AT15-40 Porewater Geochemistry | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey | Guaymas Basin Vents, Guaymas Basin Interactions | dive_core_no, core_no |
AT15-40 Sulfides | Sulfide data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey | Guaymas Basin Interactions, Guaymas Basin Vents | core |
AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | AT15-56 Porewater Geochemistry | Guaymas Basin Vents | Core_Number |
AT42-05 Sediment geochemistry | Sediment geochemistry AT42-05 | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Core |
Atlantic Sediment Black Carbon | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon, Black Carbon Cycle | Site |
Atlantic Sediment PAH | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon, Black Carbon Cycle | Site |
Atlantic Sediment Petrography | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon, Black Carbon Cycle | Site |
bacteria_ice | Ice core bacteria data | SOGLOBEC, Sea Ice Microbes | core_no |
Bedford Basin 2019 - Sediments | Bedford Basin 2019 - Sediments | Bedford Basin 2019 | Core_ID |
Belize core data | MBRS coral core data | Thermal History and Coral Growth | core_ID |
Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | Benthic DO and nutrient fluxes from sediment core incubations | BBEDOS, Neotrypaea COP Effects | Core_number |
Bulk sediment isotope data | Raw sediment C isotope values. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | core_ID |
Bulk soil properties | Bulk soil and elemental properties of marsh and infilled pond soils within Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Core_ID |
Caspase PAM data | | Coral Immune Traits | CORE |
Caspase temperature data | | Coral Immune Traits | CORE |
Characteristics of Silicon Reactive Sediment Pools | | CLASiC | MultiCore |
DIC and Isotopes | Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | core_id |
Digitized Nutrient profiles from the Warm Core Ring Program | | Warm Core Rings | corename |
DOC and Isotopes | Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | core_id |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | core_id |
Dorado 2014: Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Pore fluid chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | core_id |
Dorado 2014: Pore water dissolved oxygen from sediment gravity cores, and push cores | DO of pore water from sediment gravity and push cores | Dorado Outcrop | core_id |
Dorado 2014: Solid phase chemistry from gravity cores | Solid phase chemistry from gravity cores | Dorado Outcrop | core_id |
Dorado 2014: Solid phase chemistry from push cores | Solid phase chemistry from push cores | Dorado Outcrop | core_id |
Eastern Shore bottom water analysis | Eastern Shore bottom water analysis | Seagrass Blue Carbon | sample_id |
Eastern Shore pore water analysis | Eastern Shore pore water analysis | Seagrass Blue Carbon | Core |
Eastern Shore sediment core metadata | Eastern Shore, VA core metadata | Seagrass Blue Carbon | core |
Eastern Shore sediment core oxygen profiles | Eastern Shore oxygen profiles | Seagrass Blue Carbon | core |
Eelgrass seed phenotypes | | ZosMarLA | Core |
Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos | Fatty acid composition of McMurdo Benthos | McMurdo Benthos | Core_Replicate |
FK190211 Sediment Geochemistry | | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Core_num |
Geochemistry and radiotracer rates | Geochemistry and radiotracer rates | ALKOg | index, core_id |
Guaymas Basin 2014 DIC | Porewater DIC concentrations and d13C isotopic values from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Methane | Porewater methane concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter C:N Ratio | Organic matter C:N ratios from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del13C | delta 13C values from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Organic Matter del15N | delta 15N values from sediment cores P6, P10, P11, P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin | C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life, RAPID Guaymas Basin | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Si | Porewater Si concentrations from sediment cores P3,P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin. | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfate | Porewater sulfate concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 Sulfide | Porewater sulfide concentrations from sediment cores collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin in 2014 | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Basin 2014 TOC | TOC concentrations from sediment cores P6,P10,P11,P12, and P13, collected on the Guaymas Basin Ridge flanks and the Sonora Margin | RAPID Guaymas Basin, C-DEBI Guaymas Subseafloor Life | core |
Guaymas Dissolved Radium AT42-05 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Core_Number |
Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas porewater nutrients | Guaymas Basin Interactions | Core_Number |
Guaymas Sedimentary Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents sedimentary radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Core_Num |
Guaymas Water Column Radium AT37-06 | This dataset presents dissolved radium isotope activities around Guaymas Basin | Guaymas Basin Ra 224 Approach | Core_Number |
Gulf of Mexico bottom water analysis | GoM bottom water analysis | Seagrass Blue Carbon | sample_id |
Gulf of Mexico pore water analysis | GoM pore water analysis | Seagrass Blue Carbon | Core |
Gulf of Mexico sediment core metadata | GoM core metadata | Seagrass Blue Carbon | core |
Gulf of Mexico sediment core oxygen profiles | GoM oxygen profiles | Seagrass Blue Carbon | core |
HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES-K bacterial biomarker phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) | HADES | core |
Hydrothermal vent porewater nutrients - MPI | Guaymas nutrients (MPI) | HOTFUN | Core |
Hydrothermal vent porewater sulfate and sulfide - UNC | Guaymas sulfate & sulfide (UNC Chapel Hill) | HOTFUN | Core |
In-situ temperature profiles | Temperature Profiles | HOTFUN | Core_Number |
LI tidal flat pore water analysis | | Fe flux | Core_ID |
Low-pH springs: foraminifera boron isotopes | | CalcificationLowSatSeawater | core |
Methane Isotopes | Methane (CH4) isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | core_id |
N2O and nutrient concentrations | Dissolved N2O concentrations from 4 field sites in Bogue Sound | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | CoreName, CoreNo |
North Pond Pore Water Chemistry | Pore water chemical concentration data and location from push cores collected by the ROV Jason II on dive J2-773 | North Pond Microbes | Core |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment C isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Core |
OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | OC1703A and AT36 sediment N isotope ratios | Deep Sediment N Fix | Core |
OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | OC1703A Sediment nifH amplicon sequences | Deep Sediment N Fix | Multicore_number |
Oxygen concentration | Dissolved oxygen from 4 field sites. | Oyster Reef N2O Emission | CoreNo, CoreName |
Physical Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, and Brine Volume | Physical Profiles of Temperature, Salinity, and Brine Volume | Controls on Sea-Ice Algae (COSA) | Core |
POC and Isotopes | POC and isotopes from vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | core_id |
Porewater Geochemistry - Ruff | Porewater geochemistry data for sediment samples that were included in global seep survey (Ruff et al. 2015). | Guaymas Basin Interactions | closest_geochemistry_core |
Porosity | Porosity of vertical profiles from multi- and gravity cores from two cruises | DOC cycling in sediments | core_id |
Radiocarbon dating of Southeast Pacific sediment cores | | N2 Fixation Glacial Dust Pacific Gyre | Sediment_Core_ID |
ROV Dive Log (Wood Fall project) | Provides information for all dives with the remotely operated vehicle. | Wood Fall | core_no |
RPO Carbon Isotopic Composition | Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) C isotope values of soils at Plum Island Ecosystems - LTER | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Core_ID |
RPO Fast Ramps | Ramped pyrolysis oxidation (RPO) temperature and carbon dioxide evolved values | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | Core |
Salt Marsh Water Exchange-Cores | | Salt Marsh Water Exchange | Core_Section |
Sediment Core Incubations - Sylt 2013 | | Coastal_Nitrous_Oxide | Core_ID |
Sediment delta-13C methane and methane concentrations | sediment methane | HOTFUN | core |
Sediment microbial MPNs | North Atlantic subseafloor sediment viable microbe numbers/metabolisms from cruise KN223 | Subseafloor metabolisms | core |
Sediment microbial production | 3H-leucine and thymidine incorporation of North Atlantic subseafloor sediments from cruise KN223 | Subseafloor metabolisms | core |
Sediment PLFA isotope data | Sediment PLFA isotope values. | Benthic_PP_at_TIDE | core_ID |
Sediment resuspension acoustics | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | coreID |
Sediment resuspension elevation | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | coreID |
Sediment resuspension erosion | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | core |
Sediment resuspension summary | | Bioturbation and Ecosystem Engineering | coreID |
Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | Spring 2011 - Drill Core Methane | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | core_no |
Spring 2012 - Master Data Sheet | 2012 Arctic Sediment/Permafrost Master | East Siberian Arctic Shelf | core |
Stable Isotopes in Reactive Si Pools | | CLASiC | MultiCore |
Stable isotopic composition of McMurdo Benthos | Stable isotopic composition of McMurdo Benthos | McMurdo Benthos | Core_Replicate |
Surface Sedimentary Black Carbon Concentrations and Carbon Isotopes Values | | Tropical Atlantic Black Carbon | Core_Letter, Name |
Test Dataset | Testing New Website Search again | BCO-DMO | Name, Core_Letter |
Tissue Thickness | Tissue Thickness - Jarvis Island | Coral Bleaching Skeletal Records | core_ID |