise | Rapid Reefs Harvey | Omega_Ar |
brooded coral larvae 1 - carbonate chemistry | Seawater carbonate chemistry from experiment on brooded coral larval, June & July 2010 (Cumbo, 2012) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | omega_arag |
brooded coral larvae 2 - carbonate chemistry | Seawater carbonate chemistry for brooded coral larval experiments, March 2011 & 2012 (Cumbo, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | omega_Ara |
brooded coral larvae 3 - carbonate chemistry | Seawater carbonate chemistry from experiment on brooded coral larval, March 2011 (Cumbo et al, JEMBE, 2013) | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | omega_Ara |
Calcification Comparison | Comparison of coral calcification response in Palau Porites coral to responses observed in ten other studies | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | omega_AR |
Calcification Rates | Calcification rates of Porites corals collected from a naturally high-Ωar reef and a naturally low-Ωar reef incubated at three Ωar conditions | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | origin_reef_omega_AR, experiment_omega_AR |
California Mussel Larvae Experiments | Carbonate chemistry, shell growth, and respiration data from laboratory experiments on California mussel larvae. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | omega_A |
carbonate chemistry | Table 1: Carbonate chemistry | Deep Sea Geochem CaCO3 | OM_ar |
carbonate chemistry - flume expt | Carbonate chemistry parameters in flume study during the day | OA_Corals, MCR LTER | OM_arag |
carbonate chemistry and corals expt | Carbonate chemistry and coral skeletal weight, symbiont density, and total tissue lipid content from 2010 OA/feeding experiment. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification | AragSat, TankAragSat |
Carbonate Chemistry and CTD | Carbonate chemistry and CTD data along a North Pacific transect between Hawaii and Alaska | CaCO3 dissolution, CDISK_4 | OmegaAr_pH_corr_DIC_PTS, OmegaAr_Alk_DIC_PTS, OmegaAr_Alk_pH_incorr_PTS |
Carbonate chemistry and fish length and survival | Seawater carbonate chemistry, and length and survival of Menidia beryllina during experiments. | OA Fish | omega_Arg |
Carbonate data from water samples | Water samples from CTD casts and vehicle-mounted bottles from 4 cruises. | Lophelia OA | omega_aragonite |
Carpenter 2018: carbonate chemistry | | OA_Corals | Omega_24h, Omega_Day, Omega_Night |
Chemical composition of tank water | Major ion and carbonate chemistry of water in which oyster larvae were reared. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | omega_Arag |
Comeau 2013: calcification and chemistry | | MCR LTER, OA_Corals | Omega_Arg_1, Omega_Arg_2 |
Comeau 2014 JEMBE: carbonate chemistry | | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER, OA_Corals | OmegaAragonite |
Comeau 2014 MEPS: carbonate chemistry | | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER, OA_Corals | OmegaAragonite |
Comeau 2014 PRSB: calcification and chemistry | | MCR LTER, OA_Corals | Omega_Arg |
Comeau 2017 Biogeosciences: calcification and chemistry | | MCR LTER, OA_Corals, OA coral adaptation | Omega_Arg_1, Omega_Arg_2 |
continuous carbonate chemistry | Continuous carbonate chemistry data from Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery 2009. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | omega_A |
Control incubation data during calcification experiments | | OA decoupling | omega |
Coral post-settlement physiology | coral post-settlement physiology at high pCO2: respiration, protein content, seawater properties and carbonate chemistry | MCR LTER, Climate_Coral_Larvae | Omega_Arg_Nisumaa, Omega_Arg |
Coralline algae experiment treatment conditions | Environmental data from experimental aquaria (“tanks”) during a laboratory experiment testing the effects of pH, light availability and biotic interaction on coralline algae calcification and productivity. | High latitude kelp dynamics | CO2SYS_ArgOMEGA |
Crab Respirometry - Salinity Treatment Carbonate Chemistry | Carbonate system conditions during salinity treatments for crab respirometry | BOAR | omega_aragonite |
Diel Carbonate and Nutrient Chemistry | Diel carbonate and nutrient chemistry | Nearshore CO2 | Omega_calc |
discrete carbonate chemistry | Discrete carbonate chemistry samples from Whiskey Creek Shellfish Hatchery 2009. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | omega_A |
Dissolution kinetics of 10 marine calcifiers: Calcification rates | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Arag_sat |
Dissolution kinetics of 10 marine calcifiers: Seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Arag_sat_c |
Echinoid OA and stable isotopes: Echinoid seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Arag_sat_c |
Emiliania huxleyi carbonate data | Carbonate data in experimental treatments of Emiliania huxleyi | E Hux Response to pCO2 | Omega_Ar |
Evensen and Edmunds 2016: seawater chemistry | Seawater chemistry during pCO2 flume experiments | MCR LTER, OA coral adaptation | omega_aragonite |
Experimental seawater chemistry | Experimental seawater chemical properties for larval mussel shell study | OA_Proxies | omega_ar |
Heatwave Experiment: Carbonate Chemistry Parameters | Heatwave Experiment: Carbonate Chemistry Parameters | Holobiont Integration | AragSat |
Heron Reef Carbonate Chemistry | Heron Reef Carbonate Chemistry | Nearshore CO2 | Ar |
High-Frequency CO2-system observations from a moored sensor in the York River | | Estuarine Stressors | War |
Hood Canal Carbonate Chemistry | Hood Canal carbonate chemistry from Niskin bottle samples collected in 2017 | Zooplankton Swimming | OmegaAragonite |
Impact of OA on coral (Siderastrea siderea) calcification and corallite morphology: Seawater chemistry | | CoralCalcifyFluid_pH | Arag_sat_c |
In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | In situ dissolution rates of biogenic calcites | CaCO3 dissolution | Oar |
Incubation data for Mytilus californianus calcification | Incubation data for Mytilus californianus calcification | OA decoupling | omega |
juvenile coral calcification | Calcification by primary coral polyps under high bicarbonate and low pH | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification | OM_ar |
Kelp Forest Estimated Carbonate Parameters | | Kelp forest biogeochemistry | Omega |
La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | La Jolla Nearshore Biogeochemistry | Nearshore CO2, Iron_CO2_Diatoms | Ar |
LDEO surface gridded carbon parameters | Carbonate chemistry data gridded to 4 degree latitude by 5 degree longitude by monthly boxes. | Climatological Mean Distribution of pH | OMGARAG |
Lophelia pertusa experiments: calcification and pH | Net calcification of L. pertusa exposed to different pH treatments. | Lophelia OA | omega_Ar |
Maunalua Bay Biogeochemistry | Maunalua Bay Biogeochemistry | Moorea SGD | OmegaArag |
mussel growth - carbonate chemistry | Carbonate chemistry of mussel growth experiment | OMEGAS-MaS | OM_ar |
OA and temp expt. - water chemistry | OA and temp expt. - water chemistry | Thermal History and Coral Growth | sat_cal |
OA Feeding Physiology M. californianus | Feeding physiology data of Mytilus californianus larvae in OA conditions | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | aragonite_sat |
OA Modeled Growth M. californianus | Modeled growth of Mytilus californianus larvae to pediveliger stage after acute acidification stress | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | aragonite_sat |
oa_zoo_hatch_chemistry | Carbonate chemistry analyses of seawater samples from zooplankton hatching experiments. | OA Calanus Survival | OM_AR |
Oculina coral OA expt | Calcification and linear extension rates for Oculina arbuscula corals grown under different pCO2 levels. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification | omega_Arg |
OlyGrowth_Expt_2018_Chemistry | Olympia oysters Growth_Expt_2018_Chemistry | Climate stressors on larvae | Ar |
Oyster Mussel Carbonate Responses | Chemistry and organism response data from Waldbusser et al. 2015, Nature Climate Change. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | fracN |
Pacific oyster cohort tracking data - Carbonate Chem | Carbonate chemistry of 3 pacific oyster cohorts from Whiskey Creek Hatchery. | Mechanisms of bivalve response to acidification | omegaA |
Palau carbonate chemistry | Seawater carbonate chemistry from 13 sites in Palau, 2011-2013. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification, Thermal Thresholds and Projections, Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | omega_Ar |
Plocamium culture carbonate chemistry | Carbonate chemistry of Plocamium cartilagineum | Seaweed OA Resilience | OmegaAragonite |
Porites growth_respiration_photophys | Porites growth, respiration, and photophysiology and seawater carbonate chemistry | MCR LTER | omega_Arg |
Porites macrobioerosion | Reef locations, macrobioerosion rates, and nitrate concentrations | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact, Thermal Thresholds and Projections | aragonite_sat_omega, Om_Ar_Atlas |
Porites macrobioerosion: seawater chemistry | Porites macrobioerosion: seawater chemistry | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact, Thermal Thresholds and Projections | OM_ar |
Pteropod abundance and distribution | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | Ar |
Pteropod respiration experiments | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | OM_ar |
pteropod shell dissolution | Pteropod shell dissolution in natural and high-CO2 environments. | OA Nutrition and Coral Calcification | omega_Arg |
Pteropod shell quality | | Gulf of Maine Pteropods | OM_ar |
Reciprocal transplants | Reciprocal transplant experiments on Palau Porites coral | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | original_omegaAR, transplant_omegaAR |
recruit_seawater_chemistry | Seawater chemistry for coral recruit experiments in variable CO2 conditions | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | omega_X |
Seawater data | Seawater | Climate_Coral_Larvae | OmegaAragonite |
Shaw 2016: carbonate chemistry | Carbonate chemistry during Acropora pulchra calcification experiments | OA coral adaptation, MCR LTER | omega_argonite |
Shell dissolution data for Mytilus californianus | | OA decoupling | omega |
squid chemistry | Carbon chemistry of water used for squid study | OA Squid Rearing | OM_ar |
Symbiodinium_Seriatopora water chemistry | Seriatopora bleaching expt: water pH and carbonate chemistry | Climate_Coral_Larvae, MCR LTER | omega_ar |
Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | Table 2 - Carbonate data and nutrients during egg experiments | OA Calanus Survival | OMAR |
Tank conditions in L. pertusa pH experiments | Tank conditions for pH experiments on L. pertusa. | Lophelia OA | aragonite_saturation_state |
Ulva: Carbonate chemistry pCO2 | Carbonate chemistry of Ulva lactuca culture pots testing the effects of pCO2 variability | Seaweed OA Resilience | OmegaAragonite |
Water Chemistry | | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | OM_ar |
Weekly Calcification Rates | Weekly coral calcification rates in the CO2 manipulation experiment | Coral Reef Ecosystem OA Impact | reef_omega_AR |